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Pantheon Online-Chapter 305 Ragnarok Prepares to Counter!
305 Ragnarok Prepares to Counter!
Exile sighed as he sat on his throne overlooking the longhouse's hall where Ragnarok's officers sat. "Give me the full rundown of everything that's happened while I've been away from the game."
Mikari cleared his throat as he stood up. "We've lost a significant chunk of Skardia's northern territories to the elves. However, with the help of Allyce's people, we've managed to stop them from progressing any further. Skardian warriors have mobilised across the country and are reinforcing our borders. Including the depths where Bargrux's forces are still holding off the other dwarven kingdoms."
"Our southern shores remain untouched, largely thanks to Laskia and Parthus. Allyce has sent some of her forces to Parthus to uphold the end of our agreements with him." Mikari swallowed as he sat back down.
"On the trade front," Midas began as he stood up next. "Bargrux is continuously donating dwarven works to us, which we've been selling to Parthus and Laskia for a sizeable sum. Despite the war, this has served to fuel Skardia's economy while also drawing a large number of followers to Ragnarok. Several Pantheons have requested to continue the loan of equipment we made during the Nar'Kozz crisis for the duration of this invasion."
"The Skardian Navy is near completion." Beans said as she took over from Midas. "We've completed many warships to aid in the elven war. I believe we can use them to raid the enemy supply lines and relieve the pressure on the waterfront. This should allow us to recapture much of the lost territories. On another note, the deep sea fishing trade is now booming under Ragnarok's guidance and protection. There's an abundance of foodstuffs and other materials from the sea."
"The Joint Intelligence Agency of the United Pantheons of Skardia have failed to track down this Mikijah player or Clara," Winter said as her turn came next. "However, we have confirmed that Skardia and its Pantheons appear untouched by the appearance of these strange players. We're assuming Mikijah and Clara are just like them, but apart from them, no others have made themselves known in our territories. We're yet unsure if this is luck or if the threat of these players is actually there but remains hidden."
"Also, we have sent suitable players beyond the mountains to infiltrate the elven territories. We remain unsuccessful in doing the same against the dwarf kings." Winter concluded as she took a seat.
"Skalla went missing in the early stages of the Deep War, as we're calling it. Skovi assures us she is alive but likely injured. The war under the mountain makes slow progress due to the stamina of the dwarves. Full days in the game pass before either side gains a small amount of ground. To be frank, this war is going to be long and drawn out, with no end anywhere in sight. We can barely maintain our position due to Bargrux and having the higher ground."
Exile frowned as he listened to these statements. The loss of territory in the north and dealing with two wars was a heavy blow. However, it was good news that players like Mikijah weren't bothering them. 'We'll need to thank Laskia and Parthus for keeping the pressure off our southern shores too.'
"So, what's the solution to our problems, Mikari?" Exile asked as he eyed his brother. He knew Mikari had been pouring over reports and the situations as they developed, looking for a path through the storm.
"I believe we should form an alliance with the elven kingdoms of Tearfall and Raios. We have some knowledge about how these people operate, and according to our intelligence, they are unhappy with the assault on Skardia. It seems they have some doubts as to the motive behind the elven goddess who is pushing for this war. They would prefer to open a dialogue and judge the situation for themselves." Mikari answered confidently. "Bargrux will probably agree since his forces are still tied up fighting on the front lines against the dwarven kingdoms. Apparently, there is a development on that side that concerns him."
"That seems like our best bet," Exile nodded thoughtfully. "Anything else?"
"Mm, Beans' analysis of tactical raids from the sea should be pursued. I suggest we name Beans as the Pantheon's Admiral. She'll be in charge of all naval affairs since it suits her Authority."
Beans yelped at Mikari's statement as her face turned scarlet. She peered over her papers at Exile before averting her gaze.
'Mikari is right. Despite our rocky start, Beans has more than made up for it by now. She's truly dedicated to bettering our Pantheon. She deserves a higher position.' Exile sighed. "So be it, Beans, shall be our Admiral."
