Pokemon Trainer Vicky-Chapter 55

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As I stood up to get a towel I noticed I hadn’t been alone.

Which should have been fairly obvious since Gram Gram had been sitting out on the porch to start with.

Mama, Papa, Gram Gram, Grandpa Roy, and Elizabeth were sitting on the porch watching.

I flushed a little.

"You were all watching?" I said calmly and without my voice sounding like I was shrieking.

"Of course." Papa said, smiling as he rose up and walked over. He handed me a towel and I quickly wiped my hands clean.

"I sorta forgot you all were here." I admitted and Papa laughed at my words ruffling my hair.

"How’re your pokemon settling in?"

"I think everyone will be pretty good, except Goomy, they are hunting for a spot to settle down in. I’m going to try and help make them comfortable. Otherwise everything is-"

I was interrupted by a cry of shock. I looked over and wanted to face palm. Instead I ran as fast as I could to get over there.

Gible had bitten onto one of the flock Milotics tail, and the Milotic was freaking out at the sudden chomp. Her cry freaking out as Gible didn’t let go.

Luckily her tail was mostly scales so it would be okay, but it was still a pampered pet pokemon. They weren’t used to training, except for a few of them which had wanted a bit more excercise.

"Hold on! I’m coming! Gible! Let go! No bite!" I called but I knew she wasn’t listening, or maybe not understanding, with a leap I managed to wrap my hands around Gibles body, despite Milotic waving her around.

I gasped as Milotic didn’t notice my added weight, as she continued to freak.

"Calm down Milotic! Gible let go!" I called out, and then finally Gible’s jaw proved a bit weaker and we slipped off.

I took the crash wrapping around Gible to keep her from getting hurt as I rolled in the grass to bleed off momentum.


"I’m okay!" I called out a little hoarse. That had knocked the wind out of me a bit, but I was more focused on Gible who wasn’t handling the situation well. She was trying to bite. Her teeth snapping as I held her off and tried to keep some gentle pressure on her.

Eventually without anything getting in her mouth she calmed down suddenly. She stopped mouth open as she waited for something to get within bite range, but instead I whispered to her quietly.

"That’s it. Calm down, it’s okay. You aren’t hurt, nothing is wrong. Calm down." I whispered. Slowly she blinked, and then again. And every time it was like her eyes brightened.

"Yeah. That’s it." I soothed, looking away for the first time to see Chansey was already on duty taking care of Milotic who was crying and laying over Chansey as she sobbed…

Okay those were Totodile tears if I ever saw them even Chansey had noticed and was looking less and less willing to put up with Milotics nonsense.

Papa was there kneeling beside me, but staying out of it so that Gible wouldn’t bite. "Trouble? That was dangerous. You okay?"

"I’m fine. I’m okay. Everyone’s okay." I assured him as I looked down at Gible that was now looking around at me, and at Papa as she was taking in the surroundings. "You feel okay Gible?"

"Gib?" She responded, but I got the feeling it was less because she understood my question, and more because she recognized her name.

"That’s a good girl." I told her, stroking her lightly to soothe her down. "I’ll just have to be more careful not to let you out of my sight in the future." I told her. "How about you take a nap for now okay?"

"Gib?" She responded again seemingly not understanding, but enjoying the way I stroked her belly.

With a bit of effort I got to my feet, and wandered over until I found her pokeball. And she disappeared in red light.

I made sure to put her ball onto my belt and turned to Papa who didn’t look happy.

"Vicky, what is that? That’s twice now that pokemon has… Don’t give me that look." He said, sighing and pressing his head into his hand.

"This is just how I look." I told him, but even I could tell my chin was raised and I was glaring as I held her ball carefully in my hands.

"Just be careful. I’ve seen pokemon that feral before. It’s rare, but sometimes wild Growlithe get that way especially if they don’t have a pack."

"I think she’s very very young more than anything Papa." I admitted and Papa nodded.

"Take care of her Vicky, but don’t forget to take care of yourself first. Just because a bite won’t kill you, doesn’t mean you won’t be in a lot of pain. Or lose a finger!" He said and I carefully kept the ball around my palms.

