Not your typical baby mama-Chapter 70 Attracting Attention

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"I've been calling you, didn't you hear me?"

Amy felt whoozy when she finally took in the person. It was Susan calling her. Truth be told, she had built a defense mechanism to make a run for it once she hears someone address her by her real name. She had actually forgotten about the fact that she registered with her real name at the hospital.

"Sorry about that. I.... I was so caught up in.... reading these", Amy showed her the medicine in her hand.

"It's okay. Here, you forgot your scarf in my office", Susan handed her the pink woolen item.

Amy's eyes lit up in realization. "How careless of me. Thank you Susan, and you can use my first name."

"Jennifer", Susan tasted it on her lips. "How about Jen?"

"Sounds good. Then I'll call you Suzy."

Susan hummed in approval. The two women smiled at each other.

"Mom" A boy shouted and waved his hand gaining the attention of the two women.

The boy was approximately thirteen years old or under. He freed his hand from the middle aged woman he was with and run towards Susan who had her arms wide open. The boy walked into his mother's embrace. Amy watched the exchange in awe. So this must be the baby boy she decided to keep and at the same time pursue her medicine career.

"My little prince! Ready for our lunch date?" Susan smiled and looked at him with an affectionate gaze. She kissed his forehead.

"Mom", the boy whined and tried to escape his mother's touch. His ears were red from embarrassment as he looked around his surroundings. Susan laughed in amusement as she hung her arm over his shoulder.

"Sorry, Jen. Trevor, say hie to mommy's friend. Jennifer this is my son Trevor", she made the introductions.

"Trevor Glynne, currently 12 but turning 13 in two months. It's a pleasure to meet you", he took Amy's hand and kissed it.

Amy's mouth fell into an 'o' and she watched him in amusement. Susan slapped his hand away as she was embarrassed on his behalf.

"Hey!" Susan scolded him.

"Mom! You're ruining my CV!" he grumbled.

The mother and son pair had a stare off probably having a silent argument. Amy chuckled before she shook her head in amusement. Trevor was taken when he saw her beautiful smile.

"How old are you?" Trevor pressed on.

"A true gentleman never asks a lady her age unless he wants to marry her", Amy responded.

"Oh? Then I'll marry you. You're just my type", he winked at her.

Susan slapped his arm. "What do you know about types? Stop talking already! You're too young for her or any of this!"

"You know nothing mother!" Trevor responded without taking his eyes off Amy.

Susan was about to hit him again when she froze. She looked at his nanny in horror. "Auntie, what have you been letting him watch? Have you been monitoring what he watches?"

"I have. Why do you ask madam?"

"That's a famous line from Game of Thrones! You, where have you been watching this?" Susan narrowed her eyes at him and spoke through gritted teeth.

Trevor's eyes flashed with momentary panic before he willed a coquettish smile. He took her hand and flashed her his charming smile.

"My Queen, we're going to be late for our date. It was nice meeting you Miss Jennifer, I hope to see you soon", he pulled his mother's hand and led her away. "Actually, there's this guy I wanted to introduce you to. Mom, he's totally your style....."

Amy watched as the nanny followed after them. Susan and Amy hastily waved at each other before she went her way. She could finally relax after receiving that little scare concerning her surname. Of course, she was smart enough to register with her middle name. Besides the orphanage she grew up in, no one knew of it and she was sure she was not the only one going by the name Jennifer Harper in the United States and that it would take anyone a while to link Jennifer Harper to Amy Harper especially since the only information she allowed to be accessed was that of Amy Harper.

Amy internally sighed, so many identities. It was all because of her current situation that she had to go through all this. She had 50% of an idea of what those people were doing. She was still investigating until they suddenly went silent. Now all she could rely on was Dylan's mission in Rome. This way, she could formulate a sure plan and take them down.


Her brows knitted in annoyance as she looked at the bank notification. She fished out her phone from her bag as she walked out of the hospital. With a few taps on her phone, she established a connection with Dylan and activated her voice changer.

"What do you think you're doing?" She barked not minding the onlookers passing by.

"Boss! I know what it looks like but it's really part of the plan!" Dylan tried to placate his angry boss.

"Then use your money as 'part of the plan'! Are you trying to make me broke?!"

"But this is work related. The company should finance this. And boss! How can you be broke when you can finance my three month vacation and also pay me? I've only spent a little over a million in two weeks", he let out a sheepish laugh.

"Yeah, I forgot I grow my money on a tree in my backyard", she responded dryly.

"Boss! Boss! Don't talk like that. It's really part of the plan. You have to trust me", he pleaded.

"I warned you not to attract any attention!" Amy wanted to punch him through the phone. Dylan could understand his boss's anger but attracting attention was part of the plan and sure enough, he was succeeding.

From the top most floor of the club he had been frequenting and lavishly spending on alcohol and women, a black haired man in a black suit overlooked the floor below through his tinted glass wall. The man took his cigar between his thin lips and drew in a smoke before puffing it out. His subordinate stood a few feet away.

Both of them had their eyes on a blue haired young man in a VIP booth. He had just bought drinks for himself and other customers on that floor. From that distance, he couldn't see the young man's face clearly but his eyes were filled with mirth as he took him in. The way the young man sat in his seat exuded an air of arrogance.

He narrowed his eyes. "So, that's him?"

"Yes, sir", his subordinate responded.

The door to the room they were in suddenly opened. Without looking back, the man knew who had walked in. A beautiful brunette walked in and swung her hips as she walked towards him. The subordinate knew to leave the two alone.

The woman walked into the boss's embrace and gingerly kissed him on his lips. "What's up?"

"Him", he nodded towards Dylan.

The woman turned to look while the man wrapped his arms around her waist and rested his chin on her shoulder. Both man and woman had their eyes on Dylan, but they had different thoughts as they took him in.𝐟𝚛e𝐞𝙬𝗲𝒃𝓷𝒐𝘃e𝒍.c𝑜m