Realm of Myths and Legends-Chapter 840: Relic, The Palace Treasure Room

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Chapter 840: Relic, The Palace Treasure Room

Even though it was unfamiliar, Izroth was able to barely perceive it. Not with his Energy Vision Sense, but rather using his natural senses. 

However, just as quickly as he sensed it, it vanished without a trace. It was to the point that Izroth almost believed that he must have imagined it.

'That sinister aura... It came from outside the palace. Is it why I have been feeling this sense of uneasiness? I left Tal'Nis back there, but even if I poured most of my remaining essence into the relic, the time limit she can remain active cannot exceed ten minutes. In that case, I don't have much time to spare.'


As this thought crossed Izroth's mind, Hakros knocked down a pair of towering doors that impeded their path.

Woosh! Woosh!

Izroth and Hakros sped through the doorway before they abruptly halted their steps.

"Oh? That bastard sure knows how to show off." Hakros commented as he examined his surroundings.

'I expected it to be somewhat grand given his personality, but... Isn't this a little too much?'

Izroth silently surveyed the spacious area that could only be described as a ridiculously extravagant throne room.

Everything from the floor to the walls was made out of ancient-grade material! Even those powerful organizations and kingdoms in the Mortal Realm would not dare use ancient-grade materials for such a purpose. Instead, they chose a more practical route and merely reinforced regular sturdy materials with magic. Although this method was not as durable as using ancient-grade materials, its cost efficiency to performance ratio was virtually unmatched.

However, the ancient-grade floor and walls were not all that took Izroth by surprise. Rather, it was the luxurious throne located at the head of the room with a genuine atmosphere of domination around it.

With one swift movement, Izroth arrived in front of the throne and viewed the information displayed by the system.

Name: Seat of the Heaven's Point(Relic)

Owner: Pillar of the West, Ourami

Boundary: ???

Usage: This item is currently bound to [Pillar of the West, Ourami] and cannot be changed until its owner perishes or relinquishes control. When sitting upon this seat, it consumes the user's energy and grants them the following skills(s):

-«A Ruler's Authority» - ???

-«Extension of a Ruler's Will» - ???

-«Dominion of Absolute Authority» - ???

-«The Last To Fall» - ???

Special Note: Once set in place, this item cannot be moved. The skill effects of this item are only visible to its owner. The skill effects of this item can only be activated if the owner is sitting on the seat. If the owner leaves the seat or runs out of energy, all of this item's effects will be automatically disabled.

'A relic? It's the first time I've come across one in RML. Is it a Secret Realm's version of a magic item? No, if it was just that much, would the system bother creating a completely separate category?'

By now, Izroth had a decent understanding when it came to how the system in RML did certain things.

For example, despite skills and traits being so similar to each other, the system still separated them. This was due to the fact that while they were somewhat identical, one could be seen as a natural gift of the world and the other as artificially created.

'Since skills are manmade, given the extensive history of RML, it's likely those in the beginning simply tried to mimic traits. Perhaps it's the same with magic items and relics—a deep-rooted imitation that evolved to its current state over time.'

Of course, this was all merely Izroth's theory. Nevertheless, when it came to details about RML's history, there was probably no other player in RML that could match Izroth's knowledge. He was confident that even if his conclusion turned out to not be entirely correct, his path of thought was not far off.

'Still, that does not change the fact that it bears a striking similarity to a magic item. It lacks a rank that's typically given to magic items based on their capability. It looks durable, but there are no signs of a durability stat.'

After viewing the Seat of the Heaven's Point's system information, Izroth immediately attempted to use Deep Insight to gain a better understanding of the relic. However, the end results were disappointing.

'Unfortunately, my skill level with Deep Insight is still too low to see through this relic.'

Skill Name: Deep Insight

Skill Level: 15.71%

Skill Rank: Unique*

Requirements: Be the first player to achieve a Perception stat of 9 or higher.

