Nanomancer Reborn - I've Become A Snow Girl?-Chapter 70: Behemoth P2

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The boss screamed out as his muscles bulged.

"TANKERS GET OUT OF THERE!" Julius shouted out as he knew the boss was going berserk. 

While he didn't know how it powered up, he had experienced enough raids and dungeons runs to know what to do.

Dashing towards the tanks, he grabbed the metal mage by the back of the collar.

Dragging back, he threw the mage towards the rest of the party.

"CATCH HIM!" He shouted out.

'He's going to die.' Shiro thought.

Trisha flipped her grimoire as her body floated upwards.


A golden aura erupted out of the grimoire and coated Julius's body.

Making a serious face, Julius twirled the spear in his hands and intercepted the behemoth's fist.


The ground shook from the collision, sending a wave of dust outwards.

Shiro shielded her eyes quickly before looking back at the scene.

Her eyes widened in surprise when she saw the man still standing. Even though he was literally about to die, he still managed to block the attack and redirect it to the ground.

"I'm a Grim Spearman for a reason. Who said there were only scythe-wielding death gods?" Julius grinned as the blood on his body flowed to his spear. He had picked this skill as one of his life-saving skills since it allowed him to survive 1 fatal attack a week and convert it into attack power.

Naturally, since this was a simulation, he was able to use it without much backlash.

Tattered armour and robes appeared on his current outfit while the spear in his hands morphed into a demonic spear. The previous crimson colour was completely gone and instead, a matt black took its place.

Neon blue flames lit up on the tip of the spear as Julius jumped upwards.


Twirling the spear in his hands, he twisted his body in mid-air and threw the spear towards the behemoth.


Hitting the left shoulder of the behemoth, the spear drilled through the muscle and bones with ease.


The behemoth cried out in pain as the spear had destroyed two of the three arms that were on the left side of his body.

Glaring at Julius with bloodshot eyes, the behemoth's centre horn extended out in an instant and pierced his body.

Not wasting his sacrifice, Trisha closed her grimoire.


The grimoire set ablaze while a neon red magic circle could be seen behind her.

"I offer a sacrifice of flesh. Devour my enemy in a crimson fire." Trisha said as her HP dropped down dangerously.


The magic circle twisted and turned, slowly expanding itself into a summoning circle.

'Well, I guess I'll pull my weight too.' Shiro thought.

Drinking an MP potion, Shiro nocked a single arrow into her bow before aiming upwards.

Shooting the arrow just above the behemoth, she clenched her fist and caused the arrow to explode into a rainfall of broken ice shards.

Throwing away her bow since she had no more use for it, Shiro slammed her palms into the floor. A magic circle expanded out from her palms.

The falling ice shards all morphed into spears at the same time. Flicking its body to aim at the behemoth, the spears arranged themselves around into a formation.

During this, Trisha's summoning finished as a flame giant stomped out from the magic circle.

This was her trump card if she was to lose. She would sacrifice her HP in order to kill her killer in spite. Yet, never would she think she would actually use this skill to take on the behemoth.

A fireball appeared in the flame giant's hands as it sent it flying towards the behemoth.

Just before the fire hit the behemoth, it split apart into fiery chains that wrapped around the behemoth's neck.

While it was outside of her plan, Shiro adapted to the situation. Flicking her wrist, several ice spikes morphed into hooks that locked together with the fire chains. Due to the special composition of the ice that Shiro created, they were much harder to melt and extremely sturdy. Thus, was able to hold the flaming chains in place.


The ice dragged the chains as they slammed into the walls of the boss room.

Seeing the behemoth pinned to the wall, the party's morale increased as they prepared their best attacks.

Shiro only frowned as this wasn't what she expected to happen. If a boss used Berserk Mana Charge, no matter how unrealistic and how low level, they wouldn't be pinned this easily. This was why she had expended all of her mana to create the formation around the boss.

*Plp Gsh Kuach

The sound of wet flesh shifting could be heard, disturbing the party.

The behemoth's body shook for a moment before opening his mouth at an unnatural angle. The previous fleshy second mouth that devoured Nathan's magic could be seen writhing outwards.


The skin ripped apart as several smaller behemoths could be seen. They all were skinless versions of the behemoth and yet, they were still bigger than the average adventurer.

Their bones cracked for a moment before immediately followed by their disappearance.

Shiro's eyes widened seeing this since her body couldn't keep up with the mini behemoths speed.

Suddenly seeing the skinless beast in front of her, Shiro tried to slash at the beast with her sword.


With a single swipe of its claws, it obliterated Shiro's body into a meat paste. With the slaughter of everyone else in the boss room, the only thing left in the room was the behemoth and its minions.

Shiro's body suddenly shook as she was sent out of the simulation. The sudden shock caused Yin to wake up in surprise.


 Yin complained before laying her body back down to sleep.

Shiro took a deep breath before patting Yin on the head.

'Holy sh*t… Died without even being able to fight back.' Shiro thought.

While she wasn't too surprised at the outcome, the feeling of not being able to react at all was still fresh.

'When the behemoth ate the magic, the skill changed him from a tank to a puppet control type boss. With the smaller bodies, it was able to output much more speed than normal.' Shiro thought, stretching her body a little.

While she knew fighting the behemoth would result in a 100% failure, she was still surprised about the amount of damage they managed to output before failing.

'Give credit where credit is due I suppose.' Shiro thought.

Shaking her head of her thoughts, she placed Yin on her shoulder and climbed out of the simulation pod.

Looking around, she could see the other pods near her were empty.

'Seems like no one else is in top ten near me. Or perhaps there are but they died before I did.' Shiro thought.

