My life as a reborn monster-Chapter 48 - A Dragonoid Appears

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Holy hell that was crazy, all I remember was the intense pain from forcing my body to heal and then poof, I black out. Then to make matters worse I wake up only to find that some gloomy punk had taken control over my body and was about to break through the cocoon that surrounded our body.

Thankfully I was prepared for this and had a feeling that my mind actually did break apart because of the pain, and that this guy was actually the mind that was supposed to be this bodies true personality. Which I can totally get why he was so gloomy hell if I didn't have such a mature mind, going through all the bullshit that I did would have turned me emo to.

But anyways I was able to get control back from the future edgelord and was just about to break through and escape from the cocoon.

'Hey, what's our name?'

WHAT THE FCK!?!? It can speak to me? the cocoon shook as I was startled by a voice appearing out of nowhere when I thought I had gotten rid of it. I though the new skill would just increase my thinking power not actually give me another mind..... Although it did say it would be independent so I guess I should have seen this coming.

'Yea my name is.. well I guess our name is Vexsus.'

'Vexsus... I like it, next question... when can I take over.'

'puh umm let me think..... never sounds good my man.'


'Hey dipshit calm down. You only came into existence like a few minutes ago what the hell do you mean 'your body' It's been mine ever since I came to this world.'

I didn't hear anything else after that so I just took the silence as the dual mind giving up. Next I need to get out of this cocoon, so I push with all my strength and surprisingly the cocoon just fell apart and I looked at the others. 𝒇𝑟e𝙚𝑤𝙚𝐛𝗻𝐨ν𝚎𝘭.c𝐨m

"Hey did ya miss me?" I said with a smile on my face before looking over and seeing the goblins on the ground sleeping almost looking like corpses

"Oh god what happened to them!" I drop down next to them and start checking them out. I check their pulse, breathing, everything I could remember about checking to see if someone is still alive.

"Vexsus... Vexsus hey snap out of it we need to talk." I was snapped out of my mental focus by a slap across my face before looking up at Sondar.

I get up but shortly notice that I was looking Sondar in the face and not up at him like I usually have to? What the hell? What's going on, did I evolve again?

I look down and notice with wide eyes that I was not on all fours anymore. I was standing on 2 legs, Then in disbelief I look down at my hands and see that I in fact have 2 arms and hands.

"AHHH, HOLY FCK WHAT HAPPENED TO ME." I screamed as I looked at myself falling down onto my butt only to smash my tail which sent a sharp pain up my spine.

"AHHH Dammit what the hell someone please explain what is going on!" I looked at everyone only to see looks of confusion and shock on their faces aswell.

"Vexsus, I don't know.... I think you may have evolved and gained a humanoid form but I can't be sure the gift you gave me is saying that you are classified as a Draganoid now." Sondar kneeled down in front of me and said as he placed his hand on my shoulder to try and help calm me down.

I was able to calm down enough to check out my system only to have what he said be true.


Variant Dragonoid - Smoke/Space

str 25

vit 40

spd 80

dex 40

con 80

Int 90

health 2500

MP 1000 (200)

It was all startling but I guess I just have to get over it if the system acknowledges it. I would be lying if I said that I was hoping for a humanoid form soon but I didn't expect such a boost to my stats. I mean come on look at that health, and it looks like my stats are more suited for speed builds. But seeing as I am a dragon I also got great Con and can be a bit beefy when in fights.

SWEEET I was scared before but after seeing the huge boost this new form gave me I am totally down with this. But I did kind of like my dragon form, It had grown on me and I had plans on developing means to help me solve the lack of hands. But now that's all out thrown out the window like a dude who got caught with somebodies wife.

I did a mental 180 in front of everyone and started jumping up and down to test out my new body. I started punching the air and grabbing anything I can grab just so I can feel using hands again.

..... Unfortunately in my excitement I had grabbed and stroked not only Sylvanias feathers but also Kitsoma's fluffy and oh so enticing tail. I didn't think anything of it until they both punched me in the face and sent me crashing to the ground with their combined strenght..... 'It didn't hurt but it was the shock that brought me back haha.'

"You-You-You.... You Idiot, you don't grab a woman's tell without her permission. Fox Beastmen and women value their tails and only allow the ones they love to touch them. You-You-You MORON."

She runs away down the hall and Howy chases after her while laughing his ass off at me and says he will make sure she's ok.

Sylvania on the other hand comes up to me and starts sliding her hand up and down my arm.

"It was a shock and I'm sorry but if you wanted to do something like that all you had to do was ask." She said while looking at my eyes with a smirk and I swear I could see the lewd images playing in her eyes.

"AH, um well I appreciate that but I was just so caught up with the excitement of having a hands that I lost myself there for a minute. I'm sorry it won't happen again." I said while blushing like a ripe tomato.

"Aww well boo I thought we were actually getting somewhere after all this time." She said as she pouted and got up and walked away to go make sure Kitsoma came back.

"Man that was hilarious to watch, I can't believe you did something so bold while not even paying attention." Sondar said after he got enough air to breathe.

