New Times, New Hell-Chapter 23 - Rabbit Fur Black Glaze Cup

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Chapter 23 - Rabbit Fur Black Glaze Cup

For a split second, Daoist priest Kou felt a deep suspicion that everything he had learned about the world in the past twenty-something years was all fake.

He looked at the copper coin sword that was now in pieces on the ground, and exhaled from the deepest part of his heart. He felt the same as Daoist priest Mu and his disciple. “Cultivation also needs to keep up with the times and improve along with technology……”

Over there, the tongji was still simultaneously arguing with himself and slapping himself. In only a moment, his face had become swollen.

Yu Zhengdu couldn’t take it anymore, so yelled for them to stop, “Hurry and stop! Don’t think I don’t realize that you’re hitting the tongji. If you keep this up, I’m going to beat you guys!”

At this, the tongji finally sulkily stopped, but the three brothers possessing him continued to take turns speaking and cursing at each other, causing everyone around them to feel quite disillusioned.

Who knew that the Three Gods they had worshipped for all this time were like this?

Everyone stood up under Yu Zhengdu’s direction, but the strangeness of the whole situation still perplexed all of them. They were also terrified by the supernatural scene they had just witnessed, so didn’t dare to even make a peep at this time.

Only to hear Shang Que coldly say, “Speak.”

No one else felt it, but in the moment that he opened his mouth to speak, the Three Gods felt a horrifying pressure upon them. Now, they finally realized that the person in front of them could definitely do much more than simply borrow thunder fire.

The tongji’s teeth clinked as they chattered together. He stumbled out, “We’ll speak, we’ll speak right now……”

“Us three brothers had a temple and statue erected for us by the Yu Clan in the year of Yongle. We received the Yu Clan’s worship, so for hundreds of years, we dedicated all our efforts to protecting their descendants, never daring to slack off……”

The three brothers took turns speaking, slowly explaining the events that had occurred after they fell into demonish ways. The people finally learned the truth.

It turned out that the three brothers were extremely well respected when they were alive. After death, a temple was also erected in worship of them; they enjoyed the sacrificial offerings of the mortal realm. In the beginning, they remained the same as in life, bringing rain and protecting the area. Thus, they were well liked by the Yu Clan. In the time that they received the most incense offerings, though they were technically from an Underworld temple, they were recognized by the Heavens and became gods.

But after joining the godly ranks, they discovered that they belonged to the lowest level of gods. Though they had incense fire offerings, they held no true position. This was doubtless a hard blow to take for the three brothers who had been respected all their lives.

A refusal to resign to this fate blossomed in their hearts, but because they were under the control of the Heavenly Court, they didn’t dare to act out. Because of this, things remained the same for hundreds of years. They received the incense offerings of the people and protected them.

All until 50 years ago, when the heavens and earth collapsed. The true gods were destroyed along with the Heavenly Court; it was instead the little gods stationed in the mortal realm who were spared. The Three Gods belonged to this category of lucky little gods.

After being freed from the control of the Heavenly Court, they still had an abundance of incense offerings from the mortal realm. Thus, the darkness that had been hidden for hundreds of years in the Three Gods’ hearts rapidly grew. They not only fell into demonish ways, but also took advantage of their larger number of worshippers to chase away the Village God of Jintan Village and take his offerings.

Which was to say, for the past few decades, all the offerings the people of Jintan Village had given to the other gods had been taken by the Three Gods.

The greed of the Three Gods grew larger and larger, until they couldn’t be satisfied by their tiny temple anymore. They then requested to demolish the Yu Clan’s public ancestral temple to enlarge their own temple in order to receive the same treatment as true gods.

With the pressure Shang Que put on them, the Three Gods didn’t dare to lie. They honestly relayed their experiences, except for the part about the heavens and earth collapsing, which Shang Que didn’t let them say. They only vaguely went over how the Heavenly Court was lazy and thus let them do as they wanted.

After hearing their entire account, everyone present remained speechless for a long time, sighing in their hearts.

