New Times, New Hell-Chapter 39 - Starting a Business is Not Easy……

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Chapter 39 - Starting a Business is Not Easy……

Luofeng’s first business development discussion meeting lasted almost three hours. New and old employees alike all expressed their ideas, causing the meeting’s atmosphere to become very intense.

Though this was the first time everyone was doing business with the mortal realm as ghosts, they had all been humans previously, so were extremely familiar with the possible marketing strategies. This was especially true because their new employees had all been carefully chosen from tens of thousands of applicants. Among them were a few who had previously been elites in their fields prior to death. When it came to marketing plans, they were more than prepared.

Of course, there were several difficulties too. These mainly stemmed from the barrier between the Underworld and mortal realm, as well as the nature of their products. Consequently, they couldn’t use all of the promotional or marketing strategies that they had been familiar with in life. For example, the most common method of marketing in the mortal realm was through phone calls, but if they tried selling their products with this technique, they would definitely get reported so much that their company would be forced to close temporarily for examination.

There were also restrictions on making ads. TV ads were very carefully inspected, and their products would most certainly not be able to pass this inspection. The only option remaining was online ads, but the operationalization of such a plan was difficult too.

“It would actually be best if we could get a celebrity to be our brand ambassador.” The person speaking was a new employee named Qu Guangzhao. He was the one who had come up with the most suggestions during this meeting. Even Yu Zhengdu, who was in a different department than him, had remembered his name and face.

Not for anything else, simply because nobody had ever seen such a workaholic human when alive and had also never seen such a workaholic ghost after passing. Apparently, he was in the middle of challenging his personal record of continuous working from when alive, because he believed that in theory, since ghosts couldn’t die, they should be able to set a new record for longest time spent working continuously.

As a result, everyone thought that he had died from overworking. However, after checking his death records, they could only say, someone so hardworking had a body in great health. He hadn’t died because of work, but because of vacation——he had been surfing during vacation and unfortunately drowned. This story made all the other ghosts sigh.

Qu Guangzhao analyzed, “Our product is a bit special. The key to marketing it is to gain the customers’ trust. The fastest way to build trust is to get someone famous to advocate for it. Thus, if we want to expand our market, the best plan is to invite an influential celebrity to be our brand endorser.”

“Un.” Shang Que nodded. “Sounds like a plan.”

Yu Zhengdu conveniently butted in, “Celebrity endorsement……What’s the budget?”

Qu Guangzhao pulled out a neatly printed piece of A4 paper and handed it to Shang Que. “These are the prices I found for current celebrity endorsements.”

Shang Que grabbed it and took a look, then calmly flipped the A4 paper over and covered it. He propped his chin on his hand and emotionlessly said, “Pass. Next idea.”

Qu Guangzhao: “……”

Yu Zhengdu immediately understood. He glanced at Qu Guangzhao and explained, “Do you have another plan that’s more suitable for our company?”

Qu Guangzhao asked, bewildered, “More specifically?”

Yu Zhengdu faintly smiled. “Cheap.”

Qu Guangzhao: “……”

Qu Guangzhao lived up to his name of being the ghost who loved work the most in the Underworld. Though he was slightly taken aback, he still managed to respond fairly quickly as he said, “I do, but if you want to spend less money, you’ll have to spend more time and energy……”

The new plan he proposed was to have Luofeng begin brand operations itself. In the age of the Internet, starting a brand was difficult, but also easy. For example, companies could open social media accounts, such as Weibo or official WeChat accounts. By using these accounts, they were able to gain fans and build trust with their fans. Consequently, it was much easier to sell their products.

But it wasn’t an easy task starting a social media account. Unless someone was exceptionally lucky and managed to suddenly get popular, each account was operated by an entire team working hard to achieve the ideal results.

However, considering Luofeng’s low budget and special situation, this was truly the best possible plan at the moment.

Shang Que pondered a bit, then agreed to include this method in their overall development plan. He immediately placed Qu Guangzhao in charge of registering the company’s account. Because all profiting projects had been transferred to their subsidiary company, consequently, this account was named using the subsidiary company’s name. Currently, the subsidiary company had already been officially registered; with Shang Que’s approval, it was called “Amazing Future”.

Of course, this was only the first step to building brand trust. Other marketing strategies needed to be put into place as well.

After the meeting, Yu Zhengdu and Shang Que left the room together.

Shang Que’s face was serious for once. He told Yu Zhengdu, “No matter what, I will definitely ensure that we have enough money for your salary and a big enough budget for development.”

Yu Zhengdu stared at his solemn expression and smiled. He said, “I trust you.”

