Reborn as a Noble's Son-Chapter 128 - Secretary MO’s Transformation 1

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Chapter 128: Chapter 128 Secretary MO’s Transformation 1

Translator: 549690339

As MO Zhihai entered, he saw Nie Zhenbang and Qian Jin chatting and laughing together yet, he chose to ignore it. MO Zhihai was well aware of Nie Zhenbang’s connections. Otherwise, it wouldn’t be possible for someone so young to hold such a high-ranking position, and even serving as a leading official. Nie Zhenbang was not only parachuted directly into his position, but was also escorted here by Fang Gushan, a standing committee member of the Bazhou City Committee and the Minister of Organization. These signals were enough to prove the extraordinary background of Nie Zhenbang.

However, in MO Zhihai’s mind, he initially thought that Nie Zhenbang’s connections were possibly due to him being related to Fang Gushan’s family, and Fang Gushan had personally escorted him down. However, now, MO Zhihai discovered that his original assumption was utterly wrong.

MO Zhihai was quite familiar with Qian Jin and had heard a lot about him.

Considering Qian Jin’s background, if Nie Zhenbang was merely connected with Fang Gushan, he wouldn’t have the qualification to make Qian Jin behave so courteously.

MO Zhihai had clearly heard the conversation between Qian Jin and the unknown young man. Implying that Qian Jin was deferring to the young man. Furthermore, it appeared that previously, Qian Jin did not know Nie Zhenbang. This realization triggered MO Zhihai’s deep thought. Why would a man with a pure Jingcheng accent venture all the way to Lixian, and with such a large group of people?

Additionally, the short-haired woman seemed familiar to MO Zhihai. Just then, Zhou Peijun, the commander of the Lixian Military Subdivision, walked over and whispered in MO Zhihai’s ear, “Secretary MO, it seems that I just saw

Commander Wu’s daughter. Excuse me for a moment while I go greet her.”

Hearing Zhou Peijun’s words, MO Zhihai was startled again, indeed, that girl looked like Wu Tianba, the commander of the Northwestern Autonomous Region Military Region.

MO Zhihai had also heard of Wu Tianba; he was formerly the deputy commander of the 21st Army in the Xibei Military Region, a well-known tough guy. He was later transferred to the Xibei Military Region to maintain stability, considering the intricate situation in the Northwestern area. He is a crucial pillar of stability in the Northwestern Region.

Now, even Wu Tianba’s daughter had come. Two provincial officials’ sons and daughter visiting made it hard for MO Zhihai to believe that it was solely for social reasons. Considering Nie Zhenbang’s pure Jingcheng accent, his background was worth pondering. Reflecting on the earlier encounter in his office, where Nie Zhenbang defiantly contradicted him without any hesitation; logically, a deputy county chief, who hadn’t even attended the standing committee meeting, shouldn’t be challenging his authority. But looking at it now, it seemed reasonable. Someone with such a profound background naturally wouldn’t take him. a mere director-level official. seriously. He made Nie Zhenbang wait for an hour and then arrogantly rejected his suggestion without even a glance. It would be strange if he didn’t get angry.

Earlier, MO Zhihai was considering exercising his veto power on Nie

Zhenbang’s economic development plan at the standing committee meeting.

Generally, the party secretary, as the top executive, does have a single veto power in the standing committee. Of course, the use of this power could decrease the respect a county party secretary has among the standing committee. It shouldn’t be used lightly unless absolutely necessary.

Or, he could play it cool and put it on hold as immature for now. MO Zhihai had plenty of ways to stop Nie Zhenbang’s plans from passing the county standing committee. If the county committee did not approve the plan, MO Zhihai believes that even with Nie Zhenbang’s ability, it would be impossible to implement the plan. After all, even if it’s submitted to the city directly, the city officials would take into account the opinions of their comrades below.

However, MO Zhihai now hesitated. Comparatively, he was in the twilight of his career, whether retiring or stepping down; no one would care about him once he steps down. Though he still had some prestige, it would be a hit to his children and nephew. It seemed he needed to adjust his attitude towards Nie Zhenbang.

With this in mind, MO Zhihai said indifferently, “We should eat first.”

Inside the private room, as soon as they entered, Yang Anna pouted and looked at Nie Zhenbang discontentedly, “Bad Big Brother Zhenbang, you promised to spend the winter vacation with me. You sneaked out here without telling me.”

Hearing Anna’s words, Nie Zhenbang could only laugh bitterly. This girl’s character cannot be predicted with common sense. In her mind, ambition or career was not important to her. What mattered to her was that she does what she wants to do and likes to do.

At this moment, Liu Kun and Qian Jin walked in from outside. Hearing Yang Anna’s words, Liu Kun laughed and joked, “Yes, Anna, I think we should bring Third Brother back. Or, shall we go back now and discuss it with your old man?”

As her words fell, Yang Anna wrinkled her nose and snorted coldly, “Hmph, you’re a troublemaker, always stirring up chaos. I know Zhenbang brother is busy with big things now, and I wouldn’t dare interfere. Oh, my Zhenbang brother.”

