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Pokemon Trainer Vicky-Chapter 29
Matthew had accepted my challenge with the giddiness of a teenager, the smile on his gnarled face stretching wide, but before we could even start we had been interrupted.
This was an old person village.
A few pokemon were sent off to all the neighbors and very quickly the grassy field outside the man’s house was gathering a crowd of old timers, and some younger people. Sons and daughters, and grandchildren gathered around to enjoy the show. I of course was a little embarrassed at it, since I was still wearing my damp clothes and no shoes. But I was a little distracted.
While I was being… Pampered?
Well Arcanine certainly was, but there was plenty of attention going my way as well.
"Oh look at this fur! You feed her delightfully well! I don’t think I’ve seen such a coat on even those pampered growlithe that never lift a paw. What do you feed her?" Midori asked. The old woman had taken one look at Arcanine, gasped and started strutting around her like a dog show judge.
Which apparently she was. Or had been. She was one of the first to try and make coordinators happen in Kanto. It hadn’t caught on, but she apparently did good work as a Pokemon assessor approved by the Pokemon League.
"It’s a mix actually. Papa trains Growlithe in Viridian, so we’ve been making growlithe chow forever. So we know all kinds of tricks. For Arcanine we upped the calories, adjusted a few ingredients to more dense food stuff. A higher percentage of red meat for her coat. Some grubage for digestion. Rice, and stuff. Spice it up, mostly Cheri berries, but I always add a few Liechi in as well for a bit more kick."
"That much spice? Is that healthy?"
"Of course! Berries are all healthy for Pokemon, it’s just a matter of if they like the taste. Arcanine loves spicy food, and hates dry food. So I always make sure everything melts in her mouth, longer stew time for most of her stuff, but she works hard, so she deserves it."
"What a precious child! My Maddy! Have you ever heard of such a thing? Isn’t your grandson still buying off the shelf slop for his Growlithe?"
"He is Midori, which you know. You’ve seen me throw my shoes at that boy for bringing that garbage home. Fool thinks he’ll be some champion with half starved Pokemon too." She offered with an audibly disappointed sigh.
"I had a friend with a similar problem. I helped teach her to prepare food for her team, maybe he just doesn’t know how?" I offered to mitigate the odd little spat, both women looked at me and burst into stifled giggles.
"Oh no, don’t you worry that boy won’t learn to cook. Thinks he’s too good for that. It’s fine, he’s fifteen and still struggling to get to the league. He’ll give up soon and get a job he’s more suited for, or just disappear into the wilds. Nothing to worry about."
Okay a bit sinister but like.
People who don’t feed their battling team right are in the wrong so I would just ignore that.
"And more importantly… The physique. Perfection." Midori said, practically sighing out the words. "Whatever training you do little one… Keep doing it. I’ve never seen such even proportions. I’ve seen plenty of trainers try those new gizmos but balancing muscle groups on a Pokemon is extremely difficult. This! Ah! I could die happy!"
"Thanks. I can’t discuss it. My other Pokemon are just as good. Chansey especially."
"Oh, a Chansey? You train her? That’s inordinately rare. Rather odd."
"Chansey took a while to find her fighting spirit, but it burns as strong as any pokemon now." I said, basically just repeating something Koga had said once. It sounded all wise, and I even mimicked his speech, which sent Midori tittering but Maddy beside me had twitched a bit and was looking at me with deeper eyes.
The way she had just moved.
I moved in response.
Ninja greetings!
So cool! Nin-nin!
Maddy or Madeline was old. Graying hair and wrinkled skin, but she wore it with pride, and now I knew why.
This woman had absolutely ninja battled people. Probably among tree tops, and definitely among a striking moon backdrop or something. "It’s good to see Koga has a good eye for talent. That little wet behind the ears brat." She said, showing teeth in a grin that looked almost feral.
Midori picked up on the words that were whispered quietly and her eyes widened before they narrowed and she rose up the sleeve of her Hakama? Pretty sure that was a Hakama and not a Kimono. I was always terrible about telling them apart. Over her mouth showing her own sinister smile.
Village of badass grannies!
