My life as a reborn monster-Chapter 65 - Finally 4/4

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I leaned down nearing her face as the anger inside me welled up to an almost uncontrollable level.

"You killed my children. I will enjoy this, You however will not." I said with a low guttural growl at the end.

She had already fallen on the ground and was staring up at me with wide horror filled eyes as tears streamed down her face.

"Pl...Please Vexsus, Don't kill me. I'll do whatever you want please just don't kill me. I'll.....I'll give you more I swear! Please have mercy and we can make more children." She said while getting on her knees and begging.

I looked at her and for a moment the idea had merit in my mind as the pros and cons of such a thing seemed like a good idea. 1.) It would destroy her mentally and physically. Which the dark side of my soul relished in the thought of. and 2.) I could make more of my precious children. But then I remembered that out of the thousands that were hatched only the 300 had survived.

I didn't want to watch as so many lives were born only to suffer.... In the end I shook my head and sighed.

"No, you will not. I do not want you nor do I want to witness the loss of so many innocent lives because of our bloodlines mixing. So many were lost only because they were born wrong. I do not want that. So this is the end for you Antasia."

She was going to continue talking but the next thing I saw was a giant Royal guard jump towards me and knock my body away. It seems this is one of the 2 oldest and strongest guards and quite possibly could give me a moment of resistance. I smiled as I looked up and shook my head clearing the stars that were temporarily swirling around.

I chuckled as I looked at the guard stand in front of her and stare menacingly at me.

"Oh it looks like one of your guardians has other ideas. Well little ant, lets see if you can change my mind." I said before I got up slowly. I wanted to give this little guy every opportunity to build up hope, then I would destroy it as I dominated him.

He took the bait and ran towards me and rammed into the side of my body. I acted like it hurt and fell to the side hitting the wall. Well the wall was closer than I expected so the pain was real, but nonetheless I could see that the ant was getting more excited seeing me in pain. So I through out a weak tail slap that only bounced off his shell. It reared up before slamming down onto my back which didn't even penetrate my hardened scales, as a young adult dragon my scales went through an extreme hardening that made them tougher than any steel in existence.

The ant was a bit confused when his attacks had no effect, even though I was groaning and playing along as if they did. It kept attacking and attacking nonstop not even doubting for a second before I got bored.

As it slashed my wing this time his attack actually did hurt as it sliced through the membrane of skin that was my wings webbing. I cried out a little bit in actual pain before I jumped up.

"Ugh dammit, that actually hurt you pest. Fine, you want to die that's alright with me, I was getting bored any way." I muttered as I quickly pounced on it. My body weight easily breaking its legs and crushing it into the ground.

I shook my body and pieces of broken shell flew off my underside in a rain of shell and blood.

I looked around me and saw that except for the dead dragon ants, the only beings here were me and the guards..... Wait what? Where is that little bitch Antasia.

I scanned the whole cave but could only see the guards that were starting to circle me. There were only 5 left now but they tried their best to make a stand against me.

I only smirked but then I got a shock as I felt a vibration and a sharp pain rock through my body. I turn my head over to the tunnels entrance and saw Digger there with Antasia on her knees beside him hugging his legs. He had just snapped his finger and activated my blood seal.

"You....Piece of...." I tried to get out the final word but an intense pain shut down my brain for a few seconds.

"Shut up little lizard. You just couldn't let me just get rid those scheming abominations. I had already finished up my experiments with those things but the last one I decided to torture for fun. and guess what they told me... Haha, It told me that they were scheming to free you and escape from here. So I put my little Antasia to work and sent her to kill her own children. HAHAHAHAH how evil is that. I just couldn't help but laugh at the thought." He said while laughing with a maniacal grin plastered on his face. But seconds later his face darkened as he scowled at me.

"But this bitch comes back to me saying how you had gained sanity and was actually intervening. Now I don't know where your little abominations ran off to, but don't worry I will find them and finish what she started." He said before smiling again with clear evil intent. I could only look in pain and anger as he reached down and caressed Antasia's head before looking back up at me, and with a smile he stared straight into my eyes before he quickly twisted her neck breaking it like a dead branch.

"Ahhhhh. That was refreshing, You know I actually grew her, Yea I was experimenting with multiple things at the time and her mother laid a queen egg. Boy oh boy was I excited, So I took the egg away and spent all night experimenting. I was so happy when she hatched and showed signs of higher intelligence. However when she grew to be an egg laying adult I had quickly realized that she was planning a coup behind my back. So I played along with it but then you guys showed up and everything happened. Blah, blah, blah. But here we are and here she lies hahahaha. I had been waiting to do that but was always hoping for something a bit more.... Climactic I guess."