The Three Gods had truly protected them once, but ultimately couldn’t hold onto their initial heart. They let selfish desires invade their minds, and finally fell victim to demonish ways.

Tragic, and also a pity.

After the Three Gods explained their experiences, they once again buried their head in the ground like an ostrich, terrified that Shang Que would try to make eye contact. They begged, “We’ve already relayed all our wrongs, please forgive us.”

Upon seeing the previously respected Three Gods now so abject, the villagers of the Yu Clan ultimately couldn’t bear it. Old Mr. Yu bowed at Shang Que. “Though the Three Gods made mistakes, they are still the ancestors of the Yu Clan. Can you allow us to choose what to do with them?”

He felt a little comical saying this. He never expected that in all his years of life, he would one day be begging someone to forgive a god.

Shang Que laughed coldly. “The ancestors of your Yu Clan are biased.”

Old Mr. Yu didn’t understand what he meant, only to see Shang Que lower his eyes to look at the tongji. “Be honest. Tell the whole truth.”

The tongji’s face was already glued to the ground. His voice was as soft as a mosquito’s buzz: “We already said everything……”

Shang Que: “Un?”

The tongji immediately became so scared he started banging his head on the ground, nonstop. “We’ll say it now, right now……”

Seeing this, Yu Zhengdu waved his fist around. “Do it lightly, that’s the tongji’s face. If he becomes disfigured I’m going to beat you guys up!”

Old Mr. Yu couldn’t help glancing at Yu Zhengdu in his peripheral vision. His hands trembled……this was probably the only member of the Yu Clan who could threaten to beat the Three Gods up without regard.

The Three Gods obviously didn’t dare to hurt the tongji’s body again. They held their head and said, “Since falling into demonish ways, us three brothers just, just started becoming more selfish. We gave the luck that was supposed to be equally split among all our worshippers to……to our direct blood descent……”

As soon as they finished speaking, the crowd went into an uproar. All the villagers of the Yu Clan stared at each other.

Old Mr. Yu was shocked too. The Three Gods were still the ancestors of the Yu Clan. Though they became greedy and tried to take over others’ worshippers and land, these behaviors really didn’t have much effect on the Yu Clan. From a pathos point of view, the clansmen really didn’t want to make things too difficult for them.

But nobody expected that they took all of the Yu Clan’s luck and gave it to their direct blood descendants. This was truly harming the entire clan.

The Three Gods also realized what they did was completely unacceptable, so though the tongji didn’t dare to put his face on the ground again, he also didn’t dare to lift it and make eye contact with the crowd. They stammered out, “The Yu Clan has continued on for hundreds of years. There are many side branches and instances of intermarriage, so the blood here has been impure for a while. Though everyone has the same surname, most are not of the same direct clan as us three brothers……”

He hadn’t finished speaking yet, but everyone basically already understood.

These Three Gods were technically only the Three Gods for the direct bloodline of their Yu Clan. Ever since falling into demonish ways, they were overtaken by greed, so naturally only protected their direct blood descendants. As for the other worshippers, they were simply passersby who could be preyed upon.

“You, you……” Old Mr. Yu shook as he looked at the tongji. He wanted to say something, but couldn’t.

The Yu Clan’s clansmen around him were the same way. Their hearts felt cold thinking about how the Three Gods they so faithfully worshipped had taken the luck that originally belonged to them and given it to their direct blood descendants.

Someone in the crowd took the initiative to yell, “Who is their direct blood descendant? Who took all of our luck?”

With his start, others started to ask too, “Yes, tell us, who is it?”

The surroundings were loud with agitation and anger. The scene was about to lose control, but thankfully Daoist priest Kou stepped up to solve the issue. “Everyone, there’s no need to be so outraged. Taking others’ luck is something that will not be tolerated by the Heavens. It was fine before with the Three Gods’ protection, but now that the Three Gods have fallen and will lose their following in the mortal realm, they can’t even protect themselves. Their descendant won’t be able to hold onto all this luck. It will be returned to everyone eventually.”

