My Three Wives Are Beautiful Vampires-Chapter 691: War Ends 2.

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Chapter 691: War Ends 2.

All the disappointment Victor had been feeling disappeared before the look of this aggressive redhead.

'Haah —, how I've missed this.'

"As much as I want to fight you, Scathach, now is not a good time. I need to go back to Hell, get everything in order... And I want to spend good quality time with you. Seven hundred years has been a long time."

Scathach's smoldering gaze began to fade in intensity, and understanding dawned on her face.

"Do not run away from me."

"Never." Victor declared as he hugged her once more and kissed her.

'How I missed this...' The two thought at the same time.


The two stopped and looked at Natashia.

"I know you have a thing for redheads, but don't forget about us blondes too." Natashia huffed in annoyance.

Victor laughed gently: "I promised myself I would spend months with you when I got back, and I will keep that promise."

Kaguya, Aphrodite, Natashia, and Scathach's eyes glinted dangerously.

"Don't you dare run away from your promises," Natashia spoke very severely.

"Of course not, my dear." Victor pulled Natashia and kissed her passionately, making the blonde melt.

A few minutes passed, and then the Goddess of Beauty threw herself in the middle and kissed Victor with intense love; the area even turned a little pinker due to the influence of her Divinity.

When they stopped kissing, Victor asked: "Fufufu, what would the Gods of Olympus say when they see the Goddess who hates Demons kissing a being from Hell?"

"They would be very jealous, especially the women, because you are the most beautiful man in existence."


"Don't stroke my ego too much, or I'll grow cocky." Victor laughed.

Aphrodite snorted in amusement and kissed Victor again.

A few minutes later, Victor separated from Aphrodite and went to Kaguya. He gently wrapped Kaguya in a hug.

"My Maid."

"My Master."

"I missed you." Victor caressed Kaguya's black hair.

"... Me too... I was supposed to go with you..."

Unfortunately, if you had gone, you would have died, My Maid. Even in my shadow, you would have suffered the effects of Miasma. Hell is not a kind place for Mortals." He pulled away from her a little and wrapped her in a soft, gentle kiss.

Kaguya opened her eyes wide but slowly started to close them and enjoyed this sweet sensation. She felt as if the wind had blown away all her anxious feelings.

A few minutes passed, and soon the two separated.

"...Can I go with you...?" She asked a little breathlessly.

"Unfortunately, you cannot."

She bit her lip in frustration. She belonged by his side! Always, at all times, and forever!

"Don't worry, My Maid. I've been researching from the beginning a way for Beings weak to Miasma to go to Hell. After all, I want to show you all the city I and my subordinates built."

Kaguya felt a sweet sensation when she saw that Victor was still thinking about them even after so long.

'Of course, he had been... He is Victor. The man who will never leave his family behind.' Kaguya smiled gently and felt lucky to be his Maid and Wife.

"... Will you come back?"

"Of course, with the Key to Hell, I can come and go more easily now. Oh, thanks for that, Girls. Due to what was happening, I forgot to say thank you."

A soft feeling wrapped around them, and Victor could feel Hestia's Blessing growing even stronger than before, something that wasn't lost on Aphrodite, who opened her eyes wide.

The Goddess looked at Victor with kind eyes and a satisfied smile.

Speaking of Goddesses...

Victor turned his eyes to the Demonic Goddess, who was hovering around as her entire focus was on him.

"Hey, sorry for not leaving you with something to vent on."

Lilith awoke from her stupor and spoke: "... A King should not apologize, Demon King."

"If a King cannot recognize the faults he himself makes, he is not fit to be a King."

Aphrodite and Scathach grinned widely when they heard what Victor said.

'It's good that even though he was away for so long, he grew up to become a worthy King.' Scathach was beyond pleased. She knew that Victor had the potential to be a King, not just any King, but a Wise King, something scarce in the Supernatural World.

"Interesting mindset, Demon King... In that case, thanks for the concern, I'm a little bummed that I don't have that piece of shit to torture for thousands of years, but I won't blame you for that. You were the victor, and the winner has full rights over the loser."

