Realm of Myths and Legends-Chapter 983 Warriors Of Pzenium

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At the moment, two groups were engaged in a skirmish.

However, to those who looked in from the outside, rather than calling it a skirmish, it was more like a potential extermination waiting to happen. This was due to the massive difference in numbers between the two sides.

After Commander Aurie read over the information contained within the scroll and went over a few key matters with those in the command tent, the 2nd Unit, accompanied by the 9th Division of the General Support Unit, immediately set off into action.

They waited patiently at the south side of the Nightfall Glades and laid out an ambush for the Pzenium warriors. But, while their initial strike was successful, it also did not do much to change their overall circumstances. Though it did manage to accomplish two things.

For one, it confirmed Commander Aurie's earlier suspicions. However, more importantly, it drew the attention of the Pzenium warriors and caused them to chase after the 2nd Unit through the outskirts of the Nightfall Glades.

The Nightfall Glades consisted mostly of a wide open area, but that was only if one made their way through the maze of towering trees that surrounded it.

Right now, the 2nd Unit was using the towering trees of the Nightfall Glades' outskirts to outmaneuver the Pzenium warriors at every turn.

This is why, despite the sizable difference in the size of their forces, the 2nd Unit had yet to be overwhelmed.

Needless to say, this was all thanks to some of the major changes to Izroth's revised Golden Bridge Strategy.

The first major change was how the troops were divided into separate groups. Instead of the main group being made up of 300 soldiers, it had more than twice that amount as it stood 700 strong.

As for the other groups, every last one of them consisted of 100 soldiers.

Adding the 2nd Unit and 9th Division numbers together, this amounted to a total of just under 1,300 troops. Therefore, there were six other independent groups within the Nightfall Glades.

Of course, the groups did not confront the Pzenium warriors in a head-on clash. After all, it would only lead to an inevitable defeat.

Rather, every time the fight got too intense, or it looked as if the main group was about to be encircled, one or more of the independent groups from the 2nd Unit would appear and launch a strike that opened a gap in the Pzenium warriors' defensive net.

Using this opportunity, the main group from the 2nd Unit would escape, create some distance and then re-engage their targets.

This caused a high level of frustration and impatience to develop among the Pzenium warriors.

"These so-called warriors of the other kingdoms are pathetic. I was expecting them to put up more of a fight. Who would have thought they'd flee like cowards right after launching an ambush against us?" One of the Pzenium warriors stated with a deep voice.

The Pzenium warrior was a man who appeared to be in his late thirties to early forties with tanned skin, sand-colored hair, and pale crimson eyes. He stood over two meters tall with a physique that resembled that of chiseled stone and gave off a heavy aura of intimidation befitting a warrior of his stature. This man was known as Menkar.

NPC Name: (Sandstorm Walker Great Warrior)Menkar(???)

NPC Level: ???

NPC HP: ??? (100%)

Menkar was a part of the Sandstorm Walkers—a powerful group of mercenaries for hire that originated from the kingdom of Pzenium.

The Sandstorm Walkers did not belong to any particular power in Pzenium nor outside of it. There were only two things that guided the path of the Sandstorm Walkers, which were gold and battle.

Next to Menkar were two individuals who released a fierce battle-hardened aura, though most of their physical features were hidden by the garbs of the desert they donned as Sandstorm Walkers. However, these were not your average Sandstorm Walkers.

NPC Name: (Sandstorm Walker Warrior)???(Rare)

NPC Level: ???

NPC HP: ??? (100%)

NPC Name: (Sandstorm Walker Warrior)???(Rare)

NPC Level: ???

NPC HP: ??? (100%)

The Sandstorm Walkers had a strict hierarchy among their ranks. However, this hierarchy was not determined by one's length of service or experience on the battlefield. Only one thing dictated the standing of a Sandstorm Walker—strength.

Until one acquired strength as a Sandstorm Walker, they were not even worthy of a name. Therefore, those who wanted to become a Sandstorm Walker had to forfeit their name until they earned the right to wield it with pride. When that moment arrived, they would be given a new name and allowed to use it as their own.

A step in front of Menkar and the two Sandstorm Walker Warriors was another person. He was the same man whose thundering voice carried throughout the outskirts of the Nightfall Glades as he gave out orders. This individual's strength was incredibly deep and hard to grasp.

In terms of physical appearance, he was not as impressive as someone of Menkar's stature. But, there was a reason why the Great Warrior of the Sandstorm Walker did not stand at that man's side and kept one step behind him.

This man looked to be in his early thirties, with skin kissed by the sun, a pair of eyes the color of sand, and a rather handsome appearance. The aura he gave off was refined and controlled; it was to a point that those inexperienced in battle would mistake him for a common veteran warrior.

However, after hearing his name and learning of his presence on a battlefield, most would be ready to retreat in fear.

This was the impact of the man known as the Sandweaver of the Desert, Gakhan.

NPC Name: Sandweaver of the Desert, Gakhan(???)

NPC Level: ???

Gakhan was the one in charge of leading the Pzenium warriors toward the Night Lord's Crypt. This was a task personally given to him by one of the Great Dukes of the Pzenium kingdom.

"I don't like it. Not one bit." Gakhan said under his breath as he narrowed his eyes and swept his gaze over the battlefield.

They had been engaging in and out of battle for the past few hours without being able to gain a single edge over their enemies. To make matters worse, there were individual groups who would strike at the weakest points in their battle formations and instantly retreat afterward.

Of course, Gakhan tried to split off a group from his own forces to chase them down. But, for some reason, they always managed to slip away at the last moment into the Nightfall Glades and reappear at a completely different location, far away from their previous position.

Realizing that splitting off any more of their forces would leave them in a potentially vulnerable position, Gakhan did not bother sending out any further separate groups. Instead, Gakhan decided to turn all his focus on the main group that had been slipping away through the cracks of their encirclement.

Needless to say, retreating was not an option. Gakhan had been keeping close track of the sudden arrivals and estimated that the enemies only consisted of a little more than 1,000 troops.

Meanwhile, the forces under his command were 8,000 strong!

Retreating from such an easy battle would be a stain on the honor of the Pzenium warriors! No matter what, Gakhan was determined to crush the foes before him with overwhelming might!

"We've wasted enough time here. If they had any further reinforcements, they would have revealed themselves by now. Menkar, get the Sandstorm Walkers ready. We will wipe them out in one go." Gakhan said as his gaze turned cold.

"I will make the preparations," Menkar responded as he sunk into the earth with the two Sandstorm Walkers Warriors by his side.

"Let's see just how long you can continue to avoid death," Gakhan said to himself as he took a single step forward.

In the blink of an eye, Gakhan vanished without a trace.


Meanwhile, somewhere in the Nightfall Glades...

Aurie stood at the top of a certain point in the Nightfall Glades. It was a small cliff that was easily dwarfed by the towering trees, making it impossible to see what was going on beyond them. However, Aurie's purpose atop the small cliff was not for that of spectating the events that unfolded within the Nightfall Glades.

"Kalmesia, begin," Aurie stated with a serious expression to seemingly no one.

But, the moment the Commander gave that order, something bizarre occurred within the Nightfall Glades.

The towering trees in the distance started to shuffle around! It was almost as if a large group of trees decided to simultaneously take a sudden stroll through the Nightfall Glades!