Once Upon a Time In Hollywood-Chapter 355: small abacus clanging

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Chapter 355 Little Abacus Clinking

After the ceremony, everyone drove back to the Kerry Hotel and enjoyed a sumptuous lunch. In the evening, Kate’s birthday celebration was also arranged. After the fifth day passed, the remaining five days were all free travel time. Since all the facilities on the island are covered by Roland, the guests can bring their children to play freely, no matter whether it is going surfing on the north coast, swimming on the south coast, diving on the west coast, or going to a racecourse, Hit the golf course, no problem.

Just show the invitation card, ah, no, with the popularity of these guys, as long as you swipe your face, the bosses of each family will understand the meaning, and then count the consumption brought by the value-added services on the head of the wedding organizer.

At first glance, the wedding company invited is the same as not invited.

Because all the activities before and after the regular wedding are not arranged.

Like other people’s grand weddings, Grammy winners will be arranged to sing on stage, famous bands will be invited to create an atmosphere, and some dinners, parties, and dances will be held. In short, guests will not be allowed to deal with their spare time.

And what about Roland's wedding?

One ceremony, two meals, it's over!

The rudimentary aspects of the link, combined with the generous package of the island half a month in advance, is simply the difference between heaven and earth, but the problem is that for the guests on site, the simpler it is, the easier it is.

Like Robert De Niro, he arrived by plane on the afternoon of the 4th. After attending the wedding ceremony and birthday celebration on the 5th, he flew back to Los Angeles that night, because his movie "Meet Your Father-in-Law" will premiere on the 6th.

George Lucas is the same, leave from the 4th to the 5th, because the crew of "Attack of the Clones" is still waiting for him.

Not only that, but the six bosses who watched the ceremony also left one after another on the 5th and 6th, and the guys who can stay are either family members or partners who need to discuss things.

In this case, what dinner party, party, dance, and for whom?

The people who attend in a group have to take care of the children’s emotions and take them out on a trip, while business partners are frantically forming groups for private chats, and no one cares about those guys who can come and go as soon as they are called.

To put it bluntly, it is the conflict of interests and classes. For the ordinary rich, throwing coins to celebrate is a status symbol, but for the one percent of the world, when everyone has time to discuss things, then It is the biggest benefit after the wedding.

Because of this, Roland was taken away early in the morning on the 6th.

It was not an outsider who came to call him, but Steven Spielberg.

At the invitation of the other party, Roland, who had washed up and had breakfast, came to the meeting room provided by the Kerry Hotel. As soon as he entered the door, Bill Gates and Paul Allen were leaning on the circular sofa, making him laugh.

"Wow, Wow, Wow, I thought you were leaving today!"

"After all, the Federation and the European Union only approved your acquisition of Yahoo, and someone has to do the merger after that!"

The slightly joking words made the two stand up, shake hands and hug him, and after saying happy newlyweds, they also replied with a smile: "It's fine for Steve (Ballmer) to handle this matter, and he won't run away." Compared with the acquisition case, it is more troublesome to ask you to meet."

"Then you are talking nonsense, I don't have wings, where else can I fly?"

Roland took a sip of tea and looked at them cheerfully.

The look of foolishness made the founders of Microsoft smile and shake their heads, and it also made Steven Spielberg tell the truth, "Roland, your ten-month vacation before marriage is almost suffocating us."

"We wanted to talk to you about many things before, but we have endured until now."

"And if we don't catch you now, what if you tell us again, ah! I'm going on my honeymoon!"

"Then our hair may be lost!"

"Hahaha~" Steven Spielberg scratched his head emotionally, causing Roland to wave his hands again and again, "No way, no way, you are only fifty-four, not so exaggerated, not so exaggerated..."

These three guys got together to find Roland, and what they wanted to talk about was nothing more than something related to DreamWorks.

So after making a simple joke, Steven Spielberg acted as the keynote speaker, "First of all, we want to sell the interactive entertainment department of DreamWorks. If you want, everything is yours. , Not only that, but the game business that may be generated by the movie in the future will also be licensed to Blizzard for production.”

Steven - Spielberg is a number one gamer, but he will never be a real game maker.

Because he can't distinguish the boundary between games and money.

When he plays games by himself, he can play for days and nights at a stretch, but when he goes to play games, it's all about money.

Don’t look at Dreamworks Interactive Entertainment’s “Medal of Honor”, ??the production team after the split took the WWII script written by Steven Spielberg and produced “Battlefield” and “Call of Duty”, but this This kind of achievement can't erase their dark history at all, and the cover game based on "Jurassic Park 2" once again hurt the hearts of fans, so...

He quit.

In his previous life, after he found out that his brainless money-making behavior would only make fans go from expectation to disappointment to despair, he sold DreamWorks Interactive Entertainment to EA created by Steve Jobs' younger brother.

Now, my students are making games, so how can this kind of successful IP be cheaper for others?

And this kind of thing is of course the best for Roland.

After all, he's been craving Call of Duty and Battlefield for a long time.