The scars had mostly healed by now, but new flesh was still paler than normal.

"I’ll work on it. She’s one of my priorities."

"Okay. Good. Don’t think we won’t help." Papa offered, suddenly kneeling down and pulling me into a hug. "We are all so proud of you Vicky. You’ve done so much, proved you have what it takes, more than I ever did. Don’t think we don’t see it. Even if we worry for you."

"Papa." I said blushing and embarrassed as he held me tight.

"Alright, I’ll stop. Promise all of us if you need something to ask. This is a lot of Pokemon to handle at once." Papa said, looking over my new horde of monsters.

"Hehe!" I preened as I pulled away and rushed off. Time to get to work!

"Milotic! Please make sure the new pretty noodles are welcomed by the flock! Dragonite! Can you watch the little Dragons? Jangmo-o, Dratini, and Gible." I said hurrying over and offering her the pokeball. She looked at it, and then nodded, taking it from me.

Without hesitation she released Gible who for once didn’t immediately attack as she appeared so close to Dragonite, no Gible looked up and up and up. And mostly just shrunk down.

"Draaaag!" Dragonite called out and suddenly Dratini came running, and Jangmo-o having heard me came hustling over too.

Jangmo-o’s little feet tippy tapping in excitement as he lined up!

Eeee! My Pokemon are the cutest!

"Riolu, Lucario! Can you stay with Chansey! Chansey! Light exercise with anyone that wants? No Arcanine! That doesn’t mean we are going all out!" I called out as my dog instantly rose to her feet only for ears to fold and flop back down.

"I’ll get to the training with you soon." I told her although that didn’t do more than make her ears perk up a little. "Mimikyu? You can stay with me, or go with Chansey to get some exercise, she is really good at that." I offered, but my shoulder pokemon just wrapped his shadow claws around me for a second.

Nodding at his obvious response I turned to my biggest pokemon.

"Blue Heart! You big cutie!" I called out as he had followed me with his face the whole time. "You can do whatever you want of course my darling." I told him, and he just wiggled and continued to follow me from the river.

"Okay! Goomy parade!" I called as I turned to them and started chasing after. They weren’t the fastest pokemon, but they weren’t just normal slugs either, they had made some good distance, as Brave led them on a winding path around. I noticed that some of the bushes had a lot of their bottom leaves chewed off, as the procession had moved past them.

I would have to talk to Grandpa Roy about putting more buses into the Stable. Maybe talk to Ivy about getting some grass types to revitalize them? Either way, there were still the berry trees as well, that would provide a lot of food.

Hurrying on I passed the slowest Goomy, then I slowed and our eyes met.

"You want a lift?" I asked, bending down and offering my hands. Slowly the Goomy looked from my hands. To the distant back of the next one, and he or she slipped on. "Hehe!" I giggled as their body slurped into place and then I rose up and continued hurrying easily out pacing the Goomy and finding the main Goomy train.

Brave at the distant head was still pioneering new areas, trying to find a place that would suit him.

As I ran to catch up, I started considering that myself. I hadn’t done a lot of exploring here, but I knew there was an underground cave for the Milotic, could we get another cave for the Goomy as well? That would probably be the best option. That or find a nice bushy area and make a couple of dens for them.

But first, I would have to talk to Brave, and get him to actually accept my help. Reaching him, he looked away from under the bush he was checking to glare at me. Puffing up and glaring.


"I know, I know. But I can help." I told him as I flopped on the ground cross legged, putting the slowest Goomy onto the ground which had them giggle as they rushed over to their friends chirping and chattering happily.

I guess Goomy liked rides!


"Listen. I know this place is new to you, and you want to do things your way… But you don’t have to do it alone. I’m here to help. I told you didn’t I? That I would bring you somewhere safe? I did. I didn’t lie. You can rely on me." I said raising my arm and flexing while patting my bicep only to wince at the goo on my hands.

"Goom, goomy." He raised himself up nice and big.

