Nanomancer Reborn - I've Become A Snow Girl?-Chapter 62: Faction Recruitment P6

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Blocking the strikes from both twins, Shiro stabbed the butt of the spear into the ground and smashed the tip against their heads.

This forced them to recoil backwards slightly.

Putting strength into her arms, Shiro lifted her body up and kicked both of them in the chest.


They quickly coated their body in lightning.

Gritting her teeth slightly, Shiro cursed at the feeling of her body tensing up for a moment.

Twisting her body in mid-air, she slammed the spears into the side of their body.

Ice Chain.

Using ice chain on the first twin, Shiro dashed towards the second twin.

She threw the spear at him which caused him to bring up his arms to guard his body.

Flicking her wrist, Shiro fainted her attack while pulling the spear back. She swept out her right leg, causing him to trip over.

Slamming her palms to the ground, a pillar of ice slammed against his back.

Pivoting on her left hand, she dodged a punch from the first twin.

Pulling on his arm, she hit the elbows before following up by slamming his own fist into his chest.

"Arg!" The first twin cried out feeling the resultant shock that travelled through his body.

Seeing the first twin stumble backwards, Shiro grabbed his leg and slammed him towards the other twin.

They grabbed each other's hand and redirected the momentum. Charging at Shiro, their elemental armour flared up with more intensity.

Shiro coated her own arms with a stream of lightning to try dampen the paralysis effect.


She redirected their punch at each other with ease.

The twins frowned before jumping into the air.

Lightning surged in their palms as they aimed at Shiro.

She quickly glanced at her MP before slamming her hands into the ground.


Another shield erupted in front of her as it blocked the beam of lightning.

Since the shield was hastily constructed, she wasn't able to make enough layers to reach its maximum effect.

Shiro was flung back due to the force and slid on all fours. Making a small ice wall, she stopped her body from being flung back any further.

She flexed her fingers as lightning and metal sparked in her palms.

Shiro frowned before clenching her hands again.

Stamping down, she caused a blizzard to erupt outwards.

She extended out her index and middle finger. Swiping to the right, needles made from ice appeared in the blizzard.


Thunder struck against the blizzard heavily as the twins weren't idle.

Since they couldn't defeat her in terms of close-quarters combat, they were going to beat her in terms of long-ranged combat.

Thunder clouds covered the skies above them while lightning could be seen flickering inside the clouds.

As if the incarnation of Zeus the lightning god, they controlled the lightning to shoot towards Shiro.

Grabbing her ice wall, she converted it to a spear before throwing it into the air. Clutching her hands, the spear expanded out into a giant ice web.

The lightning travelled through the web and dissipated harmlessly.

The twins grew frustrated when they saw this. Lightning had an astounding amount of destructive capabilities. However, it was both weak and strong when pairing with water. Strong, since the water amplified the power.

Yet, it was weak when fought against a water-based element as Shiro had demonstrated. By thawing out the surface of her ice, she was able to redirect the lightning so it didn't affect her at all.

Creating several lightning balls in their hand, they threw it towards Shiro relentlessly.

Drinking an MP potion, Shiro used her spare hand to create an ice spear. Slamming it into the ground, she broke it into shards.

Spreading her palms quickly, the shards expanded into ice webs. One for each lightning ball that was going to hit her.

Narrowing her eyes at the twins, Shiro knew she needed to eliminate them quickly. Stomping down, she created a thick pillar of ice in front of her.

Yin Style Phantom Arts: 3rd Phantom – Counter Weight Phantom.

Pivoting on her left leg, she roundhouse kicked the pillar and sent it flying towards the twins.

Taking the chance of the broken pillar blocking their view, Shiro's body flickered towards them.

Striking the pillar into dust with lightning, the twin's frowned at the fact that she was nowhere to be seen.

Their expressing quickly turned ashen when they felt danger behind them.

However, even though they wanted to turn around to the danger, they weren't able to react fast enough.

The spears slammed into the back of their heads, giving them a concussion, and eliminated them.

Seeing the twins eliminated, Shiro kept a frown on her face.

'Seems like I've been underestimating humans a little.' She thought. She had to keep in mind that other people had to chance to skip levels as well and this isn't limited to her and her alone.

Just the start of this arena was proof. While she may have been one of the first to run, others were still faster. Not to mention, the people she fought weren't even the strongest people here, they were around mid-tier in the current arena.

If they were the strongest contestants, they wouldn't have even given her a glance. They would just ignore her and let other people take care of her. Yet, for them to charge at her like this meant that they weren't the strongest.

'If the mid-tier are this strong, then I should conserve my strength a little.' Shiro thought with a frown.

She needed to make sure she still had the strength to survive if the stronger contestants came to her.

Using the first phantom and shadow cloak, she narrowed her eyes while observing the surroundings.

Currently, in the top 100, it consisted of level 40's and 50's. Very few were level 40 since they would be eliminated by the level 50's the moment they step up here.

This was due to the fact that if they manage to stay here for more than a certain period of time, a random participant would be sent back to the 2nd layer.

Since that was the case, the level 40's would obviously attack her since she was only level 34. They weren't about to lose their place because of her.

'Since I'm in top 100, I should aim to keep my spot.' Shiro thought.

Time passed as Shiro continued to keep her spot in the top 100. Naturally, she had to fight at times as to not lose her spot. However, due to the fact that she would sneak attack them, not many of the level 40's and 50's knew about a level 34 being in the top hundred.

