©Novel Buddy
Pokemon Trainer Vicky-Chapter 7
"Class, I want to introduce a new student today! This is Zelos Bia. She joins us from distant Unova! Let’s all be kind to her!"
I glanced up from my personal notebook, my absolute irritation with incorrect Pokedexs available made me start writing one for myself. Going through all the weird evolutions I could remember. But the call made me look up to take in our new classmate. She looked like… An American? I laughed, that’s right Unova was basically Pokemon America.
She had long blonde hair, longer than mine, and where mine was more golden, hers was a straw color almost white. She was tall, taller than most of the girls in the class including me. She wore a casual outfit that made me think rich girl. Every piece of clothing she wore, from her blouse that covered an undershirt looked expensive. Bangles on her wrists. And a skirt over workout pants showing she was definitely athletic.
She also had a Pokeball belt on her hip with a few balls on it.
Neat. She might have some cool Unova Pokemon… I never played Black and White… So I have no idea. Unless the Pokemon were in other versions anyways.
"Ms. Bia, go ahead and take a seat there. We are going over some Kanto history today, so I won’t make you take the test, but it might be fun to learn more about the region." Mrs. Hikaru informs the girl earning a nod as the class begins.
Of course before class was over, she was surrounded by the other kids. Asking her questions and wanting to know what her favorite Pokemon were, then of course Kiba stepped up.
"Hey back off!" Kiba demanded as the others made room for him. Not because they were afraid but because Kiba was pushing them away. "New girl! I’m Kiba! You got Pokemon, so let’s battle and see what you are made of!" Kiba demanded while holding Poochyena’s ball.
"Oh? Fine. I wouldn’t mind a workout." Zelos said as she stood up, her hand shifting across her three Pokeballs on her waist.
"Kiba don’t get the new girl in trouble on the first day!" I called out, but Kiba scoffed and the new girl didn’t seem to care about getting in trouble. The class wandered out. And I sighed. Dammit, Ms. Kurosawa had the next class. She was going to murder everyone for not being ready for class.
I stood up, sighing. I did want to see the Pokemon Battle, plus with Chansey I was sorta the go to medic for the kids. After all, most of them didn’t have a trainers license and would get in trouble if their Pokemon were hurt.
Besides, watching Kiba get his face kicked in, or actually win would be fun. Despite being far behind I knew where to go. The place the kids would go to battle was out beside the Pokemon fields. Far enough away the teachers wouldn’t see from the building.
As I walked through the crowd I saw that Kiba and new girl were already facing off.
"Go Poochyena!" Kiba called out, his only Pokemon quite to howl a challenge as it landed.
"Oh, a dark type, and a dog? Very well! Herdier!" She calls out and I whistle as a Pokemon I hadn’t seen in this life popped up. Herdier was a second evolution, a normal type dog. It was basically a Yorkshire terrier from my last life, but this one was a Pokemon.
"Alright! Poochyena! Go for a Bite!"
"Herdy! Play ROUGH!" She calls out laughter and a moment later we understood why, because while Poochyena ran in to bite, Herdier was simply faster. Her pokemon was well trained, I noticed. Quick on its feet and it even set up so that if the Bite did hit, it would strike Herdiers tough fur.
But then Herdiers attack struck Poochyena first. And the Fairy type move battered the poor pup into the earth, a loud yelp coming from poor Poochyena. And that was it. A single Super effective move took out Poochyena.
"Heh. I thought you Kantonians were supposed to be good battlers?" Zelos mocked, cocking her hip as she looked over the group. "Anyone else want to go?"
"Go Chansey!" I call out and instantly get the eyes of the new girl. Her glare at me was ignored as Chansey instantly went over to Poochyena where Kiba was holding his Pup. Poor boy was looking pretty worried.
But Chansey took care of that. A soft boiled and a few moments patting poor Poochyena with a Healing pulse and he was back on his feet and licking Chansey in thanks.
"Alright Chansey come on back." I call out, but I don’t return her, instead having her happily trot over to give me a hug. If there were going to be more battles, which was likely she might as well stay out to heal.