"I see. That does make more sense. Good." Midori offered patting at Arcanines barrel, having been checking her muscles. "If you weren’t already prepared I would have sent a phone call to Koga, or some of the others for a bit of training.
"Nope. Got that already. Done enough running through swamps for one month thanks." I muttered, and both women tittered at me.
Evil badass grannies.
Then Maddy patted me on the head and passed me a piece of candy.
Oh! Hard candy!
All is forgiven!
Before I could pop it into my mouth Matthew finally decided it was enough.
"Alright! That’s everyone that’s coming. C’mon now girl! I want to fight that Monster of yours!" He laughed in delight.
I couldn’t help but feel the energy.
The man was old. There was a weariness to his voice like he used to yell all the time but now it took more out of him. But his stance was the easy confidence of a man who did this a lot.
I had seen similar confidence in Koga. In Surge even.
"Victoria Ferrous. Please fight me with all you have!" I called out with a grin and then Arcanine took to the field.
There was no need for another word as she howled. The noise wasn’t a roar. No this was a howl, a call that she was here, and everyone should listen.
And oh boy the Pokemon did.
I had seen dozens of Pokemon around already.
Some of the children had little ones. I had even seen a Pikachu resting on top of a little girl’s lap begging for attention.
Some bigger stuff. Older Nidoran, and Nidorino were there. Some were covered in scars, monsters that looked ready to fight anything. A Meowth that would have put Mama’s Meowth into the ground. Well maybe. Mama had taught Meowth… Tricks.
Anyway, there were all sorts of hidden champions all around us, but at Arcanines howl?
Well the old champions may be old. They may be tired. But none of them would accept such a thing without at least a response.
In one moment to the next the village came alive.
A massive plume of flame arcing into the sky almost white with its heat from down the lane. I think that was Hanabi the Charizard.
A hyper beam ripped across the sky from the other side of town. Powerful. Focused.
A roar from a Nidoking that stomped its way out from a shed behind a house. It was down an eye, its face covered in scars and it was almost graying with age, but it stomped out like a gangster about to have the time of its life.
Then more.
A golem rose out of the earth down the road where it had been partially buried, in the soft grass and its steps rumbled the earth.
More and more. Some Pokemon didn’t approach, but still acted. Shooting blasts into the sky. Some stomped over standing around the crowd of villagers. And the energy was spreading.
Electricity shooting through the crowd, people and Pokemon alike.
The children, and teens were looking a little nervous. Although some of the littlest ones were having a blast at the light show and Pokemon.
But the adults? Anyone who looked over forty or so?
I felt like every single one of them was going to walk into the ring and challenge me.
"There is a saying." I muttered, but my voice carried, and there was a moment of silence at my words. "When two trainers’ eyes meet. They must battle." I finished the statement, and met Matthew’s eyes. The old grizzled trainer looked like his birthday had come early.
All of them, at once.
And he looked like he was going to choke slam me through a table. But that was just my imagination…
I hoped.
"That’s right girl. The rule of true trainers! Matthew Katsugawa accepts your challenge!" He cried out in delight. For a second the ancient old man wasn’t ancient but the rambunctious teenager that challenged everyone and anyone to a fight that met his eyes.
There was actual whooping from some of the watchers. The older watchers they had seen it too.
This wasn’t a village of retirees. It was a village of Pokemon trainers. Intense Pokemon trainers. People that never retired. Never could. It was in their blood. The sort of people that hadn’t stopped after their journey. No these were the types that dedicated their lives to the thrill.
If I hadn’t gone through Koga’s training I might feel nervous with all the sinister smiles aimed at me, but it wasn’t at me. But the battle ahead.
They all wanted to see what a Legend could do.
The moment was broken with a thrown Pokeball. The throw wasn’t as strong as it once had been. I could see it. It had fallen far earlier than he intended, age had worn down his arm.
But still the ball tumbled, hit the grassy lawn, and a King Arose.
"NIDO-KIIIIING!" The Tyrant roared in return, a challenge to Arcanines howl. This monster! It was old. Weathered. The look of a creature that had seen its fair share of years.
But none of that mattered.
Not its obvious deep breath after its roar as if its lungs were quite up to the task of that level of noise anymore. Its steps were slower, almost but not quite ponderous. Its horn was even broken at the tip. An old war wound no doubt.