Active: The user gains a deeper insight into a target, uncovering up to [2] flaws or weaknesses.

Cooldown: None

Special Note: This skill cannot be used on the same target within 72 hours.

Ever since he entered the Secret Realm, Izroth had not been slacking off on his use of Deep Insight to increase its skill level. He used it on everything and everyone except those powerful individuals.

It was not that Izroth lacked the desire to potentially learn more about them, but instead, he did not want to waste his chances. After all, with his previous skill level of Deep Insight before he stepped into the Secret Realm, it was unlikely that any information he received would be beneficial. And, since he could not use it on the same target within 72 hours, Izroth knew that he could not be careless.

'It has improved a lot, but there are still some limitations.'

Not only did the number of flaws and weaknesses that could be discovered using Deep Insight increase from one to two, but the details it provided also became a little more refined.

The next moment, Izroth unsheathed his Sword of the Storm, causing a strong gale of wind to blow around him.

'I'd really like to tear this entire room down and take it with me back to the Mortal Realm. Especially, this throne. It is true that too much greed can leave one with empty hands, but...'

"Hakros, we'll be tearing this place apart until we find what we came for—starting with the floor," Izroth stated.

When Izroth briefly extended his Energy Vision Sense to the maximum range of the room, he detected something hidden far underground. But, with so much ancient material in use, it was difficult to tell whether or not it was just some natural energy flowing through the ground or something more. Either way, there was only one way to find out.

"Tear it apart? Ahahaha! Yeah, I think I prefer this side of yours!" Hakros said as he clenched his fist.

Then, without skipping a beat, the behemoth jumped towards the center of the room and slammed his fists into the ground full force!

BOOM! Crrrrckle! Rmmmmble!

The floor could not withstand the full force of Hakros' blow as it cracked from the pressure. The shockwave generated by the blow was also enough to send tremors throughout the center of the palace's interior.

"This thing—it's sturdier than I thought," Hakros growled.

Just now, Hakros intended to break open the floor with his blow but only caused some large cracks to form. Though this was not too surprising seeing as how the entire room was virtually made built using ancient-grade materials. Forget physical strength, even those powerful magic cannons used to defend cities in the Mortal Realm would not necessarily be about to break through it in one shot.

"Well, that's fine since there's a simple solution. I just gotta keep hitting it until it breaks!" Hakros roared as his fist crashed into the floor.

But, the behemoth did not stop there as he launched a barrage of earth-shaking blows at the floor—each blow being faster and more powerful than the last.

Soon enough, the cracks turned into fissures, and the fissures into a crater.

When Izroth witnessed this sight, he could not help but inwardly shake his head. Only someone like Hakros was crazy enough to use pure physical strength to forcibly break through ancient-grade materials. But, with his unique physique, he was perhaps one of the few individuals from the Mortal Realm actually capable of doing so.

Izroth shifted his stance and used the Fourth Sword Form: Dipping Valley, adding to the destruction being caused by Hakros increasing the size of the crater.


...Crrrck... BOOM!

Suddenly, the ceiling of an enclosed room collapsed, and a pile of rubble scattered on the floor.

Not long after, two individuals emerged from the dust cloud. These two were, of course, Izroth and Hakros.

After layering their attacks together for nearly one minute straight, the two of them were finally able to reach the hidden underground chamber of the palace.

'I was beginning to suspect there was nothing here, however... I guess my concerns were unwarranted. It's no wonder the room above was so extravagant.'

"Ahahaha! I want to see the look on that bastard's face when he comes back to this place!" Hakros bellowed as he took in the sight before him.

A few meters ahead, there was a pile of treasures ranging from materials, potions, gold, weapons, and more. With just a single glance, one could tell that there was enough treasure here to rival the wealth of a powerful organization or a mid-sized kingdom!

"We're taking it all. Do not leave behind even a single gold coin." Izroth said with a carefree smile.