Pokemon Trainer Vicky-Chapter 38

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"Chanse!" I was spoken to firmly with no leeway. Which meant all I could do was sigh.

"Ri ri ri ri." Riolu laughed at me as I was scolded for trying to help.

It was getting dark, and not entirely by the sun disappearing. But with Chansey babying me refusing to let me move from warm Arcanine fur. That left Ivy alone to find a place to camp.

"No Chansey, I trust Ivy, but we don’t know what this place is like. I should go too."

"Chanse." And Chansey denied me instantly as she pointed at Lucario who was apparently going to help us out considering Riolu and I’s current situation.

We probably had avoided catching a cold, but we both were still being babied especially with the rain coming.

"Fine, but someone is going with Ivy to back her up." I argued and Chansey nodded without hesitation.

So I released Milotic. Dragonite was probably pretty good to help as well, but she had flown Ivy and I over half the continent.. When I released her next I wanted her to be able to get a full meal.

"Miii!" Milotic called out and then looked down at me, noticing my situation.

Then he laughed too.

"Mii mii mii mii!" He trilled, his laughter coming out like wind chimes.

"Oh laugh it up." I snarked at him, but he leaned down and gave me a cheek rub.

"Oh It’s Milly!" Ivy exclaimed happily and Milotic turned to give Ivy a greeting as well.

"He’s a boy! His nickname isn’t Milly!"

Ivy of course continued to ignore me as she hugged Milotic. Then finally she turned back to me.

"You know I have my own team, and Lucario is coming with me to get a good cave. I don’t need Milly."

I nodded. I knew that. But that didn’t change the fact I didn’t want Ivy to get hurt, just because I had roughhoused with a Riolu.

Ivy stood firm before sighing as she slumped. "He’s coming regardless huh? Alright fine. Lucario? You said you knew a good cave we could set up in?"

"Lu!" She replied with a firm nod, and Ivy hefted up her bag.

"Okay I’ll be back soon!" Ivy offered and followed Lucario out of the small camp we were in now.

"Rio." Riolu grumbled petulantly and I nodded. Yeah, totally unfair. We were fine. Just a bit chilled from the stupid snow drift stream, sure it was colder up here in Kitakami than it was in Kanto, but that was nothing!

Vicky strong!

"A-a-Achoo!" I sneezed and instantly Chanseys gaze fell upon me like some terrible omen.

Then a few moments later Chansey handed me a cup of hot water to drink and even snuggled me in closer with the blanket.

Dangit. It was so hard to argue against Chansey!


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Twenty minutes later things were looking pretty bad. The raid clouds covered the entire east side of the sky, and I could literally see the rain falling down over the mountains creating a haze under the clouds. It was a massive storm.

Everything was packed up, just the fire and extra blankets Riolu and I were under. Although both of us were feeling fine considering how often we were poking or hitting each other when Chansey wasn’t looking.

This Riolu was a brat!

"Lu!" A voice called out as Lucario came running into the camp. Instantly she checked on Riolu and nodded and then turned to Chansey. "Lu. Lucario Lu."

"Chansey!" Chansey nodded looking happy as she turned to me and waved me up.

Finally! I rose up throwing the blanket over my shoulders like a cool cape and then as I took a step Chansey was there pushing me back and shaking her head.


Then she pointed to Arcanine who was already up on her feet and stretching looking delighted in getting to move around again.

"Oh come on. I can walk!"


I in fact could not walk according to the Goddess. I sighed and climbed onto Arcanine, even being nice and helping Riolu who Chansey also wasn’t letting walk on her own and the two of us crowded onto Arcanine’s back.

I was instantly elbowed in the stomach, so I pushed Riolu’s face into Arcanines fur for a second.


"Sorry." I quickly let her up and then did my best to seem like I was being good. Once we were ready I returned Chansey and Lucario led us at a pretty good speed for someone not named Arcanine.

We ran through the forests for a few minutes. I could see lot’s of Pokemon hunkering down. Trees were filled with bird Pokemon nesting up. I saw a Hoothoot hiding in a tree, its red eyes glowing in the fading light.

Starly nestled up to each other in little clumps, usually with a Staravia providing shelter as well together.

Bug pokemon either didn’t care, or hid themselves under the leaves. I saw a tree that had an entire swarm of Cutiefly bunching up under its branches preparing for the storm.

The forest was definitely alive, even if everyone was hiding to ride out the storm.

Pretty quickly we came across a cave, dug into the mountain, it looked like an Onix, or maybe a Golems work? I don’t think Onix were native here, or at least weren’t in the future.

Either way the cave had a pretty narrow entrance, but as Arcanine ducked to bring us in, Milotic greeted me from just inside and I relaxed a tad. Milotic would make sure Ivy would be safe, and nothing in that cave would handle Milotic’s wrath.