In her previous life, Yang Anna had always been incredibly strong. This time around, her cute demeanor was really something Nie Zhenbang had not expected. Thinking about it, this was normal; in her past life, he had been handicapped, and Yang Anna’s mental state then was vastly different from this life, understandably lacking the cuteness and carrying more gravity.

Looking at Liu Kun beside him, their relationship had become much more distant since Liu Yang’s incident. However, Liu Kun’s subsequent performance had satisfied Nie Zhenbang, which is why he hadn’t pushed Liu Kun out of his circle. Now, Liu Kun had even started his own construction company. At this time, the whole country was undergoing massive development and construction, with no shortage of engineering projects. Liu Kun’s choice to step into this field was proving to be the right one.

Nie Zhenbang soon followed with a laugh, “Kun, there’s a project on my side now. Are you interested?”

Upon hearing Nie Zhenbang’s words, Liu Kun instantly sparked with interest. He had witnessed firsthand Nie Zhenbang’s ability to turn stone into gold. Back in the day, when they went to the Soviet Union, nobody in Jingcheng had optimistic expectations for Nie Zhenbang’s journey there. However, thanks to a series of strategic moves by Nie Zhenbang, let alone the tremendous benefits he brought to the nation—accelerating Huaxia’s military power and technology development—the plurality of scientists and research personnel he had transferred back from the Soviet Union during its dissolution, was an enormous personal gain for Nie Zhenbang himself. This was more than enough to excite Liu Kun. Now that such a golden opportunity had come his way, of course, Liu Kun wouldn’t refuse.

Without hesitation, Liu Kun shifted closer, smiling, “Third brother, how could there be any disagreement? Even if you were to lead me to the underworld, I’d dare to follow. A project from you is like a gift of respect, how could I say no? Third brother, just tell me straight what the project is. As long as it benefits you, I wouldn’t mind even if I lose money.”

Seeing Liu Kun’s response, Nie Zhenbang laughed. He had chosen Liu Kun previously for his adaptable mind. Seeing him now, he confirmed this. This lad knew that he wouldn’t be let down, yet he spoke so gallantly.

“You little rascal, stop acting cute here. Isn’t this embarrassing in front of Qian and Wu? It’s Lixian’s project. My preliminary plan is to establish a modern agriculture and livestock company in Lixian. There are seventeen million acres of grassland in Lixian, of which less than one-fifth have been utilized. Even that’s only been in a primitive way of farming. If managed correctly and some quality grass varieties are introduced, I believe there’s much potential to explore in this agriculture and livestock venture. Subsequently, the model of the company will be Company + Base + Farmer. That way, you just need to hire technical staff, and you needn’t worry about the production. You also went to the Soviet Union with me, you know how vast the sales of lamb and beef are in Europe and the Middle East. What do you think, are you and Qian interested in this project?”

Listening to Nie Zhenbang’s words, Liu Kun’s brief deliberation led him to accept, “Okay, I’ll heed third brother’s words.”

Besides, Qian Jin was stunned. At this moment, he was somewhat abashed. Being a native of Xibei himself, he had never thought in this direction. Looking at Nie Zhenbang, Qian Jin also felt a tinge of admiration. Merely this point was testament enough to Nie Zhenbang’s extraordinary caliber.

Nie Zhenbang’s words made sense to Liu Kun. There’s never an end to earning money in this world. Everyone working together for wealth is the correct path. Now, Liu Kun laughed, “Qian, what do you think? I’m tempted, can’t wait to get started. ” 𝚏𝗿𝗲ew𝐞b𝐧o𝚟𝚎𝗹.com

At this moment, Qian Jin laughed too. Such a project, as long as epidemic prevention is controlled well, is nothing but profitable. Where is there any reluctance? He smiled in response, “If third brother’s already given us such a wonderful opportunity. How could we not take it? All arrangements are up to you, Kun, I have no objections.”

Just then, MO Zhihai walked in alone from outside. Everyone in the private room was looking at him, and MO Zhihai also revealed a hint of a smile, “Director Nie is here too. I heard that Mr. Qian is dining here, and I specifically came to give a toast.”

At this moment, looking at the two men’s expressions, Qian Jin, being a sensible man, naturally understood. He guessed that Nie Zhenbang’s relationship with MO Zhi, the County Party Secretary, might not be good. In this kind of situation, Qian Jin knew how to behave. Comparatively, Qian Jin naturally valued Nie Zhenbang more. Not to mention Nie Zhenbang’s astonishing depth of background, having better relations might help his father’s political career in the future. Even at present, the benefits that Nie Zhenbang could bring were incomparable to MO Zhihai’s.

Qian Jin also laughed and said, “Hello, Secretary MO, you’re too kind. This time, thanks to Director Nie’s introduction, my business partner and I plan to invest in a small business in Lixian. In the future, we’ll rely much on Secretary Mo’s care. Come, third brother, let me toast you first. Here’s to the successful launch of our cooperation.”

Qian’s attitude had changed MO Zhihai’s expression once again. By not giving him face, Qian conveyed his intent: he would toast, but only after toasting Nie Zhenbang first.

After gritting his teeth, Qian Jin also raised his cup and said to Nie Zhenbang, “Director Nie, we haven’t had much contact before, but let’s keep in touch more in the future.. How about we drink this cup of wine together?”