"Huh? Not going to fight then? Just a Nurse Joy wannabee?" Zelos mocked but I simply shrugged. Kids playing strongest on the playground was pretty tiresome.
"I’m just here to make sure no one gets hurt." I tell her with a shrug. It would be super messed up to beat the new girl while she was figuring out her place in a new region. She was just following jail yard rules. She got challenged and beat Kiba down without effort. So now everyone would give her a bit of respect.
I could understand that. She was obviously nervous. I could tell from the way she was standing, arms shaking a little as she had challenged everyone.
"Aww. Vicky. C’mon I want to see Milly today."
"That is not his name. He is a boy." I tell Ivy who huffed at me.
"Well any of you others want to go! Herdier is only my first Pokemon!" Zelos called out, earning a little bit of ire from the kids. A challenge? Well some of them couldn’t refuse. I smiled as I watched a few more battles take place. Some as short as Kiba’s type advantage, or simply being more powerful As Herdier fought Rattata caught in secret. Or a Pidgey.
Chansey went out after every fight to heal up. And even Zelos thanked her when she healed up Herdier after a nasty clash between him and a Weedle that got through a Poison Sting.
Well if she can thank Chansey she was a good girl so I was happy to watch.
But unfortunately I had a very aggressive dog on my hip. And the more Herdier won, the more he started barking, and howling. In Pokemon he was basically calling out that he was the strongest here.
I could feel Arcanines Pokeball shaking as she wanted to come out.
And I was doing my best to quiet her. I know she wanted to fight, but c’mon. Fighting a Pokemon like Herdier after it had already gone through a bunch of battles was bullying.
"Calm down." I whisper to her Pokeball as I pull it off my waist. "Let’s give Zelos some time to settle into class, and let her Herdier get some rest, if you want to fight, you want to do it while he is fully rested right?" I whisper and after a few more shakes of the ball Arcanine settles down.
To my relief.
Arcanine had been growing really strong thanks to our consistent training. I really didn’t want to see her fight someone unless they were a full trainer.
"Alright, looks like my Herdier is the strongest Pokemon here!" Zelos called out, earning a few grumpy looks which then turned to me. And a moment later I realized everyone was looking at me. Even Zelos who was following everyone else’s eyes.
"Don’t give me that look!" I demand pointing. "I’m not battling someone on their first day!" I tell them earning a few groans and a frown from Zelos.
"What. Scared to fight me?" She demanded and I simply blinked.
"No. It’s just you did such a great job showing how cool your Pokemon is, but he is getting tired you know? We will definitely battle some other day… Also Mrs. Kurosawa is going to kill us soon unless we get back to class." I called out much louder earning looks of horror from the kids around me as the group began dispersing as some ran back to class, and others sauntered back.
"Hmph! Don’t think my Herdier is tired just from that! He can definitely fight anything you throw out."
"Maybe!" I offer with a smile as I hop off the fence I had eventually gravitated to, returned Chansey and started walking. "But you really should hurry if you don’t want to get in trouble! We are already way late for our break."
"R-right!" Zelos called as she broke into a light jog… Which passed me in the dust cause her legs were really long.
D-dangit! I broke into a run to catch up. I didn’t want to be the last one back!
Thankfully Mrs. Kurosawa didn’t kill us… She just gave us the max difficulty chore on the fields as we were forced to take care of Tauros while he was told to basically attack us. ’Wild Pokemon training.’
He wouldn’t actually hurt us, but it was supposed to represent a wild Pokemon getting angry and how we should handle it.
So there was a lot of mud. And being ’seismic tossed’ by Tauros as he happily dumped us all into the mud. Other than a few bruises no one was hurt.
"H-hey Vicky. Do you have any Sitrus berries?" Ivy asked as she panted in the mud beside me. I had long since given up and was simply laying there.
"Nope. We were supposed to deal with the Mareep today. So I didn’t bring any Sitrus berries, and Tauros hates most others. Unless you want him really angry with you for giving him a berry he hates…"
"No thanks." Ivy whispered in horror as another child got flung into the mud beside us.
