My Master Only Breaks Through on the Edge of Death-Chapter 311 - 284: Little Elephant

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Chapter 311: Chapter 284: Little Elephant

Translator: 549690339

First Clone glanced at the magnificent refining room, a trace of a smile playing on his lips.

A ball of Divine Fire appeared in the palm of First Clone.

揌mm, it抯 stronger than I anticipated. First Clone nodded in his assertion.

揌ow does it go, how much can the Artifact Refining speed improve? At this moment, Xu Fan抯 voice echoed from the Communication Talisman within First Clone.

揥ithout enhancing the power of the Divine Fire, the speed can double. First Clone replied.

揃rother Nings Dao Artifact Spiritual Sword, the siblings of Pu Tao, the six Demon Suppression Stars, the combined artifacts for the entire Hidden Spirit Island. How long would it take for these? Xu Fan asked.

揋ive me ten years. After pondering for a moment, First Clone responded. 揘o problem, wishing you a pleasant stay at the Volcanic Mountain Immortal Town. Xu Fan ended the call.

After the call ended, First Clone glanced at his own refining room, deciding to first take a stroll outside.

Hidden Spirit Island, above the Hundred Thousand Miles Lake surface.

揗aster, with First Master going to the Supreme Immortal City, could something go wrong? Xu Yuexian asked anxiously, there were numerous cases in the Cultivation World where avatars overthrew their originals. 揧ou are afraid that he could overrule me? Xu Fan teased while fishing.

Xu Yuexian nodded her head.

揌aha, you抮e overthinking; an avatar is just an avatar. If I wished, I could retract him instantly, Xu Fan assured Xu Yuexian.

揈ven if I would wish to retract First Clone now, he would probably be very glad. Xu Fan speculated.

揙kay, the divine abilities you抳e given me, Master, I have almost fully mastered, Xu Yuexian then pronounced.

揥ould you like to go out and see? Squinting, Xu Fan inquired Xu Yuexian.

Xu Yuexian nodded her head.

揥ell, go on, remember what your master has told you before. When you encounter a shop connected to the Great Thousand World, you only spend the Spirit Stones collected by yourself, and never go back to the Sect抯 Treasury Vault for more, Xu Fan reminded Xu Yuexian.

揢nderstood. Xu Yuexian joyfully responded.

揗aster, if there is nothing else requiring my attendance, I would like to take my leave now, Xu Yuexian delightedly asked for permission.

Xu Fan merely waved his hand, indicating that Xu Yuexian could depart as she wished.

An impatient streak of escaping light vanished into the horizon.

揚u Tao, what抯 new in the recent Cultivation World? Xu Fan inquired.

揟he Northern Ruins have opened, and within the ruins exists an opportunity for stepping into immortality, Pu Tao responded.

揙h, that sounds right up our alley, Xu Fan said with a smile.

At this moment, a Yin and Yang Copper Coin appeared in Xu Fan抯 hand, bouncing up and down.

A bowl appeared under the coin, and with the fall of the Yin and Yang Copper Coin, a crisp collision sound echoed from the bowl.

揟he yang side facing up, not bad. Xu Fan let a small smile creep upon his face, putting down the fishing rod he began to press his hands together and slightly bowed to the sky.

揗ay my disciple抯 road to immortality be prosperous and all disasters be avoided, Xu Fan stated solemnly, his mind completely focused. A mysterious Qi was drawn out from Xu Fan, disappearing into the sky.

揘ot bad, this Yin Yang fortune telling technique has some merit, Xu Fan mused.

This was the second technique of the Yin Yang fortune telling technique, the Praying for Luck Technique, allowing for the summoning of good fortune for others.

Xu Yuexian, who was currently flying, had a sudden feeling of enlightenment and an inexplicable sense of being blessed by a divinity.

揇id Master use the Praying for Luck Technique on me again? she wondered.

Suddenly, Xu Fan抯 feeling was not as wonderful.

揥hy do I feel as if my Qi Fortune has been excessively drawn out? Xu Fan felt a chill enveloping his body.

揗aster, when you used the Praying for Luck Technique earlier, you referred to your 慸isciple? not specifically Xu Yuexian, Pu Tao timely reminded him from the side.

