Nanomancer Reborn - I've Become A Snow Girl?-Chapter 31: Test

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[Let's go.] Shiro called out as today was the day Lyrica had her test to join the raid.

"Alright. But first, why don't you get changed to something else. I know your outfit now almost never takes damage but still. Wear something else, be more exciting!" Lyrica said pointing at her plain white dress.

[But this is convenient.] Shiro shrugged.

"Convenient isn't going to cut it." Lyrica said as Shiro sighed and got changed.

She decided to mix and match as she went with a white shirt, short jeans and black stockings.

Wearing some black sports trainers, Shiro walked out of her room with Yin perched on her head.

"Pft." Lyrica laughed seeing Yin use Shiro's head like a bird's nest.

[Let's go already. We don't want to be late.] Shiro said as Lyrica nodded.

Since she was undertaking a test today, she wore some easy to move in jeans and a shirt much like Shiro. But her's were long jeans.

Walking out of the school premises, Lyrica noticed how many sighed were set on Shiro since she changed her outfit.

'What if some bad guy tried to pick her up…'

"Actually Shiro, why don't you just wear the school uniform." Lyrica said changing her mind.

"…." Shiro was speechless. Didn't she just tell her to dress up a little and be more exciting?

[We're not going back Lyrica. Come on.] Shiro said as Lyrica could only sigh sadly.

Walking past the adventurer's association, Shiro and Lyrica head towards the training centre.

The training centre was massive as it was an underground facility. The first floor consisted of the reception and the terminals to apply for rent a training room underground.

The main reason as to why the rooms were designed underground was to avoid the times where people would cause cracks on the ground. Therefore, berserkers and the like get the lowest rooms to make sure they don't damage anything too severely.

Walking into the reception, Shiro pulled out her phone and messaged the leader of the raid.

[I'm at the reception with my friend. Where are you?]

"Excuse me. Are you the one who applied to the Spider's Whisper raid?" A voice called out as Shiro looked up.

The source of the voice was a grown man with a hulking body build.

[Jonas LVL 30 – Axe Warrior]

[Yes I am. I'm mute so I'll be communicating with my phone.] Shiro typed out.

'Is this a joke?' Jonas thought. The girl in front of him was not only a kid, but she was injured on one arm and couldn't speak.

Already feeling fatigued, he massaged his eyes.

"Ok. Follow me, we'll be conducting the test." He said as Shiro followed him.

[Lyrica, what are you waiting for? Come.] Shiro said as Lyrica nodded.

Entering the elevator, Jonas started to explain the test.

"There are a few tests that we'll be conducting. The first being close combat since the spiders tend to fight in close quarters. Next is dodging a multitude of ranged attacks and finally, how she holds up to having both happen at the same time." Jonas said as Lyrica nodded albeit feeling a little nervous.

She was a level 15 doing the recruitment test for a level 20 raid. She couldn't not be nervous.

Understanding that Lyrica was feeling nervous, Shiro only smiled slightly and tapped her shoulder.


Patting her head, Shiro smiled lightly.

[I believe in you.]

"Un." Lyrica nodded with a blush feeling more confident.

"Also, Shiro. I'll be needed to test you as well seen as though you're injured." He said as Shiro nodded.

She expected this much when she applied. Only people out of their mind would recruit someone injured without knowing their capabilities.

Reaching underground floor 13, the three walked out.

The design on the floor was simple and sleek with white walls.

Shiro only paused slightly as it reminded her a lot of the lab she was taken into. Taking a deep breath to calm herself, she continued to follow Jonas.

Swiping his ID card on one of the doors, they were greeted with a team of people and equipment within a pretty large room.

From just her visual estimates, Shiro guessed that the room was roughly the size of half a football field.

"This is the original team. Everyone here is either level 20 or 20 plus. They'll be the ones to help conduct your test." Jonas said as Shiro nodded.

[Paul LVL 20 – Assassin]

[Erica LVL 23 – Fire Mage]

[Trace LVL 20 – Swordsman]

[Silvia LVL 30 – Grand Healer]

Shiro wasn't too surprised at the assassin, mage and swordsman. But she was surprised by the Grand Healer.

If she remembered correctly, Grand Healer was a rare class that only a quarter of all healers obtain.

For her to be in a small party, in this small city, was a most definite surprise.

The reason Grand Healers were called so was due to their healing capabilities. They were able to cast large area of effects as it would heal a whole team rather than just one or two near them.

This was another reason why the Grand Healer were a must-have in large raid. Naturally, one can also go with a normal healer. But they would need a lot more otherwise they would struggle to heal everyone.

"The first test is the close quarter's combat. We'll be having Paul and Trace attack you while little test dummies would also obstruct you." Jonas said as Lyrica nodded.

Walking into the middle of the room, she held out her hand and summoned out the dual ended poison blades.

"Wow. That's a pretty intimidating weapon you have there." Paul said as he pulled out two daggers.

He was a tall and skinny male as he measured up to around 6ft 5. His hair was blond and eyes were brown.

"Don't joke around. This is the recruitment for a raid. We can't have a weak link or we'll die." Trace said unsheathing a sword.

He was slightly shorter than Paul as he was roughly 6ft 3, black hair and black eyes.

"Ready." Lyrica said as she twirled the blade around her arms to get warmed up a little.

Paul and Trace looked over and Jonas who nodded as activated 4 spider puppets.

