My military branches can Evolve Infinitely-Chapter 142 - 138: Immortal Legion (3K)_1

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Chapter 142: Chapter 138: Immortal Legion (3K)_1

Translator: 549690339

Deep in the shadows underground, the cries of warfare, the clashing of weapons, and the roar of thunder filled the air, incessant and endless.

The earth continued to shift, writhe, and churn.

Beside Mu Yuan, there were tree roots thicker than his whole body, bursting from the ground, growing leaves, the leaves carrying a trace of bloody red, casting the vast Tree Realm in an eerie and bloodthirsty light.

“This is normal, isn’t it?”

“After all, the War Tree Men, with the prefix ‘war,’ what’s wrong with a bit more bloodshed in a fight?”

Mu Yuan assumed it was due to his limited knowledge.

Which troops are not good at fighting? Even those delicate flower fairies can rip apart a goblin with their hands once their level reaches high enough.

The All-Woods Realm… or the so-called bloody Tree Realm, continued to grow.

It turned the killed monsters into nutrients to grow more roots, and these roots in turn strangled more monsters.

Like a rolling blood ball.

It just kept growing and expanding!

Ordinary monsters are meaningless no matter how many are arrayed against the Tree Demon Granny, they are completely turned into nutrients. Only some elite monsters like Man Niu Soldier, Dark Night Stalker have the power to cut through the resilient roots. But in an instant, they again are swallowed by even more roots, being gulped down by carnivorous flowers which appeared like giant mouths, with a series of “crunch crunch” chewing sounds conveying a hair-raising horror.

The battle of Silent Forest lasted for more than half an hour, and in the end, the majority of the ambush monsters ended up annihilated, with very few elite-level Wisdom Monsters retreating defeated.

At this time, the crimson trees and twisted roots gradually lost their nutrients and power to maintain, like the surrounding drained vegetation, they quickly wilted and dried, their bark chipping away and then the entire tree collapsed.

In a blink of an eye, the vast and bizarre bloody Tree Realm that engulfed everything crumbled and dissipated.

Even the Tree Demon Granny, who had grown to a size of a hundred meters, began to shrink, pieces of tree bark fell off her body, crumbled like ash.

Even so, Duo Lai widened its eyes.

It glanced at the Tree Demon Granny, then looked around at the almost nonexistent fragments of corpse, wanted to say something but stopped, ultimately said nothing.

“Indeed… So powerful!”

Even though the Tree Demon Granny is currently only at the 6th level of the first rank and far from being elite-level, the role it played in this battle was absolutely stronger than Duo Lai’s full firepower.

The Tree Demon Granny is very suitable for holding a specific area and fighting with war sustenance.

It is also related to the surrounding environment.

Venue skills are like fish in water when used in a matching environment, and the Tree Demon Granny has two talents Mood Soul Drowning Roots’ and ‘Natural Breath that also rely heavily on the environment.

With the triple cooperation, it’s like cheating.

The cost, well…

The entire Silent Forest has been drained, almost all the vegetation in sight is completely withered, even the earth’s force of this piece of land, has almost been drained by the Tree Demon Granny. It can be predicted that for a long time in the future, it will be impossible for any vegetation to grow here.

This damage to the environment seems stronger even than the Undead that are adept at sowing death.

Mu Yuan vaguely remembers, aren’t tree people environmental defenders?

After the battle, Lord Shepherd recalled the Tree Demon Granny, which had also suffered considerable damage to itself, into the Mark Space. Following a short rest, they continued their march.

After that, they encountered several ambushes in succession.

Perhaps because of the motto ‘if consumption fails, then be consumed’, the subsequent ambushes were not in large numbers, and they were almost rushing up like suicide squads with the mindset of winning if they could consume even one enemy. Many of these cannon fodder monsters were even tied with high-explosive devices.

Indeed, they brought a lot of trouble to the Tianyuan Corps.

Even the mighty Skeleton General would be left exhausted after weathering more than a dozen consecutive explosions.

So, Mu Yuan pointed from a distance, with strands of grey smoke erupting from his fingertips, swiftly entering the gnarled body and dim soul flames of the Skeleton General.

In the blink of an eye, the Skeleton General was back to full health, but the ‘Undead Resurrection’ skill could not repair the damaged armor. So, Duo Lai opened its bag, reached its hands inside to rummage around, and pulled out a set of brand-new… armor for the War General that had just been made in the last few days.

Skeleton General Bone Four, the revamped version, returns.

Not long ago,

In the ancient, dilapidated dungeon where the Spider-Woman Tribe resided.

Monsters such as Man Niu, Dark Night Stalker, and other Wisdom Monsters that had returned narrated the strength of the enemy incessantly.

“Giant trees, like mountains, so big.”

“Black armor, warriors, as many as the hairs on a cow.”

“No, more than that, at least double!”

These Wisdom Monsters gesticulated wildly. It wasn’t that they were not strong, but the enemy was too strong.

Even so, they had also killed many enemies and made notable contributions to the war.

The Spider Woman didn’t fully believe in these powerful confederates she had drafted. She merely continued to order constant attrition warfare. Even if she could trade cannon fodder for the enemy’s elite forces, any price paid would be worth it.

She thought firmly.

Sure enough, when Lord Tianmin’s corps reached a place not far from the dungeon, there were only about a hundred left.

