Realm of Myths and Legends-Chapter 1046 Izroth’s Plan

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Chapter 1046 Izroth's Plan

Izroth had already anticipated that the time limit for the Hidden Guardian of the Mortal Realm quest would not be a full day; however, he still figured that they would at least have a few hours to work with.

For the time limit to drop all the way down to fifteen minutes—it did not leave them any breathing room. And, at this point, Izroth knew that they could not afford a single mistake. Otherwise, the Night Lord Zarolas would be revived and the battle at the Night Lord's Crypt would quickly turn in the skounae's favor.

'I have to find a way to get rid of the barrier that's protecting the coffin. Perhaps...'

"Jol'Kil," Izroth called out as he calmly fended off the shadahi.

Crrrckle! Clap!

As Izroth swung his Sword of the Storm, its effect Destructive Aftermath activated, sending out a wave of destruction that swept over the shadahi and temporarily paralyzed their movements while damaging them.

Right after the shadahis were paralyzed, Jol'Kil arrived next to Izroth and said, "Young master, you called for me?"

"The flames you use increase the overall mass of its target, correct?" Izroth inquired.

"Your observational skills are exceptional. It is just as you say. Those that come into contact with my flames become heavier based on the number of wisps I attach to them." Jol'Kil replied without hesitation.

As a warrior of the Seventh Demon Clan, Jol'Kil would not typically expose the secret behind his flames so easily. However, since Izroth was the great benefactor of his Seventh Demon Clan and was even trusted by their ancestor, how could Jol'Kil dare think of keeping secrets from him?

"How much heavier does one become for every wisp and how many can you attach simultaneously to one target?" Izroth questioned as the shadahis broke free of the paralyzing effects of Destructive Aftermath.

But, without wasting a moment, Izroth employed the Lightning Cage effect from his Sword of the Storm, trapping all three of the shadahi within its confines. As the lightning jumped around in the cage, it kept the shadahis movements completely sealed.

"The first wisp makes a target five times heavier, the second ten times, the third twenty times, and so on with each doubling from the last. The most wisps that I can apply to a single target is five. Any more than that and my flames will start to become unstable and lose its effectiveness." Jol'Kil explained.

'Five wisps... At its peak, that would be eighty times. It would have been ideal if the Strength of the Ancient Colossus was available, but it won't be off cooldown before the time limit is up. Still, eighty times... If it's that much, it may just work.'

"What about the range?" Izroth asked.

"As long as the target is within my direct line of sight, no issues should occur," Jol'Kil responded.

'Good, that's the best I could hope for. I was worried the range would be too limited to pull it off.'

"When I give you the signal, I want you to use all five wisps on me," Izroth stated.

"?!" Jol'Kil's eyes widened in shock as he was caught off guard by Izroth's bizarre request.

Why would he want to willing place himself at a disadvantage at a crucial time like this? Jol'Kil was unable to make sense of it.

"Young master, what you're asking me to do—I'm afraid I cannot comprehend your intentions. If my actions were to place you in danger, how could I ever face the clan head?" Jol'Kil said in a troubled tone as he furrowed his brows.

"There's no time to go into details. However, you can rest assured. Your actions will prove more beneficial than detrimental. On that, I give you my word. Is that enough?" Izroth replied calmly.

Seeing that calm expression on Izroth's face and hearing him give his word, Jol'Kil could only release a helpless sigh.

"Then, young master, I shall do as you say and await your signal. Please, prioritize your own safety." Jol'Kil said while trying his best to hide the reluctance in his voice.

"I'll be counting on you," Izroth stated with a carefree expression.


The shadahis broke free of Izroth's Lightning Cage as they immediately charged toward Izroth with a level of aggression that seemed to rise severalfold after being rendered helpless for so long.


Izroth dashed with quickened steps in a direction that was away from the coffin as the shadahis chased after him without letting up in the slightest.

'First, I'll have to get these guys to switch their attention away from me. In order to do that...'

Izroth set his sights on a field of scorching flames in the distance. At the center of those flames was Lances suppressing a group of shadahi with the strength of his blazing inferno.

At the moment, Izroth was headed that way with the three shadahi trailing not too far behind him.

As Izroth moved closer to where Lances was battling the shadahis, he caught the Commander's attention.

"Hm? Why is he coming over this way?" Lances pondered silently.

"Lances, I need to leave these three in your hands for a while. Can you handle it?" Izroth asked as he arrived within a few meters of Lances' position.

"If you're making a request like that, I'm guessing you have something in mind?" Lances commented.


"That barrier—I plan to destroy it along with the coffin in one go," Izroth said as he passed right by Lances without halting his steps.


Lances set his sights on the three shadahis who were following after Izroth and moving on a path towards his position in an attempt to catch up with him.

"Honestly... You just keep stealing all the good parts for yourself. Well, I guess I'll let you have the credit this time." Lances said to himself with a light smile as the fire element around him abruptly expanded at a rapid pace.

...BOOM! Rooooragh!

Lances unleashed a terrifying explosion of flames that formed a twister of fire more than ten meters tall at his location.

Izroth glanced back and noticed that the three shadahis who were chasing after him were no longer there. After getting caught up in Lances' attack, the creatures shifted their focus to the immediate threat before them.

'He should be able to hold them off long enough. Still, even for him, handling that many shadahi at once is dangerous. I have to finish things on my end fast.'

Izroth changed directions and made his way back towards the coffin located at the chamber's center.

"Get ready," Izroth said as he dashed past Jol'Kil after he arrived back at the coffin.

Without slowing down, Izroth leaped into the air above the coffin. Then, after making it a few meters into the air, Izroth kicked off the air and continued to make his way further into the air.

Since the space in this area was abnormal, Izroth proceeded with a certain level of caution the higher up he got.

'Good, there doesn't appear to be any issues with the surrounding space. With that, the biggest concern is out of the way. Now...'

Izroth turned his gaze downward as he arrived at the height limit of his Sky Steps.

The next moment, Izroth began to gather essence at his sword as he pointed it towards the sky.

Bzzzt...! Crrrrckle!

A swirling vortex of storm clouds with purple lightning jumping throughout them formed in the air above Izroth. Almost immediately after the clouds formed, blades of wind started to rain down on the battlefield below.

'By infusing Great Storm with my essence, it should have no problem reaching the shadahi on the ground. But, more importantly...'

The moment Izroth executed the Great Storm effect of his Sword of the Storm, a wisp of dark red flames materialized on his chest.

'I'll only get one shot. Hopefully, I can still adjust myself properly in time.'

Right after the first wisp emerged, another two appeared on each of his shoulders, followed by two more that emerged on his legs.

'This feeling... It's like I have an endless abyss of strength within me. Despite the increase in my mass, I don't feel any different than before.'

Thanks to the Earthly Golden Bones passive of his Heavenly Golden Body, Izroth's physical strength was enhanced alongside his mass; therefore, he did not struggle to maintain control mid-air. Now that question was whether or not his current body could withstand what he had in mind.

'There's only one way to find out.'

Suddenly, Izroth canceled his Sky Steps skill as he began to plummet from the sky!

Izroth's actions caught the attention of a few individuals from the 9th Division and 5th Unit; however, most did not have the luxury to let their guard down.

"What is he up to up there?" Halls said as he blocked an incoming strike from a shadahi.

"Heh, who knows? But, if it's our brother, then it's gotta be something that's gonna blow us away, right?" Guan Yu roared as he pushed back the shadahi he faced off against.