Pokemon World had no chill.
People really were just tougher. It wasn’t quite to the point I would consider it super strength, although I had met some martial artist types that were ridiculously strong compared to a ’normal’ person.
But it also meant that kids were treated a lot more hands off here. So wild Tauros wrestling.
Well Kiba tried wrestling Tauraos and got a one way trip back into the same pond I had kicked him into so long ago.
"Really?" Zelos questioned looking down at us in disgust at how muddy we were. "Come on out Herdier!" she called out instead of doing what she was supposed to.
"Hey don’t do that! This is a no Pokemon zone." I called out, but was ignored.
The source of this c𝓸ntent is frёeweɓηovel.coɱ.
I grinned, turning to look Ivy in the face who was grinning as well. We both turned to watch as Zelos tried to guide Herdier into… Well herding Tauros.
Then Zelos learned why we don’t bring in Pokemon to help with this. For one Tauros turned at the barking dog. Immediately threw an absolute shit fit. And then Zelos learned that Tauros was actually part of Mrs. Kurosawa’s former Indigo League ready team.
Mrs. Kurosawa had actually done really well in the League although she hadn’t won, or gotten an Elite Four battle.
But that doesn’t make Tauros not a monster of a Pokemon. Herdier yelped as he was tossed into the air. Literally disappearing from sight as he was launched.
Tauros used Strength. It was super effective.
"H-herdier!?" Zelos cried, but a moment later she squawked as she was lifted and tossed into the mud right beside Ivy and I.
A few seconds after her splash down Herdier howled as he splashed into the pond beside Kiba.
"Sorry. I tried to warn you. Tauros isn’t just a farm Pokemon. Mrs. Kurosawa fought in the Indigo League during her journey and Tauros was one of her mains." I inform the muddy blonde laying still beside me.
She slowly sat up, staring at her clothes that were now coated in mud and I could see her throat swallow a bit as she swallowed down the obvious tears growing in her eyes. "I hate this place." She whispered as she sat up returned Herdier who was spraying Kiba as it tried to dry off and started walking off.
"H-hey!" I called out rushing up. Uh-oh. Red alert. Little girl crying! "Wait up Zelos. It’s okay! We are pretty used to getting muddy like this so we have it all worked out, C’mon lets get you cleaned up okay?" I say with a smile as I offer my hand.
Zelos Bia
Zel had never wanted to come to Kanto. It was a backwater. Not like Unova and the big cities that she had grown up in. She had been happy. Her Pokemon she had captured before her journey would mean smooth sailing through it, and with her good looks and money, she would be a hit on the battle circuit.
But then Daddy got a transfer to Kanto. She had begged him not to travel all the way to Kanto, but it was too late. An Ambassador travels where he is needed.
She hated it. She argued, pleaded, but in the end she got on the plane. At least she was allowed to take her team, and she even had an allowance to capture many of the Pokemon in Kanto. Not that she really wanted too. They were weird. Different from the Pokemon in Unova.
It was just one year. She only had to stay for one year! Once her first Journey was finished, she could just travel to Unova using the money she earned.
But then again Mom had ruined her life. She had admitted Zel to a weird hick school. Instead of the one that all the rich people would go to. It was public school!
So now Zel was on the other side of the world dealing with hicks in a farm field, and all of her friends are not only on the other side of the planet, but thanks to the time zone difference, they were all asleep during most of her day!
She hated it!
And now her favorite clothes, her special outfit she had picked out to wow the other kids, was covered in mud.
"-It’s okay! We are pretty used to getting muddy like this so we have it all worked out, C’mon lets get you cleaned up okay?" The other blonde asked. Zelos frowned as she looked the other girl over. Ratty jeans that looked like they were often covered in mud. A flannel shirt that was over another t-shirt, and her hair up in a ponytail tied back with a tiny hair tie. And big clunky boots that weren’t cute at all.
No style. No flash. Zelos would have made fun of her back home. No taste for fashion, she looked like a farmer. But right now Zelos was covered in mud. And if this trash heap of a girl could get her cleaned up before she burst into tears she would take it.