Seeing this, the Man Niu Soldiers, Dark Night Stalkers, and other Wisdom Monsters howled excitedly, causing the ordinary monsters, who didn’t understand the reason, to also follow suit, howling as though they had won a great victory.

Had they really won a great victory?

The Spider Woman Chieftain felt that it wasn’t that simple, but even if the Man Niu and others had exaggerated the enemy’s numbers, these ten or so ambushes must have consumed at least half, or even more than half, of the enemy’s troops, right?

With this thought, she also let out a shriek.

“All troops attack, annihilate Lord Tianmin’s corps!”

Naturally, the Spider Woman Chieftain still played it safe by letting the fighters from the various tribes she had incorporated take the lead. If things go smoothly, the Spider-Woman Tribe would not suffer any losses and they could defeat the enemy’s forces and accomplish Lord Orochi’s mission.

At that time, the Spider-Woman Tribe will also receive the Snake God’s gift, breaking their own cage.

“Praise the Snake God.”

She murmured. As a spider woman, she truly believes in the Spider Goddess, but the Lady Goddess never showed up, so she had to turn to Lord Orochi.

However, even if her body leaned towards the Snake God, her heart still believed in Lady Goddess.

The chieftain of the Spider-Woman Tribe thought so.

In the empty underground world, a city cast in black stone stands.

It did not seem to be originally here, but was brought underground by some kind of natural disaster. The whole territory is in the shape of a sunken valley, at the center of which stands a broken but majestic black ancient city.

There are giant buildings hundreds of meters high, lying across the city, crushing countless houses.

Various tall buildings in the city are also collapsed and in ruins.

However, the ancient city seems to still retain the scene at the time of its collapse, and the rough wooden and stone buildings built in the city seem out of place.

Even then, the tribal monsters relied on this ancient city, leveraging the geographical advantage.

“Looks like we’ll have to fight street battles.”

“These ancient city buildings may be very hard, otherwise they wouldn’t have survived till now. Probably the monsters would have knocked it down.”

As such, the strategy of the General Dead Bone relying on the Giant Beast of Deathremains to push forward would not be suitable.

However, this strategy was ranked behind in Mu Yuan’s preset, and he didn’t plan on using it. He wanted General Dead Bone to conserve as much power as possible in case of emergencies.

“It’s time for the Undead Legion to truly show their prowess.”

He murmured.

The vanguard general Bone Two has already held the ‘Sword of the Dead’, charged forward against the arrows falling like locusts.

“For the glory of Tianyuan!”

“Let’s kill them, haha…”

He drew a long, pitch-black sword light over ten meters long, swept it out, shattering the arrows, obstacles, and watchtowers and arrow towers that were blocking him all together.

Countless skeleton generals followed suit and rushed into the majestic and tall ancient city.

Into the boundless monsters.

They were like a drop of water, rushing towards the waves.

But this was a drop of ink.

Cleave, charge, spin, leap…

Bone Three’s figure was agile, shuttling between monsters, his bone swords slithering like snakes, ruthlessly reaping the lives of monsters.

Even the relatively common skeleton generals in the legion, are like fierce generals continuously charging and killing, and ordinary monsters are no match for one sword.

There were Man Niu Soldiers who roared and used the ‘Leap’ skill, leaping over tens of meters.

But they only pushed the ninth-level Skeleton General back a few steps.

The two fought together in the blink of an eye, and after a few moves, they were evenly matched. The next moment…


A Resentful Spirit popped out from the side, slightly disrupted with a fear skill, and the Skeleton General beheaded the bull with one sword.

Such scenes are happening everywhere on the battlefield.

Under Lord Shepherd’s micro-control, the already formidable elite units kill occupational level monsters as if they were chickens, with blood raining down.

However, there were still too many monsters.

Several thousand? Tens of thousands? Or more.

He could not estimate.

With the one-to-several exchange, plus some sneak attacks by wisdom monsters, the Skeleton Generals and Resentful Spirits inevitably suffered, one after another, tumbling down.

Seeing this, the Spiderwoman Chieftain, the Chief of Man Niu, the Lizardman Chief and others who were in the distance finally breathed a sigh of relief and showed their joy.

The Chief of Man Niu roared in excitement a few times.

The Lizardman Chief thought it was almost time to start the feast.

But as they were waiting, they suddenly felt that something was wrong.

“The number, it seems, hasn’t reduced?”

“Has it reduced? Not reduced? It has reduced?”

Even the wisdom monsters, which were not good at math and had not received compulsory education, vaguely felt that something was wrong.

Is one hundred minus one hundred still one hundred?

No, it’s just these skeletons that came back to life!

The Spiderwoman Chieftain, whose wisdom is two notches higher, quickly noticed something wasn’t right. However, even if the skeletons could revive, their numbers were ultimately too small. If they kept consuming them, the power of resurrection would run out and victory would still be on their side.

Just as she thought so,

Endless black fog suddenly surged up, enveloping the entire city. Following that, like the gates of the underworld being opened, thousands of Skeleton Soldiers, Ghouls, Zombies, Skeleton Mages, Abominations, Vampires, and other undead creatures gushed out.

Under the cover of this black fog, broken bones regenerated quickly and severed limbs healed and re-attached in the blink of an eye.

Even creatures killed by the undead wobbled up, attacking like walking corpses around them.

It’s as if an undead legion that would never die is spreading their mark..