The crowd only calmed down after he said this.

“Yi?” Yu Zhengdu clapped. “Isn’t this just the law of conservation of luck? Science hasn’t failed me!”

Shang Que: “……” Why is he still so good at summarizing?!

Only to see Daoist priest Kou look as if he had been struck with an epiphany. His voice was filled with praise, “Little householder Yu is absolutely right. How come I never thought of it this way? As expected, using science to guide the way of cultivation makes for the fastest results.”

Shang Que: “……”

Someone can understand the truth from Yu Zhengdu’s summaries?

At this point, Old Mr. Yu had nothing else to say either. He could only inquire Shang Que and them, “Can you please advise us what we should do to resolve the Three Gods’ situation.”

As he was speaking, the tongji trembled, then fell on the ground. The Three Gods had left his body.

Of course, what Yu Zhengdu saw was the Three Gods obediently crawling out of the tongji’s body to face the public ancestral temple and squat with their hands over their heads.

Their postures were quite accurate.

Yu Zhengdu sweat for a moment, then pretended nothing had happened and told Elder Yu, “Actually we have already texted the Three Gods’ supervisors. They just sent someone to take them away.”

Daoist priest Kou: “……???”

Old Mr. Yu: “……Ah?”

Old Mr. Yu clearly couldn’t accept such advanced technology so suddenly, so reflexively turned to look at Daoist priest Kou, who most fulfilled the traditional standard of a religious master. “Daoist priest Kou, is this, is this considered resolved?”

Although Daoist priest Kou also felt like he had just suffered a heart attack, he still held out and nodded. “Since these two householders could so easily borrow thunder fire, I’m sure that they have a really good relationship with the……the supervisor. It should be fine listening to them.”

Only then did Old Mr. Yu nod. “That’s good, that’s good.”

After solving the issue with the Three Gods, Yu Zhengdu spoke up again, “Oh right, Old Mr. Yu, the Three Gods previously bullied the other local gods and caused them to leave. Now that the three of them have been arrested, a religious ceremony still needs to be performed to invite the local gods back.”

Old Mr. Yu hurriedly nodded. “Of course of course.”

As for the true god that Yu Zhengdu wanted them to invite back, well, it was the old man he and Shang Que had seen in the alley of the old village area of Jintan.

Fu De True God, or better known in the mortal realm as the Village God.

Before the heavens and earth collapsed, the Village God was nothing but a small god in the mortal realm. He was only in charge of the land around a village or county, so didn’t receive a lot of incense offerings. However, he was still an actual god, so got along fine with the Three Gods.

After the heavens and earth collapsed, because the Village Gods were stationed in the mortal realm, they luckily managed to escape certain death. But the Village God of the Yu Clan was unlucky, because the Three Gods received more incense offerings than him, so he, as a true but small god, got bullied.

The Village God was a local small god. After being kicked off his pedestal, he had nowhere else to go, so stayed and wandered Jintan Village for many years. Thankfully, he finally met Yu Zhengdu and Shang Que.

Though he was in bad shape, the Village God was, ultimately, an actual and true god, part of the godly ranks. Because of this, upon discussion, the Yu Clan decided to renovate what had originally been the Three Gods Temple to become the Fu De True God Temple.

The ceremony of inviting gods wasn’t in Luofeng’s scope of business, and it was even more impossible to get Shang Que to host such a ceremony. According to him, it was the gods that should invite him instead. Thus, this ceremony was completed by Daoist priest Kou.

As for the true god who was invited back, in order to prevent another situation where uncontrolled gods like the Three Gods did what they wanted, he was temporarily managed by Luofeng.

Yu Zhengdu looked at the Village God who was begging Shang Que for an employee number from Luofeng: ……My new coworker?????


That night, after completing the ceremony, Daoist priest Kou logged into his Weibo:

Danyang Temple’s Daoist Priest Kou Buzhi: After discussing with two householders from Luofeng Life Management today, I have learned quite a lot. I have specially found some high school physics and Marxist philosophy textbooks to read. From now on, I will seek to guide my cultivation path through the use of advanced technology, and thus have decided to share these findings with you all.