"Great! C’mon. Ivy you too!" She calls out turning behind her to see the green haired girl sit up and wipe some of the mud off her body to join them.
Tauros raging around to the sound of children fighting it was their backdrop as they headed over towards the pond.
"I am not getting in that." She demanded simply, and the other blonde laughed.
"Don’t worry we only shove Kiba in there. No, I just don’t want to make another pond. Tauros would be grumpy, and Mrs. Kurosawa would make us fix it." The blonde offered with an easy laugh as they finally reached the other side of the pond.
"H-hey Vicky! A little help?" The gray haired boy called as he slogged over his shoes squelching on the grass.
"Sure Kiba. Get close." The Blonde. Vicky, Zel supposed was her name, offered with a smile as she reached onto her belt and pulled a Pokeball off it. "Okay let’s get cleaned up!" She called out and suddenly Zel gasped, because what materialized around them was a Milotic!
"Miiiii!" Milotic cried out as it came into being, before arching down and to Zels surprise. Vicky reached up and hugged her Pokemon. Mud and all. Milotic seemed not to care as it trilled happily at the attention.
"Okay Milotic we are powerwashing today!" Vicky called out, and Zel had just a moment to wonder what she meant before Milotic suddenly used Water Pulse.
On them.
Zel’s scream had just a moment to eek out before she was surrounded by swirling water completely around her. The water suddenly spun around quickly, like she was in a washing machine. For a few seconds everything was a blur as the water spun around them.
And then it was over. And she was gasping for air. The other three kids were giggling as they wiped hair out of their eyes and smiled at each other.
"What was that for!" Zel yelled as she turned on the blonde. Sure she now wasn’t covered in mud, but everything she was wearing was soaked!
"Ah sorry. I jumped the gun!" The blonde offered seriously. "Sorry about that. I should have warned you, I’m so used to everyone knowing about the Powerwash special." She offered and Zel noticed she did actually seem contrite. Although with that Zel was having trouble taking her eyes off the Milotic.
"Well now I’m soaked. And these clothes are probably ruined!" She hissed but Vicky simply waved her hands in denial.
"No way no way! Milotic was just step one, now we dry off. It’s okay. We do this all the time." She says hurriedly, and then grabs a second Pokeball.
And Zel feels her throat close up as something massive appeared beside her. Not just massive but truly legendary.
An Arcanine. She had never seen one in person, only once or twice on TV when they rarely appeared in League battles.
But this one was right there. Close enough to touch!
"Bark!" It called out and the noise startled her causing her to flinch even as it started licking the girl beside her…
"N-No! Arcanine! Staaaahp!" Vicky called out giggling as her Pokemon. Her Arcanine! Showed its affection.
This was impossible. Vicky was a weird farm girl! Why does she have a Milotic! Why does she have an Arcanine! This is impossible!
"Down girl down! We need a blow dry express. You ready for it?" Vicky spoke as she struggled to keep the massive dog from her face.
Finally it stopped. "Whuff." It offered with a big doggy grin and then it turned and started running.
And oh my god was it moving fast! Zel jumped back until she was back to back with the other girls because the Arcanine was starting to blur around them!
"Sunny Day first! Extreme speed! Now Fire Spin!" Vicky called out, and as the sun overhead suddenly brightened drastically Zel yelped as the fire burst around them, hotter and hotter. Until it was like she was in an oven. She could feel the water drying off her clothes as the heat hit her. This was crazy!
She figured it out. The Extreme speed! The Arcanine was literally pushing the Fire spin to be even stronger by creating wind that the fire was absorbing. And all the while it was running through it! Completely unbothered!
She had challenged this girl to a battle earlier! What was her Herdier supposed to do against an Arcanine!?
Finally the heat stopped and it left her breathless as the rest of the kids were happily patting themselves down checking for damp spots as the Arcanine slowed coming to a stop in front of the other blonde with its tongue happily hanging out of its mouth.
