My military branches can Evolve Infinitely-Chapter 137 - 133: Interesting, Interesting, Damn’ (3K Monthly Tickets Needed) 1

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Chapter 137: Chapter 133: Interesting, Interesting, Damn’ (3K Monthly Tickets Needed) 1

Translator: 549690339 I

A long, long time ago-measured on the timeline of when Emperor Dead Bone was born—it had become aware of its bottleneck issue.

Especially after using a particular Experience Stone, this bottleneck left it more perplexed.

It also asked the all-powerful Lord, who said that above techniques was the Artistic Conception, but the path of understanding was through feeling rather than explanation, even for the same ‘Sword Intent,’ the two could be vastly different.????????????????????????????? ’

Some people’s Sword Intent makes their own strength sharper, capable of tearing through enemy armor easily.

Some people’s Sword Intent shows fearless determination, displaying extraordinary strength when they courageously advance.

All depends on the individual.

Dead Bone hadn’t figured out what his Artistic Conception was among daily chores, intelligence gathering, crusading against Monster Tribes, researching upgrades, improving the Giant Beast of Deathremains, developing more robust battle techniques, and so on, so the study of Artistic Conception ranked even lower.

It shelved this problem for the time being.

But now, stepping into the Hero Duel Arena, Dead Bone had brought up the issue again.

“What is the Artistic Conception?”

On the plain, a pack of giant wolves was trapped by a sudden rise of bones, and amidst the pack, Dead Bone sat pondering.

It seemed to understand.

There wasn’t any energy variation, but a hard-to-describe, faint resonance began to diffuse from Dead Bone, growing stronger over time.

The Artistic Conception was about to appear.

“No, I still don’t understand.”

Dead Bone stood up, cutting off the Sword Intent that was about to sprout.

That was not the Artistic Conception it wanted.

This Artistic Conception shouldn’t be so inconvenient.


As it stood up, the surrounding bones, like silver pythons, began to tighten, squeezing the trapped giant wolves to death.

In the next moment, Dead Bone entered the second level.

Without unsheathing Wailing Death, it used its own bones as a blade, weaving around the Goblin Warriors and Shadow Assassins.

It didn’t attack, it was all defense.

This kind of battle lasted for a full several dozens of seconds, Dead Bone hinted

“not enough, it’s still not enough.”

Dead Bone pointed his sword, with the tip seeming slow yet quick, weak yet strong, without bursting out any energy, the surrounding enemies fell one after another.

Dead Bone then made it to the third level.

At this level, it thought longer.

While parrying the overwhelming, formidable onslaught of Leader Niu, most of its mind had already sunk into contemplation.

This was an extraordinarily dangerous method.

The slightest carelessness would result in being slain by the gatekeeper.

However, the rule that one couldn’t die in the Hero Duel Arena allowed General Dead Bone to settle down and think without worry.

If it were to die in battle? It would indicate a flaw had been found-it’s a good thing.

Dead Bone spent a bit more time thinking through this level. Perhaps it fought with Leader Niu hundreds of times, or even more.

After it battled until its path was nearly worn out, Dead Bone finally awakened from its deep contemplation.

A faint, mysterious charm gradually emanated from its body.

But, it was still a bit lacking.

Then, the charm silently dissipated.

Dead Bone looked at the tall and robust Leader Niu before it, its eyes deep and fleeting.

It began attacking with all its might, its bone spikes danced wildly, tracing a trail of profound trajectories.

Three moves later,


A small hole appeared on Leader Niu’s forehead, and his entire body fell down heavily.

“I yield.”

Dead Bone entered the fourth level.

General Dead Bone surged ahead.

General Dead Bone slaughtered mercilessly.

Several hours later,

Lord Shepherd was in deep contemplation…ahem, Lord Shepherd had gradually begun to find his way.

When technique reaches its peak, the mysterious Artistic Conception’s door flung open before him.

‘Prompt: Your hero ‘Duo Lai’ has realized the Fire Intentions during training, Duo Lai’s fire system techniques power increased by 30%.’