Shang Que’s expression cleared up slightly. He promised again, “Before our company’s Weibo account has ten thousand active fans, I won’t spend money on games anymore.”

Yu Zhengdu thought about it a bit, then very sincerely stated, “With regards to our current profits, I think we can afford you spending three to five thousand on games.”

As the two spoke, Lu Lingxi finished up a phone call and shouted for Shang Que, “Boss, Big Eye Livestream called again. They said they can pay more……”

Shang Que’s eyebrows furrowed slightly. He was just about to refuse when he heard Yu Zhengdu ask, “What’s going on?”

Lu Lingxi glanced at Shang Que. Seeing that he didn’t say anything, she relayed the situation with Big Eye Livestream inviting Shang Que to participate in their program to Yu Zhengdu. At the end, she added, “But they just called and said that aside from Boss, they also want to invite you.”

Yu Zhengdu was confused. “Why me?”

Lu Lingxi’s expression was conflicted. “Apparently someone reposted the CP poll from your school onto the gossip forum. Right now your CP with Boss is extremely popular……”

Yu Zhengdu: “……People these days have that much free time on their hands?”

Lu Lingxi was speechless too. “Seems like it.”

She continued, “Then I’ll reject them……”

Yu Zhengdu was silent for a moment as he thought about it. He interrupted her to ask, “Can you discuss with them? Payment isn’t an issue, but we want them to introduce our company’s name……”

After he said this, Shang Que realized too. Though livestream companies weren’t mainstream media, they still garnered an impressive audience for popular programs. Luofeng’s products needed promotion right now, so if they could appear on such a well-received show, they would definitely manage to gain people’s attention.

Lu Lingxi nodded. “I’ll discuss with them.”

The administration was pretty chill at the livestream company. Big Eye Livestream replied fairly quickly. They weren’t able to make a direct advertisement for the company, but could include their business titles when introducing them as guests. This way, their company would be subtly advertised.

Yu Zhengdu and Shang Que discussed this, then agreed.

But only after agreeing did Yu Zhengdu finally remember to ask Lu Lingxi what kind of program they would be attending.

Lu Lingxi said, “Seems like an outdoor challenge course. Things like jumping across boards in the air, walking on water balls, that stuff.”

Yu Zhengdu: “……Fuck.” Weren’t they purposefully trying to make things difficult for homebodies!

Was it too late to go back on his words?

But Shang Que’s eyes slightly brightened. “The type where you run across the water in a see-through ball?”

Yu Zhengdu: “……” Boss looks like he’s anticipating it a little bit?

Lu Lingxi: Sigh, starting a business isn’t easy. The Ghost King has to make a living by performing.


Big Eye Livestream was one of the newer broadcasting platforms in the country, but was a rising star. Though they started late, their operating abilities were exceptional. Their company had a specialized team of scouts that were always on the lookout for new celebrities; they had already discovered and trained quite a few popular non-celebrity streamers. Because of this, though their company was new, it wasn’t in any way more lacking than the other platforms.

This time, their one year anniversary celebration was planned quite well too. Not only would it last a long time, they had also split it up into different topics. The one Yu Zhengdu and Shang Que had been invited to attend was called “Palpitating Youth.” It was an outdoor challenge course mainly geared towards the platform’s streamers and other people famous online. There were four episodes total. Each episode had one male and female celebrity as guests.

Coincidentally, the celebrity guests on the episode Yu Zhengdu and Shang Que were attending were two that they were familiar with. The man was named Qin Yuejian, and the girl was named Zeng Rong. They were from the same drama——the historical idol one that Shang Que had complained about for a very long time,《Old Dreams of Bianliang》.

Qin Yuejian had just graduated from university and had debuted through an idol survival show. He was currently quite popular and had many fans. Because of this, not soon after the show had ended, he had been chosen to play the second male lead in Old Dreams of Bianliang. Zeng Rong had been the third female lead, the evil female character whose final outcome Shang Que had been very interested in, Miss Bai Mudan.

Yu Zhengdu glanced at the celebrity lineup, then thought about what Shang Que had said about Old Dreams of Bianliang online. He felt extremely conflicted and couldn’t help secretly whispering to interview Boss, “Can I ask how you feel seeing Miss Bai Mudan in person?”

“Who?” Shang Que’s expression was puzzled.

Yu Zhengdu subtly pointed at Zeng Rong only to see a look of realization wash over Shang Que’s face. “Recently she’s acting as Xiao Lingli in Hooray for First Loves. I like her.”

Yu Zhengdu: “……” How many idol dramas did Boss actually watch?

Wait, that wasn’t right. He played so many games everyday, how did he have the time to watch so many dramas?