"Good girl! Who is a good girl! You are!" Vicky suddenly called out as she tackled the head of her Arcanine in a massive hug giggling as she was lifted bodily off the floor by the Pokemon. Who seemed to wiggle in happiness. It’s tail thumping the dirt ground.
Zel stared in shock at Vicky. The blonde was a farm girl. A nothing! How can she have two incredibly rare pokemon! Even in Unova Milotic were top tier rare Pokemon!
And an Arcanine? Forget about it. There were a few packs of Growlithe around the area in Unova, but none had an Arcanine.
"How do you have an Arcanine!?" She demanded her voice breaking a bit at the very idea. That was a Legendary pokemon!
"Oh? I raised her as a Growlithe! You should see Arcany though! He is huge compared to Arcanine."
The dog gave a grumbling growl at that which earned Vicky’s full attention. "Aww I love you mostest, even more than Arcany!" She tells her Pokemon earning a return to the thumping tail
"That doesn’t explain anything!" Zel almost screams but Ivy the mousy girl walks over and shakes her head.
"It’s a family secret. We take those pretty seriously here in Kanto, it’s considered super rude to ask about stuff like that. Same with Vicky’s flock of Milotic."
"FLOCK!?" She gasped, causing the green haired girl to blink before giggling.
"Yeah Vicky has eleven Milotic at my last count. Vicky! Did you get any more Milotic?"
"Nope!" She calls out with an impish grin that Zel couldn’t decipher but Ivy seemed to.
"That’s crazy." Zel whispered and Ivy shrugged.
"That’s Victoria Ferrous."
Zel had no answer to that. But how!? How could someone so dorky have such amazing Pokemon! She couldn’t accept this!
After school I was attacked.
"Battle me!" Zelos demanded before I could walk out of the schoolroom. My point towards my face was seemingly taken as an insult because she turned red.
"Yes you! I want to fight your legendary Pokemon!"
I opened my mouth to retort, before shutting it. "Okay." I agreed. She knew what she was getting into. And I had Chansey in case anyone got hurt.
With that, despite school being over, and half the class having rushed towards the exit. Everyone stopped.
The whispers that followed even caused other classes to start running after us as we left the school building towards the battle field.
"I’ll start with Arcanine." I tell her, as I pull her ball from my hip she did the same once we were facing each other.
"GO!" I called out and Arcanine appeared with a roar as she was practically buzzing at the chance for a battle.
And a moment later Something I hadn’t been expecting popped out.
"Fraxure!" I couldn’t help but gasp. It was a Dragon Pokemon! So cute! I could practically feel the stars in my eyes as I looked at such a cutie.
"Pay attention!" Zelos demanded and then I remembered to focus.
"Fraxure! Dual CHOP!"
"Extreme Dodge!" I called out, and as Fraxure burst into motion for an attack Arcanine simply disappeared a burst of dust all she left behind as she moved.
"Tch Fraxure, Dragon dance! If she wants to play around!"
Both Pokemon began powering themselves up. I grinned. How fun! None of the other kids tended to use their status buffs except Kiba since I had literally beat it into his head.
"Flamethrower!" I called out, and in a moment Arcanine was shooting a line of ultra hot flame towards the dragon.
"Dodge it with dig!" Zelos called out and I gasped in happiness as the little dragon burrowed into the ground dodging Arcanines charge.
"Arcanine. Agility! Keep moving! The attack will come!"
"Fraxure! You know what to do!" Zelos called and I grinned at that. How smart! Training your Pokemon into a move without actually saying what it was!
Nothing happened for a few moments Arcanine kept herself in a jog circling the battle but leaping, or changing course from time to time, but nothing. Only as the time started stretching did Zelos call out.
"Dragon pulse!"
And from a hole that suddenly appeared in the ground A blast of draconic energy burst out.
"Dodge it!" I called and Arcanine managed, The angle of the hole meaning it was pretty easy to move out of its field of view.
"Keep it up!" Zelos called and then a few moments later a new hole appeared and a new pulse.
