Nanomancer Reborn - I've Become A Snow Girl?-Chapter 83: Cairosa

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Watching the scenery fly past the train window, Shiro could still see the hulking body of the beast that was summoned by the abnormal portal. 

Lyrica and Madison were talking while Shiro decided to update her status since she was level 37. She still had 500 free points to allocate due to the fact that she levelled up twice and each level now gave her 250 points.

[Name: Shiro

Race: Snow Girl (Evolution Criteria yet to be met)

Title: Shadow Empress, Beginner Monster (7/10 Humans Killed), Fratricide 

Level: 37

Class: Snow Girl★★★, Nanomancer

HP: 106,800/106,800

MP: 155,000/155,000

STR: 560 -> 660 (+110)

VIT: 660 -> 760 (+95)

INT: 900 -> 1000 (+240)

AGI: 630 -> 730 (+120)

DEX: 650 -> 750 (+70)

DEF: 300 (+100)

= Title Bonus

Unassigned Points: 500 -> 0


Ice – Tier 2

Lightning – Tier 1

Metal – Tier 0

Shadow – Tier 0

Balance: 23,100,49 USD

Equipment (Tap to Display)

Skills –

Snow Girl ★★★:

Tier 2 Ice magic, Passive Regeneration, Blessed by Ice, Snow Magic, Faded Snow Movement, Cold Aura, Icy Touch, Icy Breath. Ice Field Affinity


Dagger Creation, Nano Tech Engineering Tier 1, Sword Creation, Bow Creation, Heavy Weapon Creation, Shield Creation, Armour Creation.


Mini-map, Inspection, Disguise, Mana Barrier.

Shared Skills (Yin):

Shadow Buff (Tier 1), Ice Chain (Tier 1), Shadow Cloak (Tier 1), Shadow Talon (Tier 1). Rift Walker (Tier 1)] 

Seeing her MP hit 155k exactly, Shiro couldn't help but smile in satisfaction. 

'With my MP increasing in value, I should be able to use my Nanomancer class more freely. But that only goes for my cold weapons. With firearms, each bullet would cost MP to make so the cost would be huge. Adding on the fact that my links are broken, I shouldn't use my firearms often unless I am sure it will kill the boss.' Shiro thought to herself. 

Since Helion, Silvia, Aarim and Liam were all in different evac trains, Shiro didn't bother seeking them out. 

"Shiro. Do you know that the city we're going to now is much more developed than New York? Though I'm a little worried since that means everything would be higher levelled. With us only being in the 30's, do you think we'll be ok?" Lyrica asked as she was a little nervous about the new city. With her spending most of her time in New York, branching out to the outside world was a little nerve-wracking. 

Especially since she wasn't prepared as she had hoped. With the totem and the sudden evacuation of the citizens, she wasn't able to level up to 50 before leaving.

[Don't worry too much about it. New areas mean new chances at development. Plus, with us three, we should be able to challenge higher level dungeons since we work well together. Especially with me being level 37. You two could work together in higher level dungeons to level up faster.] Shiro replied. 

"True. But with you at level 37, there really isn't any sense of danger for us. Sure we're improving fast, but the life and death experience isn't there." Lyrica said, bringing up a point that was bothering her. 

"Right. If we push ourselves to the limit without the failsafe know as little miss Shiro, we'll become more careful and not as brash." Madison chipped in.

While Shiro's help was greatly appreciated, they would unconsciously harbour the thought that Shiro will help them. Moreover, every time they take their eye off her, she would have levelled up again.

'Hmm… They do have a point. When I reincarnated, I was still working with the mindset that I was number 1 in the world. But that is dangerous and put me in harm a few times. Perhaps I should work on my technical skills along with levelling Little Yin up while I wait for them.' 

[Then what do you suggest? From what I've read, the new city we're going to is called Cairosa. A new city that wasn't on the old Earth map. The level range is around 40 to 60.] 

Cairosa was a city that was near the coast. Situated to the north east of New York, its main industry revolved around dungeon's, seafood and tourism due to the fact that it's near the coast. 

The monsters that they capture in the sea give them a wide range of temporary buffs that assist them when they're entering Dungeons. 

Compared to New York, the dungeons in Cairosa held more diversity. There were several new types of dungeons but the most commonly seen new addition was a type of dungeon known as a Hybrid. 

The Hybrid dungeons are called such since they consist of both fighting and puzzle-solving. While generally being more time consuming when compared to normal dungeons, the Hybrid dungeon grants a little more EXP due to the puzzles that are present in the dungeons. 

"I heard that the dungeons in Cairosa feature underwater combat as well. Apparently, the returns of underwater dungeons were a lot higher since the rewards and the dangers were proportionate." Madison said. 

[That doesn't sound very fun. Not only would you need to make sure you have ways to replenish oxygen, but you also have to try work around the environment. With the dungeons being submerged in water, you won't be able to move as well as you would do on land.] 

[Another thing to note down is that certain skills would lose effectiveness. Lyrica, skills like the burning lotus wouldn't work underwater.] Shiro shook her head. 

Naturally, since it's underwater, Shiro's ice magic will act as a double-edged sword. If she wasn't careful with her passives, she could very well freeze into an ice cube due to her ice touch and ice aura passive.

"I know. So my plan for Cairosa is mainly to do a few high level dungeons with Madi till we're level 35 or something along those lines. Right?" Lyrica said turning to Madison. 

"Yeah. We're going to try catch up to you in terms of levels if we can." 

[I'll mainly be helping little yin level up to our level so she can help out more in dungeons.] Shiro typed whilst tapping Yin's head. 

