Rebirth of a Farming Wife-Chapter 228 - 137: Child’s One-month Anniversary

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Chapter 228: Chapter 137: Child’s One-month Anniversary

Hearing Sister-in-law’s voice, Su Wenyue’s lips curved slightly. Sister-in-law was a straightforward person, so it was normal for her to speak like this. Su Wenyue was worried that her delicate and sensitive cousin might not be able to handle it. She wondered what was on Pei Yuhan’s mind. Her father was clearly the prefecture governor of Jiangzhou, and her status was not low at all, yet she acted like someone from a small family, often bursting into tears with red-rimmed eyes, always looking like someone had wronged her. If she truly had a timid character, that would be one thing, but the words that came out of her mouth suggested otherwise.

Pei Yuhan originally felt somewhat pleased with herself since no one had contradicted her, but after being questioned by Feng Ruolin, her face quickly turned red and then pale, displaying a rich palette of emotions.

“Third Cousin-in-law, I didn’t,” Pei Yuhan gestured with her hands, her eyes already brimming with tears.

Feng Ruolin couldn’t stand seeing Pei Yuhan look like this. Compared to Su Wenyue, she had interacted with this cousin from her eldest uncle’s family quite a few times. There was no issue really, but Pei Yuhan insisted on wearing a mournful expression daily, as if seeking sympathy. It wasn’t like anyone had mistreated her.

“I heard clearly just now outside. Those unaware would think that I, as a Sister-in-law, am bullying the younger sister-in-law, that she can’t even speak her mind when she returns to her mother’s family. Hence, Miss Pei should be more cautious with her words,” Feng Ruolin said. It wasn’t that she didn’t want to spare her eldest aunt’s feelings, but she didn’t want to indulge Pei Yuhan’s behavior, allowing her to say whatever she wished and expect everyone to yield to her while her Elders Sister-in-law tolerated it. She didn’t have to, and by defending her Cousin-in-law, her mother-in-law might actually be pleased.

“Third Cousin-in-law, I didn’t mean that, it was out of concern for my cousin. Why do you all misunderstand me? What I said wasn’t wrong, do you all look down on me?” Pei Yuhan truly started sobbing as she spoke, her face the picture of utmost grievance, leaving everyone around speechless.

Even Mrs. Pei, seeing her own niece like this, felt pity but also thought her niece’s reaction was excessive. Although what her daughter-in-law had said was indeed a bit harsh, it was also unreasonable to burst into tears over a few words. She felt helpless, but as Pei Yuhan was her direct niece, she had to take care of her.

“Alright, Yuhan, don’t cry anymore. Your Third Cousin-in-law was only speaking about the facts, and didn’t mean to blame you. Wipe your tears and stop crying. For someone your age to be crying and wailing like this, it’s unseemly,” Mrs. Pei’s tone grew heavier with the last sentence, clearly conveying that her niece was failing to understand the bigger picture.

“Yes, Cousin Yuhan, please stop crying, or else others who don’t know better might think we’re bullying you. Don’t make your eldest aunt feel bad; she cares for you so much. Cousin Yuhan should be happy just for the sake of your aunt’s love,” Su Wenyue said with a smile.

Upon hearing Su Wenyue’s words, Pei Yuhan couldn’t continue crying, or else it would seem ungrateful for her aunt’s affection. Su Wenyue wasn’t an easy opponent; with just a few words, she had Pei Yuhan backed into a corner, even more effective than her Eldest and Third Sister-in-laws.

Feng Ruolin felt her young cousin-in-law was increasingly clever and reliable. “Indeed, what Lady Yue said is right. Cousin Yuhan mustn’t only think of her own sadness but should also consider her eldest aunt’s feelings. We must not worry her,” she agreed.

Mrs. Chu watched on the sidelines as Su Wenyue and Feng Ruolin, sisters-in-law united, left Pei Yuhan so stifled that she could hardly speak. Mrs. Chu felt quite refreshed. She had had enough of her cousin, who was always playing the victim and complaining, for which she had often been scolded and complained to by her mother-in-law. Later, perhaps after her mother-in-law had come to understand her cousin’s nature, things improved, but Mrs. Chu had developed a complete distaste for Pei Yuhan.

After this exchange, Pei Yuhan finally subdued her tears. With her no longer weeping on the side, the atmosphere became harmonious, especially when talk turned to the three little ones, which brought joy to everyone. Who wouldn’t want to share in such good fortune, especially Feng Ruolin and Mrs. Chu, who wished for such luck themselves. Even if they couldn’t have triplets like Su Wenyue all at once, having one son would be wonderful. They all vied eagerly to hold the three little guys. freē

Since the Su Mansion was some distance from the military camp, Han Yu couldn’t come back every day, managing only every other day. Upon returning, he saw his wife looking somewhat disgruntled.

“What’s wrong? Why the pout? Could it be that the children have been naughty?” Han Yu asked with a smile as he approached, feeling utterly content with his beloved wife and son. It’s only after experiencing loss that one learns to cherish, and he hadn’t realized until this ordeal how important his wife had become to him.

“The children are very well-behaved, not crying or fussing at all, very sensible. When you talk to them, they seem to understand everything. It warms the heart,” Su Wenyue said, her face glowing with joy at the mention of her children.

“So, it’s you who’s been naughty? How can someone your age act even worse than the children?” joked Han Yu, clearly teasing Su Wenyue. He pinched her cheek playfully, pleased that recent days had seen her gain some weight and look healthier. After seeing Su Wenyue’s previous frail and pale appearance, Han Yu had resolved to fatten his wife up until she was plump and healthy.

Su Wenyue glared at Han Yu. What was he talking about? Being in confinement at the Su Mansion, everything was under her Mother’s watchful eye, with her Sister-in-law present as well, her every move strictly monitored. She couldn’t even step outside; feeling itchy on her scalp and sticky all over, she wanted to bathe but wasn’t allowed. She felt a strange odor on herself and was uncomfortable no matter what. Home was where she felt at ease, where her word was law. In fact, Noble Consort Li had also given birth not long before and was still able to dress up and stroll the garden soon after. As long as one didn’t tire themselves out or catch a cold, it was fine.

“Husband, can you have the Servants bring in some hot water? I really feel uncomfortable. I haven’t bathed in so long, I have a strange smell,” Su Wenyue said, dodging as Han Yu came to hug her, not wanting him to notice the odd scent on her.

“You’re being ridiculous. How can you bathe while in confinement? Bear with it a little longer. Once the month is up you can do as you please. A poorly conducted confinement can lead to lasting harm,” Han Yu said, particularly concerned about Su Wenyue’s health. He initially wanted Su Wenyue to observe double the usual confinement period, given that the birth had taken a significant toll on her. However, knowing that she would not agree, he added just ten extra days. At this time, he couldn’t let her have her way, but with his Mother-in-law overseeing, he didn’t need to worry. Thus, breaking through on his end was absolutely out of the question.

With that said, in order to reassure his wife from further complaints, Han Yu grabbed and sniffed her vigorously: “You smell nice, there’s no strange odor at all. You’re just overthinking it.”

Seeing Han Yu do this, Su Wenyue felt frustrated and playfully grabbed at him. But she knew Han Yu was unlikely to help her, and her resolve deflated. She resigned herself to waiting until confinement was over.

Time flew by quickly, and the day for the children’s one-month celebration arrived in no time. Preparations at the Su Mansion started early, the event was especially grand.

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