My Wife Is A Ghost Exorciser-Chapter 531 Song Lingyan Is Missing!

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Song Yan looked over her shoulder making sure that no one was looking at her through the glass of the window while she turned her body such that her back was turned on to the surveillance camera and then pulled the cork off the porcelain bottle. The second she opened the porcelain bottle, a sweet smell of pomegranates came from inside and then she poured out of the pills that were inside the porcelain bottle into her palm.

The red pill was shiny in lustre like candy and looked rather sweet but its effects were miraculous. After all, this was the same candy that helped Fu Yu Shen recover so soon, if not for these pills Fu Yu Shen would have had to stay in the hospital for a long time but with the help of these pills, Fu Yu Shen was able to get a clean chit in just a few days.

" Don't worry dad, you will be fine in just a few days." She told to her father who was sleeping soundly on the bed, the man lying unconsciously on the bed did not say anything and Song Yan felt a bit saddened seeing this condition of her.

However, that feeling only stayed for a short time and then she threw the feelings of guilt and regret in the back of her head before she tilted her father's head slightly with the help of the tips of her fingers as she placed the pill that was in her hand in her father's mouth.

The blood rejuvenating pill was a pill that melted with the slightest amount of heat applied to it, the second Song Yan poured the pill into her father's mouth the pill melted and was swallowed by father Song instinctively.

Song Yan watched her father swallow the pill and she waited for the pill to take effect, with her skills the pills she made weren't something that needed a lot of time to show their effects the second it was swallowed, Father Song's face recovered its healthy complexion, a subtle pink decorated his cheeks.

When Song Yan saw that her Father was able to digest this pill she heaved a sigh of relief, even though she made the pill after taking careful consideration of her father's health she was still worried that his body wouldn't be able to absorb this pill but now that she was looking at his healthy complexion she realised that she was worried for no reason at all.

She stared at her father for a long time and swore, " Don't worry father, I will get back everything that was taken from us."

Chu Lian, Song Wang Lei and that woman in red, she will make sure to take them down one by one.

... 𝑓𝗿𝐞𝘦𝘄e𝘣n𝘰𝘷eƖ.c𝘰𝗺

Song Yan left the hospital after spending an hour overlooking her father's situation, she only left the hospital after she confirmed that her father's body's recovery rate has improved considerably. However, as soon as she stepped out of the hospital, she received a call from her sister-in-law. At first, she thought that her sister-in-law called her because she wanted to ask when she was going to return but when she answered the call, Song Yan's expression changed for the worse and she immediately hailed a cab and told him the address of the apartment. 𝑓𝐫𝑒e𝒘𝚎𝘣𝚗𝘰𝘷𝐞𝑙.co𝑚

" Sister Mingzhi, what happened?" Song Yan asked as soon as she stepped inside the apartment, she was surprised to find that Wen Mingzhi was crying her eyes out while sitting on the small dining table that sat in the living room plus kitchen.

Song Yan walked over to Wen Mingzhi and placed her hand on the latter's shoulder. "Sister Mingzhi?" She called again and only then did Wen Mingzhi raise her head and looked at Song Yan, she took one look at Song Yan and burst out crying before she raised her body from the chair and threw herself in Song Yan's arms. " Oh Yan Yan, thank goodness you are here."

" Yes, I am here. Now tell me what is going on? Why did you call me while crying asking me to come as soon as possible?" When Song Yan answered Wen Mingzhi's call the latter did not tell her anything, she only asked her to come back as soon as possible.

"It's" Wen Mingzhi cried her eyes out as she answered Song Yan's question through broken sobs. " He went to work yesterday but he did not return home, I am trying to reach his phone but I can't reach him. I thought that he was out entertaining his clients, he does that sometimes but he would return by the morning. When he didn't return my worries doubled and I hurriedly called his colleagues but they all told me that Lingyan left the company at the usual time and that there was no meeting yesterday, if he did not go to see a client then where did he go? I am so scared Yan Yan. If something happens to Lingyan what will I do? How will I stay alive?"

" Sister Mingzhi calm down..." Song Yan understood the gist of the situation but what she couldn't understand was how did her brother suddenly go missing. Was it Chu Lian? Or was it someone from the Ji family?

She too was in a daze and recalled her past life when her brother was caught by the lenders of the company where he worked and was beaten to death by them. However, she soon threw that notion away after all her brother had her talismans there was no way he would be hurt but if he wasn't hurt then why didn't he return home, or was it that he could not return home?

There was no time to think anymore, she knew that the more time she wasted the more danger Song Lingyan will be which was why she immediately pulled Wen Mingzhi and said, " Sister Mingzhi, do you have something that brother uses every day? Something that will have his scent on it ...completely soaked and everything?"

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