Nanomancer Reborn - I've Become A Snow Girl?-Chapter 47: Quad Attunement

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Handing Lyrica the second whip, Shiro was able to see the attack domain slowly make its appearance.

With a whip in each hand, a cyclone of silver lights formed around her.

*Clap clap clap

Shiro clapped her hands as she walked over.

[Do you think you can solo the boss with this?] Shiro asked.

"Maybe. I'm guessing a 50-50 chance." Lyrica admitted.

Sure she has the hidden proficiency, but even her first one took her a while to get used to. To go straight into a boss fight with just a few hours of practice was insane.

[Just try your best. Try to flow into the state of your proficiency and push it further. Go with the flow.] Shiro smiled.

Lyrica nodded as she too knew this. But understanding it and performing it were two vastly different things.

To actually perform what she understands, she would need to train herself relentlessly and hone the feeling of her proficiency.

Flicking her wrists, she retracted the wh.i.p.s and prepared to fight the final boss.

Activating the obelisk, they felt their vision shift as they were in the middle of a huge island.

The Murloc King was a huge muscular Murloc with ripping muscles. The slight lack of fat on his limbs made his arms and leg grotesque when compared to the hulking torso.

It wore a cape and had two large swords strapped to his back.

[Murloc King LVL 20 – Elite – Boss]

The guards where basically the heavy troops with slightly thicker armour.

[Murloc Royal Guard LVL 20]

Jumping up high, Shiro made herself scarce as she watched the battle.

Lyrica closed her eyes as she surrendered a little of her control to the proficiency. Her aura changed as she unfastened the two wh.i.p.s.

The king flicked out his hand as 2 royal guards charged towards her.


Two whip cracks rang out as Lyrica had managed to slice the eyes of the guards through their helmet. This caused them to fall over and clutch their eyes in pain.

'No need to kill them. Disable their sight and focus on the boss.' Lyrica thought as she flicked her wrist.

The whip shot towards the boss like a serpent hungering for pray.


Even though Lyrica extended the blades at the last moment to increase their power, the king didn't even flinch as he blocked the whip with one of his swords.

Flicking her wrist, Lyrica retracted her whip and dashed towards the king.

She swung both her wh.i.p.s as they made a scissor motion.


Seeing that the king decided to block, Lyrica smiled as she retracted the barbs in time for the wh.i.p.s to wrap around the sword.

Pulling the sword apart, Lyrica created a gap in the king's defence.

Kicking the king, she jumped back and unwrapped the wh.i.p.s from the swords. Twisting her body gracefully, she whipped upwards causing two deep lacerations to appear on the king's body.

The fight was rather one-sided as the king couldn't move as fast as Lyrica. Not to mention, the wh.i.p.s took less stamina than the dual-ended blades. All it took was a flick of the wrist and Lyrica could lash him several times.

A battle of attrition was also viable since she could slowly whittle him down until he had one HP.

More of the guards tried to attack her as Lyrica dodged and lashed at every one of them. With the whip, everything that was a few meters away from her was in her kill zone.

However, due to the fact that she can shorten the whip if she wanted to, Lyrica was able to adjust her kill zone whenever she wanted. A deadly combination with a hidden proficiency like the wh.i.p.s.

Time passed as Lyrica whittled down the king relentlessly. His HP soon hit 1 as she narrowed her eyes.

Lashing the whip, un-barbed, around the king's neck, Lyrica jumped onto his shoulders and wrapped it around a few more times.

The king tried to struggle but to no avail.

Lyrica stepped hard on the spine as she pulled back on the whip with as much force as she could muster.

The moment she picked up momentum, Lyrica extended the blades as they sliced mercilessly into the neck of the king.


The head flew off the king's shoulders and landed with a hefty thud.

"Fuu…" Breathing out heavily, Lyrica calmed the nervousness that had occupied her heart.

[Congratulations.] Shiro typed as she landed on the ground.

"UAHH!!! I WAS SO NERVOUS!!!" Lyrica shouted out as she dashed towards Shiro.

Hugged her tightly, Lyrica relaxed herself as she snuggled into Shiro's hood.

Yin slapped Lyrica's head with her wing as Lyrica was invading her area. Lyrica didn't care as she was having the time of her life.

Shiro decided to allow her to have her way since Lyrica did work hard to kill the boss.

Having relaxed for a while, Lyrica removed herself from Shiro and walked over to the boss's corpse. Her face was blissful as Shiro smiled wearily.

Upon collecting both the stone and the loot, they prepared to leave the Dungeon.

However, Shiro tapped on her shoulder and stopped her.

[Here's 5 D ranked Mana Stones. Advance your class now.] Shiro smiled. Most level 20 class ups only needed 1 D ranked mana stone and yet Lyrica's Elven Bladedancer needed 5.

The commotion caused by this wouldn't be small as it may attract some unwanted attention.

Therefore, Shiro wanted Lyrica to class up in the Dungeon.

"Eh! But it's still 5 D ranked mana stones?! That's like 150 thousand USD!" Lyrica said as she felt awkward for Shiro always giving her items to assist her.

[What are you being surprised about? I can go fight a D ranked Dungeon to get my stock refilled. If anything, I only use them to feed little Yin.]

'And to feed myself.' Shiro thought. After giving Lyrica 5 D ranked stones to class up, she planned to fight a D ranked dungeon to not only level up but to replenish her food supplies a little.


Shiro cut her off with a snap of her fingers and did the silencing motion.

