My Researching Journey (HxH)-Chapter 98: The Beginning

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Chapter 98: The Beginning 𝗳r𝚎𝐞w𝐞𝚋𝗻𝗼vel.𝗰o𝐦


Chapter 98: The Beginning


Yasuo slightly smiled, "Oh, not bad at al...." He sensed something interesting before he finished talking as his eyes turned completely white for a split second then informed before disappearing, "I'll be back in a few minutes."

Near the Zoldyck family's mansion, a dark-haired woman could be seen on her knees not caring about the dirt beneath them nor did she care about the crimson drops that fell on her black kimono and the soil feeding it as an unrecognizable sound seem to come out of her mouth... Until Yasuo appeared

He appeared only a bit afterward next to Kikyo Zoldyck his mother as the latter seems to be in a state of mild shock muttering something.

"He really did it hehe hehe..." While letting out a smile laugh as blood came down her face due to the long scar on it, a scar that seems new like it happened only a few seconds ago and the fresh blood testifies to that.

"Are you okay?" Hearing that brought her out of her daze as she looked up only to see Yasuo standing in front of her then nodded with a cheerful smile on her face.

"Hehe extremely so.", A smile that looks creepy with the addition of blood on her face.

Yasuo shook his head used to her behavior and crouched down to her level then started concentrating Aura on his right hand before stabbing through her leaving a purple mark but causing no harm, this is due to him activating the Negative Rose ability.

Purple lines started spreading all over her for a split second before the wound healed across the following second as the blood on her face started flying out until her face and dress became completely clean then gently helped her up and started walking towards the mansion.

They walked with Kikyo's arms in his as she rested her head on his shoulder and said excitedly, "You won't believe what Killua did!"

Yasuo let out a sigh knowing her well enough to realize she allowed him to hit just to see whether he will really go through with it and he will behave afterward.

"I know what he did alright, it's kinda obvious and I told you he will do something similar."

That seems to get her out of her stupor a bit but she continued nonetheless with apparent happiness in her voice.

"You did but I still can't believe he did it! He really stabbed me! and it was spectacular, his expression didn't change one bit remaining cold like ice!"

Yasuo just smiled experiencing just another strange event among the many he experienced in the past in his strange family and well... he finds it amusing.

"It's natural he will do such a thing, he isn't fit to be an assassin as he really doesn't like killing and the fact that you guys didn't allow him to visit Alluka at all even when we go back here played a role as well. You guys drove him into doing this so yeah."

Kikyo just let out a laugh as she brought her fan over her mouth, "Hehe he will definitely come back on his own otherwise we will get him back through any means once the other come back... What do you think? will he come back on his own?"

Casually answered Yasuo without giving it much thought or he has already thought about it before.

"If it's your meaning of coming back then it's unlikely, he will probably just come to visit Alluka if she's here but it also depends on what he faces out there so I'm not entirely sure."

Kikyo didn't disagree but she's still happy as she added.

"He plotted to escape once everyone else left except Milluki since he doesn't see him as an obstacle and Maha taking the risk on whether the latter will stop him or not... and you."

The young Zoldyck got the hint and explained, "It's simple really, he trusts me to a certain extent because of how I treat Alluka so he believed I won't stop him."

While thinking in his mind, 'He escaped more than a month before he escaped in the story huh, a small change but a change nonetheless which lead to Zigg still being in the Zoldyck's property yet he didn't stop him huh.'

"And you didn't.", "Nah, it's you and the rest's job to keep an eye on him, I'm not interested in meddling in the family heir business and let him have his fun outside... Perhaps he will really come back and accept his position."

Kikyo just shrugged his shoulder, "Even Illumi doesn't seem to have much interest in this spending most of his time training and taking jobs strolling outside from time to time... your play a part in this you know... with all your lessons during your spars and he takes them seriously.."

Yasuo didn't seem to care about this change, "Well, It's a good thing isn't it... He will still get him back if father asked him so it doesn't matter much."

Kikyo just shook her head though the cheerful small never left her face, "Of course you don't, just what did I expect..."

The sound of crying could be heard clearer and clear as they neared the mansion, the sound of Milluki who was unlucky enough to experience the same fate, and since he rarely trains, his resistance to pain is quite low... well, he never trains.

Yasuo walked next to him raising his brows, "Stop crying and don't be such a baby..." Then crouched down as he heard the baby screaming even further, "But it hurts and there will be a scar!!!"

Yasuo didn't talk any further and just activated the negative rose as he stabbed him with the same scene happening.

Milluki looked at the scar disappearing almost instantly stunned and the restoration happened so fast he barely felt the accumulated pain, "This is your ability? there isn't even a scar..." He seems to be muttering to himself more than asking.

"The only difference between you and a normal person is your ability, if you trained you Nen just a bit more you would've been able to defend against the Nenless attack since he didn't really attack seriously... well, your future is up to you so whatever."

Yasuo stood up after which with Milluki nodding seriously though only the latter knows whether he will really train or not.

"Mom! He escaped, I lost sight of him... Sorry," Informed Kalluto who is seen running back from the same way they came from, he ran to Kikyo who started patting him not minding one bit.

"Don't worry about it sweety..." Only now did he notice her face completely spotless with a wound on it startling him.

"Anyway, I will be around for a while so if you need anything just call." The young Zoldyck disappeared directly after that...

Kikyo contacts Silva directly after and informed him of the incident with the latter ordering some specific servants to keep an eye on him without making contact and so, the days passed as the month of December arrived signifying the arrival of winter as well and the return of several of the Zoldycks home... including Illumi.

This also means it's only about a month from reaching the year 1999, the year of beginnings and endings.

"Oh, so you made a friend?" Wondered Yasuo with amusement apparent in his eyes looking at the dark-haired person sitting next to him... Illumi... The two could be seen sitting atop of Yasuo's lab on the roof.

Illumi's face twitched slightly, "As I said, he just wants to fight me and he will likely hire me to kill him in the future so we're not friends. I just find it interesting to talk with him and he is quite strong."

"Stronger than you?", "I don't think so... But it will depend on how I plan the battle and if I make any mistakes."

The other Zoldyck raised his brow, "Well, doesn't that mean you will win?" to which Illumi nodded.

After which, Yasuo stood up saying, "Well, I guess I will see you later." As a portal started forming in front of him.

Illumi nodded, "See you." Then Yasuo disappeared into the portal appearing far away ready to take his shortcut to the Kakin empire though before doing that, he called Alluka who is still in the house, and said before hanging up, "When I send you a message teleport to me."

Then disappeared into another portal. As for Morena, well she happened to find an interesting ability, an ability one of her underlines had who happened to mysteriously disappear.

The ability allows her to conjure a knife and when a simple condition is met, it allows her to teleport anywhere she's been in the world.

The condition is quite simple, she needs to be in a locked room with a single door and no other exits for the ability to activate by cutting open the wall giving him access to an alternate dimension which lead to any place she set foot in and she made similar rooms in every headquarter of the family all around the world...