My Space-Time System-Chapter 549 The Arboreal Reaper, Verdigris.

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Not having a clue of what was going on in other cities, the inhabitants of Calton continued with their lives with no problems.

At the gate of the Karius Estate, a carriage carrying ornamental plants was being searched by the security guards.

"Clear." The security guard who was tasked with the scanning of the carriage announced.

"All clear." The final security guard tasked to verify that the flowers were for one of the family members in the estate.

The security guards opened the estate gate and allowed the carriage in.

After 10 minutes of driving, the carriage had gotten to the heart of the estate. Inside the carriage, the largest plant tore in half and 3 people climbed out of the extremely thin trunk.

The first person was Xander, who had spiky white hair and an evil grin plastered on his face. His hatred for the Karius family had never dwindled for a bit, thus the location for the attack was clear as daylight.

After him was Slade, the former gang leader. He didn't hate Calton or the Karius family as much as Xander, but he wouldn't miss watching Calton burn for anything.

Last but definitely not the least was Verdigris, the Arboreal Reaper. He was covered in bandages from head to toe and was at the Angel realm.

Apart from being an assassin, he was a psychotic nomad off duty, living in seclusion in jungles and killing anyone unfortunate to cross his path. He was infamous for having an exceptional mastery of the plant element.

The plant element represented the embodiment of life, but in his hands, the plant element was scary and synonymous with death.

Once they were all out, a burst of mana from Xander blew the entire carriage apart, sending parts of plants and debris flying, killing the driver tasked to deliver the flowers.

"He said we should keep our attacks in the central region, and I did." Xander said in his defence as Slade stared at him.

Without saying another word, the trio flew into the air, looking over the entire Karius estate. 𝗯𝗲𝐝𝐧𝗼𝐯𝗲𝐥.𝗻𝗲𝐭

"I hate this place." Xander spat.

Not too long after, the head of the Karius family, Zola appeared right in front of them, already in combat mode.

As the head of the Karius family in Calton, Zola Karius couldn't leave his family unprotected even to go help out other cities.

"That took you so long." Xander said not caring that Zola had finally advanced to the Angel realm. "By the way where is Xavier, I wanted to teach him a thing or 2."

Not listening to Xander's ramblings, Zola began scanning the opponents. 'Slade, the gang leader that was sent packing out of Calton, the imbecile Xander, and Verdigris, the Arboreal Reaper.' Zola thought with a deep frown on his face.'

If he were to deal with only Slade and Xander, it wouldn't be considered a warm-up, but the Verdigris was in the picture. He had heard only a few tales about Verdigris but had never come in contact with him.

Almost instantly, Richard Nystrom who had also advanced to the Angel realm appeared beside Zola.

"I received your distress call and came out immediately." Richard said without taking his eyes off the League of Assassin members.

"Let's get this over with, shall we?" Verdigris said as part of the bandages on different parts of his body began loosening up.

"I agree." Zola said in a more confident tone as it was now 2 Angels against 1, but that soon disappeared as thousands of bugs began flying out of the loosened bandages.

Immediately after, 2 small trees began growing on his shoulders, while the imprint of a human face slowly began protruding from Verdigris's body.

'What the fuck is that?!' Richard and Zola were creeped out as a tiny feeling of fear began growing in their hearts.

'Is this why he is still unfazed even when facing 2 Angels at the same time?' Richard couldn't help but ask.

"Don't stand there and watch him make all of his preparations." Zola snapped Richard out of his thoughts as a 3-meter-tall lightning bolt appeared in his head.

"There is no need for that, you guys already lost the battle when you arrived."

Everyone turned to the source of the foreign voice to see Prince Bryon and Colonel Darius.

"During the explosion of the carriage, he had spread parasites into the air. You should notice that you require more power to cast your spells, and your thoughts are getting slower." As Prince Bryon spoke tiny golden lights began appearing all around them. "If you were to remain here for a bit longer, the parasites would move into your brain and begin struggling for control."

With a snap of his finger, all the parasites in the air and in their bodies were all destroyed.

'How did I not notice that?' Zola was shocked by this revelation.

"Besides, even without that, you guys can't beat the infamous Arboreal Reaper." Prince Bryon said as he turned to Verdigris' group.

"You should let us play a bit, we promise not to kill them." The bandage at his mouth section opened and he spoke with a psychotic smile.

"I know you won't kill them; you will turn them into puppets just like all your other victims." Prince Bryon said with a smile.

"You've got me there." Verdigris raised his hands.

"The fact that you guys are not running even though we are both here means he is here with you. So why don't you come out lets talk." Prince Bryon said.

"As expected of the genius of the Synder empire." Another foreign voice was heard and soon enough the Masked man dressed in all black appeared in front of the trio.

"Thanks for the compliment, but there was nothing special about that." Prince Bryon said in a modest tone.

'What the hell is going on here, how can they act like long lost friends when one is attacking all of his cities?' Slade was both confused and annoyed.

"What is the end goal of all these attacks?" Bryon asked.

"Do you expect me to tell you?" The Masked man chuckled.

"Are you waging war on the empire?"

The League of assassins had carried out multiple deals like that of Slade with the Synder Empire. So they weren't at all-out war like the public thought. That was why everything was still confusing.