So, after hearing this request for free IP, Roland nodded and said: "Okay, let the people below talk about it."

"But I have to make it clear that although you have sold the company, you are still the producer of the "Medal of Honor" series. You have to watch the script after that, and you have to be on call during production. What if there is no one to play with?"

"Hahaha, good, good..." Steven Spielberg nodded with a smile. He knew that Roland was conveying the idea that the company was sold and the people were still there. No matter when you want to play games, you can go back and have a look.

Of course, due to the presence of outsiders, he did not reveal too much personal emotion.

"The second thing is actually an equity dispute within DreamWorks. Since David (Geffen) has not made any breakthroughs in the music field, he is actually inclined to sell his shares and withdraw from the management of DreamWorks."

Roland also knew about this.

DreamWorks was founded at the beginning, the three people had evil intentions, shouting slogans loudly, but none of them contributed their family fortune.

Steven Spielberg clings to his Amblin Entertainment, David Geffen would rather sell his company to Panasonic than integrate it into DreamWorks, and Jeffrey Katzenberg even more so. Not to mention, DreamWorks Animation, which he was in charge of, has been emptied by Steven Spielberg. Under such circumstances, DreamWorks Music without copyright is doomed to fail to develop.

In Roland’s previous life, David Geffen also left the management of DreamWorks around 2,000 years ago. In 2008, when the company was officially sold, he even sold out his shares and cashed out, but now—

"Now, Microsoft wants to buy David Geffen's share."

"Not only that, they also hope to buy all the shares of Sony, Amblin and Warcraft Film and Television from Amblin and Warcraft Film and Television in the name of DreamWorks after purchasing the equity of DreamWorks."

"I mean it's not in a hurry, but they also want to hear your thoughts."

As I said before, the reason why Microsoft wants to launch the Xbox is not for the home console market, but for the home entertainment as a breakthrough, so that people can accept the concept of smart home, and then realize Bill Gates' dream of the Internet of Things.

So, Microsoft never called the Xbox a game console.

And when Paul Allen, who returned to Microsoft in 1990, learned that Steven Spielberg was in charge of a new entertainment company, he generously donated money and invested money. The money invested, but the major media groups still believe that this is the first shot that Microsoft wants to enter the entertainment field.

In Roland's previous life, Microsoft's dream was shattered due to the interference of the six major organizations, but now, because of the existence of Sony, Amblin and Warcraft Pictures' global distribution companies, the prospect of the Internet of Things's dream is still very broad.

Especially when Roland gave Yahoo to them very kindly, the relationship between the two parties became closer.

Because of this, when Steven Spielberg finished speaking, Paul Allen and Bill Gates spoke.

"Roland, we know what global distribution means to an entertainment company."

"Especially in the case that you are doing very well in Warcraft Film and Television, it is really unreasonable for you to sell this part of the equity."

"So, when we proposed this deal, we didn't want to stifle the rights and channels of our friends. While acquiring these two shares in the form of cash + equity, we also hope that DreamWorks, Amblin, and Warcraft Film and Television will sign long-term distribution contracts. The agreement is that the films produced by Amblin and Warcraft Films can unconditionally use the distribution channels controlled by DreamWorks, and the profits and costs will be borne by the two companies themselves. DreamWorks will not make money from Amblin and Warcraft Films, nor will it No losses will be incurred.”

"And after that, our goal is MGM."

Having said that, Roland understood.

Microsoft just wants to be a prostitute!

How can global distribution channels be so easy to build? Eating off-the-shelf is the right way!

When David Geffen wanted to cash out and leave the field, he felt that the situation was going well and Microsoft wanted to intervene. At the same time, they didn't want to be a successor, so letting the company control the lifeline of survival is the core!

If Steven Spielberg and Roland Allen agree to sell 50% of the equity of Sony, Amblin and Warcraft to DreamWorks, then DreamWorks can instantly become Paramount and Universal. company.

Because the global publicity department of Paramount and Universal, United International Pictures, is a joint venture company with 50/50 shares between the two parties. In this case, the difference between DreamWorks and the Big Six is ??the last member of the American Film Association. identity!

This identity may be difficult to get for Steven Spielberg, but for Microsoft...

Just buy a company with membership.

Among Warner, Disney, Paramount, Universal, Sony, Fox, and MGM, the last one is best swallowed.

After acquiring MGM, identity came.

Two transactions, with a total amount of no more than 5 billion, can create a new bigseven.

This is the charm of capital.

It's like the next generation of Sony said that they got the exclusive game from B agency!

The next second, Microsoft waved its hand, saying that it spent 7.5 billion to buy the parent company of Company B!


Jump again and buy you directly! 𝗳𝓇ℯe𝓌𝚎𝚋𝓃𝚘𝚟𝘦𝑙.𝑐𝚘𝙢

Your market value of a Sony is not as much as my cash reserves!

What is super power?

This is money ability!

But in this case, Steven Spielberg's right to speak will be cut off by two layers. Even if Microsoft doesn't care, he will be like playing a game of power and usurpation, from the company's supreme boss to humble Extreme staff.