The activities in “Palpitating Youth” would be simultaneously livestreamed on the Big Eye Livestream app. Because Qin Yuejian and Zeng Rong were attending, there were already a large number of fans waiting online before the program even started. The comments were filled with confessions for these two idols.

They stayed there all the way until the livestream officially started. The host started introducing the guests today. Excluding the two celebrities, all the other attendees were popular streamers from Big Eye Livestream or famous on the Internet. After every introduction, the comments would be filled with people cracking jokes. But ultimately, they were just there for some fun, so their numbers couldn’t compare to those of the fans of actual celebrities.

When it came time to introduce Yu Zhengdu and Shang Que, the number of comments across the screen suddenly increased rapidly.

【Fuck, he’s so handsome!!!! Is this a newly debuted celebrity?】

【Insanely beautiful appearance has hurt me x2……Big Eye is amazing. Where did they get this extraordinary pairing?】

【Butting in to say, I think they’re even better looking than celebrities. They look more natural and untainted】

There were also netizens who had seen the post on the gossip forum so recognized them immediately.

【Yi, isn’t this senior Yu and CEO?】

Because the post in Fu City University’s forum had called Yu Zhengdu “senior”, everyone online now called him “senior Yu” suggestively when discussing him. Similarly, the story of the supposed overbearing boss gifting roses to fight for an employee had spread far and wide. Though Shang Que looked young, he had still honorably gained the nickname “CEO”.

【Ohoh, it really is them. They look so good together!!!】

Big Eye Livestream had someone keeping an eye on the comments during broadcasts to be able to provide the host with real-time updates of what was going on. The MC would also adjust his interactions with the guests in response to the fans’ reactions. Now, he received the news of the increase in comments so very cleverly handed the microphone to Yu Zhengdu. “Senior Yu, your CP with CEO is quite popular online right now. I heard that you also said that you wanted to choose CEO. Is that your honest opinion?”

Yu Zhengdu’s expression didn’t change at all after hearing this question full of implications. He calmly held up his right hand, then smiled and asked, “Take a look at what this is?”

The MC looked bewildered, but still very agreeably leaned in to take a closer look. He inspected the whole arm, yet didn’t manage to find anything. He asked in confusion, “What is……this?”

Yu Zhengdu proudly dragged out, “This is a living and breathing pork trotter.”

As soon as he spoke, the host’s face immediately turned into the color of pig liver. The comment section also exploded in laughter.

【Hahahahahaha, senior Yu is really harsh】

【Senior Yu……clearly knows he’s scum……】

【PD hurry and give the shot to CEO ah】

The host was so shocked he blanked out for a moment before finally wiping his face. “I didn’t expect you to be this type of senior.”

He refused to admit defeat so kept asking suggestive questions. This time, he turned around to inquire Shang Que, “CEO, senior Yu just admitted that he’s a pork trotter. What do you have to say to this?”

Shang Que grabbed the microphone. “Pork trotter? I’ll eat pork trotters too……”

With his response, the comment section immediately went crazy once more.

【?????? Does he know what he’s saying?】

【?? I suspect that CEO was just out of it. Is he blanking out because he’s hungry, so he only heard the two words “pork trotters”?】

【CEO hurry and wake up. Pork trotters aren’t worth it!】

The two of them already looked good. This provocative response just so happened to excite the nerves of CP fans. In an instant, the comment section reached an unprecedented number of comments. Even after Qin Yuejian and Zeng Rong started their introductions, some of their CP fans’ comments still remained. It only slightly calmed down after the activities officially started.

For the actual activities, the participants were split into two opposing teams. Aside from Qin Yuejian and Zeng Rong who were the fixed team leaders of these two teams, all other members were decided through picking sticks. Though it was supposed to be random, the production team had secretly arranged for everything already so that the competition would be more exhilarating to watch. For example, Shang Que and Yu Zhengdu, who had been invited onto the show because of the CP post, had been placed into two different teams. Shang Que was in Zeng Rong’s team, and Yu Zhengdu was in Qin Yuejian’s.

After they chose teams, the MC spoke regretfully, “Who would’ve thought that right after senior Yu made such a bold statement about being a pork trotter, he would be forced to separate from CEO. Could this be the supposed fate?”

They split into two groups. Each team leader led their team through stretches.

Zeng Rong’s character Bai Mudan was extremely evil, but in person, she was quite lively. However, she also knew how to act on variety shows. Thus, she held up both hands and yelled confidently, “Comrades, today we must do our best. We can’t lose to the pig trotter!”

After speaking, the PD very understandingly turned the camera onto Shang Que.

Shang Que looked up and very seriously said, “I want to step on the water balls.”

Everyone: “……”

Respond to the joke ah!