Victor nodded. He understood the mentality of Demons well not to find such thoughts strange.

"I will go back to Hell now. Will you go with me?" Victor asked.

"Yes, I will."

Aphrodite narrowed her eyes at the Goddess. She realized that as a Demonic Goddess and a Progenitor, Lilith was clearly not inferior to Aphrodite in beauty.

'This bitch, if she dares...'

"You sure like to overthink, Honey."

"HIEE!" Aphrodite felt a shiver run down her spine when she heard a voice in her ear.

"Vic! Don't do that!"

Victor smiled gently, a smile that made Aphrodite melt in front of him.

"You can feel it?" He pointed to his heart.


"That's all the proof you need; you're mine until the end of time."

"... Vic."

"Fufufufu, the Goddess of Beauty feeling insecure. This is new."

"Jerk!" She slapped him lightly on the arm and then hugged him:

"Don't take too long."

"For you, it will only be a few hours. For me. a few days or months...

"Jerk!" She slapped him lightly on the arm and then hugged him:

"Don't take too long."

"For you, it will only be a few hours. For me, a few days or months... Depending on what I have to do."

"Ugh, this is tricky," Aphrodite grumbled.

"Indeed, I wish I had some way to control this shit; this is entirely inconsistent." He grumbled.

Victor had long ago noticed the inconsistency of Time in Hell. It was not like there was Sun or anything like that, but inside the King's Castle, there was an Artifact that could tell Time Dilation. But that shit was utterly broken. The number went up and down constantly; it was never consistent.

"It's impossible to control the dense Miasma that causes time dilation. It is like a Force of Nature. For example, you can't control the behavior of the sea, right? It's the same thing." Lilith butted in and started to explain.

"The only way to avoid Time Dilation too much would be for you to go to the Upper Levels of Hells, where the Miasma isn't very dense."

"Hmm... Nothing is impossible. We just haven't found a way to make it possible."

Lilith opened her eyes a little when she heard Victor's statement. She looked at him and saw that he was in his own world, thinking about several things.

"I don't know if you're crazy or insane, but no matter what you do, it's impossible to control the Miasma of Hell."

My Dear, just because someone hasn't done it before doesn't mean I won't."

"..." Lilith opened her mouth to say something but stopped when she saw Victor's confident eyes. She looked at his Generals, who were listening to the conversation, and saw they had absolute confidence in him.

'Where does so much confidence come from? Even my daughter is acting like this...'

"If you say so." She crossed her arms, turned her face to the side, and ended the conversation.

Victor laughed gently and looked up at the clouds.


The girls looked at the sky and saw a shadow approaching, then a

gigantic Dragon appeared.

"Do you want to come back with me?"

[Yes.] The Dragon landed gently on the ground... Well, gently for a colossal Dragon.

Everything around her was destroyed with just her weight.

Victor raised his hand, and a few seconds later, a bang was heard, and soon a weapon appeared in Victor's hand.

Junketsu in her Odachi Form.

Junketsu hummed, indicating her dissatisfaction at being left behind."Hey, girl. I hoped to use you, but the enemy was weaker than I thought."

Aphrodite narrowed her eyes. She looked at the weapon and felt a Soul inside it, a Soul connected to Victor.

'The weapon has gained even more awareness.'

"... And your weapon is a woman... Of course, it would be. What did I expect, a man?" Aphrodite snorted.

[Those were my exact words when I saw the Dragon.] Roxanne nodded several times.

[Vic, can I leave? I want to talk to the girls.]

[Not yet; I don't know who might be watching. It's best to hide you until we return to Nightingale.]

[Ugh... Okay.]

[Don't be sad, I'll take care of you when I arrive.]

Roxanne's face lit up: [You're talking about that care, right?]

[What do you think?]


A Gate big enough for a Dragon to pass through appeared in the distance of the party.

Victor looked at Scathach, Aphrodite, Kaguya, and Natashia:

"I'll be back before you know it and say hello to the old man. Tell him to retire and get a Wife to calm his paranoia."

