Rebirth of the Villainous Female Boss-Chapter 439 - 413 He Will Like It (Thank you, League Master Suzume for the reward, +1 update)

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Chapter 439: Chapter 413 He Will Like It (Thank you, League Master Suzume for the reward, +1 update)

The creator truly has a sense of humor. Such a responsible boy, yet born in a woman’s body. If only Qiuqiu could replace any of the weak men on the bus, that would be great.

Unfortunately, fate never goes as people wish. When you encounter it, just face it calmly. Isn’t that the job of a psychologist? To tell everyone that there is no perfect person in this world, to accept an imperfect life, and to let your heart return to calm.

Having completed her phase of tasks, and about to meet Xiao Qiang again, Xiao Qian was in a particularly good mood.

With that thought, Xiao Qian decisively skipped her morning classes that didn’t take attendance, ran to the bathhouse for a luxurious milk bath, and even changed into a pink set.

When she returned to the dormitory, she saw Shi Touyu tinkering with her juicer.

“Boss Qian, come, check out my amazing new creation!”

Xiao Qian saw the colorful cups on the table in front of Shi Touyu and sighed, “You’ve finally come to your senses, trying to poison your two losers to death?”

“What are you talking about? This is cosmic energy potion. Come, it’s for everybody. One cup per person, blessed by a magician. After drinking, you’ll be filled with positive cosmic energy and won’t get sick for half a year!”

“I think I will report to Aunt Dormitory Manager that you’re using electricity illegally to produce this unidentified liquid.” Xiao Qian had no desire to drink this unidentified liquid.

“Don’t! Boss Qian, come back. This is a zodiac juice, it can bring people luck. You are Scorpio, right? Let me see, the internal magma of Scorpio this month is ready to erupt, but you must be particularly careful about unexpected disasters. This honeydew melon yogurt can help you ward off disasters. Here, have a taste.”

Shi Touyu looked at her booklet, which contained the horoscope of each zodiac sign written by Qiuqiu.

Shi Touyu handed Xiao Qian a cup. Xiao Qian took a sip, it was quite delicious, so she started drinking with ease.

“Boss Qian, do you think if I invest in a beverage shop near the school, featuring this zodiac concept, it would be successful?”

“Students indeed have purchasing power, but the cost of your idea is too high. If you sell it too cheaply, you’ll lose money; if you sell it too expensively, students won’t buy it.”

“Of course, for outsiders, I can’t use real fruits. The raw materials for this stuff are super cheap, the granules in the milk tea only cost ten yuan per big bag and can soak more than ten kilograms, both milk essence and milk tea powder are ready-made. One cup is sold for 2 yuan, and the cost is just a few cents. The real deal is for our dormitory people to drink.”

Xiao Qian nodded her head. There were also cold drink shops near the school, but they were not well-managed, and the business was just so-so.

“It’s feasible. The catering industry is the most stable industry in the future. The zodiac concept, did you and Qiuqiu come up with it together?”

Qiuqiu is proficient in Tarot cards and also has some research on zodiac signs. Shi Touyu smirked, “Yeah, this can only fool people for a while. After this period, I’ll think of other gimmicks to attract customers.”

After the fool of the landlord’s daughter came back from the remote countryside and unleashed herself, her IQ came back, aiming at making some small business to earn money for buying bags.

Xiao Qian didn’t want to get involved in this. But upon reflecting, the zodiac predictions seemed to be quite accurate. This period of time, wasn’t she desperate to break loose?

“What’s the horoscope for Aquarius this month?” Xiao Qian asked.

Shi Touyu swayed her index finger left and right in front of Xiao Qian, “Who was the one saying not to take men too seriously? Look, now inquiring about the Young Boss’s horoscope.”

“Hmmm, I would like the Young Boss to send your Brother Qiao Zhen on a business trip to a remote place for several months. I don’t mind letting Xiao Qiang take advantage of his position.”

“No! Master, I surrender! Read it for yourself.” Shi Touyu handed her the small book. Xiao Qian turned to the Aquarius section for Yu Minglang to take a look.

Shi Touyu was adding on the side, “I’ve been learning these things with Qiuqiu recently. I feel sometimes horoscopes can be very accurate, for instance, Aquarius men love solving mysteries. If he can never guess what you’re thinking, then you’ve got him hooked for good! Is your Young Boss this type of Aquarius man?”

“You’re so talkative, this isn’t trustworthy at all.” Dammit, she’s spot on! What Xiao Qian was thinking and expressing were completely two different concepts.

In fact, she had studied her and Xiao Qiang’s zodiac signs in her past life. It was just a bit of fun.

Psychologists never casually use astrology to explain a person’s behavior and life experiences. Psychology is empirical science. Any judgment Xiao Qian makes about a patient must be supported by data.

But as for astrology, Xiao Qian knows a little about it. She occasionally takes a look, sometimes it’s correct, sometimes not, it’s purely for entertainment.

The Aquarius personality is not obvious in Yu Minglang. However, the love for solving puzzles is quite agreeable.

Xiao Qian had studied him in her previous life. Behind his cold exterior, it’s as if there’s a curious child who’s always fascinated by the world. fгeewebnovё

What fascinates Yu Xiaoqiang is Chen Xiaomei.

What does Xiao Mei think of, what does Xiao Mei like, what can make Xiao Mei happy, he spends lots of his spare time pondering over this. Xiao Qian just happens to be an inexhaustible treasure. Her thoughts jump around, so Yu Minglang keeps dwelling on it.

Xiao Qian saw the horoscope for Aquarius which said they wouldn’t fight back when hit or argue back when scolded by their wives, and immediately felt balanced in her heart.

“Oh, then I won’t tell you that the compatibility score between a Scorpio woman and an Aquarius man is only 50. But——”

Shi Touyu originally wanted to show off the knowledge she just learned, to see the anxious expression on Xiao Qian’s face wanting to know what came next.

But Xiao Qian just showed her a calm face.

“If there’s only one person in the world who can make an Aquarius man shed tears, it would be a Scorpio woman. If there’s only one person in the world who can make a Scorpio woman yield, it would be an Aquarius man. Compatibility is a matter of probability and is not accurate.”

Shi Touyu’s mouth formed an ‘O’, pointing at Xiao Qian, “How do you know this! I thought you didn’t believe in this!”

Xiao Qian left her with a mysterious expression, want to guess?

Shi Touyu surrendered, if Xiao Qian didn’t want to speak, nobody could pry her mouth open.

“Shi Touyu, you have mail!” Someone outside shouted.

“Okay, I’m coming!” Shi Touyu responded and handed the carrot in her hand to Xiao Qian.

Suddenly, Xiao Qian had a sense of foreboding. Could it be…!!!