My mind raced. What was happening, that was so fast it was almost like. "Fraxure! It dug multiple escape holes and is attacking you from them in surprise! Arcanine. Flamethrower down any hole you see!" I called and My dog did just that, Roaring in anger at being attacked from below it started shooting fire down the holes collapsing them each time.
The two methods slowly wore on, but Zelos cracked first. "It’s not working Fraxure! Hit them with a Dual chop!"
"Arcanine! Jump!" I called out and my Dog did just that, leaping into the air and just barely dodging the Fraxure coming up from directly below her, its tusk blades glowing.
"Dragon Pulse!"
We both shouted together and the attacks collided, but it was obvious in an instant one was overpowering the other. And it wasn’t the Dragon.
Fraxure cried out as the flamethrower blasted it back down into the ground.
And then Arcanine was back on the ground having landed and was moving again. Fraxure grumbled out a roar as it clambered out of the ground, but I could tell it was done.
I waited, not giving any orders as Zelos kept glaring at the field. I hoped I wouldn’t have to tell Zelos to recall their Pokemon. It was pretty messy when dealing with kids. Half the time they would freak out.
"Fraxure! That’s enough. We will train harder and get them next time!" She called out and returned her dragon. To my relief. I didn’t have the heart to order an actual physical attack out of Arcanine. Her flames were strong, sure. We trained them hard, but her physical attacks were godly thanks to the Gravity training.
"Hey let’s call it here okay? Any more and the teachers are going to come out." I call out, earning another glare from the girl, but slowly she nodded. I smiled as I walked up and gave her a big hug to her immediate shock.
"Wha-let me go!"
"No way! That was amazing! Your Fraxure is so cool! I love Dragon types! Did you capture it as an Axew? It was really well trained!" I tell her as I finally put her back on her feet. Even if she was taller, I was definitely stronger.
"Of course! I met Axew when I was little and successfully caught him. He is my partner." She answered hautilly.
"That’s so cool! We don’t have many Dragon Types here in Kanto. You are so lucky to run into one."
"It’s nothing compared to an Arcanine." She muttered but I grinned.
"So? It’s still cool!" I smile as I pull out Chanseys ball. "Want to heal Fraxure? Come on out Chansey!" I call and my pink blob of love comes jumping out looking around for her target.
"Fine." Zelos grumbled after a moment releasing her Fraxure who was still scuffed and beaten up, but Chansey quickly took to her task ignoring the dragons grumbles as she smothered him in healing. He still looked tired after, but at least he didn’t have any more scrapes.
"Great job Chansey!" I tell her as she in turn buries me in a hug that has me giggling in delight.
"You’re weird." Zelos suddenly says as I peek curiously over Chanseys shoulder.
"Am I?" I can’t help but ask, causing Zelos to roll her eyes.
"Of course you are! You have super rare pokemon, but you’re not even a trainer, and you act like! Like a total dork!" She says.
"Well yeah?" I chirped, confused why this was such a big deal? Being a Dork is like 10/10 fun. Being serious all the time makes everything boring.
"Ugh. I can’t believe you are the strongest Trainer in this school. Don’t think this is over, dork. I’ll train and beat your Pokemon, Legends or not!" And with that Zelos flipped her hair over her shoulder and started walking away. Fraxure hurrying after.
"Vicky! You shouldn’t let her talk to you like that." Ivy said looking grumpy. "That was really mean!"
"What? Was it?" I asked, thinking about it. Adult brain had difficulties treating insults from pre-teens as serious. "I mean I am a dork though?"
"Ugh, You’re impossible!"
"Okay! Chansey, Gravity!"
"Chanse!" And the field we were training in shifted. Nothing dramatic, it wasn’t an anime. The color palette didn’t change, and no fuzz appeared, but like before the grass seemed to suddenly press down like something massive was pushing it all down.
"Okay! Practice time! Arcanine, Extreme Speed! Milotic, strength! I want your physical attacks to shock other Pokemon! Work on Aqua tail! Go!" I call out and both Pokemon step into the gravity field, or float in Milotics case, and then they go at it. Arcanine was furious about making herself so fast that no one could ever touch her. There was a reason that Extreme dodge had been our go to opening move against Fraxure.
