Nanomancer Reborn - I've Become A Snow Girl?-Chapter 79: Otherworldly Caster

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Remembering the general tips that the forums gave her for this dungeon, Shiro dashed towards the pillars and made a small ice bullet.

Flicking her wrist, the bullet shot towards the boss.



The bullet smashed against a mana barrier and evaporated into dust. Seeing such a tiny attack, the boss was enraged and slammed his palms together.


A shockwave exploded outwards, erasing everything that wasn't hidden by the pillars.

'First stage. When the first attack hits the boss, immediately hide behind the pillars. The boss would send out a shockwave that will kill you instantly.' Shiro recited in her mind.

Waiting a few seconds for the shockwave to stop, she created eight throwing knives in both her hands.

'Stage 2. After the shockwave, the boss would experience a slight weakening period. Damage it as much as you can.'

Jumping out of the pillar, Shiro twisted her body and threw all eight knives. However, none of them hit the target. Landing back on the ground, Shiro narrowed her eyes and stomped down.


Lightning chained from one knife to another as it continuously zapped the boss. Not wasting this chance, she then pressed her palms against the floor and froze the entire room.

Smiling slightly at the fact that her MP was starting to regenerate, albeit a little slow, she created several ice turrets that were situated on the pillars.

Flicking her wrist, ice spears could be seen forming inside the turrets.


With the barrage of the turrets and lightning, the boss's HP dropped little by little.

'Stage 3. After dealing as much damage as you can, you have two choices. Either crowd control the boss before it uses his next skill or hide behind the pillar. It is recommended to crowd control the boss as the next skill will destroy one pillar out of the four.'

Understanding the fact that one crowd control wasn't going to be enough, Shiro planned to used ice chain at the same moment as Yin. With two crowd controls, there should be a high chance of the boss not being able to break free.

"Little Yin!" Shiro shouted out.


Dashing out of its cover, Yin flapped her wings while Shiro aimed her hand at the boss and clenched it into a fist.


Two sets of chains sprung out from the ground and wrapped against the boss's body.

'Note for stage 3. If you tried to crowd control, you have 2 main outcomes. First outcome, it is controlled and you have another damaging period. Second outcome, it didn't work and you should hide behind a pillar and reinforce it as best as you can.'


Seeing one of the chains had already broken, Shiro knew it was the second outcome and rolled into cover.

The mouths on the boss's arms opened up and devoured the surrounding mana. This naturally included the ice field that Shiro created along with the turrets.

Waiting for the absorption to finish, Shiro pushed her palms against the pillar and narrowed her eyes.

Ice crystals formed in front of the pillar before rearranging themselves into a multi layered shield.

The moment she had finished the shield, the boss also finished its charge up. Two orbs of light could be seen, one blue and the other yellow.

With both orbs charged and ready, the muscles of the boss quivered as it used its palms to aim both orbs at the pillar Shiro was hiding behind.


Two lasers shot out instantly penetrating 2 layers out of the 5 layers the shield had.

Frowning slightly, Shiro made a few more shields between her and the pillar just in case.


Smashing through all 5 of the shields, the laser slammed against the pillar but wasn't able to penetrate it. With most of the damage being absorbed by the shields, Shiro was able to prevent the pillar from being erased.

'Stage 4. After using its next skill, it will enter a weakened phase once more. Repeat the process of attacking and hiding till the boss reaches half health.'

Crouching low, Shiro dashed out of her cover and towards the weakened boss. With each step she took, ice would expand outwards before it covered the entire room once more.



Shiro flipped upwards and dodged the incoming claw before landing behind the boss. Making two daggers, Shiro jumped on the boss's back and dragged her dagger through the shoulder tendons all the way down to the hip. While she did this, she made sure that several ice spears were stabbed into the open wounds, decreasing the recovery rate along with dealing critical damage.


It screamed out in rage whilst it tried to drag Shiro off his back.

Yin Style Phantom Arts: 2nd Phantom + Faded Snow Movement.

Watching the arm phase through her body, especially through the torso, Shiro frowned at the odd feeling that it brought to her mind.