"I know. You’re their leader. They are lucky to have you. You worked so hard to keep everyone safe. I’m on your side. Whatever you need, I’ll help you. If you need a cave, I can help make one for you. If you want little burrows I can do that. I can bring in more bushes for you all to eat, and I can move the stream around too if I have to!"

I waved at the water that was trickling along.

"This place. It’s meant to be perfect for my pokemon, so whatever you need Goomy. Just tell me."

"Goo?" The idea rushed through the Goomy train. I could hear them chattering, but Brave hadn’t let out his puffed up size, just glaring and firm.

Then slowly the slow Goomy I had helped woogled over and rubbed against Brave.

"Goomy? Goo?"

And Brave deflated looking tired. "Goo." He seemed to agree not quite sullenly, but not happy.

I reached over before he could react, and picked him up. And plopped him in my lap.


"You’re such a good boy." I told him, and then hesitated. "Umm. You are a boy right? Ah, Right hand is you are a boy, left is if you are a girl." I offered and a moment later Brave looked up at me, and huffed woogling over and onto my left hand.

"Oh! You’re a girl! I’m sorry!" I apologized, actually a little embarrassed. Brave was a strong hearted warrior woman!

"Goom." She offered with a huff settling herself in my hand.

So I lifted her up and let her slurp around a bit, doing the squeeze game.

Instantly my hand was full of giggling slime. Letting her stretch out had the usually tacturn Goomy giggle and wiggle around as I let her go to floop back together, she blinked looking at me.

I looked at her.

My smile spread across my face.

Her face puffed up in embarrassment.

"So cute!" I declared and before she could escape I squeezed her up and enjoyed the sound of delighted Goomy giggles.

Oh no. This could be addictive.


Instead of leading the entire pack around trying to find a place. I ended up carrying Brave around, moving much faster than she could to explore the whole property. Even finding the chain link fence that indicated the end of the purchased land.

It was a pretty large plot of land, about five acres, with a large amount of extra forest all around it. The fact the clan had bought it entirely to hold Milotic was pretty striking, but I guess it was pretty easy to get a loan when you can just point at Milotic.

It took a bit, but I walked Goomy around the whole place, and in the end she wasn’t satisfied about where she wanted to plant her dollop. She kept looking under things, and checking rocks but not finding what she wanted.

"Goom." She denied with a shaking head.

"Okay! Then, let’s head back. We can talk to Grandpa Roy. With the extra Milotic I brought back I shouldn’t hear any complaints about bringing in a crew for a bit of work. Until then, I’m sure we can find a place you guys will feel comfortable." I offered and slowly Brave nodded. But she looked like she didn’t want to do it.

I just soothed her by grabbing some leaves from passing bushes as we walked and she happily munched on them.

Brave might be a serious leader of her dollop, but she was just as cute as all the others! She just tried to hide her cute side!

I returned and saw Papa to my surprise talking with Lucario as they both stood over Riolu who was sniffing at the ground.

"Trouble. Welcome back."

"Hey Papa, Lucario. Goomy didn’t find a good place to settle everyone… But what are you doing?"

"Oh I was chatting with Lucario here, and I explained what I do with Growlithe." He offered with an embarrassed look. "She thought the fact I could teach Growlithe how to track with their nose was weird. So I offered to show her… And so now I’m teaching Riolu how to do it. It’s just the standard Growlithe tracking training." He offered.

"Rio!" Riolu called out and we all looked at her, as she pulled a ball out from under a bush with a grin.

"Good job." Papa offered and I never saw Riolu look happier as she stood up straight and puffed out her chest. "It takes a lot of work to keep your nose trained up. Vicky knows how to do the tracking training too. So she can make sure you keep the skill." Papa offered reaching over and patting Riolu on the head.

She didn’t like what he said as she scoffed and instead reached up and grabbed his hand and grinned.

Wait… Hey!

I glared at her, but when Riolu noticed she just sent me an oh so superior look!

Well I’ll show her! Another asskicking on the Vicky express-


I blinked and looked down at Goomy who was looking up at me.

"Right, focus on the important things." I told her, and nodded. "Papa, Goomy needs something we don’t have. I need a damp cave that can keep them safe."