Milotic though was still having trouble moving fast on land, his normal floatiness didn’t work so he was using muscle power, so instead I had him working on physical attacks. Aqua tail was his strongest since it was a Water STAB attack.
When activated there was a blue light on the Pokemons tail, but it also created a whirlpool effect that increased the damage. So it was also kinda beautiful, but it was important. Milotics Tail was his main form of physical attack after all.
I wanted Milotic to train this move until he could do it in his sleep.
"Good job Arcanine! That agility is looking great! Milotic! Make sure the Aqua tail is perfect! Don’t just spam them out. Try to make them as good as you can! I know the gravity makes it hard! Great job Chansey! Those toe touches are looking great!"
"Trouble what are you doing?" I eeped and leapt off of my feet before turning to see Papa looking over my Pokemon with a certain look in his eye.
"Nooo! This is secret training! I told you!" I whine as I run up and try to push him out of the clearing behind the house. "You can’t see, it’s a secret!"
"Hey now, I already figured it out. Gravity. Your Chansey can use gravity and is making your other pokemon train in high gravity… It’s brilliant." He admitted almost breathless but I refused to be flattered! It wasn’t my idea anyways!
"Idea thief!" I proclaim as I continue to try and push him. Papa is immune to push! Vicky takes backlash! I grunt as my pushing failed to do anything as Papa lifted me up making me glare and grumble as he tucks me under his arm, my arms and legs hanging as he walks up to Chansey.
"I’ve been wondering what you have been doing with Arcanine. Her fitness has been insane, but look at this no wonder. She is doing dodging practice under Gravity. Wow. I actually fought a Clefairy that used Gravity against my Spearow once. It completely crushed my team. We could barely stand in it. Look at Arcanine go."
I grumbled watching sideways as Arcanine continued her practice. As dedicated as always she ignored any outside interference as long as it wasn’t an order to stop. Single mindedly she raced back and forth in the big square we had burned into the grass training multi dimensional dodging within the square.
"You are making sure she is being fed enough? I can’t imagine the calories she is burning."
"Of course! Nurse Joy and I went through it! Chansey keeps a close eye on Caloric intake, and we take break days in between to ensure full rest. Well mostly. She still wants to train so I have her work on her flame attacks every other day…. Eventually I’m going to have her start integrating flame attacks into her dodge practice. Can’t hit her if she is always moving, and spraying fire everywhere." I inform him, earning a whistle.
"Good job kiddo." He finally said after a few more minutes causing my face to flush.
"Y-You! Praising me won’t make me forgive you for acting like a ninja! Sneaking into my special training!"
All I got was a chuckle from Papa as he patted my head finally putting me down. "I’m going to get Arcany. I want him to see this… And get some exercise.
"... Fine. I do love Arcany." I begrudgingly accept earning another chuckle as Papa pats my head.
Stupid Papa! I wanted to have his first realization of how strong my pokemon were when I won the Indigo league!
"Break! Chansey rest up. Arcanine! Get a drink and walk slowly! Stretch out! Milotic you too! No falling asleep, work your tail slowly, let the muscles stretch out! You lazy eel!"
School from then on ended with Zelos challenging me to a battle. Funnily enough she was pretty popular in class, pretty and smart, and she quickly had a clique of other girls following her around, and yet despite being the Alpha girl in class. Whenever anyone needed Pokemon help, they came to me.
Rattata attacking people in the outside bathroom?
Arcanine had a roar to talk to them with.
Spearow causing trouble with lunch? Chansey happily used gravity. Had a forceful ’conversation’ with the bird pokemon, and then healed them and sent them on their way.
Goldeen spitting water at people near the river? Milotic would Aquatail the fish right out of the water and onto dry land as a reminder. I would put them back in the water after of course.
Which sorta pissed Zelos off. She seemed to take it personally that she wasn’t the strongest Pokemon trainer in school. Apparently it was an Unova thing? I don’t know, I just grinned and happily battled her every day. She was getting better, but the difference between any of her three Pokemon and my two monster battlers was too much.