During the short pause, a female attendant had walked over to her.

"Congratulations miss Shiro for entering the top 10 in your arena. Place take this ID badge and enter the main plaza." She said whilst presenting a gold badge.

[Thank you.]

She took the badge and saw a pin on the back.

[I suppose I should pin the badge to my clothes.] Shiro asked.

"Yes, that is correct."

[Ok, thank you.]

After thanking the attendant, Shiro walked towards the main plaza.

'I doubt I'll be able to progress much in the next round.' Shiro thought. This was due to the fact that the next round would include the players that reached top 10 in the battle royal and let them fight once more. With everyone at level 50, there was simply no way for her to progress.

'Guess I'll forfeit the next round.'

It took a short moment for her to reach the main plaza. Looking at the sea of people, Shiro was quite surprised at the number.

That was because everyone here was within the top 100 in the previous round.

'There is at lease a few thousand here.' She thought as she stood in an obscure corner.

While she waited for the commentator to inform them of the next round, her attention was directed elsewhere since she was curious about how Lyrica and Madison did in their battle royals.

'With Lyrica's combat standards and Madison's Demon Knight Class, they both should do pretty well in their arena's.

'If they had to fight the behemoth, it should be weaker than the one I fought since this one was targeted for level 50's.'

Looking around, she looked for a ledge she could sit on. She didn't know why, but after reincarnating, she always liked sitting in high places and near ledges. I made her feel serene inside.

Seeing the perfect ledge that is just right to see the entire area and obscure enough that not many people will see her, she planned her route to the ledge.

Yin Style Phantom Arts: 1st Phantom + 2nd Phantom.

Enjoying the ability to use her martial arts without hindrances once more, Shiro parkoured up to the ledge before landing gently.

Sitting down, she pulled back her hood to reveal her midnight blue hair with white flares on the tips.

She closed her eyes and felt the cool wind blow against her face.

Since she was sitting on a ledge near the shadows, not many turned to her. And if they did, they would have just thought Shiro was some lunatic. 

Not that she was bothered by it of course. She had received enough gazes of disgust back in her past life so she was immune to the stares they're giving her.

Reaching in her inventory, she took out a D ranked mana stone and had her lunch quietly.

Seeing her eat, Yin also popped her head out.

"Hahaha, freeloader. You keep eating my stuff but don't do much." Shiro chuckled for a moment before giving Yin her portion of food as well.

Yin only waved her wings before going to her meal.

Creating a cylindrical piece of ice in her hand, Shiro searched up pictures of a flute since she quite liked the sound the flute made. It was calming to the mind.

'Hmm… The Asian bamboo flute seems to be the easiest ones to make.' She thought and started to make the holes on the body of the ice.

Adding all of the holes she needed, she looked at the ice flute with satisfaction.

'Let's see… the more holes I cover, the lower the notes. So I guess I should try the lowest note first.' Shiro thought.

Holding the flute perpendicular to her mouth, she covered all the holes and flew into the mouthpiece.


A gentle note flowed out as Shiro nodded in satisfaction.

'This seems pretty easy.'

Uncovering some of the holes, she tried for a higher note.



Yin slapped her wings against Shiro's chest when she heard the ear rupturing sound she made.

"Ah sorry sorry." Shiro apologised since she didn't expect that a little mistake made the flute sound horrible.

"This might take a while to learn." She muttered, looking at the flute.

Flicking her wrist, she destroyed the flute since the commentator's screen lit back up.

"Thank you all for your patience. Every arena has now finished. With the top 10 of each arena determined, they will proceed to the next round while the unfortunate players who are eliminated will be out of the event. However, do not worry as the factions will be open for you. For those who have not received a golden badge, please follow the attendants and enter the recruitment zone. Each of the factions have their own stall and you may apply to join." He said with a small smile.

Watching the people leave, he waited until only the top 10 of each arena remained.

"As for our veteran's here, par from one pleasant surprise, the next round is solo survival linked to your status. We have several puppet master's with us who will send waves after waves of puppets to attack you. The puppets are linked to your level so you will not be fighting anything out of your league.

"The main part of this round will be endurance and how well you fare in fights that involve you constantly fighting against waves after waves of enemies. They have unlimited stamina and will keep attacking you until you are pinned. The waves will scale up in difficulty the more waves you defeat.

"As for the time and location, please assemble at the main plaza tomorrow at 6 am. We'll have arena's for each of you." The commentator said as the screen flicked off.

Seeing that she heard everything she needed to, she jumped off the ledge and landed softly on the ground.

Surprising the surroundings with her appearance, they didn't think a little girl like Shiro got a gold badge.

However, the mages who saw her understood why.

"Hey, why are you shivering?" A warrior asked his mage friend.

"If that girl manages to pass the next round, make sure you buy an ass plate from the blacksmith Helion just in case you see her in the arena."

"Why would I need an ass plate?"

"Just trust me on this! It's mandatory ok!? You don't know the things I saw…" The mage said with a shake of his head.

He would never forget the image of the previous rank 10 getting split in half from her attack.

The warrior was slightly perplexed as to why his friend was acting that way. But he trusted him and made sure to make a mental note on buying an ass plate from Helion.

Shiro, who left the area, was looking for Lyrica and Madison.

[Shiro: Lyrica, where are you?]

[Lyrica: Me and Madi are at the coffee store near the entrance. We finished very early so we've been waiting there.]

[Shiro: Ok, I'm coming over.]

Looking up from her phone, Shiro wondered about what that meant for their results.

'Since they've finished very early, it could either mean their arena was easy or they died early on.

'Let's hope it was the former.' She thought with a shake of her head.