Inside a parallel training space,

Duo Lai’s body was surrounded by faint, twinkling fire. This wasn’t energy, but the manifestation of its Artistic Conception. Under the Fire Intentions, using the same energy to activate the same skill, its power would inexplicably amplify a great deal.

After stepping into this mysterious realm, Duo Lai found his control over energy also advanced greatly.

Like the previous overflowing energy scene caused by eating too much in the Trial Space, it could now assure this would not happen again. It could handle eating more Ye-!

Under the Fire Intentions, its mastery of roasting game improved dramatically even making the ingredients inexplicably more delicious…the charred bird before it that was still yelping, emitted waves of roasting fragrance.

Duo Lai became greedy.

This was its Artistic Conception-!

Because the prompt message distracted him, Lord Shepherd was killed once more by the chaotic blade.

After resurrection, he fell into contemplation.

“Seems like there were no prompts from General Dead Bone?”

“Or did I just miss it because I was too immersed?”

At this time,

Dead Bone, who was still unable to open the door of Artistic Conception, continued thinking as he slowly progressed to the sixth level of the Hero Duel Arena.

There were no plains, forests, rocky fields and such, just a plain and unadorned flatland.

In front of him, a man emerged from the opening of the Space Gate.

He stood straight, wearing silver armor, with an image of orange flames engraved at the chest area, seeming like some sort of emblem.

He glanced at Dead Bone.

“Skeleton boy.”

“Even if you’re not human, since you belong to the human side, I won’t hide mv skills.”? 3

“Come, let me see what capability you have to get this far.”

“Don’t disappoint.”

Perhaps due to rarely seeing newcomers, this gatekeeper who looked young but had an unusually hoarse voice, seemed talkative.

However, as he spoke he had already made his move.

He materialized a huge sword, cutting forward seemingly slow but in reality incredibly fast, as if transcending many dimensions in an instant. Simultaneously, a faint profound charm emerged from the gatekeeper.

The blade’s edge swirled, and an invisible force seemed to want to tear through armor.

This was the Artistic Conception.

Apart from the boost, just this intent to kill from the Artistic Conception could make weaker ones lose their resistance.

Dead Bone also unsheathed Wailing Death, simultaneously swung the sword, exchanging blows with the opponent in a blink of an eye.


The gatekeeper showed a touch of surprise.

This was the last challenge. He would use a bit stronger power to match the challenger’s level, providing the challenger with the best grinding experience. So, he increased his power.

His sword intent resonated, and thousands of birds shrieked.

He completely suppressed the Skeleton boy, pounding him into constant retreat, dangerous and unpredictable.

And yet, the intention remained hidden?

No, it seems that Skeleton boy has not grasped intentionality yet!


“You reached here without stepping into the realm of intentionality, should I praise you for being outstanding, or…”

Passing the stages with the power of the body alone was undoubtedly strong.

Yet at this point, he hasn’t been able to understand the power of intentionality and his comprehension seems fairly ordinary. It’s not too bad, actually But compared to his extraordinary physical talent and advanced skills, it was a bit disappointing.

And that was merely a disappointment.

The gatekeeper, Dawn Sword, has seen all kinds of geniuses. No matter how peculiar or even odd they may be, he was used to it.

He only continued to increase output, forcing out all the potential of the challenger before him.

“Come on, don’t disappoint me, push open the door to intentionality.”

The faint, mysterious flavor permeated the area at last.

But it was as if there was still a thin piece of paper in between, unable to break through.

And so,

The Gatekeeper ‘Dawn Sword’ triggered his intentionality power once again. It seemed like there were countless light swords hanging in the sky, locking in his opponent from afar.

Even holding a giant sword of the same type as the Dead Bone, he swung it as if It were a quick sword, the shadow of the sword undulating and impenetrable.

Finally, under his intense pressure, the Skeleton boy pushed open the door of intentionality.

The mysterious flavor began to intensify as if it were brewing something.

Dawn Sword nodded slightly, showing a satisfied smile: another genius had been groomed by him.

Then he was surprised to discover that before the intentionality was fully born, the mysterious essence continued to escalate. It seemed that after a long period of accumulation, as soon as the door of intentionality was opened, it could skip the ‘initial entry’ and directly reach a higher realm.