Netizens: ??????????


The next day, in Yu Zhengdu’s home.

“Did you call me over for something?” Yu Manjiang asked while looking at the crowd of people in front of him. The expression on his face wasn’t too happy.

Last night, Yu Zhengdu’s dad had called to ask him to come over today. Yu Manjiang had never liked Father Yu and his family, especially shunning how poor they were. He hadn’t been to their house in years, but the prowess Yu Zhengdu and the company he worked at had shown in the Three Gods situation caused him to be slightly frightened. He carefully pondered his options and reluctantly decided to agree.

He didn’t expect to also see Old Mr. Yu and Daoist priest Kou there when he arrived.

Yu Manjiang had a slight suspicion in his heart, but pretended he didn’t know anything and acted normal.

Father Yu waved his hands. “Sit and speak.”

They sat down around the tea table. Mother Yu brought out some freshly brewed tea and smiled, “Have some tea first.”

Yu Manjiang picked up the tea cup and immediately started laughing. He looked at Father Yu in disapproval, “Yu Chuan, what, after seeing the rabbit fur glaze at my house you decided to go buy a set too?”

The tea set Mother Yu had brought out was the Golden Rabbit Fur Shang Que had gifted them. This was because Father Yu considered the fact that both Old Mr. Yu and Yu Manjiang were a bit more specific about their tea sets, so he specifically chose this one. Otherwise, in accordance to how their family normally did things, it was more likely that each person would get a glass cup.

Yu Manjiang turned the cup in his hand in a circle, saying, “Why didn’t you buy a better set. Look at how old this one is, hopefully it isn’t backlogged stock.”

After this, he put the tea cup back down and didn’t drink from it anymore. It was very clear that he spurned it greatly.

Upon hearing this, Old Mr. Yu looked down at the tea cup too. He said, “Actually, I think this Golden Rabbit Fur has a very antique and simple feel. True great artwork doesn’t need so much intricacy.”

Yu Manjiang snorted. “Please, it’s not like you don’t know what Yu Chuan’s family situation is like. Can he afford a good tea set?”

Father Yu’s face was dark. He glanced at Shang Que who was playing with his phone off to the side. “This is a gift from Zhengdu’s coworker, Xiao Shang. He’s very knowledgeable about, what was it, the Song Dynasty’s tea fights. He has excellent taste.”

Shang Que maintained his posture playing his mobile game, completely ignoring them all.

Since becoming rich, Yu Manjiang had been surrounded by people who sought to please and flatter him. When had he ever met someone who clearly didn’t think he was worth anything? Thus, he was a bit unhappy and purposefully asked Shang Que, “Oh, may I ask where Mr. Shang bought this black glazed tea set? To be a bit impolite, I know a little about every famous craftsman in the nation. Maybe I can help give you a second opinion.”

“I randomly grabbed it.” Shang Que finally lifted his gaze. His tone was impatient. “Why do you have so many useless things to say?”

Yu Manjiang: “……”

How is this person so rude!

But ruder behavior followed after. After speaking, Shang Que directly ignored him and turned to scoot closer to Yu Zhengdu. He held his phone out. “Help me open the treasure chest.”

Yu Zhengdu side-eyed him. “Can’t you open it yourself?”

Shang Que replied very straightforwardly, “My face is dark.

Yu Zhengdu: “……”

He mouthed the words “African ghost!” secretly at his Boss in mockery.

But teasing was just teasing, he still grabbed the phone, and was just about to open the treasure chest when he suddenly narrowed his eyes. “Don’t you have to pay to open this? Where did you get the money from?”

Shang Que, very proudly: “I saved it.”

Yu Zhengdu: “……Fine.”

Yu Manjiang: “……” So he’s a broke ass. If he’s so broke why does he have such a bad temper!

