My life as a reborn monster-Chapter 80 - Off To See The Shaman

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After we got better aquainted with Mcillian and getting a better grasp on his fighting style. Which was to infuse magic into his freaking fists and go rampage style. I stuck him with Sondar and Konna as the speartip of our march while lovebirds scouted ahead as per the uze.

"Can you tell me anything more about this shaman? Like does he lead an army of other apes? what about his powers? Anything you know could be useful." I asked while we walked.

Mcillian looked down and seemed to be lost in thought before he perked his head up and spoke.

"Yea, He has basically 2 armies, 1 is the village of primates he lords over and the 2nd is his spiritual army that patrols around the forest and nearby swamp looking for and bringing him other spirits to command."

"Hmm, any idea on the numbers?"

"That I'm not to sure about, I only did a short stint as his mercenary before I found out that he wasn't going to bring back my Sherylla. I didn't stick around for to long afterwards as I became overcome with rage and tried to kill him. I barely escaped with my life as it is.."

"I get that, and I'm happy you did escape which led to us being friends here today. And thank you for the info, now it means that I should focus on magical area of effect spells and anything outside of that should be handled by the faster fighters who can pick off the injured. Don't worry we will bring this shaman to justice for you and do our best to figure out what happened and see what we can do to fix it." I said while I patted his shoulder. I was a bit jealous because in my Dragonoid form he was atleast a foot taller and I would have to look up. I debated turning into a dragon just so I wouldn't have to but the smug look on his face told me that he knew it bugged me.

"By the way Vexsus, How are you a dragon yet your main form is that of a Lizardman?"

"Well first off, I am what's called a Dragonoid. I may look similar to them but I promise you that I am not. I was born as the runt of a dragon family, I was weak and was constantly bullied. But long dramatic story short, I found my family and through dangerous trials where I almost lost my life multiple times, I evolved and this is the form I took. I didn't gain the dragon form until quite recently actually."

"Ah so what you're.... kinda like my cousin, species wise I mean?"

"Yea I think you could say that. I mean there is a legend that says all Lizardmen once descended from dragons so maybe there's some truth to that."

"Kinda makes sense I guess... and I won't delve to deep into your backstory if you don't want to. I understand having some secrets that needs to be kept just that."

"Haha, well thanks man I appreciate it, but if you stick around and be useful, with my personality we will make a connection and you'll eventually here it. I try not to keep big secrets from my family."

He smiled a bit at that but then he shook his head as if trying to break free from getting lost in a memory. I knew that look and I knew what it meant considering what we were doing but just like he didn't want to know about me, I wasn't going to delve into what he didn't want to share.

About that time we had arrived on the outskirts of a semi circular village filled with huts made from the surrounding wood and swamp reeds. It looked shabby as the ground was wet all the time and made that suction sound when I lifted my feet to walk. It made my skin crawl with each step, almost like nails on a chalkboard with the level of uneasiness I felt.

In front of us was a welcome party of around 15 huge burly gorilla looking creatures that stood on 2 feet and was only a bit taller than Mcillian. 'Dammit more people I have to look up to.'

"That's far enough Mcillian, what are you doing back here. Last time I saw you, you were limping into the underbrush with a broken arm and what remained of your family." said the biggest of the bunch that stood in front. It even had some kind of leather armor that glowed a faint blue and had a large wooden club that had bits of sharp stone placed in it. like a baseball bat with nails, same concept.

I felt the tension instantly rise up and a heat start to emit from the left of me as Mcillian instantly stiffened and his muscles bulged. I didn't want to start massacring people right from the get go so I stepped forward and introduced myself.

"Hello, my name is Vexsus and the people behind me are my close friends and family. We had heard about a famous shaman that lorded over this village and we were hoping to gain an audience to ask some questions. See my daughter here is a spiritualist of sorts and I wanted to get her a teacher."

I brought Hannah forward but kept her by my side just in case.

The one in front looked down at her and sneered for a second before regaining his composure. I could see some unsavory thoughts almost visualize in his eyes.