With this, the comprehension ability of Skeleton boy wasn’t bad at all quite excellent.?????????????????????????????????? ’


He kept about the same offensive stance and quietly watched.

The sword of the Skeleton boy had sprouted the intentionality, but he was uncertain about its focus.

Would it be pressuring aggression, invincible domination, or intricate cleverness?

“Warning: Your hero Dead Bone has learned ‘Sword Intent…’@%# ¥

“Warning: Dead Bone enters the initial state of XX Intentionality.”

Warning. Dead Bone has reached a minor achievement in XX Intentionality.”

“Warning: Dead Bone perfects XX Intentionality.”

Sword Intent is often associated with sharpness and offensive power.

Dead Bone wasn’t that it wasn’t interested, it just didn’t want the power of pure offense.

It sought stability, but not in a conservative or compromising way. Power that could only protect itself was unnecessary.

What it wanted was the whole exploration corps coming back unharmed all threats within miles of the Tianyuan Territory being eliminated… That was the kind of stability it was after.

The mysterious aura around Dead Bone vanished, as if it had failed to open the door of intentionality.

Even its entire being… whole body seemed ordinary under the invisible reality.

The ordinary Dead Bone raised its black giant sword slightly, dropping a dull slash.

There was no sharp edge;

No admirable skills;

No force that stirred the surrounding world as if it were divine or demonic;

There was only an unadorned, simple sword, so simple that it felt extreme.

Like the plain atomic bomb that exploded the moment it hit the ground, the simple sword also exploded with destructive power that could obliterate everything at the moment of collision.

There was no deafening roar.

Only, in the direction pointed by the Dead Bone’s heavy sword, the flat and firm ground had been cut away, carving out a crescent shape.

The position behind Dead Bone was intact, without a single pebble. 𝓯𝘳𝘦𝑒𝓌𝘦𝘣𝓃ℴ𝘷𝘦𝘭.𝓬𝘰𝑚

The front and back seemed like two different worlds.

It was the wall between these two worlds.

“Although I’m not quite satisfied, it will do for now.”

Deadbone sighed.

Dawn Sword, with his ragged clothes in the distance, stood dumbfounded, holding his sword and gazing at the invisible ‘Sword Intent’ that seemed to come with a protective shield. He seemed to have something to say but couldn’t find the words.

“This Sword Intent!”

Lord Da Ri has entered the initial state of Fire Intentions.” (PS: Quietly reading, in Chapter 131, the penultimate sentence, replaced ‘Wang’ with ‘Lord Wangba’)

Lord Da Ri has entered the fourth round.”

In the Hero Duel Arena, among one of the outer regions of Tai Xuan Alliance controlled by the officials, there was an entrance waiting area.

Lord Da Ri walked out of the Light Gate.

“I’ve reached the 4th stage, not bad.”

“Even just comparing personal combat power, I’m stronger than Lord Wangba. After all, his background was not comparable to Lord Wangba, Lord Shen Lei, Lord of Huan Chao, and others.

He needed to fight more, to show off.

And at least, in the Hero Duel Arena, his performance was stronger than Lord Wangba.


“Much stronger than Lord Tianyuan.”

“Lord Tianyuan does not seem to have grasped intentionality yet? Maybe his combat power is weaker than assumed, not even appearing on stage during the fight in the Secret Realm.”

“Lord Tianyuan has weaknesses too.”

Lord Da Ri was very clear. He knew there was a huge gap between him and Lord Tianyuan, but at least he had one aspect in which he was stronger than Lord Tianyuan.

That was really exciting.

Lord Tianyuan is not unbeatable.

Another notice appeared on the Light Gate and then flashed out.

“Hero ■ Dead Bone perfects XX Intentionality.”

“Lord Tianyuan enters the initial state of Thunder Intentions.”

“Lord Tianyuan enters the initial state of Gun Artistic Conception.”

Lord Da Ri:”???”

Gtreat Lord Shepherd, who had fought countless battles in the arena, wiped off the sweat on his temples.

“It took more than eight hours to realize intentionality, no wonder, it’s not easy..”