Understanding that Shiro can be stubborn for certain things, Lyrica accepted the mana stones. With her having fulfilled all the requirements to class up, Lyrica tapped the icon as a pink glow enveloped her body.

Pink and golden lights flickered off her body as they looked like flower petals that surrounded Lyrica.

The light stayed for a while as Shiro knew this would have been a bad idea outside of the Dungeon.

[Lyrica LVL 21 – Elven Bladedancer]

Seeing Lyrica's tag change, Shiro smiled.

[Congratulations. You've taken your first step into the D ranks.]

"Thank you. I have to say, I feel awfully light." Lyrica said as her agility had experienced a boost from the class up.

[Take a day or two to get used to this. It would be dangerous to challenge a Dungeon without having decent control over your body.]

"I know." Lyrica nodded.

[As for your weapon, I'll get Helion to make it.]

Leaving the Dungeon, they headed back to the dorm as it was already deep into the night.


The first thing Shiro did the next morning was to look for Helion.

Arriving at his workshop, Shiro was surprised to see the amount of people queueing up.

"Hm?... OH SH*T! IT'S HER!" Someone suddenly shouted as a silver ass plate appeared on almost everyone's asses. For those who didn't have an ass plate, they rushed forwards towards Helion as they wanted to get protection as quick as possible.

The ones at the front helped those without an ass plate as a unified community was working seamlessly.

Shiro was speechless seeing this.

'Only in danger would the human community work in harmony. Is this the same case?' She thought.

The queue was tense as they all stared at her with caution. By the time Shiro arrived back in the workshop, she was the only one left.

Helion had a grin on his face as sweat dripped off his forehead.

"Ah Shiro! I really need to thank you. Business is blooming now. Just making an ass plate earns me so much money." Helion laughed as he patted her shoulder.

[Meh. Like some flimsy plate can stop my attacks.] Shiro typed with slight disdain.

Helion shrugged.

"So what brings the infamous A*** Destroying Princess to my humble store?"

[I want to commission weapons again.] Shiro typed out as she pulled out a sheet of paper and started to draw out the blueprint she had thought up of.

The design was similar to that of the dual-ended blade Lyrica currently had. But instead, the blades are able to shift and extend into wh.i.p.s. In the centre of the weapon, the handle is able to disconnect and separate the weapon into 2 wh.i.p.s or 2 swords respectively.

Seeing the blueprint of the weapon come to life, Helion was dumbfounded.

"What kind of futuristic tech is this?! I understand what the parts do but how the hell am I supposed to make something like this?!" Helion cried out looking at the design.

[The mechanisms are based on this whip.]

Pulling out the NanoTech Whip she made, disguised as an Orphenium Whip, Shiro separated one of the segments.

Looking at the compact and intricate components jammed into the segment, Helion was astounded at the craftsmanship.

"How the hell did someone even make this?!" Helion asked as he inspected the weapon.

"No I definitely can't make this. This is something beyond me."

Turning over to Shiro, he gave her the weapon back.

"Tell me honestly. Did you raid a bloody military site or something? How the hell did you even get your hands on something so insane?" He asked.

Shiro only shrugged.

[So I take that as you can't make it.]

"No I can't just yet. Maybe when I class up several times and have the needed equipment. Otherwise, I don't see myself making anything close to that."

[In that case then just make me 2 wh.i.p.s and a dual-ended blade for level 25's. For the wh.i.p.s, I want a barbed and a bladed whip. The length should be adjustable if possible.]

"Hmm… I'll see what I can do. Seeing the whip has given me a few ideas about how to let it extend and retract." Helion said as Shiro nodded.

[Do you need any materials?]

"Nope completely free. But before you say anything, just think about how much I've earned from selling ass plates. I got more than enough material needed to make your weapons."

Thinking about what Helion had said, Shiro found it logical as it was indeed true.

[Alright Thank you for your hard work then.] Shiro thanked him as she left the store.

Her next step was her main task. To head to the mage's association and find out her elemental attunement.

Arriving at the mage's association, Shiro went up to the receptionist.

[Can I use the attunement hall? I was told I could use it today.]

The receptionist smiled wearily.

"I'm afraid today is limited to the top 20 and not top 10. You would have had the chance to use it yesterday."

[What?] Shiro paused as she realised this was true. During her spree of destroying- ahem. During her spree of ranking up, she had overlooked the fact that she could have entered the hall yesterday.

"But don't worry. The branch master had already foreseen this and reserved you a spot. The previous rank 10, Shane, wouldn't be allowed use the attunement hall today. You'll be taking his spot instead.

[Ah thank you. Can I enter the attunement hall then?] Shiro asked.

"Yes you can. But do note that in the future you have to make sure you come at the right date."


The receptionist guided her to the second floor. Going through a series of doors, they came up to a huge open room.

She couldn't see the walls of the room as it felt like she was staring at the night sky. Stars were flickering as Shiro didn't feel like she was in a room.

"The attunement hall is simple. Sit in the centre and meditate. Slowly use your mana and the elemental attunement would show itself." The lady said as Shiro nodded.

Sitting in the centre, Shiro patted Yin's head before closing her eyes.

A pale aura erupted around her as the receptionist decided to leave.

Slowly, the mana started to change as the colours started to appear.

Crystal Blue, Deep Purple, Flickering Yellow and Silver Blue.

A total of 4 colours appeared as it fluctuated constantly.