It could be said that Father Yu was quite kind. He didn’t leave Yu Manjiang in such an awkward situation, hurriedly switching the topic. “Um, how about we discuss some official business.”

Old Mr. Yu nodded, then looked toward Yu Manjiang. He stated, “Manjiang, yesterday we checked the Yu Clan’s family tree……”

Before he finished talking, Yu Manjiang acted like an animal that had just had its tail stepped on. He almost reflexively asked, “Why would you randomly check the family tree?”

Old Mr. Yu’s expression was solemn. “Manjiang, yesterday I didn’t want to embarrass you in front of everyone, but I think you can probably guess. You are the direct blood descendant of the Three Gods.”

They actually didn’t need to check the family tree. As long as they put some thought into who was the only person in the Yu Clan that had been luckiest since the Three Gods fell into demonish ways, the answer was quite obvious.

Checking the family tree was only a way of making sure.

If Old Mr. Yu could think of it, Yu Manjiang could too, but he refused to admit that his good luck was stolen from anyone else. He immediately denied it, “Elder Yu, maybe I am the Three Gods’ direct blood descendant, but what of it?”

Off to the side, Daoist priest Kou added on, “Mr. Manjiang, your luck in the past few years wasn’t your own. We’ve invited you over this time to try and ask you to do more charity work. It’d be best if you could donate all the money that doesn’t belong to you to those villagers whose luck you took.”

“What a load of bullshit.” Yu Manjiang’s expression changed. “All that I’ve earned in these past few years are the result of my hard labor. You want to erase all that I’ve worked for with only a single phrase……”

He laughed coldly, “I suppose that the real point is to get me to donate money, but what if I refuse?”

Yu Manjiang wasn’t in need of money, but he knew that as soon as he donated a sum of money, he would be indirectly admitting he had stolen other people’s luck. His social status would immediately fall, so no matter what, he couldn’t agree.

Old Mr. Yu said, “Manjiang, this is for your own good.”

Daoist priest Kou nodded his head in agreement. “Now that the Three Gods have been arrested, they can no longer protect you. You can’t maintain all that luck yourself; it defies the laws of the Heavens. If you continue to cheat destiny, you will experience an exponential rebound, so please rethink this……”

“That’s enough.” Yu Manjiang was so mad his face was red. His mouth felt dry, so he picked up the tea cup to take a sip. His voice was mocking, “Am I cheating destiny just because you say I’m cheating destiny? Who has evidence? Those two?”

He looked at Shang Que, only to see that the other was still playing on his phone!

Yu Manjiang: !!!! He’s really so impolite!

This time it was Father Yu who became angry. He immediately contradicted, “Yu Manjiang, what do you mean? Do you want to slander Zhengdu and say he’s a scammer again?”

“That’s exactly what I mean!” Yu Manjiang’s blood was boiling at Shang Que’s attitude. “I think your family is so broke you’ve all gone crazy, trying to get money from me using all sorts of methods. I refuse to let you guys have your way.”

After finishing speaking, he threw the tea cup in his hand on the ground, hard. “You’re just jealous of how good my life is. Copying me and using rabbit fur glaze, with your broke-ass ways, you can only afford to use these cheap things.”

The tea cup fell on the ground with a “keng——”, breaking into several pieces.

This time, Shang Que finally lifted his head to look at the broken ceramic bits on the ground. His face was expressionless.

Father Yu finally couldn’t stand it anymore. He shouted, “Yu Manjiang, say what you will, but how dare you break our family’s stuff!”

Yu Zhengdu was quite pissed off too. He puffed out his cheeks to look at Shang Que, “Boss, eat him!”

Yu Manjiang scoffed disdainfully at Father Yu. “If it’s broken, it’s broken. I’ll just buy you another set to make up for it. Oh wait, I’m not as poor as you. I’ll compensate you with ten more sets.”

Father Yu was so mad he almost became a puffer fish. He wanted to directly slap Yu Manjiang, but was stopped by his words. He couldn’t do anything else, because the tea set truly looked like old, backlogged stock. It probably really wasn’t worth much.