Just inside was a much larger room, definitely a nesting site for some rock type, but it was empty, and there was Ivy already setting up the tent, a place for a campe fire, already set up with a few pieces of wood already gathered.

"Thanks Ivy." I called out as Arcanine padded over and quickly started the fire. Bathing the cave in a warm glow as Arcanine simply did her stretch flop to end up laying on her belly near the fire.

"Of course!" Ivy chirped happily. "This time I get to help you during the journey. It’s nice!" She said and I laughed.

"Ivy, you’ve definitely helped me before."

"Pfft." Ivy scoffed with a laugh. "You would have been perfectly fine without me holding you back on the journey."

"That’s silly. You helped me a ton." But Ivy just ignored me, as she finished setting up her tent.

"Okay that’s done. Lucario? Can you get more fire wood before the rain makes everything wet?"

"Lu!’ Lucario agreed, and I was surprised at how well Lucario and Ivy were working together. I wonder if Ivy would end up with a new Pokemon out of this?

I made to get up to help, but before I could do much Chansey released herself.

Then pushed me back to Arcanine.

"I can help!" I whined but Chansey cared not for my pleading. Instead she grabbed my bag from me and started setting up everything to make food.

I was usually the one to cook because Chansey already took on a lot of responsibilities, but it looks like my role had been usurped.

Chansey sent me a look and then smiled.

It was a soft smile of happiness but I understood its true meaning.

’Look at me. I am the trainer now.’

I pouted even as I curled up into Arcanine. She was pretty warm, and this cave was still a little chilly.



Dinner was nice. Chansey was a good chef, and I released everyone to eat, even Blue heart, who didn’t mind at all being released outside the cave as the rain that was now coming down only made his tail flop around slapping the wet ground in happiness.

He got his meal and sighed into the cave making everyone’s eyes water at the heavy spice.

Riolu it turned out liked spicy foods too, and the first time she tasted Arcanines spicey chow she practically drooled for more.

Lucario on the other hand wasn’t a fan, and ended up joining with Chansey for a less mouth melting meal. Chansey was more than happy to make extra and share.

Ivy’s team also joined the meal.

Venusaur was released outside as she was just too big to be inside as well, but she loved the water maybe even more than Gyarados.

Then I got to meet Ivy’s other pokemon.

"You know Butterfree of course, and Clefairy." Ivy introduced her team but I was more impressed by her other partner.

"And this is Tauros. Say hi Tauros." Ivy prompted and the big bull mooed at me.

"Ivy! You decided to get a Tauros?"

"Well Mrs. Hikaru had us working with hers for so long. I figured I had a good idea on how to work with them, so when I found him in the Safari zone… Well it was perfect. Tauros has been a big help… I uh… Ride him a lot. Venusaur is a little too slow for a ride pokemon."

I giggled at the idea, because Ivy riding on the back of her Venusaur would be a pretty funny image.

"Well it’s nice to meet you Tauros." I greeted him, although he mostly just ignored me, focusing all of his attention on Ivy.

Aww. He loved her.

But then Ivy hesitated at her last ball and shrugged. Releasing a familiar pokemon.

"Fo!? Fomantis." It squeaked as it blinked looking around. Then it grew quiet as it seemed to hunch into itself and curl up.

"Hi… I’m Ivy, I’m sorry about capturing you, but you were jumping at my head, and you got hit by Venusaur’s vine whip and I just had the pokeball in my hand… Umm…" Ivy was kinda floundering and I didn’t really have an answer this time. Ivy and Fomantis just kinda sat next to each other for a while. Until eventually Fomantis was returned.

With that everyone was fed, and we all settled in. The rain outside was coming down like crazy, and I did return Gyarados just like Ivy did Venusaur. Most of the pokemon ended up returning to their balls since nothing was really going on. Although Arcanine stayed out to keep the cave warm and the fire running, and Chansey stayed out to keep checking on Riolu and I.

Even if I was fine! I was just feeling a bit sneezy! Probably the pollen up here or something!

Lucario settled in, and Riolu eventually moved over still carrying the blanket that Chansey had given her and cuddled into her mama.

The two were cute. Well. Riolu was cute as long as she wasn’t awake.

I settled into my sleeping bag, not bothering with a full tent, with Arcanine to keep me warm, and cuddled in for the night as well.


Unfortunately the next morning the storm had not let up at all.

In fact it only got worse.

Thunder and lightning filled the sky so constantly I was wondering if there was a Zapdos up there fucking around.

"A-achoo!" I sneezed grumbling. I was still totally fine! Just my nose was a bit runny.

"I guess we stay inside today." Ivy offered and I nodded even as I sniffled at my runny nose a bit.