"Ah well… Let’s go talk to Uncle Roy. He’ll be able to sort that out." Papa said, lifting his hand away from Riolu who pouted at him, but then I followed Papa as he led me away. I stopped before going too far. Staring at Riolu who glared back at me.

"Good job, with the tracking. It’s a really useful skill to have. Keep it up. We’ll do some move training once I get everyone settled in." I told her, and Riolu blinked back in surprise. Then I hurried after Papa.

Saying praise at Riolu the little brat left a bad taste in my mouth!

But I hurried after Papa and there sitting at a small outdoor table resting on cushions was Grandpa Roy, Gram Gram, Elizabeth, and even Uncle Leopold was here now.

"Uncle." Papa greeted, and then looked at Leopold.

Both men met each others eyes, and a lot of information passed between them. Papa looked away first.

"Pardon the interruption, but Vicky has an issue with the stable space." Papa said and Grandpa Roy perked up.

"Oh? Something we need?"

"I don’t have a rock, or ground type that can adjust the ground, and the Goomy need a cave. Maybe a space for the river to flow through as well? They like damp dark spaces." I explained as I shifted my hands up and down letting Brave undulate in my hands.

She was trying to stay serious even as she looked like she wanted to giggle.

"Ah I see! Well that is something we can take care of! Elizabeth, Mind stepping in?"

"Of course Grandfather." She accepted and then rose up.

Oh right, she would probably have more than just one Skitty!

"You have a rock type, or Ground type? What kind? Is it cute?"

"I think so." She offered back and stepped away. "Where is a good place for this cave?" She questioned, and I had to think about it for a while. I wanted them to be close by to the entrance so they were protected, especially since they weren’t strong at first, but I also needed a place that was big enough for a Goodra, or at least a Sliggoo.

It hit me, and I smiled. "I think I know! Follow me!" I called out running off while Elizabeth followed at a slower pace.

Then I came up to the small waterfall and I grinned. It was definitely high enough to have a cave behind it!

"Behind the waterfall! Do you think that’ll work? It won’t hurt your pokemon will it?"

"It’ll annoy them, but nothing a nice meal won’t cheer up. Come on out!" She threw not one, but two pokeballs!

One popped out a Sandslash that stretched and wiggled its long claws. The other released a Delcatty.

"Ahhhh How cute!" I cooed and ran forward.

"Hey Careful! Delcatty doesn’t like-" Elizabeth tried to call out, but I ran right past her Delcatty and up to her Sandslash.

"Look at this handsome one! What a strong and good looking Sandslash!" I cooed and he instantly perked up as I was paying attention to him as he puffed out his chest.


The source of this c𝐨ntent is freёnovelkiss.com.

"Look at those spines! You have a good diet! And you exercise a lot I can tell." I said cooing at him as I reached out and gently scritched his chin which got him wiggling in delight.

"Catty." A very unimpressed Delcatty snapped from behind me, I turned around to see her puffed up and irritated.

"What’s wrong Delcatty?" I asked and she immediately turned her head away from me. "I think you’re very cute." I offered, but she refused to look at me as she continued to ignore me. I looked to Elizabeth and shrugged.

"You are the weirdest kid." She answered back but shook it off. "Alright, a cave behind the waterfall, we can do that. How big does the entrance need to be… A foot across or so?"

"More like two or more. Sliggoo are about two feet tall… I think we’ll need to hold off on making any sort of Goodra sized entrances until one of you evolve into one." I told Brave who looked up at me in surprise, before nodding slowly.

"Two feet. Alright. Sandslash! Delcatty! We are making a cave behind the waterfall! I know neither of you like water, but it needs to be done. Work together okay? Both of you go into a dig. Sandslash you are going to be in charge of securing the walls and roof. Use Rock tomb, and set up a sand pit, just like in the Milotic cave!" She called out and both pokemon looked to the waterfall and then back to Elizabeth before slumping. But both rose up and went to it. Even if Delcatty gave me a glare as she walked past.

Then I got to watch as the two dug into the earth. Sandslash using…

I’m pretty sure that was Rock Tomb to bring up rock to make sure the cave was secure and would last.