[However, our first course of action is to find a place to stay for now. We can try go to a hotel but you need to remember, that the cost would be much higher since higher level adventurers earn a lot more than we do.] 

"Hmm… Maybe we can rent a flat or something similar?" Lyrica suggested. 

"A flat would be good. But don't we need to sign a bunch of papers and contracts for a flat? Even if it's just for a few days." Madison reminded.

"Urg, you're right…" Lyrica 

[I think all of you are forgetting something here.] 


[The current estimated population of New York is around 10 or so million. With this many people, do you think there are enough rooms in Cairosa to accommodate everyone that evacuated the city? I think the most likely outcome would be a huge camping site for everyone who evacuated. Right now, we're essentially refugees. Hell, I think we'll be lucky if we can share a tent with just us three. If we're not, we could be sharing tents with seven other people that we don't know.] Shiro replied, analysing the current situation. 

"Seven?!" Lyrica replied feeling a little nervous. With everyone bunched up together in a small tent, there will be moments where they might nudge into each other. While it can be good news for her since she could have an excuse to be close to Shiro, it also meant that other people would be able to as well. 

[Well… I suppose we can always go camp by ourselves. That means we'll have to buy our own camping sets along with a means of getting food. The cheapest option would be to cook for ourselves.]

"…" Both Lyrica and Madison looked at each other before looking back at Shiro.

"Do you know how to cook?" Madison asked. 

[I do. But it has been a long time since I last cooked and I think I may have lost my touch.] Shiro replied honestly. Cooking was one of the must-have skills for an adventurer. Out in the wild, they have to be able to cook for themselves in order to survive. 

However, due to the fact that her physique has now been changed into that of a Snow Girl's, she ate mana stones to survive and never had the need to cook again.

When she cooked, she would adjust the taste while she cooked. Without being able to taste the food meant that she couldn't do these adjustments.

"Well, that's good because both me and Lyrica don't know how to cook." Madison smiled wearily. 

When they needed to eat, they would normally use the money they earned in the dungeon at the school café or buy something from outside. Rarely would they actually cook for themselves.

[You should really learn how to cook.] 

"We know. But it's just hard you know?" Madison said rubbing the back of her head. 

[I would teach but I'm not confident of my cooking after so long.] Shiro sighed. 

"Don't worry about it. Just having someone being able to cook will help us a lot more since we'll be paying less money in terms of the food cost." Lyrica smiled. 

[True, but then, we'll need to buy cooking essentials such as a pan. So I do think that camping with everyone else would be a good idea. Not only would the government provide us with food, but we won't need to bother ourselves with buying everything on short notice. But honestly, the choice is yours. I don't mind either.]

"Hmm… what do you think about this Madi?"

"Mn? I think we should camp under the government for now. See how it's like before moving."

"Alright." Lyrica nodded. 

[Since we've all come to an agreement, you should look at the map of Cairosa and study the city. We'll be staying here for a while after all.] Shiro smiled before looking at the map app on her phone.

The general outline of Cairosa consisted of three main sections. The high end adventurers, the average wealth and finally, the poor or also known as the slums.

Near the centre of the city is where the rich live. Not only is the place filled with dungeons that are pretty high level, but the market there was also developed. With a good market, it means finding more helpful items that one would need.

Naturally, there were mansions that were near the coastline. But the majority of the rich lived at the centre.

Next was the average wealth. They lived further away from the centre of the city with most of their residents gathered near the docks and coast. Shiro estimated that this was due to jobs that require them to go out to sea. 

'The city does have a huge fishing industry after all. Plus, I believe that the monsters out at sea attack the boats so they'll need to hire adventurers to help protect them. It's a mandatory service.' She thought and searched for where the slums are. 

The slums were towards the south of the entire city. It occupied only a small area of the entire city but she knew it was going to expand. 

'With all of the refugee's from New York entering the city, the slums would most likely be the first stop…' 

With Cairosa being to the north east of New York, it would be safe to assume that the first stop is the slums as it is the closest location to them. Not to mention, it is where the refugees would least disturb the people that live in Cairosa.

Due to this, Shiro wanted to make sure she had a good understanding of the place. 

Glancing around for a moment, Shiro made sure that no one was looking her way and inserted a few nanobots into her phone. She waited for a moment as she hacked all the cameras that were near the slums.

Closing one of her eyes, she could see the rough layout of the area. 

'Hmm… further north are all the facilities such as a blacksmith and guild. In the slums, it's mostly just decrepit buildings and smuggling routes. I'll need to mark out areas where I should warn both Lyrica and Madison to not visit.' Shiro thought. 

'Oh? Could this be the black market?' 

Narrowing her eyes, Shiro frowned when she realised that she wasn't able to find a camera that she could hack near the black market. 

'Seems like I'll have to visit the place in person… Though I'll have to level up a little more first. If I enter as a weak level 37, they'll try take advantage of me.' 

Retracting the nanobots, Shiro shook her head before looking at the current map of the world. 

Right now, she could see resemblances of the old earth map on the current map. The different continents were now closer to each other, even joined together in some situations. 

However, the biggest point to notice was the fact that the old earth was equal to an archipelago in the new world. 

'The frontlines seem to be further north where they're trying to expand their territory whilst also fending off the monsters. They haven't expanded much in terms of the other directions since they want to develop the northern area first… So should I ever need to go into hiding, the north would be an obvious no go. Probably the east or the south.' Shiro mused to herself. 

During the time she was on her phone, the city of Cairosa was within view. 

Looking at the huge skyscr.a.p.ers along with the huge boats that were docked near the coast, Shiro couldn't help but feel a little excited.