"Yeah. It’s okay, we have plenty of time to find more friends." I told Ivy and she nodded, but then I turned to Lucario. "You’re of course welcome to stay with us as long as you want." I offered and I was talking to Lucario because Riolu was a little brat. Even if she was looking about the same as I was.

Her nose was a bit runny and she was grumbling and getting antsy even as Chansey and Lucario mothered her.

"Lu. Lucario." She replied back and did a bow that was a thanks and agreement all in one.

"No problem." I waved her off. This storm was pretty rough, and it was always nice to have more company… Even if that brat could go take a hike into the storm for all I care. I still had bruises on my sides from her stupid puppy paws.

Probably sensing me, Riolu turned and glared and we both glared at each other for a few moments.

"Alright." Ivy decided as she moved over and walked into her tent a few moments later she came out with a radio. "Let’s see if we can get any stations!" She proclaimed and we all sort of nodded and settled in around Ivy.

There was a radio station that got through.

It was terrible. Some absolutely terrible oldies station.

We all listened to it anyways.


Lucario it turned out was really really good at cheating at cards.

I was glaring at the blue jackal with as much suspicion as I could, which I was pretty sure she was picking up with her Aura sensing power.

Yet, she just continued to win!

"Aaaaaah!" Ivy screamed into her thighs at once again being destroyed by the Pokemon that hadn’t known what cards even were before this!

Riolu was only semi interested, and mostly just sent me superior looks whenever I lost a hand as well. Which was going to hurt that little brat a second taste of the German Suplex if she kept it up.

That earned me a raised eyebrow from Lucario and I looked away.

Lucario-mama was pretty scary to be honest.

"It’s okay Ivy. There is always the next game." I reminded her, but Ivy lifted her head from her thighs, almost crying.

"But she’ll just win that one too!" She cried out and returned to her Sandshrew impression as she curled up into a ball.

"Yeah." I had to admit. She was definitely cheating and winning and you know what? I threw down the cards for the final time. "I’m out."

"Me too." Whispered Ivy and the admittance of our failure actually made Lucario look quite smug.

Overly smug.

Being stuck in a small cave was pretty boring, it was even worse when you were stuck with cheating at cards pokemon.

"Alright." I decided, rising up, under the watchful eye of Chansey who hadn’t played cards, but had kept a close eye on me to make sure I was being careful. My nose had stopped running so Chansey was thankfully no longer babying me too bad. "I’m going to sleep."

"I guess it is getting late, I’m not tired yet though. So I’ll stay up for a while." Ivy offered looking out of the cave where the rain was still coming down unseen in the darkness of the night.

I slipped into my sleeping bag. Arcanine had already been napping, but as I settled in, she rolled over a bit letting me curl into her back where all the fur was super warm and soft. Ivy went to her little tent she had set up. Lucario and Riolu once more curled up together. The two wild pokemon had been given some spare bedding which Riolu seemed fascinated by even if Lucario didn’t seem to care.

Living in the wilds I guess made it less of an issue. Especially since with the fire going, and Arcanine still napping in the cave, the whole place felt warm and comfy, even with the storm outside.

Slowly I drifted to sleep.



Ivy poked the fire with a stick, making sure some of the wood that had been gathered would catch alight and build up.

They were running out of firewood, but thankfully Arcanine was a fire type so even if they ran out they would have fire.

Lucario and Riolu were sleeping in the corner and Ivy was actually really reassured that Lucario was with them. The pokemon was mature and gentle and had even helped keep her calm when Vicky and Riolu started showing signs of being sick.

Ivy wasn’t sure she could do this on her own, and so losing Vicky would have been… Scary.

Although it would be nice if Vicky and Riolu would stop roughhousing every moment they were put anywhere near each other.

Ivy was a little scared Lucario would react badly since Vicky definitely wasn’t being gentle, yet thankfully it had all worked out.

She flinched as thunder roared above them.

"Cleffa?" Clefairy asked from her side and Ivy felt herself react as she threw a smile at her friend.

Bulbasaur, now Venusaur might have been her partner, but they felt almost like… Siblings most of the time since they had grown up together. But Clefairy was Ivy’s friend. A companion that she was doubly glad for. So many lonely nights that had made her want to give up on her journey only to be reassured by her friend.

"I’m okay Cleffy. Just wish this storm would end already."

"Cleff. Cleffairy Cleffa cleff." She chattered back. Ivy wasn’t as good at parsing out what her pokemon were saying as Vicky seemed to, but it was that chatter that Clefairy liked to do, that was Ivy’s favorite thing. Just the noise having someone there was enough to soothe her.

"Cleffa. Clef." Clefairy complained about something so Ivy followed her gaze and then landed on Vicky.