And then they both disappeared behind the waterfall.

"That’s so cool. I can’t wait until Gible gets bigger we can make secret caves and stuff."

"Gible… The little dragon type, with all the teeth?"

"She’s a dragon and ground type!" I answered and Elizabeth twitched but nodded at my words.

"She’ll be a powerful asset."

"Garchomp are crazy strong. The Dragon typing removes their weakness to water. They don’t like it, but it won’t hurt them any more than any other move." I explained because I loved gushing about my future pokemon!


"Hehe! Not just that, but Garchomp can fly. So they can fly, run very fast, dig, and swim. They are really versatile!" Elizabeth sort of blinked as she tried to imagine it, but I could see her lack of understanding. She had never seen a Garchomp before.

It was sort of hard to imagine a monster like a Garchomp.

"But that’s my only ground, or rock type… For now… I want an ancient pokemon someday. I just need to find a fossil someday."

"Oh? I’ve heard about the resurrection machine. Even fought a Omanyte once." She offered. "Water Rock type was difficult to beat."

"Brock has a Kabutops. It was pretty strong."

"Oh? When I faced him, he didn’t use it. What moves did it have?"

"Oh it used a Cross Poison, and some rocks moves… Stone Edge? That sounds right. Otherwise it had water moves. Whirlpool and stuff."

"Interesting." She muttered as she seemed to take in this information.

"Worried about fighting a Kabutops?"

"Eventually. The resurrection machine means more and more ancient pokemon are popping up. I want to be ready."

"Well all of them will have a Rock typing with another typing as well. So fighting types are usually a solid bet." I offered and she looked to me.

"There are only two pokemon successfully revived, just because they both are Rock type doesn’t mean they will all be Rock type."

"Pretty sure I’m right though." I answered back with a shrug."But in the end the amount of pokemon is so vast we’ll probably never know about them all." I said with a happy smile.

I couldn’t wait to see just how many pokemon filled this world. Maybe even new pokemon that I’ve never seen before?

I shrugged. It didn’t matter. It was so fun either way. There were so many already.

"Looks like they finished." Elizabeth called out as Sandslash came spinning out of the hole behind the waterfall doing its best to shed water as it landed and then sat back like it was tired as he groomed itself.

Delcatty came out a minute later looking a little bedraggled. She walked over to Elizabeth and just meowed demanding attention.

"Alright guys. Let’s get some towels, and we’ll get you both all dried out. Thank you." She said giving Delcatty a scratch and pressing her head against Sandslashs before returning them both.

"Elizabeth… Thanks." I said as I rose up, "The goomy and I really appreciate it." I said waving Brave up and down letting her sort of undulate in my hands as she started giggling a little despite trying to be serious.

She looked at me, and for a moment it looked like she really wanted to say something, but she held back.

"I wouldn’t mind some practice battles before the League, you are going to train up between now and then, right?"

"Yep! Lots and lots of training. I’ll be… Probably here a lot." I said as I realized I would either have to leave a lot of my pokemon here when I went home, or… Or I needed to stay here as I trained.

The idea didn’t leave me happy, and Elizabeth noticed, but didn’t poke it.

"If you want to stay… You’re welcome. You have a room here." Then she just waved me off and headed back to the main house.

I turned back towards the waterfall cave.

"Let’s check out your new home okay?"

"Goo!" And I hurried over. Letting Goomy slip inside, and I could hear the happy calls from her as she looked around. Eventually she came out and gave me a look.

It was more than just thanks, and I glowed as she crawled over and made a sort of motion that had her wiggling up and down, then I realized she wanted up.

I picked her back up and settled her on my shoulder. This shirt was already going to need a long visit with a washing machine soon anyways.

"Goo! Goomy." She called out, getting the attention of some of the Goomy.

"Gooooomy!" I yelled out getting much more attention.

"Goom! Goomy goo!" Brave called out, and soon the horde of slimes woogled towards us.

I looked over at Brave and she looked so… Happy. That her family was safe. Soon the cave had a steady stream of slimes slipping in.

Today was a good day.