Cheers and words of congratulations filled the hall until Exile raised his hand. "Clay shall take up the post of General, leading our ground forces. I'll take charge of our aerial forces, though that's just me for now. Mikari will serve as a sort of Prime Minister. Responsible for the overall affairs of our Pantheon and our Strategist in wars. Midas. You're already serving in this capacity, but I think you need a more formal title. You'll be our Master of Coins. Meanwhile, Winter! You're in charge of Psychological and Information Warfare. You'll report directly to me or Mikari."
Another round of cheers erupted in the hall as Exile glanced at the other guys who had been part of Clay's original party. 'Sorry guys, but you haven't pushed yourselves like these folks have. But I'm glad it seems like they're content with my decision.'
"There's one other thing," Mikari said with a slight smirk. "I want to open our coffers for domestic development. Both here in the divine realms, and in the mortal realms."
Exile cocked an eyebrow at his brother's odd request. "What are you planning to do?"
"Well, we've discovered we can build roads here in the divine realm. It's a feature of our realm that I'm guessing you were unaware of. I want to run a road from here to Valheim. That will help facilitate trade and movement for the future. Especially for other Pantheons who may want to visit us to purchase goods."
Exile rubbed his beard as he nodded his head. "That seems reasonable. What about in the mortal realms?"
"I'll have Harik declare the construction of wider, straighter roads across Skardia for the same purpose. It will also help troop deployments across the country to respond to any further developments. There are still dwarves living in a few Skardian cities and towns. I want their cooperation in this so it can be completed quickly."
"Alright, I'll agree on one condition. A percentage of all income must be reserved for spending in Jarxos' divine store. There's still an untold amount of valuables hidden away in there. We must seize the initiative before other Pantheons discover it."
"Agreed," Mikari replied while Midas' expression became flustered. "Then, I think everything is settled for now. All that remains is for the rest of us to get stuck into these battles and push the invaders back. I'll be focusing on the north since I can make the best use of my aerial abilities there. I'll be limited if the Deep Wars move into tunnels rather than the chasm." Exile declared as he cast his gaze over the officers.
The men seemed happy enough with what they had heard, though Exile could see them discussing amongst themselves after his announcement. He ignored their whispers as his thoughts returned to Beans, who had remained silent until now. "So, where's our new Admiral?"
Beans looked up from her desk and gave him a sheepish smile. "Right here."
"I want you to stay behind for a discussion with Mikari and me. Everyone else, get to work." Exile declared much to the amusement of the others.
It took a few minutes for the others to leave, but once Beans was alone with Exile and Mikari, the two brothers let out long sighs. Beans raised her eyebrows at this but decided not to say anything.
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"I know this is a bit sudden, Beans. But you're the best bet for the position of Admiral." Mikari flashed her a sad smile. "Sorry for throwing you into a leadership role that'll see you on the frontlines a lot more."
"No, no!" Beans said while waving her hands. "It's fine. I'll do anything I can do to help!"
Mikari nodded before pursing his lips. "Listen, this is going to be tough. You'll likely come across elven fleets you need to defend us from while also pushing into enemy territory for raids. You'll mostly be behind enemy lines, so you'll be one of our most exposed players. You need to be ruthless and choose similar NPCs to man the ships. The elves need to be afraid that we can appear in their territory at any moment. Luckily, the Skardians are uniquely suited to that type of warfare."
"You'll be the lynchpin of our counter-attack," Exile smirked. "Your success or failure will reflect on our other battlefields. Are you sure you're up to the challenge?"
Beans chewed on those words for several minutes. She felt the overbearing weight of the importance of her task weighing down on her. Eventually, the tension in her shoulders disappeared as a smile danced on her lips.
"I'll get it done. For Ragnarok."
"That's the spirit!" Exile laughed as Mikari clapped her shoulder.
"I'm sure you'll do great. Now get out there and show the world what you can do!" Mikari beamed.
"Don't worry, those elves won't know what hit them!" Beans chuckled before a look of determination appeared in her eyes.