Her third Pokemon was actually a Snivy. Because she was already 10, and was just waiting on the traditional start time for the journey in Unova before she moved here. They gave her one as a starter for her Journey here in Kanto. It was cute. But not really ready for battle, and so I haven’t actually fought it yet.
That and it had weakness to both fire and ice. So it wouldn’t last long in a fight with my Fire dog, and Ice shooting eel.
"Thank you Chansey!" I chirp as my blob healed Herdier, earning a whuff of thanks from the dog as well.
Zelos though was not smiling. Another battle, and another loss. Herdier was strong, like really strong, but he wasn’t able to match Arcanines speed and power, or Milotics crazy defenses.
"How have I still not managed to KO even one of your Pokemon! You let me fight just your Milotic with both of my battlers and they couldn’t even tire him out! This is!"
"I train really hard you know?" I answer before Zelos could blow up any more. "Like really hard. We even went to the Pokemon center and Nurse Joy helped me put together a dietary and fitness build for my Pokemon. I mean. Arcanine is a fitness nut. Literally I have to put her in her Pokeball when I come to school or she breaks in to make me train her more… Milotic is a lazy guy though."
"Fine! I’ll go train more too!" She yelled, grabbing Herdier and hefting him in her arms. "Don’t think you will be on the top forever! Once Herdier evolves he will definitely match up to your Arcanine!"
"Herdier is pretty great!" I offer with a grin. That fight would be great, a heavy defense Pokemon like Stoutland would be a great training partner for Arcanine!
"Ugh!" Zelos growls out as she stalks off.
"What did I say?" I called out, but no response came forth. She was simply upset about something.
"Don’t know Milotic. Maybe she is just upset she lost again? Kids have trouble with losing too much. But I can’t really give her a win, she would know and that would be worse."
"Yeah it’s troublesome."
"What’s going on?" I asked as I looked out towards the Milotic field. I had woken up this morning to the noise of trucks. Which had instantly sent me scurrying to get ready to outside. If someone was bothering my Pokemon again!
"Easy Trouble. We were contacted by a Pokemon Professor, since Milotic haven’t really been native to Kanto he wanted to gather data for the Pokedex. Remember the Pokemon Association wanted to list Milotic as Nationally registered Pokemon?"
"Well they are here to gather some data for it. Next Pokedex release will have Milotic as listed within Kanto… although that might be another year? Honey when is the next Pokedex release scheduled?"
"It’s every four years!"
"Right… When is the next one?" Papa called out and Mama came out of the kitchen to glare at him. Papa had pulled me onto the couch next to him while he told me about the professors.
"Two years Victor." Mama told him in a, are you dumb tone that had me giggling as Papa pouted.
"Thank you Dear, love of my life."
"Yes dear." Mama called back flatly and headed back into the kitchen.
"So they aren’t bothering the Milotic? Are you sure. I should-"
"Easy Kiddo. Professor Cerise is a professional. His team won’t be bothering the Flock. I made sure. They are just taking pictures and studying them. The Flock was actually pretty flattered once the first picture was shown back to them."
I sighed. "I was wondering where my partner was. Of course he is out there. Probably hamming it up too." I said flatly. I hadn’t awoken with my normal Milotic cuddle Pillow while surrounded by warm Arcanine fur.
"So Professor Cerise? Isn’t he out of… Vermillion city?"
"Oh? You actually know who Cerise is? I’m impressed. Good job." Papa offered me a pat on the head as a reward.
"I should go out and talk to him then I guess. He probably has questions."
"Oh the Professor himself isn’t here. He just sent a team. Professors don’t usually move around too much. They have a lot of responsibilities."
"Oh. Bummer." I grumble but shrug. If the Milotic were happy to get their picture taken then that was fine. I wandered back upstairs. Arcanine wouldn’t be able to get any training until the assistants left, so I had better distract her.
I didn’t want to be dragged around again. Seriously dragged out of bed by a leg and hauled outside before the sun is up only needs to happen once.
Arcanines wagging tail and eager looks for exercise had not at all saved her from a grounding.