Number One Dungeon Supplier-Chapter 1561 Counterattack against Diamondz -Part 6

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Chapter 1561 Counterattack against Diamondz -Part 6

"What is happening?!" Edmond Diamondz, who was about to have his breakfast, as his secretary presents to him the latest findings on the assault against Mount Sunn was interrupted by tremendous shaking of the building.

Without a moment of hesitation, his secretary picked up her phone and started calling to ask about the situation. Meanwhile, his personal bodyguards who were standing guard outside his room had moved into his dining hall within the company grounds and started to ask about the situation as well.

"Apparently, there was an instantaneous breach on Diamo City's barrier at 0658hrs. The barrier recovered full defensive capability in less than two minutes after the breach but during that time, there was confusion because of the change of shifts-"

"Do not give me excuses! Why did this building shake?!" Edmond demanded an answer since this headquarters was practically his palace, his throne. Any damage to it was basically an insult towards the Diamondz industry and there was no way the perpetrators would get away with it.

"We are currently attempting to lock the place down as we speak. The first few reports are coming in stating that an aircraft had dived and crashed into the building, causing a major fire between Floor 46 and 47. And because the fire is preventing the entire lockdown sequence of the building, it is best we move to-"

"I am going to finish this breakfast of mine and you are going to report the findings to me."

Edmond said and his secretary sighed. What he meant indirectly was that this should be some terror attack that could be handled by the security he employed within the building. There should be no cause for worry since such events can happen and contingency plans have already been made to counter such cases.

"Sir, it would still be safer to…" Her words were drowned by the sudden increase of the music volume via her boss's personal holographic console. There was no way of talking him out of it and he even called his guards to remain outside of his dining hall. The guards, knowing his attitude and commands, nodded their heads and went out.

But before they did so, they walked to the nearest wall where there was a hidden cache of equipment which they used to arm themselves to the teeth as well as wearing the appropriate body armour for such incursions.

Realising there was no hope in the situation, the secretary merely resigned to her fate as she walked towards the very same wall and requested the bodyguards to fit her with a suit of body armour as well. In the meantime, she waited as the music continued to play bombastically throughout the entire hall as Edmond savoured his food in relative peace.


The fire did not occur immediately as it was not a result of the aircraft crashing into the headquarters. Instead, it happened as Click had already prepared a bucket load of explosives and was thrown at the side of the building so that it would attract meaningless attention to the situation unfolding at hand.

So yeap, the crash was no doubt a huge surprise to the workers near the window of Floor 46 and 47 as the Rocket Coffin smashed through countless desks and makeshift offices to stop the ship's momentum to a halt. The Grey Bears immediately emerged from the Rocket Coffin within less than a minute of the crash. (Considering how they needed to brace for impact while ensuring that everyone was still in working condition.)

But it was also thanks to Lynn and Jin as they put up a preemptive energy barrier as the Rocket Coffin dived into the Diamondz Headquarters. The barrier absorbed most of the impact before it dissipated and the rest of the inertia had to be handled by crew members themselves.

Everyone in the office thought that they would be killed the moment the Rocket Coffin came crashing into their workspaces and even more so as Grey Bears shocked them further by making their grand entrance slamming the side doors away.

Some of the workers even unlocked their office's sidearms to retaliate but to their surprise, the Grey Bears were not aiming for them. The only time they fired was when someone tried to stop them. Otherwise, the group was converging from the sides of the Rocket Coffin and towards the main office area of Floor 46.

Since there was little to no retaliation by the office workers other than a few dumb brave souls, the start of the intrusion operation was relatively smooth allowing the Battle Maiden squad to get their bearings. It was only then that Click detonated the side of the building to cause a fire alarm to ring and people began to evacuate.

The experimental research was reported to be on Floor 60, where all the restricted research databases were being stored. That was where Yinn, Lynn, Diaz and Page were moving upwards since Yinn was also tasked to move to the 69th floor. And to do so, they were using the window panels to climb up. Thus, the explosion that Click created was not shown but to give the four of them the space to move upwards unhindered by the crowd that was desperately attempting to evacuate.

Separately, Tellie and Click along with Jin were using the crowd partially as their cover to move down. The Armoury Depot was on Floor 35 which was the direct middle floor of the Diamondz headquarters, allowing the security guards to handle threats easily since they were situated at the very centre of the headquarters. But with the fire alarm, it was difficult for the guards to make any visible charge, especially in the morning where some thought it was a fake fire alarm, making things extremely difficult for people to react to the situation.

This allowed Jin, Tellie and Click to move without any problems until they reached Floor 40 where guards were starting to spot their 'terrorists' and started to shoot indiscriminately at them.

The shooting caused even more panic among the evacuees and that was when things started to get interesting for the Grey Bears who were buying time for the other four to complete their objectives.