My Mysterious Doctor and Blessed Little Wife Is Such a Tease-Chapter 495 Exposed

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In the ward, everyone's gaze landed on Xie Min, their eyes filled with shock and anger.

However, now, Xie Min only wanted to pin all the blame on Qin Xi. She did not know what she had said wrong at all. She continued to point at Qin Xi and shout, even a little crazily.

"Why are you looking at me? She's the murderer. She must have done something. Believe me. When I came, I thought he was dead…"

"Doctor Xie."

Tan Jingyu looked straight at Xie Min. "Do you mean that you saw this young lady come in? Also, when Doctor Cao and the others checked the instrument just now, they already said that this instrument was tampered with. How do you know that when this young lady came in, the instrument didn't have a problem? Don't you think your words don't match?"

Xie Min held her breath as endless fear rose in her heart. However, she still refused to say anything and looked at Qin Xi with condemnation.

"I-I remembered wrongly. I also said that she must have tampered with the cable of the instrument, which was why I thought that the patient was dead. This is all a misunderstanding. Although I don't know what her motive is, don't you think she's going too far? Is she supposed to play with the life of the patient?"

Qin Xi had finally seen what it meant to play the blame game.

Tan Miao finally understood what was going on. He looked at Xie Min angrily and accused, "Doctor Xie, I thought you were a good doctor. I didn't expect you to be so shameless."

Xie Min's hair stood on end. Just now, she was so excited that she forgot about the most important person, Tan Miao. If he told them the truth, how could she stay in the hospital in the future?

"What do you mean?" Tan Jingyu had already realized that something was wrong with Xie Min. Now that his son said this, he immediately became vigilant.

Xie Min looked at Tan Miao pleadingly and shook her head. "No, I…"

"Shut up and listen to my son." Pei Fang shouted, successfully making Xie Min shut up. Then, she looked at Tan Miao and said gently, "Miaomiao, tell me, what exactly happened?"

"Dad, Mom, it's this woman. She was the one who persuaded me to give up my life. She told me that there was no hope for brain cancer. Even if the surgery was successful this time, it might not be successful next time. She said that she could ease the pain and let me die in my sleep. After thinking for a while, I agreed."

"However, I didn't expect that the purpose of her persuading me to give up my life was to frame someone else. If I had known that she was so despicable, I definitely wouldn't have agreed."

After Tan Miao finished speaking, everyone looked at Xie Min differently.

What kind of vicious person would do such a heartless thing? Besides, she was a doctor. What grudge did she hold against Qin Xi to cause her to do this mad thing?

They couldn't imagine it.

"No, listen to me. I really persuaded him to give up his life for his own good. Can't you see that he has suffered a lot?"

Seeing that the matter was exposed, Xie Min was in a hurry to explain herself. She would never allow her reputation to be sullied. If Gu Qing found out about it, her life would be over.

However, no matter how she explained, the words were unconvincing.

"What happened?" At this moment, a low and magnetic voice sounded. Xie Min's body stiffened and her face turned ashen.