"Fufufufu, I'll be happy to say so, Darling." Natashia laughed.

"Hmm, don't forget to send my regards to the girls."

"You should do that yourself, Vic... But I'll tell them," Scathach spoke.

"Of course, I will. I need at least six months of 'fighting' in the bedroom, Master. I feel like I haven't practiced that much over time."

The four girls shuddered when they saw his hungry gaze. Scathach, Aphrodite, and Natashia were holding back very hard now not to throw themselves at him.

"Master, didn't you have several Demon Girls waiting for you?" Kaguya asked curiously.

"...UNFORTUNATELY, Master only touched Lady Roxanne," Vine spoke, emphasizing the first word.

The girls looked at Demon Girl in shock, then looked at Victor strangely.

"What? I'm a loyal man. Remember, it was you who threw yourselves at me in the past, not I who came after you, and I will only do the same when my Wives meet my Generals."

"Cough." The four coughed and looked away.

The eyes of the four Generals gleamed with desire, and they looked at the four women.

Victor smiled internally: 'With this, they will try to get along with them, rather than the dry and formal treatment that would've been.'

Victor didn't give all the reasons. First, of course, there was the reason that he was loyal to his Wives. But the main reason would be the dynamics of the relationship. If he had bonded early with the Demon Girls, due to the accumulation of Time the girls would've spent with him, the girls would be jealous and even hate his Wives when he returned to the World of The Living.

And by understanding that, Victor purposely didn't hook up with or flirt with them as he usually would. He was always professional. Of course, he used his Charms generously so as not to let his influence over them fall; after all, they were still his Generals that held a large part of Hell under control.

Because of this, he kept a fine line between a professional relationship between a King and subordinates and minor, almost insignificant gestures of appreciation, gestures that, in time, would only increase the girls' obsession.

He didn't want to break the Family dynamic he'd built but didn't want to let the girls go, and he also wanted them to be like his beloved, obsessive, and loving Wives.

Only Victor could do such complex and patient work for a long time, all because he had the Blessing of Love and understood how 'Love' worked very well.

...Yes, he was creating more Yanderes... Demonic Yanderes.

While mediocre men might hate and even fear these perfect women, Victor was actively turning girls into Yanderes...

"Not to mention that between training and running a City like a King, dealing with traitors, exploring Hell, and dealing with Hells of Souls, things only the Demon King can do, there was little time for me to spend on anything else."

"You need a vacation, My King." Helena pointed.

"And I won't argue with you about that. I really do."

"Anyway, I need to go." Victor jumped up and climbed onto the Dragon's back.

Then Vine, Veper, Helena, Lily, and Lilith also climbed on top of the Dragon.

Victor looked at his women again: "Take care."

The girls nodded with smiles on their faces.

"We take care of each other, right?" Kaguya spoke.

Victor smiled gently: "Indeed."

Then he looked up and said:

"Come on, Zaladrac."

A mighty roar burst from her maw, and soon the dragon flew toward the Gate. The moment they passed through the gate, it disappeared.

"He's gone..." Kaguya murmured.

"Not for long." Scathach turned around: "Come on, we need to tell the others everything and prepare for when he returns... I foresee that I won't be able to leave his room for quite some time Despite grumbling about it, she didn't seem the least bit upset.

The three girls lit up when they heard Scathach.

A familiar portal appeared, then Vlad and Alexios came through it.

"Were you hiding, Vlad? Why didn't you come to say hello to Victor?" Aphrodite asked curiously.

"...You know, I didn't want to disturb your reunion."

"Right..." It was clear that the four didn't believe him.


Vlad coughed in a way to change the subject and pointed towards the gate: "Don't you guys want a shortcut?"

"..." Indeed, all Kings had thick skin. They were way too brazen; the four girls couldn't help but think.

They clearly understood Vlad's intentions; he wasn't even hiding it.

"We accept. Thank you, Alexios." Scathach spoke.

Alexios just nodded.

Soon the group passed through the portal created by Alexios back to Nightingale.