Not your typical baby mama-Chapter 104 Richard Speaks His Mind

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Richard didn't waste a second and got out to settle on the front passenger's seat. Amy quickly got behind the wheel. A thought suddenly came to Richard.

"Ah! Do you know how...." His sentence faltered when Amy swiftly reversed out of the driveway and into the road. " drive...", He quietly finished.

Amy's brows had knitted together as she floored the accelerator leaving tyre marks on the road. Richard quickly hooked on his seatbelt and glanced at Amy. He wanted to tell her to slow down when she was driving at a hundred and sixty but remembered his injured wife. Speaking of his wife, he glanced at the back and she had long passed out from the pain. But, he failed to notice her phone that had fallen on the floor.

Amazingly, despite Amy's race car driving kind of speeding, Stella remained stable where she lay. Amy swiftly changed lanes to avoid traffic. She was determined to change the twenty minute drive into a five minute one.

"RST 1456 pull over! Pull over!" A voice echoed over a speakerphone outside.

"Emily, the police", Richard said as he glanced back through the rearview mirror. The cops were onto them and their sirens blared red and blue lights as they pursed them. Richard worried about Amy getting caught and at the same time delaying Stella's treatment.

Amy clicked her tongue in annoyance and only increased her speed. The sirens echoed from behind them while the cops kept shouting for them to pull over. There was an intersection right ahead where cars in their lane had queued on the red lights. It would be saw easy for the police to catch them. When he glanced at Amy, she kept increasing her speed and she had one hand on the steering wheel while the other was on her phone.

The police saw the intersection. With cars queuing up on both lanes, the car they were pursuing had no choice but to stop.

"Am I seeing things or is this person increasing their speed?" The male cop in the passenger's seat spoke.

"Well then", the female cop driving had on a sly smile as she floored the accelerator.

As they got closer, both cars increased their speed as the approached the intersection. The lights up ahead turned green for the lane they were in. The cars got a move on quickly and Amy easily cruised through the green lights.

"Darn it!" The female cop slammed her steering wheel in frustration.

The male cop turned on the speakerphone. "RST 1456 pul....."

The sound of a horn interrupted him. Amy's hand was pressed against the horn alerting those in front of her to get out of the way.

"How is this bastard so lucky!" The male cop snarled.

"Mike, you're on speaker", the female cop warned.

"Ugh!" He turned it off and slumped in his seat.

Richard's face had turned ugly the moment he heard the male cop's voice broadcasting that insult at Amy over the speaker. Amy gave him a comforting smile before refocused her gaze on the road. She had no time to waste to dwell on that. Her goal was to get Stella to the hospital and that she did.

The cops were right behind them when they arrived at the hospital. "Excuse me-" Mike the cop started soon as he got out of the car.

His words fell on deaf ears as he watched Amy and Richard rush into the ER.

"Wait, that was a woman driving?" Mike frowned.

"What's your point?" his colleague arched a brow a him.

Mike kept his mouth shut as they both watched Amy and Richard return with a team of doctors dragging a wheeled stretcher. Richard and Amy opened the back doors to let the medical personnel do their job.

Stella's face was as white as a sheet of paper and cold sweat glistened on her forehead. Whilst carrying her out of the car, they accidentally touched her injured hip.

"Argh!" The pain brought her back to consciousness as she cried out.

"Let's run a CAT scan and see what we're dealing with!" One doctor spoke.

Richard felt a terrible twist in his heart as he watched her cry out in pain. Not too long ago, she had been all bubbly and trying to gossip with him about something. But now, she could hardly remain conscious from the immense pain.

The two followed in after the medical team as they wheeled Stella into the hospital. Richard's eyes were blood shot red from trying to contain his tears. He felt a warm hand on his arm before he turned to find Amy staring at him with the same expression as his.

"Why don't you go in with her? I need to fill in her details at the reception", he said.


"She'll be okay, kid", he patted her shoulder. It sounded like he was convincing himself than her but she still nodded to it.

While Amy followed after the medical personnel to the ER, Richard went back to the reception to fill in Stella's information. What he didn't expect was to see the cops waiting right there. His expression turned into stone as he walked on pretending as if he didn't see them.

"Good morning, sir. How may I help you?" The nurse at the reception greeted him.

Richard was about to respond when Mike cleared his throat from behind him. "Owner of RST 1456, we need to have a word."

Richard turned around and took him in. He was a young man with short brown hair and freckles around his nose and cheeks. He was a lean young man who looked a little haughty in his uniform. Mike still could not believe a woman had pulled such a stunt. But since the woman had gone in, he would have to talk to the man.

"I understand you're only doing your job, but can't you see I'm in the middle of something?" Richard stared at him with a frown.

"I just want to talk about the traffic laws the woman broke and I'll be out of your hair", Mike shrugged.

"The car is in my name so you can assign the speeding ticket to me, besides that, I don't think there are any laws she broke. And that woman, she's not a bastard, she's my daughter. And the woman she just rushed here nevermind the speeding, is her mother. So you don't talk about her that away."

Richard's voice was firm as he gave the young cop a piece of his mind. The nurses at the reception frowned at Mike. His colleague stood at a good distance. She didn't want to say much when she saw the reason for their speeding but Mike was a little enthusiastic about his new job. 𝒇𝒓eewe𝒃𝑛𝒐𝘃𝒆𝚕.co𝘮

Richard filled in his wife's information. Mike was unable to give him a speeding ticket so the older man was on his way right then. He rushed to where he had left Amy. She looked distracted as she wiped away some tears. No doubt, the young woman cared about his wife as much as the latter did her.

"Jen? I thought that was you!" A female doctor called out.

Richard looked to see Amy's face light up in recognition and then walk towards the woman. He was confused at this encounter. Amy opened her mouth to speak when he voiced his confusion.


The doctor looked in his direction with brows raised while Amy's mouth fell open. Richard looked at her in clear confusion. How would she deal with this?