Shaking off the odd feeling, Shiro deactivated the skills and grabbed the arm. Kicking her left foot at the shoulder joint of the arm, Shiro flipped her body over the boss while dragging the arm with her.

She quickly made a nanotech dagger and threw it towards the shoulder to sever a few more strands of muscle.

Yin Style Phantom Arts: 3rd Phantom – Counter Weight Phantom.

Shifting her centre of gravity, Shiro ripped the arm off the torso.


Crying out in pain, rows upon rows of teeth could be seen, quivering in anger.

Grinning slightly, Shiro had an idea.

Pulling the arm up to her mouth, she took a huge bite and glared tauntingly at the boss.

With her physic being that of a monster, she wasn't affected in the slightest.

While it couldn't see since it had no eyes, the boss could certainly understand that Shiro just ate a piece of its arm.

Even though it was currently weakened, it raised its remaining arm as mana rushed towards its palm.

Fire and ice could be seen merging together.

Yin Style Phantom Arts: 2nd Phantom + Faded Snow Movement.

Her body flickered towards the arm. Grabbing the wrist, Shiro kicked at the elbow area.

Yin Style Phantom Arts: 3rd Phantom – Counter Weight Phantom.


Breaking the arm at the elbow area, Shiro pushed the charging up skill into the face of the boss, scorching it in the process.

With the skill harming it, the boss had no other choice but to deactivate it.

However, that was a bad choice since it gave Shiro more chances to attack the head. Opening her palm, Shiro created a dagger and slashed at the mouth of the boss.

Since the skill had the fire element along with the fact that the boss was an INT based boss, there were severe third degree burns on the face of the boss. Even though it had some resistance to the element it was using, it wasn't enough.

With the third degree burn injury on the face of the boss, it was a prime spot for Shiro to sneak in more damage.


Dragging the knife along the face of the boss, Shiro tore a huge laceration from the corner of the mouth, through the cheeks and into the neck.

Jamming her foot in the mouth, Shiro kicked off it and landed a short distance away from the boss. With the force behind the kick and the lack of support due to the ripped muscles, the jaw hung weakly on the boss's face with only a few strands of skin and muscle attaching it to the head.

Pivoting on her foot, Shiro wasn't finished as there were 3 throwing knives in her hands.


Throwing the knives, she was able to separate the jaw from the head.

However, she continued her pivot and made a spear in mid air.

Yin Style Phantom Arts: 3rd Phantom – Counter Weight Phantom.

Kicking the pommel of the spear with increased momentum, Shiro tried to add one more attack in before the weakened phase finished.


A hollowed sound rang out as the spear hit a translucent barrier.

"Tsk, just short." Shiro muttered as the boss had recovered just in time. If not, the spear would have smashed into the brain from the opening at the mouth.

[Otherworldly Caster – LVL 35 BOSS]

HP: 122,092/500,000

MP: 840,000/1,000,000

Looking at the amount of HP the boss had lost, Shiro smiled seeing her attacks that exploited the boss's weakness worked like a charm.

Naturally, she wouldn't have been able to do the same if it was a much larger boss. Her arsenal of attacks, as of this moment, were more suited to small sized boss's. For large boss's, she would struggle with ripping off a limb or two to try to deal extra damage.

With the understanding that its life was in danger, it immediately skipped to the final stage.

'Final stage. With the boss at low health, it would attempt to kill everything with the remaining amount of mana it has. This is why you need to keep all four pillars if you can. The pillars themselves act as prison bars while the chandelier above the room is the chains that shackle the boss. With less pillars, the 'prison' would be less secure.

'Break the chains that hold up the chandelier. The boss should be trapped halfway through the chandelier. Use this moment to wrap the chains around each pillar and a special reaction should occur. The chains will melt into the pillars and become one with the pillar. Take this moment to destroy the remaining health of the boss.

'However, if you do not have enough pillars, the boss would be able to break out. You have around 1 to 2 minutes to destroy the remainder of the boss's health. Good luck.'

Creating 2 flying knives in each hand, Shiro threw them upwards and detonated the knives. The explosion managed to break the 4 chains that were supporting the chandelier.


Slamming against the boss, the weight of the chandelier pinned the boss against the ground.