But none of that mattered.
Because I was in the presence of the king of kings.
"Alpha." I said and my word spread through the crowd, only increasing the energy. They had known. Some of the looks I received were respect. They didn’t think I would know what I was facing.
"That’s right girl. Meet the King of the Vermillion territory. Back fifty years this old man ruled the forests. Untouchable. Until me." Matthew laughed. The ’old man’ comment earned a slightly tilted head from the Nidoking who snorted at Matthew, in irritation at being called that, but that was that.
An old comradery existed between them. Old and fire hardened trust.
"Good. Maybe you’ll give me a challenge. Arcanine. The legendary Pokemon." I called in turn. Simpler and yet. In Kanto? All the more ancient a reputation.
"The Battle is until knockout, or surrender. Trainers ready!?" Granny Rumi, the first woman I had met was the ref although she was on the other side of the fence from the field.
Smart. She had done this before.
"Always." He agreed.
"Get to it!" Matthew called out. While I started with something much simpler.
Arcanine was practically buzzing. Waiting.
And The earth changed.
In one moment to the next. The Tyrant Pokemon was hidden from view by massive slabs of rock ripped straight out of the ground by a single titanic stomp.
Stealth Rock? A weird Rock Tomb? Or just Rock Throw without any of the fucking around?
I don’t know. If it was any other pokemon that move would have stopped them. Cold. That much rock? Even a rock type would have splattered against it and been stunned.
Arcanine barely slowed. She ran straight up the new stone monument, already trailing fire as she reached the top.
Leapt and used that to see what was inside.
The fact she instantly used Flamethrower, keeping it up even as she landed, told me a lot.
Arcanine always went for the physical attack. It was just in her nature.
To go for a flamethrower… It meant she had no target. Dig.
"Mobile!" I called and Arcanine responded, leaping off the rocks to build up speed. And then the real attack happened.
Normally pokemon use dig for a surprise attack.
This Nidoking was no normal pokemon. The rocks shook and I felt real respect.
Those rocks weren’t just for defense.
The tough old bastard Nidoking had brought them up and then dug under them so he could use them.
I didn’t need to say anything. Arcanine blitzed into her top speed despite the shaking earth, and the massive slab of stone slammed down where she had been kicking up dust and dirt and unsettling more than a few of the youngsters from their footing. Nidoking used Strength.
It missed, but would have been super effective. A defense, obstacle move, and damage move all in one.
Matthew wasn’t just some trainer. He knew his shit.
As the ground rocked the old timers all stood rooted. Not even the ones that looked like they would keel over at times due to age. They rode the vibrations better than they could on solid ground.
No, they rode out the earth shifting beneath them like it was a lovely summer wind.
Of course I wouldn’t fall over either. "3D!" I demanded, and Arcanine responded.
It was… Actually, I was kinda sad I had noticed it. Through the dust and debris, but I had goggles for a reason. It felt almost like cheating that I even could see it, because I would stake money that even just a decade before this, I wouldn’t have.
What Nidoking was doing next. His foot rose up, but slowly, and it wasn’t motioning forward.
The old bastard struggled to move as fast as he used to. Otherwise he likely wouldn’t have used this attack in plain view. Old injury? Arthritis? I had no idea, but it was slow. More than enough time to call it out, for Arcanine to hear and respond.
If this monster was in his prime. That might have actually been it for Arcanine. She was weak against ground type attacks after all.
Because a moment later where the earth had shaken at the crash of the slab, now? Now the earth turned to liquid beneath his feet as he stomped down.
"Earthquake." Matthew spoke the word only after the attack went off. Mostly the audience’s benefit.
The power of the move was honestly awe inspiring. But it wasn’t just that.
It was the control. I felt a rumble, but the earth below me didn’t send me flying. Or Matthew. The crowd was fine. Cheering at the sight.
It was just the area within our once grassy field arena. King wasn’t just a powerhouse, but a Pokemon that had control equal to its decades.
But because of that one fact. That he was slower…
Arcanine was nowhere to be seen. The roiling earth cleared out the dust and showed there was nothing. Besides Nidoking on the ground in the arena.