Vicky who was half out of her sleeping bag, leg kicked up on top of Arcanine and snoring.

Vicky snored.

She hadn’t last time, but she was a little sick right now. And it sounded like her stuffed up nose was making her snore.

Cleffy was right.

"Yeah it’s kinda annoying." Ivy agreed, and Cleffy nodded as Ivy had actually been right about what she was complaining about.

Then thunder broke out once again and Ivy flinched, before relaxing.

"Aeeeeee!" A noise came from outside the cave. A haunting cry. Almost a scream.

Ivy was on her feet instantly holding her stick as she waved it at the entrance of the cave. "What was that!?"

"Lu. Lucario, Lu." The voice of the mature pokemon dragged Ivy’s attention away from the cave entrance. Lucario was still laying back Riolu napping happily away curled up in a blanket ball against the side of her chest avoiding her spike.

But she was waving at Ivy to calm down. That it was okay.

Ivy nodded slowly, but then the noise happened again.

"Aeeeee! Woooooo!"

Ivy’s back hit the cave wall as far from the entrance as she could.

"Clefa! Clefairy." Cleffy tried to soothe her, but that noise was really really scary.

"I-is that a ghost?" She asked, teeth almost chattering. Ivy really really didn’t like ghosts.

Lucario wasn’t answering, just seemingly unconcerned as she lay calmly holding her baby.

"WoooHoooooo!" The noise came again, and it was getting closer.

Arcanine woke up. The dog jolted a little and looked to the entrance. Suddenly a steady growl escaped her, vibrating the whole cave.

"Whazzat!?" Vicky came awake instantly at the noise sitting straight up blinking sleep out of her blue eyes.

"Something is outside!" Ivy hissed and Vicky looked at her blinking slowly as if she hadn’t understood a word that had just been said.


The noise was close. And Ivy screamed a bit as there, outside the cave, just through the entrance!

Glowing red eyes.

"Phnglfrump." Vicky mumbled as she rose up looking exhausted. She reached into her bag and Ivy was sure all of her powerful pokemon were about to be released but instead she held a Pecha berry in one hand and started stumbling for the entrance.

"Vicky! What are you doing!?" She hissed, but her friend ignored her, and Arcanine seeing her trainer seeming to have this, had stopped growling and just laid back down.

"Wha! It could be dangerous!"

"Phnglfrumper." Vicky mumbled tiredly again and then to Ivy’s shock just walked out of the firelight, out of the cave.

Ivy’s feet moved before she could think about it.

What if it was some ghost possessing her friend!? Her sick friend? Her sick friend walking out into a storm?

She raced after her, uncaring that she wasn’t wearing her boots, just like Vicky and there, as she left the darkness she saw it. Vicky bent down, just at the edge of the storm having stopped before heading out too far.

Hand outstretched with the berry.

And a.. A … G-g-ghost!

Its red eyes glowed in the darkness and its body shifted definitely immaterial, Ivy couldn’t see most of it but she knew what a ghost looked like!

Ghosts ate people! Cursed and caused problems! Everyone knew you had to be extra careful around Ghost pokemon!


But Ivy’s voice didn’t escape her as slowly the ghost approached and Vicky mumbled again.

"Ssokay. Warmzinside." Vicky mumbled and to Ivy’s horror, Vicky reached out and picked up the ghost.

Ivy stumbled back, but Vicky didn’t even pay her any attention as she sleepily stumble walked back inside, Ivy back pedaling as Vicky approached, and there in the light of the fire was the pokemon.

A ghost. It’s body a shifting mass of shadow. It was tiny, with a… Piece of wood on its head? Its eyes were locked onto Vicky’s face, even as it held the Pecha berry in its hands, as Vicky carried it like a baby.

Ivy nearly stumbled over Lucario as she backpedaled.

"V-Vicky?" She finally managed to squeak out in terror, but her friend just continued to mumble sleepily as she walked over and dug into her bag pulling out a towel.

Then flopped onto her sleeping bag, settled the little ghost in her lap and started… Drying it?

A few moments of roughly running the towel over the pokemons wooden… Mask? Head? With the pokemon making little "Phan! Phan!" Noises at the sudden motion, and then Vicky pulled the towel mostly away, and patted the pokemon on the wood, before gently rubbing the towel in a few spots that were still wet.

Once she was satisfied. The pokemon still clutching the pecha berry tightly. Vicky grabbed another spare blanket out of her bag. How many of those did she have!?

And wrapped the little… Stump? It looked like a stump. The stump pokemon up in the blanket and settled it next to the fire. One more pat on the head, and Vicky flopped back onto her sleeping bag, and curled up back to sleep.


"Phngmrgle." Was her only response.

Then the little pokemons eyes went from Vicky to Ivy.

Oh no.

Read Star Gate