But it wasn’t about money, it was about the fact that the tea cup was a gift from Shang Que. How could he not be angry seeing Yu Manjiang break it right in front of him!

Yu Manjiang finally felt pleased after seeing Father Yu try to hold back his anger. He purposefully provoked Shang Que, “Xiao Shang, was it. Where did you buy this? I’ll get someone to bring you ten sets next time.”

Shang Que exited his game and lightly said, “You can’t buy it anymore.”

“What? It’s out of stock?” Yu Manjiang was unbothered. “Fine, I’ll give you cash. Name your price and I’ll pay you 10 times that.”

Father Yu was so mad he started furiously rolling his eyes. He very proudly stated, “We don’t need your stinkin’ money!”

At the same time, Shang Que also said, “Okay, let me look up the price.”

Father Yu: “……”

He looked at Shang Que in complaint. At a critical time like this just forget the little money ah, your image is the most important.

Yu Zhengdu used a small voice to ask, “Boss, we don’t need that bit of money right?”

Shang Que pondered a bit, “Actually we do……”

Yu Manjiang laughed loudly. “How much do you need. Tell me, don’t bother being polite. I can afford a couple thousand.”

Shang Que lifted his head. “One is a little more than 4,300,000 RMB. I’ll make it whole, so just 4,300,000 RMB. Ten times of that would be 43,000,000 RMB.”

Yu Zhengdu: “Pu——”

Everyone else: “!!!!” The youth aren’t so simple, raising the price on the spot so naturally and confidently.

Yu Manjiang immediately stomped his foot. “Are you so broke you’ve gone crazy. Even if you’re scamming you need to get the basics right. What kind of tea cup is over 4 million RMB, are you trying to tell me that was an antique?”

Shang Que crossed his legs elegantly. “It was from the Song Dynasty.”

He thought about it, then added, “I think it was made when Zhao Shen was on the throne.”

As someone who barely passed his culture classes, Father Yu didn’t know who Zhao Shen was. So he very sincerely asked, “Who is Zhao Shen?”

It was Old Mr. Yu who was more knowledgeable. He suddenly recalled, “That’s the name of Emperor Xiaozong of the Southern Song Dynasty.”

Yu Manjiang was so mad he started laughing. “It’s from the Song Dynasty because you said it’s from the Song Dynasty? And Zhao someone Shen, who can’t randomly say a name? Young man, this isn’t how you scam. If you were smart, I could have directly given you a couple thousand, but if you’re going to exaggerate the price so much, be careful of not even earning a cent back.”

Shang Que had better things to do than argue with him, so directly said, “You can take it to go get an appraisal.”

Yu Manjiang froze. “What did you say?”

He didn’t think that a scammer would bring up appraisals. What kind of move was this?

At this time, Old Mr. Yu tsk’d in awe from the side. “No wonder why I thought this black glaze just now was unique in both appearance and texture. The quality of the porcelain is dense and strong while the body is thick. Though it looks a bit old, the color of the glaze is still transparent, as gentle and smooth as the best jades. This must be a work from the Jian kilns, right?”

Elder Yu’s words caused Yu Manjiang’s heart to momentarily skip a beat.

Old Mr. Yu held such a high position in the Yu Clan not only because he had good morals and was virtuous, but also because he was extremely educated. He was a cultural expert, but was also an avid student in the ways of tea, antiques, and other elegant hobbies. Disregarding everything else, many years ago Old Mr. Yu often helped others appraise their antiques; he was very rarely wrong.

It couldn’t be, that stupid tea cup was really an antique?