"Oh well if that's the case I'll personally lead you to him."

I smiled before bending down to Hannah. "He is a very bad man, you do not leave my side ok? If you need to I want you to unleash all your powers if you do get taken. Do not leave any alive unless I say so. I'm sorry I didn't think this would happen." I whispered before standing up to look at the huge ape staring at us.

"Are you following me or not? Oh and the lord doesn't like to many people seeing him all at once so just you and your daughter if you don't mind."

'I have a bad feeling about this man.' The inner Vexsus said.

'Yea I do to and judging by the looks on the faces of the other guards, I'm gonna say this isn't the first time this has happened.' I said as I took a quick glance at the others to find them smiling while facing me but their eyes were staring at her. I grabbed Hannah and picked her up and had her climb onto my shoulders before sending a warning feeling through my connection with Sondar. f𝒓𝑒e𝙬𝒆𝚋𝘯૦𝘷𝐞𝑙.c𝑜𝐦

I looked back to see him stare at me and stiffen up before he nodded and led the others away. I then caught a glimpse of a fast moving shadow that melted into my own aswell as a slight shimmer of light that looked like a heatwave that disappeared next to me.

We set off after the head guard and was led down the center of town. I got to see some interesting things. For instance they had a very open sense of privacy, I saw some very odd forms of bathing that took place out in the open for all to see. The difference between the females and males were not really all that apparent. There were huge females that rivalled the head guard while some were slim and dainty. There were just as many dainty males as females aswell, it wasn't like what the norm for males and females of animals would be. I was a bit surprised but overall I had the need to get more information on the intricacies of this small society.

I was about to start questioning the head guard about why we were seeing this but then Hannah grabbed my attention.

She whispered barely audible for me to hear. "The concentration of spiritual energy is in the opposite direction daddy. I think this guy is leading us away."

"How smart you are honey. Yes he is, I'll be honest baby, he wants to do bad things to you." She looked scared as I said that but I quickly continued.

"But don't worry, just look at him, he doesn't look that tough does he? I bet you I could beat him with one hand behind my back and my eyes closed. But I told Uncle Sondar to get ready to fight this whole town if need be once I send out the signal. So this giant ape won't lay a hand on you and we can have roasted meat for dinner tonight, How's that sound?"

She smiled and chuckled and then I could feel her start to circulate the mana in her body. I saw tiny magical circles appear on her hands before moving to be hidden by her clothes. I was impressed, She not only could maintain mana control but also could manipulate it enough to have it ready to go at a moments notice.

"We're here." was what the soon to be tonight's dinner said.

"Great, so is he waiting for us? Or is it just your pals who are going to try and kill me and then steal my baby girl for whatever disgusting things are clearly rolling around your head."

He looked at me shocked for a split second before putting on a confused look.

"I don't know what your talking about, The lord is in here and he is waiting for you. Now are you coming or are you leaving?" He had a smile on his face as his eyes darted to behind me briefly.

"Quick question... What do I look like?" I said while making sure Hannah had a tight grip on me.

"What?..... Why are you asking this? You're wasting my time so come on and get inside already. I have other duties to attend to."

"Sure, sure in a sec but just real quick answer my question. What. Do. I. Look. Like. To. You? I ask this because the guards from earlier are still in the same spot in front of my family, while there appears to be 10 more that are hiding in the shadows around me. Oh..... wait make that 15... 20? ohhhhh you guys must have some kind of telepathy thing going on right? that's the only thing that makes sense to me when I can see that the other guards are now running this way after I told you that I can see the others in ambush positions."

"What are you? Your just some Lizardman who happens to have a very delicious looking daughter, Which begs the question why does a Lizardman have a human daughter? Well not like I care, I promise we will raise her after you die.... and when she grows up into a beautiful woman, she will be instrumental in making the new generation. HAHAHA, MEN COME OUT I'VE PLAYED ENOUGH GAMES. TIME TO TAKE OUR PRIZE.!"