"Hey, that was my bad I was just super happy dude I haven't had hands in so long that I just got lost in the moment....Oh shit wait no I didn't mean like I ever had them before but like I saw the lizardmen back in the village have hands and I was jealous, Yea that's what I meant."

"I already know your secret dude, Shorunt told all of us while you were down in the pit when we were debating on what we would do. I was a bit shocked by that but after you gave me your system I knew what he said was the truth. We all know it and we still see you as our leader man that part will never change."

I was shocked at how after knowing such a huge secret as your friend and companion was actually a reincarnated soul, but to also keep seeing him as such with nothing changing was overwhelming for me and I ended up hugging the man. I know it's a bit weird to hug another man atleast it is for me but I see him as my brother and after what he said I just couldn't let it go with words.

"By the way Shorunt You are in deep shit, now all of you get up I know your awake now. I can see your stats using my ability." I said glaring at the Hobgoblins poor attempt at acting like he was still unconscious.

"Ah well master I figured it would be best to let you have your moment with your companions without us intervening. But ok, everyone he knows so get up." He said and shortly after a few smiling faces from the girls was all I saw as they looked at me and said.

"So does this mean that Sylvania and Kitsoma are going to be our mistresses?" Konna said like it wasn't embarrassing to me at all.

"PUGH, Konna I uh I mean it's not something I haven't thought about but now isn't the time to think of such things don't you think." I said blushing even more.

"Well master we like them so we wouldn't complain if you made them yours." Shorunt said with a shit eating grin knowing full well that how I felt about this whole thing.

Thankfully the others had come back at that time and I shut the others up and rushed over to Kitsoma.

"Kitsoma I am so sorry, I got caught up in the moment and didn't realize what I was doing until you two punched me. Please can you forgive me?" I said while kneeling to her, I didn't want her to be mad at me. I liked her and Sylvania but seeing as how Kitsoma was actually a shy girl when it came to stuff like this while Sylvania was a pervert, I knew I had to apologize.

She looked at me while blushing and muttered. "Yea I guess I can forgive you.... But don't do again without my permission!"

"Oh hear that boss you do it again but you just gotta ask, hahaha." Howy said as he smirked at me and laughed.

"THA-THAT'S NOT WHAT I MEAN'T.... I mean I do like you but I..... JUST..... I DON'T KNOW LEAVE ME ALONE!!!" Kitsoma yelled and ran off again in embarrassment.

"Oh great, you idiot we just got her back. This time you stay here and me and the girls will go after her. Come on lets go." Sylvania said as her and the other hobgoblin women ran after her.

The rest of the guys just stared at me after they left. I decided to not acknowledge anything and just got up and started trying out my skills and see if there was any difference in how they activated now that my body had such a drastic change.

It seemed that nothing had changed and I could use everything just like before. Granted I think that if I was still in my dragon form and had these stats I would probably be alot faster just because 4 legs are inherently better at running than 2 legs but at the same time 2 legs offer a wider range of maneuverability so I was fine with the trade-off. I sat down after a short work out and decided to try my hand at crafting now that I had thumbs.

I started off with just grabbing a chunk of dirt in each hand and then using my Synthesis skill to see what would happen.

The two chunks seemed to meld together into a large dirt pile in my hands and a pop up appeared.

[Synthesis complete]

[Hardened Dirt acquired]

'.....Well what did y'all expect a shiny and unbreakable material? I knew the result was going to more or less be something like this so I just chalked it up to an experimental success. Then I thought, well what if I combined 2 hardened dirts together? would it create stone? or something else? Unfortunately my Synthesis skill only allowed for 2 per day at the moment so that plan had to wait until tomorrow, but for now I had planned on combining a new spell but first I had to get the prerequisite first.'

"Hey Shorunt come here for a quick minute I got something I need to do to you." I said with a poorly concealed maliciousness.

"Umm, ok master but please don't hurt me I'm sorry for whatever I did." He said meekly as he approached me.

"You told everyone my secret, that deserves some kind of punishment don't you think?" I said as I touched his back and using Mana Manipulation and using the power of my authority with the connection between us I forced his mana to get sucked into my body and be absorbed.

"Ah master this is very uncomfortable I don't like this." He said squirming, I felt guilty doing this but I didn't want to go and start a fight with a goblin or find an ant just to learn one skill, plus I planned on giving it back after I got what I wanted which didn't take long as a ding sounded off and I got the pop up I was waiting for.

[User has acquired the skill: Mana Steal]

I immediately sent a rush of mana back into Shorunt and patted him on the back.

"Great job Shorunt as expected of my number 1 minion. You helped me get the skill I wanted." I said and then activated Synthesis.

[Synthesizing the skills: Life Steal and Mana Steal... Complete]

[User has acquired skill: Vampirism]

'....The FCK?'


[Synthesis] 1 -> 2

[Vampirism] - User will now be able to steal the lifeforce from other living creatures and use that to heal from wounds.. User will also experience swings of extreme hunger and irrational thoughts if hunger is not satiated.