One Pregnancy, Multiple Relationships: The Best Actress Is Cute And Sweet-Chapter 509

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Chapter 509: Prove it to me

Translator: 549690339

“No, I’m still in the hospital. It’s not convenient for me to take video calls.”

Chi Luoxi glanced at coach Lu as she spoke.

“She’s still in the hospital. It should be night time over there, right? What kind of friend was this? he made it so Grand and accompanied her during the day and night. I’ve called Beijing and they agreed to come over, but I can only decide on the time tomorrow afternoon. ”

Chi yaoxi didn’t want to answer Li Jingjing’s doubts and questions. She couldn’t explain it clearly over the phone, so she decided to come back and talk about it together.

“Okay, thank you. We’ll talk about the rest when you’re back.”

“Yue Xi, why do I hear that you have a very negative attitude towards me?”

“No, we’re in the hospital. It’s not convenient to talk about it.”

Although she did have a lot of opinions, Chi Yuexi didn’t want Li Jingjing to be affected by this.

She immediately denied any objections. After all, he was on a business trip abroad and had a hard time discussing projects.

Chi luexi was conflicted. She had trusted Li Jingjing so much and felt that he would not be the one who had problems with all the men in the world. He would control himself.

However, this feeling had changed now. Whenever Chi yaoxi thought of Li Jingjing, she would be reminded of the video of him sleeping with the blonde girl that night. 𝘧𝒓e𝑒𝑤e𝙗𝚗o𝙫𝒆𝙡.𝐜𝐨m

Only a ghost would believe that they hadn’t had any special relationship even after she had taken off her clothes.

“Alright then. Take good care of yourself and wait for me to return. It’ll take a few days. I’ll finish my business as soon as possible and come back to accompany you.”

When Li Jingjing was done, she reminded Chi Luoxi again to take care of herself and then hung up.

Chi luexi walked to the bed and looked at coach Lu. His eyes were still closed and he was sleeping quietly, breathing and not moving.

Chi leixi could not help but sigh deeply. It was for herself and for coach Lu.

When will he wake up?!

The genius of Madam Lu’s family, Lu Fei, had a concussion because of his injury. If he didn’t wake up soon, this night would last for three days.

The doctor had said that the longer it dragged on, the worse it was for the recovery of the patient’s brain. Some patients would not be as clear-headed as before when they woke up, and some patients would even become vegetative after waking up.

Oh my God, Chi Yuexi did not dare to continue thinking about it.

She was always blaming herself for coach Lu’s accident. She was the one who had caused it.

“Coach Lu, I’m begging you, please wake up, okay? Beijing’s neurosurgery expert, professor Huang, will only be able to confirm when he should come here tomorrow afternoon. Wake up early and try your best to wake up. Let’s not have the surgery, okay?”

When he heard the sadness and helplessness in Chi Luoxi’s voice, coach Lu almost couldn’t wait and opened his eyes to agree to her request.

Lu Fei had already woken up when the video call rang.

However, he did not make a sound or open his eyes. He was listening to Chi Luoxi’s conversation with someone.

It was a baritone voice. Although Chi Luoxi’s tone was very flat, Lu Fei could vaguely hear the other party’s simple words.

He guessed that he was on a business trip and wouldn’t be back so soon, so he wanted Chi Luoxi to wait for him.

Lu Fei guessed. Who was this man? Chi Luoxi’s boyfriend?

On second thought, it made sense. How could such an outstanding woman not have a boyfriend?

It was no wonder that Chi Luoxi still had time to eat and drink with him after knowing her for a few days. It turned out that her boyfriend was not around.

Lu Fei, who had never been moved by any other girl despite not having spent much time with her, fell in love with her when he saw her.

Lu Fei had originally wanted to open his eyes since he was awake so that Chi Luoxi would not worry about him.

However, the situation had become a little complicated. Lu Fei kept thinking.

In the face of love, it was not embarrassing to play tricks. Anyway, for the woman he loved, as long as he could achieve his goal, he would use any means to pursue her.

If he didn’t take advantage of the next few days to build a good relationship with Chi Luoxi, it would be difficult for him to even have a chance to talk or meet her when her boyfriend returned from his business trip.

Chi Luoxi was a good woman and she treated him well.

Lu Fei was still conscious when he was thrown to the ground in the car accident. He could clearly hear Chi Luoxi’s heart-wrenching cries.

And now, Chi luexi was accompanying him in the hospital day and night. No one would believe that she had no feelings for him or did not care about him at all.

There was no movement in the ward for a long time. Lu Fei slowly squinted his eyes and peeked.

Under the dim light, he saw that Chi Luoxi had fallen asleep on the simple bed beside the bed.

She must be very tired. He would let her have a good night’s sleep.

It just so happened that he still had some important things to think about. If he woke up immediately, he really didn’t know how to face Chi luexi.

In that case, he would take this opportunity to put on a disguise and wake up at the right time tomorrow.

The next day, when Chi leixi woke up, the sky was already bright.

She raised her hand and looked at the time. It was already past seven in the morning. She immediately got up. She didn’t expect herself to be able to sleep so much. She had slept for ten hours.

The caretaker took a basin of warm water and was about to wash her face and hands with Lu Fei, who was still ‘unconscious’.

“I’ll do it. You should rest too. ”

Chi luexi took the towel and washed it in the warm water. After twisting it until it was half dry, she started to wipe Lu Fei’s face.

“Coach Lu, I’ll help you wash your face. It’s already the third day of your stay in the hospital. Please wake up soon.”

Lu Fei suppressed the fluctuations in his emotions and enjoyed the warmth of Chi Luoxi’s small hands. He then used a towel to gently wash his face.

“I’ve heard that you’ve been outstanding since you were young. Why don’t you prove it to me? you’ll be outstanding now too. You don’t need to undergo surgery and can wake up on your own, okay? If you can do it, I’ll admire you even more!”

“I know you’re a good man. You’re gentlemanly, caring, good-looking, and you give me special treatment. I know that.”

“Xiao Ye, that bad guy. He didn’t even introduce you to me seriously. At first, I thought you were just a driving instructor. But you really do look like one. Instructors usually look very tan from the sun.”

Chi yaoxi listened to the doctor and tried her best to talk to coach Lu more to see if she could stimulate his brain.

Regardless of whether coach Lu had any reaction, Chi luexi continued to talk about him.

Outside the ward, two pairs of eyes were peeking in through the crack of the door.

Coach Lu’s sister pulled on her mother’s arm.

“When we go in later, can’t you see that the two of them are making out? Wait a minute, wait a minute. ”

From the outside, Chi Luoxi was bending over and lying on coach Lu’s chest. She spoke seriously while helping him wipe his face, as if she was going to kiss him.

Seeing this scene, Madam Lu could not help but laugh and stopped in her tracks. She pulled Miao Miao to the side.