Then the roar came out. Nidoking looked up and three hundred pounds of Arcanine landed on him teeth first.
3D maneuvers were still one of our best ’moves’ against rock and ground type attacks. Don’t stay on the ground, jump high, bounce around, and if you had to touch down?
Land on the pokemon controlling the move, because they wouldn’t be affected giving you a stable platform. Koga had definitely taught me a lot. Taught my team a lot. We had grown.
The Tyrant responded. Instincts letting him react. He started glowing and while Arcanine came down onto him. Her fire fang big hard scales. Hurting him, but a lot of the power was stalled out.
He had grabbed her.
She realized it and then she was ripped away and thrown straight up.
Everyone gasped.
I just whistled. That was really far!
"Too much for your Legend?" Matthew called out half taunting, and half concerned. What a nice guy!
"What? Oh, a fall from that height? Nah. She’ll be fine. You should focus on the battle though. It’s not over." I called and that earned a vicious grin from the old man.
"You heard the kid King!" And the grizzled Nidoking roared in challenge at the descending pup.
Which really only encouraged her.
She landed in a crouch without any harm. Just one moment high in the sky and the next perfectly calm.
Arcanine was used to heavy gravity. Terminal velocity wasn’t going to really hurt her. She was tough.
"Go." I called out again, and it was on. Arcanine rushed forward this time using Flame wheel, burning a line through what had once been grass but was now just mulch as she flashed across the field.
But the old Nidoking might be slow, but he had experience. Spread his arms and a pure white protect field slammed into place.
Probably one of the cleanest examples I had ever seen of the move. And Arcanine bounced off, thankfully not just face first, but running up and then bouncing away.
Then it all reset.
We both called out, but it was too much. King was experienced, but there was experience, and then there was reflexes. One of the Pokemon had a young body trained hard and ready, and the other was old, slowing down.
I saw it, Arcanine saw it. But…
Too slow. The old Alpha just couldn’t prepare it in time, and Arcanine blitzed him with a Flame Wheel extreme speed tackle.
The old King hit the dirt hard.
Even arcanine stopped as the Tyrant seemed to huff for breath. It was definitely done. But no one wanted to call it. Not the Pokemon, not the trainers. Not the ref.
We all just stood there. Waiting, as the Tyrant gathered himself. Slowly sitting up and wiping the mud off his scales. But after a moment he grumbled and scoffed "Nido, Nidoking." Then just rubbed at his arm as he sat there looking pretty grumpy.
And the energy of the crowd breathed out in a sigh of relief.
"He totally just said he’s too old for this, didn’t he?" I said in secret delight, because that noise? That was definitely the old man grumbling about these damn kids and their fancy ’new moves’ that he never had to deal with back in his day.
"I want to hug him so bad." I whispered. But shook it off.
Hurt Pokemon Vicky. You know what to do.
"Arcanine. Let’s go get chans-"
"Chansey!" The voice of a goddess called out from behind the crowd and a few people split to show that Chansey had decided to join us. She was even cutely doing a little jog pose as she gently waved through the crowd leapt over the four foot fence like it was barely there and then jogged over.
I could see the look of surprise on the old timer’s face at the sight of my goddess though.
"Chansey!" She greeted Nidoking and he scoffed and grumbled looking away, every inch the old man refusing any healing that he was fine! And he certainly didn’t need a Pokemon center, it was just a fall!
Of course the scary power in his gaze might work on a normal Chansey… Maybe. They were pretty stubborn sometimes.
But my Goddess?
She just smiled, walked over, ignored his throaty growl and with a casual deadlift, lifted the… You know what? I had no idea how much this alpha Nidoking weighed, and I wasn’t about to try and deadlift him from muddy ground like Chansey did.
Right now only God, Nidoking himself, maybe Matthew his trainer, and now Chansey had any idea how much the old alpha weighed.
Of course if you asked Chansey she would probably tell him he should gain a few pounds or something because her cheery pace never faltered even as her feet sunk into the mud as she carried him out of the little arena to the trainer.
The trainer who looked like he was having a heart attack… Good thing Chansey was here!