Making an ice chair, Shiro sat down and watched with interest.

Paul instantly went into stealth as trace rushed towards Lyrica.

Twisting her body, Lyrica swung her blade at him forcing him to parry with her sword.

Paul appeared behind Lyrica ready to attack.

Lyrica wasn't unprepared as she pivoted on her foot and twisted the second blade towards Paul.


Sparks flew as the three blades collided with each other.

One of the spider puppets was about to latch onto Lyrica's leg as she crouched down and jumped up.

This forced Paul and Trace's blades away.

Stabbing the dual ended poison blade into the ground, Lyrica put strength into her core and twisted her body.

Kicking towards both Paul and Trace, Lyrica showed great flexibility.

Whilst supporting her body on the blade, she had enough stability to do a perfect split and kick towards both enemies.

Jonas was surprised as he looked over at Shiro.

"Why does she fight so well for a level 15?" He asked.

[Trade secret. Less asking more testing.] Shiro replied bluntly.

Jonas only shrugged as it was up to Shiro if she wanted to tell him or not.

Controlling the spider puppets, he made the other 3 jump at Lyrica.

After kicking away her enemies, Lyrica had a serious face as she had to not let the 3 puppets touch her.

She decided to use one of her newest skills gained when she reached level 15.

Readjusting her grip on the handle quickly, Lyrica lowered herself down before twisting her body.

The momentum caused her to start spinning slightly. But that slight momentum was enough to activate her next skill.

Blade Whirlwind.

Her speed instantly picked up as she landed back on her legs and twirled the blade around. The silver and blue light that came from the blades made it seem like a tornado was around her.


The three puppets were knocked away as a gale was picking up.

When her blades reached the fastest they could go, Lyrica twisted her body and slashed three times in a row which erupted with blade energy.

Trace's pupils shrank as he quickly activated auto counter on his sword and blocked one of the attacks.

Paul twisted his body as he barely dodged the attack since he was further away from Lyrica.

[I believe she passed the test?] Shiro asked with a grin.

"Indeed she has." Jonas nodded. He wasn't annoyed at the fact that his two friends lost. But was in fact relieved since this meant a reliable teammate.

"Next is the long ranged test." Jonas called out as Paul and Trace returned.

Silvia tapped her staff on the ground twice as a green light coated the both of them, healing them instantly.

'Instant Heal. A must have skill for a 3rd class healer. The skill itself while not healing as much as others, heals in one go.' Shiro thought, seeing the skill.

"This test will have several cannons shooting at you and you must dodge." Jonas called out as Lyrica nodded before pausing.

"Hold up. Did you just say cannons?!" She shouted out. No matter how well her hidden proficiency may be, she didn't have the capability to dodge a cannon at close range.

"Hahaha, don't worry. These cannons are simulations of the web shooter spiders. They'll be shooting nets around the speed of which the spiders would shoot their webs." Jonas called out as Lyrica nodded.

If that was the case then she could do it no problem.

Seeing her confidence, Shiro only sighed and shook her head.

Placing the cannons in place, Jonas looked over at Lyrica who nodded.


Several balls of nets were shot as they expanded in mid air.

Lyrica twirled her blades as she cut towards the nets.


Her blade bounced off the net as she was shocked seeing the toughness of the net before it wrapped around her and secured her in place.

Seeing this, Jonas only sighed.

"Little girl. You were overconfident. The spider's webs are something even level 20's would find a little troublesome." Jonas said as Lyrica only nodded disappointedly.

"We don't need to do the last. You can at least survive on your own. Just watch out for those webs." Jonas said as Lyrica walked back feeling a little down.

Shiro patted her back as Lyrica looked towards her.

"What is it Shiro?" Lyrica asked.

[Don't feel so down. Just think of it like this, you're a level 15 who pushed back 2 level 20's. A feat not many can do.] Shiro smiled.

"I suppose you're right." Lyrica nodded.

"Alright. It's your turn now Shiro. Are you ready?" Jonas asked as Shiro nodded.

She walked into the centre as she had a slight smile on her face.

Erica, the fire mage, frowned seeing Shiro not prepare a single spell to be fired.

[How do you want me to do this? Fight you fist to blade or finish it in one go?] Shiro asked with a smile.

Paul and Trace frowned a little seeing her confidence.

"Another overconfident one. Let's finish this quickly." Paul said as Trace nodded.

"Finish in one go if you can then." Trace said as Shiro nodded.

Her eyes were calm as she had a smile on her face.

The temperature started to drop as Shiro did a 'Come at me' gesture.

Paul went into stealth as Trace dashed towards her.

Slashing towards her, Trace signalled Paul to do the same.

Couching down, Shiro did a handstand and kicked them both in the groins. This caused both of them to flinch as Shiro expanded her killing intent and used her Tier 2 ice magic to freeze everything around her.


The fight finished just as quick as it started since Shiro disabled the two.

[I take it as my victory?] Shiro smiled as Jonas shivered slightly. He wasn't sure if he could do any better if he was to fight her. And he was 2 levels higher than her.

"Yes you are. We'll do the long-range test now." He said after swallowing his saliva.

Shiro only nodded as she first thawed the ice on both Paul and Trace.

Waiting for the cannons to fire, Shiro gave her body a light stretch


Flicking her wrist, five ice spikes shot out the ground and knocked away the nets with ease.

"…." 'Why did I even need to test her?' Jonas thought.