However… due to the lack of an arm, the boss was able to escape from under the chandelier.

". . . . . . ."


Cursing at this mentally, Shiro dashed towards the boss as she had around a minute to burst down 100k+ worth of HP.

Creating two daggers, Shiro leapt towards the boss's head and swung the blades towards the temples.

Sadly, the boss erected a barrier, protecting itself from harm.

"Tsk." Clicking her tongue, Shiro narrowed her eyes.

Yin Style Phantom Art: 4th Phantom – Internal Feasting Phantom.

She wasn't too sure if the 4th phantom would be able to help her bypass the barrier, but she had to give it a try.


Suddenly increasing her output to 100%, her attack struck against the barrier, causing a slight ripple.

Frowning at the fact that the attack did minimal damage to the boss, Shiro narrowed her eyes.

'The boss won't be able to spare too much mana on the barrier. Meaning, I should be able to break it with a single concentrated attack.'

Quickly drinking a single MP potion, Shiro created a huge spear and a gauntlet, similar to what she did the moment she entered the dungeon.

However, the spear this time was much larger than before and housed more powerful rockets.

Reeling her arms back, Shiro fired up the rockets at full power.

Yin Style Phantom Art: 3rd Phantom – Counter Weight Phantom.

Twisting her body, she made sure that she got the most out of a single throw.

"HAAA!!!" She shouted out unconsciously to exert more power into her throw.


Clashing against the barrier, the spear tried to drill its way through with the rockets firing at 100% output.

The ripples increased in frequency and Shiro could see panic from the boss's body gesture.


Detonating the spear just before it ran out of power, she managed to break the shield since the force exceeded the threshold of the barrier.


Waving the dust away, the boss panicked when it couldn't see Shiro.

"Up here." Shiro called out, causing the boss to tilt its head back to look at her.

With two daggers in her hands, Shiro had backflipped over the boss near the end of the explosion. Her eyes were cold and merciless as she stabbed the daggers into the open mouth of the boss.

Yin Style Phantom Arts: 3rd Phantom – Counter Weight Phantom.

Slamming her foot into the back of the boss's head, Shiro dragged the daggers up the skull and out the back of the neck.

Slashing the brain into three parts, Shiro killed the boss, albeit a little too close for her comfort.

Wiping the sweat off her forehead, Shiro sat down near the corpse of the boss.

Resting for a short while, she collected the mana stone and looted the corpse.

"Hmm… armour, armour, magic ball, sword…" Shiro muttered seeing the loot. Thankfully for her, she almost never needed to bother with the loot due to the fact that she could create her own weapons.

Switching out a few pieces of her armour, Shiro nodded seeing her new stats.

[Name: Shiro

Race: Snow Girl (Evolution Criteria yet to be met)

Title: Shadow Empress, Beginner Monster (1/10 Humans Killed), Fratricide 

Level: 35

Class: Snow Girl★★★, Nanomancer

HP: 86,800/86,800

MP: 29,900/136,200

STR: 520 (+100)

VIT: 600 (+95)

INT: 850 (+240)

AGI: 670 (+120)

DEX: 600 (+70)

DEF: 255 (+100)

= Title Bonus

Unassigned Points: 0


Ice – Tier 2

Lightning – Tier 1

Metal – Tier 0

Shadow – Tier 0

Balance: 12,840,030 USD

Equipment (Tap to Display)

Skills –

Snow Girl ★★★:

Tier 2 Ice magic, Passive Regeneration, Blessed by Ice, Snow Magic, Faded Snow Movement, Cold Aura, Icy Touch, Icy Breath, Ice Field Affinity


Dagger Creation, Nano Tech Engineering (Tier 1), Sword Creation, Bow Creation, Heavy Weapon Creation, Shield Creation, Armour Creation


Mini-map, Inspection, Disguise, Thorn Mana Shield.

Shared Skills (Yin):

Shadow Buff (Tier 1), Ice Chain (Tier 1), Shadow Cloak (Tier 1), Shadow Talon (Tier 1).]

While the bonus was small, Shiro didn't mind as one step was still progress.

She was about to call out to Yin but paused. The purple glow on her body increased slowly as Shiro could tell that Yin was classing up.