"Chanse! Chansey!" She greeted Matthew, and settled Nidoking down on the dry ground with a gentleness that was scary, leaving the big Alpha looking a little shell shocked at his treatment.
Then she went to work Healing pulse, and a bit of fussing got Nidoking looking much less helpless but still a little confused at what the hell was going on. As Arcanine then got her turn which Arcanine walked forward, sat and allowed Chansey her examination.
No one escaped the after battle checkup.
"Is that a Chansey?"
"Yeah! Isn’t she great?" I asked, as I walked over only once she was finished and gave her a big hug from behind rubbing my cheek against hers. Chansey of course instantly reciprocated then patted my head telling me I was a good girl.
"I’ve never seen a Chansey in that kind of… Shape?"
Funnily instead of dispersing most of the crowd of people and Pokemon were scrunching in now that the battle was over. There was definitely a sense of pride in the Pokemon, and a excitement among the older humans.
"Not bad kiddo! Not bad at all! You show those Johto brats what Kanto can do ya?" An old man offered with a delighted cackle before he was slapped over the back of his head.
"Oh leave off Tanaka, the only one she needs to show is herself! She’ll do fine." The old woman snapped, then smiled at me. "You’ll do fine in the league dear. Oh I can’t wait to see the league matches this year. I wasn’t planning on getting tickets but well… What’s one more year ey?" She added with a sly wink.
"Mother! You said you’d watch the shop this year!" A younger man said, and the woman cursed under her breath at being caught out.
Foll𝑜w current novels on fɾēewebnσveℓ.com.
"I just laughed in delight, because these old people were just the coolest.
"Well girl old King hasn’t had a dustup like that in a while." Matthew said walking over after having checked on his Pokemon. The two had shared manly glances at each other, but with Chansey having fussed over the big Pokemon. King had just huffed sending his trainer away.
"It was fun! King was… Intense. I don’t want to imagine what he would have been like in his prime."
"Hah!" Matthew laughed in a broken chuckle that ended in a small coughing fit but he just waved me off. When he got himself back under control he just smiled. "Just a cough kiddo. Getting old does that. I think even in his prime King might have lost to your Arcanine. What a Pokemon." He sighed in delight.
He wasn’t the only one, with eyes on Arcanine as she rested besides King. There was a light breeze and her fur ruffled with the grass in the patch the two were sitting next to. Like reigning champions the two Pokemon rested under the eyes of the many of the crowd. More than a few brave children got close, but never got the nerve to make it the rest of the way. Pulled away by adults or rushing back to skirts.
There was something… special about seeing an Arcanine and an Alpha Nidoking resting after destroying an entire field in battle. Arcanine of course had a cute little smile on her face. Not lording over her win, for once but just looking satisfied.
King looked every inch the Tyrant resting after a hard fought battle, ancient scars on display. Tired. But not entirely beaten.
I wish I had my bag. I’d have grabbed a picture. Either way. It was wonderful.
"Well I think this means Sanai is going to be throwing together some food for everyone turning this into a party." Matthew noticed a small group of women moving through the crowd chatting about a party.
"Is that normal?"
"Hah! For that woman? She’d throw a party if a storm comes in, just to have something to do!" Matthew laughed a belly roar that ended too soon as his breath hitched.
"Ah! I have to go actually! My team is still at the beach." I jerked up. I hadn’t intended for this to turn into such a big thing.
"Yeah! I’m heading to Cinnabar soon to challenge Blaine! So we were camping at the beach, but I figured I would come by and see what the battles were like in Pallet town. Arcanine! Sorry! We need to go check on everyone! Chansey? Ah there you are…" I giggled as my Pink blob was playing with the kids now holding a kid at the end of each flipper as she danced around.
"Chansey!" She called back gently, setting the disappointed back down and patting their head.
Arcanine roused. Taking a moment to look back to King. Both Pokemon acknowledged each other before she moved rushing over and I jumped on. Returning Chansey I waved at everyone.
"It was super nice to meet all of you! Thank you for the battle! To the beach!"
And Arcanine was gone, leaping over the crowd landing on the road and bursting into speed that I was struggling to stay on with. "Slooooooow dooooooown!"