"STOP!!!! ROUND IS OVER!!!" The commentator shouted out as Shiro looked up and sighed in relief.

Honestly, she couldn't continue her pace for much longer. There was simply too many level 50's and there were times where she couldn't find the right opportunity to eliminate them.

Occasionally, people near her were sent back to the 2nd layer due to the fact that there were too many people on this layer.

Thankfully, she wasn't sent back so she didn't need to fight her way back up again.

Revealing herself, the surrounding mage's were shocked seeing a little girl amongst the top 100.

"Was she always here?!" One of the older mages asked.

"How did a level 34 even get up here?"

Ignoring the chatter around her, Shiro hopped down from the stage and walked towards the collection area.

The armbands would record which layer you were on and when they're returned to the stands, they'll give you the respective ribbon.

Queueing up, Shiro could see quite a few level 50's with frustrated faces.

'Seems like they didn't do so well…' Shiro thought. While levels were important, combat standards were just as, or perhaps even better at times.

Take her for example, her combat potential allowed for her to easily skip levels and challenge those with higher stats.

Naturally, this wasn't the case all the time. Each battle would be one where she had to focus 120% of her concentration since her body simply couldn't keep up with those that have higher stats than her's.

When it was almost her turn, she heard the man in front of her cause a commotion.

"THIS IS BULLSH*T!!!! What do you mean I'm not allowed a blue ribbon! Can't you see that I was at the top 100 layer for 90% of the match!!" The man shouted out in fury.

"I'm sorry. But your final rank was still only in the top 500 whether you like it or not." The attendant said with an expressionless face.

She was used to dealing with unsatisfied adventurer's day in day out. This wasn't anything new.



Slamming her palm on the table, two heavy knights appeared beside the man.

"I'll have you know that just because I'm an attendant, doesn't mean you can continue to scream in my face. Leave by yourself or I can make you leave. Your choice." The attendant said coldly.

[Perona LVL 50 – Summoner]

Shiro praised mentally when she saw this. As the class states, she was of the summoner class.

While they weren't the rarest of classes in the higher levels, trying to get a summoner class on your 1st class up was a very hard task, The amount of hidden conditions one had to fulfil before level 20 to get the class as an option was a difficult task.

Naturally, one would discover the tasks after a few generations of test and luck. When one understands these conditions, they can nurture some of the best bodyguards in the world. The advantages they would have if they had a summoner class as their first class isn't something a normal summoner of the 3rd class up can compare to.

They would have had 2 class ups to improve on the summoner class's strength.

The man flinched when he saw the two knights beside him. Each one radiated the aura of danger, causing him to sweat profusely.

He took his ribbon reluctantly.

Seeing the man finish with what he was doing, Shiro walked up to Perona and handed over her armband.

"Oh?" Perona was surprised when she saw the time Shiro spent on in the top 100. Seeing her made this shock much greater as she wasn't even level 35 and stayed in the top 100 for most of the match.

"Here's your ribbon. If you go on our official website and key in the numbers present on your ribbon, you'll get the location you need to be at. Make sure to bring the ribbon as that is your proof of identity. Don't try to forge a fake ribbon as we are able to check which one is real and which one isn't." Perona said handing over the ribbon.

The moment Shiro touched the ribbon, she could already tell the material was different than usual.

Unfortunately, the man caught a glimpse of Shiro with the blue ribbon. The idea that a level 34 got a blue ribbon and him only a green resounded in his mind as rage took over.


With a single flex of her fingers, both knights had landed a devastating uppercut to his jaw.

"I gave you the chance. Don't take my words as a joke." Perona said, disdain clearly visible in her eye.

Flexing her fingers once more, the man was carried by the leg and thrown out of the collection area.


Shiro couldn't help but whistle a little seeing how straight forward Perona was. Silently giving her a thumbs up in her mind, Shiro walked back to Lyrica and Madison.

When she saw them, she couldn't help but notice how they were a little unsatisfied and also a little fearful.

[Why do you two look like this?] Shiro asked.

"Shiro! Well, it's because we barely saw you fight! We saw you at the start and you just disappeared. Then we just saw the victim you left lying around." Lyrica said as Shiro nodded.

Since the people didn't have a replay function, they wouldn't be able to notice her since she made their brains ignore her. But the moment they started to replay the clips, they would be able to see her.

[So I know why you look like that but why does Madison look like that?]  Shiro asked since Madison looked a little pale and fearful. 

"Err… she's just a little startled at your attack method at the start." Lyrica smiled wearily.

Not only Madison but the students in the school, who saw her attack, was a little taken aback at her attack method at the start.

Naturally, Shiro realised this due to the fact that none of them tried to make eye contact with her. They all looked away the moment she turned towards them.

Shiro only chuckled seeing this.

"So which layer did you get to in the end?" Lyrica asked.

Shiro smiled before taking out the blue ribbon.

"PFFFTT!!!! TOP 100!!!!" Madison cried out shocked seeing the blue ribbon.

While this attracted the surrounding gazes, Shiro only looked at them before they hastily turned away, not wanting to get their rear pierced as well.

[Yes I got into top 100. Tomorrow we won't be together since we'll be in different arena's due to our ribbons.] Shiro typed out.

[As Lyrica said before, the next stage is most likely a battle royal so we'll be gearing you two up a little to make sure you get decent finishing ranks.]

Since everything will be done in a simulation, Shiro did have the option of disguising nanotech and tricking the system. However, doing so will increase the chances of her exposing her second class.

'Seems like I'll have to bother Helion again.' Shiro thought.