Yu Manjiang panicked, but also felt that it was impossible. He desperately said, “Elder Yu, you think too highly of Yu Chuan. Could his family possibly own antiques? And they use it to drink tea; I’ve commonly come in contact with the true higher classes and never seen them use antiques so irresponsibly……”

But Old Mr. Yu ignored him and walked over to the window with the tea cup. He observed it in detail under the sunlight, speaking to himself, “That’s right, that’s right. This is the classic glaze color of the Jian kilns, black with hints of cyan, shiny and smooth, deep and heavy in hue. There are even crystallized structures……”

“Is there a magnifying glass?” Old Mr. Yu turned his head in excitement to ask. Then he thought about it and changed his mind, “Yu Chuan, hurry and make a call to my home. Tell them to bring my appraisal equipment over.”

Father Yu was completely lost and in even more disbelief than Yu Manjiang. “Elder Yu, did you get it wrong? This is really an antique?”

“Most likely, and a very rare piece of pottery originating from the Song kilns.” Old Mr. Yu’s voice was trembling. He didn’t dare to move while holding the black glazed tea cup. “Look at how the form of the cup is sturdy, how it’s thinner around the mouth, and how smoothly and naturally the glaze drips down. This is a very classic defining point of the ancient Jian kilns’ black glazed pottery. And here on the bottom of the outside, you can see some unpainted porcelain. It irregularly peeks through……”

Old Mr. Yu simultaneously spoke and kept analyzing. With each sentence he said, Yu Manjiang’s heart sank a bit lower in his chest. Though he was very displeased with Old Mr. Yu this time, he also knew that Elder Yu wasn’t the type to make things up on the spot.

Especially because……Elder Yu’s words seemed very sincere. Even if it was a scam, the scam couldn’t be so well-rounded.

Old Mr. Yu was already engrossed in examining the tea cup. He was both in a rush and angry, “Yu Chuan, hurry and call my family to bring my equipment over. There are very few Jian kiln black glazed ceramics left, especially ones as well preserved as this Golden Rabbit Fur. If it’s appraised, there’s no way the value would be under 4 million RMB!”

Shang Que didn’t care what Old Mr. Yu said, only adding, “Get it appraised. Our company places an emphasis on our honesty. Neither the young nor the old will be cheated.”

Yu Zhengdu: = =

He spent some time recovering, then finally realized something. He looked at Shang Que in shock. “Boss, you really gifted us antiques?”

Shang Que looked at him. “Yeah.”

Yu Zhengdu thought he was going to stop breathing. “Since you already own antiques, why are you still pretending to be broke?”

Shang Que furrowed his brows. “I’m not pretending. I don’t have any renminbi.”

Yu Zhengdu: “……”

Yu Zhengdu’s heart hurt so much he could barely breathe. “Why didn’t you say anything earlier. An antique, worth over 4 million, broken just like that……”

Shang Que was silent for a moment, then told him carelessly, “Antiques are precious because they’re scarce. The less there are, the more valuable they become.”

Yu Zhengdu: “………………?”

Shang Que lightly laughed. “In the past, those who collected antiques would purposefully destroy the ones that looked the same, so the remaining would be one of a kind.”

He cocked an eyebrow. “But this doesn’t affect us asking him for compensation.”

Yu Zhengdu: “……” You could say that……

Shang Que saw that he looked like his heart still hurt, so continued, “If you toss two more of the black glazed tea cups from the set on the ground, the remaining one will become priceless. It might even be more valuable than all four combined.”

Yu Zhengdu: “!!!!!!”

He silently looked at the table where Daoist priest Kou was currently holding onto the tea cup, trying to experience the feeling of drinking tea from an antique.

At the same time, Father Yu urgently charged over and snatched the cup from Daoist priest Kou’s hands. “Don’t move!”

He held the tea cup delicately in both hands, then carefully placed it on the table. His voice was filled with gentle love, “This is an antique ah!”

Yu Zhengdu turned his head away speechlessly. “……There’s no chance. My dad will definitely start worshipping these cups. Not to mention tossing them on the ground, I doubt we’ll even be able to touch them.”

On the other side, Daoist priest Kou exhaled deeply. “It seems like Mr. Manjiang’s luck has started rebounding.”

Yu Manjiang: “……!!!”

The author has something to say:

Zhengdu: So, does Boss really have money or not?