Maybe this is why he is reluctant to sell shares for the time being?

Thinking of this, Roland glanced at the other party, and seeing that his expression was normal, he shook his head and said, "Not for now."

"Oh? Why?" Bill Gates raised his mouth, "Are there any problems in these transactions?"

As long as Roland doesn't directly refuse, it means that things can still be discussed.

And what Roland showed can be discussed, isn't that a free gift!

"Because I still have some business to discuss with Disney and Warner."

Of course, it was impossible for Roland to say that he wanted DreamWorks to swallow up Sony Pictures Entertainment, and when he mentioned Disney and Warner, the guys who had already known his behavior well did not insist, and nodded to express their understanding.

"Okay! Warner's DC and Disney's live-action movie business, right?"

"That is to put pressure on them with global distribution capabilities."

"It doesn't matter, these cooperations are just an intention. After all, it will take a certain amount of time to digest Yahoo!"

After a brief chat, the three invited Roland to play bridge.

Regarding such a proposal, Roland directly said that he hadn't learned how to refuse it.

The three of them didn't force it, they got up and went to find Warren Buffett who was still on the island.

As they left, Steven Spielberg patted Roland on the shoulder.

That smile made Roland nod knowingly.

Just when Roland thought that the whole thing would come to an end and he could go back to hug his sweet wife, the two guys from Google also took the opportunity to approach him, wanting to ask Roland whether Microsoft's acquisition of Yahoo would affect As for the cooperation between Google and Yahoo, Roland outsourced Yahoo's search business to Google before the end of 2005.

Roland really didn't think much about this matter, so, based on the principle of proximity, he called back Paul Allen and Bill Gates who had just left, and asked them about the search business.

When the two old men learned that Roland was yelling at him for the search engine business that still didn't have much room for profit, they felt that the problem was not big, and they directly expressed their position—"It won't affect it."

Not only that, Bill Gates also half-jokingly said: "If all the game companies under your name are willing to sign an exclusive agreement with Microsoft, then we can also outsource MSN's search business to you."

"However, you need to increase your stake in Google."

"MSN is the second largest website in the world. Although it is incomparable with Yahoo, but the two together, you have already monopolized the world's search business market. So, Roland is taking 10%, I don't think it's too much Bar?"

Such words surprised Sergey Brin and Larry Page, but to Roland, it was extremely normal.

Because he has a strong brand of Microsoft on his body.

Yahoo, the world's largest Internet company, handed over to Microsoft;

Apple, which has a large number of shares under its name, is enjoying the dividends brought by the transaction;

Half of the shares of ATi is held by Intel, an ally of Microsoft;

Microsoft is about to appear in the shareholder seat of the film company under the teacher's name;

Not only that, game companies and Microsoft's console division have also formed a strategic alliance.

In this case, even if Google is in the anti-Microsoft camp, Bill Gates will gladly give up the unprofitable market. After all, as long as Roland holds more shares, he can insert a lot into the anti-Microsoft alliance. root thorn.

He doesn't expect Roland to stand firmly on his side, but he believes that as long as there are enough interests, this slippery guy will make the choice of chasing fame and fortune, and now, which company can give Beyond Microsoft's price?

So, Roland smiled and stretched out his hand, "No problem."

"Same as Yahoo's contract, it will end on December 31, 2005."

"How about 8 percent for more than four years?"

Roland kicks the ball to Sergey Brin and Larry Page.

The two looked at each other, but did not immediately agree, "We need to go back and think about it."


This also considers an egg!

You think that you are the big brothers of Jianguo, and you can avoid the transfer of power if you don’t promise a peaceful transfer of power after the general election?

With Microsoft holding Yahoo, if the two of you don’t sell your shares, then the search engine market will have to be renamed!

Because there are a bunch of search engines around, they are all willing to be Roland's son!

One touch of the mouth can get the largest flow in the world, not to mention 8%, even 80%, there will be a bunch of people rushing to work hard!

And this is the most profitable business in the world—


Note: ① I wrote about Dreamworks Interactive Entertainment’s skin-changing game “Jurassic Park 2” which didn’t even have copyright, and was just a money grab. However, this game only sold 50,000 copies worldwide, and it once again made Spielberg He has a reputation similar to that of destroying "E.T.", so he sold the company after "Medal of Honor" exploded and finished writing the follow-up script. ②Dreamworks Animation has also been written before, and David Geffen's record company was sold to Universal's parent company American Music in 1990. When Panasonic acquired American Music, he directly sold the company to Panasonic, a company without copyright, walks with money, so the collapse of DreamWorks Music is the most normal. A music company without copyright can't do anything. ③Google only started using PPC in 2002. What really made Microsoft see that it was wrong was the advertising traffic alliance created by Google in 2003, and then started to upgrade the search engine. At the end of 2005, WindowsLive was launched. It is the predecessor of bing. Before that, no one in the search engine market knew how to make large-scale profits. Microsoft also used outsourcing Inktomi. In reality, this company took over the garbage business of Disney Go.com in August of the millennium. plate.

(end of this chapter)