I stood there in shock at just how easily he did that. I couldn't believe it, he had grown so powerful that with one hand he easily snapped her neck. But soon I recovered and tried to move towards him and break the seal.

He backed a few feet and snapped his finger again, sending an even more overpowering wave of pressure and pain to assail my brain and body.

"Why do you keep insisting to fight against me Vexsus. Just accept that your my slave now and enjoy the benefits I so graciously bestow on you. UGH, if you really want, I can find you another mate and you can make as many kids as you want. How does that sound, You quit being a thorn in my side, and in return you get all the whores you want."

"I..... WILL....NEVER.... BE YOUR SLAAAAVVVEEEEE" I yelled through the pain and the next second I felt a huge weight lift off my shoulders as my body felt lighter.

I quickly ran towards digger and slashed down with my hands covered in lightning. He looked shocked before suddenly he disappeared. I looked around hastily trying to find him when I felt a sudden appearance of aura above me. I looked up and only caught a glimpse of a blur as a hand pierced my eye, destroying it and ripping it out of my head. I screamed in agony while he walked around me passing my eye between his hands playfully. f𝑟𝑒ewe𝚋𝚗૦𝐯e𝘭.c𝗼𝓂

"Man, I would have thought that after all this time you would have gotten stronger.... Oh well, I guess you have but all this time so have I." He threw my eye on the ground before squatting down and flash towards me again. This time though he met a little resistance from my scales as he overestimated his own strength. He tried to punch straight into my stomach but when his fist came in contact with my scales his fist crumpled and broke. He jumped back and looked at his hand hanging from his arm limply.

"Well, that's interesting. I figured your body was durable but I didn't think it would be this tough. Looks like I fed you to many defense oriented creatures. I'll have to watch that from now on."

"I'LL KILL YOU!" I screamed and ran towards him again. My eyesight was blurry from the tears of pain but I could still see him well enough to strike. This time I faked a lightning slash and when he disappeared to dodge it I shot a spatial bullet into the air above me.

I looked up and smiled as I saw that he had been hit by it. Only to lose the smile as I saw his body start to regenerate almost as fast as the bullet was ripping him apart. I was stunned but shot more and more towards him hoping to finally finish him off while he was being torn apart.

The last one I shot out was atleast double in size and felt like it had a greater suction and distortion field around it. It almost looked like a cannonball. As soon as it touch the other bullets they were all sucked in and the power increased as it doubled in size again. Digger's body was still just hovering in the air as the power of that one bullet was enough to keep him suspended as well as rip him apart. I was noticing that his body was slowing down on how fast he regenerated.

Before long there was nothing left of Digger as the cannonball sized projectile slowly lost power and eventually disappeared. I stood there in silence as the realization finally dawned on me.


I Jumped for joy but soon hit the ceiling, knocking me back to reality. I quickly scanned the room making sure he wasn't hiding or had some other contingency planned.

After a few minutes of finding nothing but the corpses of bodies and the remains of the guards who were killed as a casualty from my skills. I walked away and while walking over Antasia's dead body I leaned down and picked her up. I examined her face as she looked like she saw something truly terrible just before she died.

I felt pity for her even now, But after saying thank you for giving me my children, I popped her in my mouth and crunched down.... What you though I was just going to let her be? Hell no, She killed my children, I wished she was still alive I wanted to kill her all over again. But since she was already dead and Digger I guess was obliterated by my skill, I wasn't going to walk out of this fight with nothing.

I walked and chewed while sniffing the air trying to follow the fading lingering pheromones that my children had left behind. I was speed walking through numerous tunnels before finally coming to what looked like a abandoned trading post. It had a few tables with things scattered around and a wooden shack that was empty of all life save for some cave insects that had taken up residence.

I sniffed the air again and this time the scent was stronger, that means that they were here not to long ago. I followed the trail again leading me down another tunnel, except this one was straight forward and had little twists and turns in it before I could hear talking in the distance.

"Do you think he survived? What about Antasia, holy shit man that was brutal, She deserves what she got but did you feel the aura that came off of Vexsus? That was fear inducing." Howy said while he and Liosa were sitting together along with the others around a campfire.

Michael and Adalinda were off in the corner overlooking Shorunt who was still in the process of healing Grayson along with a few others while being aided by Sylvania. I smiled seeing that he was still alive, even if he was hurt I was happy to know that he stood a chance at living. My little strong man........

I walked out of the tunnel entrance and quickly everything went silent as all heads turn to me.

"Hey guys, I made it back...... Finally."