At this time, Xu Fan sensed danger around him, so he planned to first seek a blessing from the Tianji Turtle and then return to his own small courtyard.

Not far from the Spirit Liquid Lake, the Tianji turtle was leisurely lying at the bottom of a small spirit liquid pool, reminiscing about its life in the great spirit liquid lake.

The small spirit pool was created by Xu Fan, who couldn抰 bear the resentful little eyes of the Tianji turtle, and had a tool puppet dig it out.

Xu Fan came to the Spirit Liquid Pond and looked at the Tianji Turtle, who was squinting its eyes leisurely. He wondered if time would pass faster if he turned into a turtle.

揙ld Turtle, give me another blessing, Xu Fan said.

The Tianji turtle at the bottom of the spirit liquid pool immediately spat out a bubble that rose to the surface of the pool and burst open, releasing the turtle抯 voice.


揧ou抮e still young, so you can only use it once every ten years.

Upon hearing the words of the Tianji turtle, Xu Fan walked away disappointed.

On Xu Fan抯 way back, he suddenly saw a jade white baby elephant eating spiritual fruits.

The little elephant抯 eyes were filled with endless loneliness, like a baby who couldn抰 find its mother.

揂h, this Little Flower, it抯 a sin. Xu Fan sighed, looking at the little elephant. This little elephant seemed to still be nursing, barely larger than Little Flower抯 child-rearing husband.

揥ant to find your mom? Xu Fan asked.

The little elephant, who was eating the spiritual fruit, looked at Xu Fan, its lonely eyes slowly brightening.

The little elephant nodded and nudged Xu Fan抯 arm with its head, agreeing with him.

揑抣l have someone take you back, Xu Fan said and sent a message to Li Xingci.

An escaping light flew towards Xu Fan, and when the light stopped, two figures appeared next to Xu Fan.

The Cultivation World can quake A miraculous thought flashed through Xu Fan抯 mind.


揋reetings, Great Elder.

揤ery good, greetings Elder Su, dear disciple, stand up quickly. Your wife will

be worried soon, Xu Fan replied with a honeyed smile.

In the Cultivation World, being able to fly together was a sign of intimate and reliable companionship.

Su Rentian, dressed in a dazzling red skirt, looked indifferent, while Li Xingci unusually blushed.

揗aster, what happened to you needing me? Li Xingci, her face red, quickly changes the topic.

揇o you know the origins of this little white elephant? Xu Fan asked.

揟he auspicious beast, Bai Ling Elephant, can stabilize the Qi fortune of a sect. As far as I know, only the Demon Sect has a pair. Li Xingci shared the information she had gathered about the Cultivation World and its various sect sacred lands.

揊ive months ago, the Demon Sect抯 pair of Bai Ling Elephants gave birth to a calf. The Sect Master of the Demon Sect was overjoyed, and their whole sect celebrated.

揝ome time ago, the Demon Sect announced that the calf was missing. Su Rentian looked at the small Bai Ling Elephant and gave it a precious Jade Fruit from the Cultivation World.

Xu Fan looked at the little white elephant, who was happily eating, and felt a bit of a headache.

揝tar Ci, go find a reincarnation slave to send the little elephant to the Demon Sect抯 area of influence. Xu Fan said. Although he had blocked cause and effect, this little elephant was bound to be a problem sooner or later.

It was cruel to separate a mother and child.

揕et抯 go personally, I haven抰 visited the Demon Realm before. Su Rentian appeared interested.

揂ren抰 you worried about something happening on a trip to their territory as a core member of the Elders Association? Xu Fan frowned.

揃efore, there indeed would have been some trouble, but now it抯 fine. The

Elders Association has already reached a verbal alliance with Demon Sect.

揂lthough the various factions still fight on their own when the Demon Clan invades, both the Elders Association and Demon Sect can still maintain a non-aggression relationship when they meet, Su Rentian explained.

揤ery well, just be careful, Xu Fan advised.

揗m. Su Rentian waved her hand and put the little white elephant, who was enjoying the Jade Fruit, into the Dao Artifact抯 starry sky..

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