Not your typical baby mama-Chapter 101 Results On Greco Pharmaceuticals Investigation

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"Oh! That's not what you were wearing earlier. Did something happen?" Xavier asked as he joined his brother in the elevator. The first thing he noticed was his brother's change of suit from the one he had on when he came in earlier.

Zach maintained his stoic expression as he masked his embarrassment. This was all because of his little wife. He had been left in a frustrated state after she pulled that stunt on him. His only option was to take a very cold shower right in his office hence the change of clothes. He couldn't wait to do that when he gets home because the matter was full of urgency.

"You leave quite early these days?" Xavier asked again when he got no response for the first question.

"I could say the same about you",Zach countered. But it wasn't a question, it was an accusation that would guilt trip Xavier like he wasn't supposed to.

"What's wrong with that? Besides, I've always done this."

It was a fact. Zach was always the one to work late while Xavier left his office at five on the dot. But lately, they had been bumping into each other like now or leaving almost at the same time though separately.

"You shouldn't do that anymore", Zach said.


"You don't have a wife", he stated.

Right then, the elevator came to a stop and the doors slid open on the first floor. Zach left with his team of bodyguards while a fuming Xavier was left to watch his brother's retreating back.

"Unbelievable!" Xavier scoffed.

His brother was acting like this when Amy wasn't there, what more when she finally physically comes into the picture? Xavier shook his head. Zach might end up leaving work for home during lunch hours and not come back to work for the rest of the day.

Zach ignored the curious stares he got from his employees when they saw him in a different suit. His mind was on where Amy currently was; at that guy Ian's place. What could she be possibly doing? It's not that he doubted her but he just could not help the bitter feelings. No, he was not jealous at all. He just didn't like the idea of his wife being in another man's home, party or not.

When he got home, he took a showe, changed into a casual outfit and had his dinner. With nothing else to do, he went to his study to get some work done. He sat down in his leather chair and picked up a file from his desk to read. He was sure to put on his reading glasses and took a pen for when he reads the file.


He slammed it onto the desk! He had barely gotten through the first page and didn't have the energy to finish. He looked at the time, it was barely seven in the evening. He felt extremely bored. He usually used work to pass his time but his brain could not cooperate. He could not help but wonder what Amy was doing at that party. And that Ian guy! He better not be trying something on his wife! What's worse is he didn't have a face to put to his rival!

"No, let's get some work done", he chided himself. He switched on his desktop and opened some files from the design team. The plan was to study them and approve them lest he finds flaws. He put on his concentrative face and peeled his eyes against the monitor.

A second later

"Ugh!" He slumped in his chair.

Work had never been so boring. And he could not even come up with a single thing to pass his time. 'Should I write to her? Would that be too much of me?'

The sound of his phone ringing snapped him out of his thoughts.ƒ𝘳𝗲𝑒𝒘𝐞𝚋𝚗𝐨v𝘦l.𝒄o𝐦

"Sir, where are you? I have the results of my investigation on Greco Pharmaceuticals", George spoke.


"I'll be there in ten minutes", George said before he heard Zach hang up.

The latter stepped out of his study to inform and stood by the stair railing on that floor.

"Edmund!" He called out.

The said man rushed towards the source from his station which was by the door. He appeared downstairs within seconds whenlre Zach could see him.

"You called for me, sir?"

"George is on his way. Bring him to my study when he arrives."

"Yes, sir."

With that, he went back in and settled in his seat. Throughout the ten minutes he waited for his assistant, he flipped his phone between his fingers whilst trying to suppress the urge to check on his wife. His patience and self restraint was tested a great deal during that time frame. But he fought it.

Ten minutes later, a knock came.

"Sir, Mr. Stewart is here", Edmund announced from the door.

"Let him in", Zach answered.

Edmund got the door for George and the latter walked in. He pulled on his jacket to straighten it and pushed up his glasses up his nose bridge with a finger. He set down the file on the desk in front of Zach and took out a tablet to explain his findings. However, before he could speak, Zach beat him to it.

"Straight to the point", Zach said as he opened the file.

"They just finalized developing a drug called Adalimumab. It's a special drug in high demand in health industry because of its abilities. It treats and preserves joint function, it is also used to treat certain bowel conditions such as Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis and a certain eye disease called uveitis."

"Is that all?" Zach's brows knitted.

"They need to bring in funds to mass produce this so they'll probably take advantage of the Corporate gala to impress some good investors."

"The Corporate gala....", Zach muttered as he fell deep in thought.

Even with his stoic expression, George was able to guess that something was cooking in his boss's mind. Something was up.