Reborn as a Noble's Son-Chapter 132 - Spectacular Groundbreaking_l

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Chapter 132: Chapter 132 Spectacular Groundbreaking_l

Translator: 549690339

Thirty percent of the shares were exchanged merely for seven million acres of grassland. Moreover, there’s a stringent rule that Farmer Welfare Company must ensure sustainable development while progressing. Simultaneously, in the span of three years, they must plant protective trees along the edge of areas threatened by desertification. This plan will indeed bring enormous benefits to Lixian, now and in the future.

You should know, the investment by the Farmer Welfare Company isn’t just limited to these. The rotation of grass species is a huge start itself. In addition to this, introducing new breeds of animals for breeding is another expense. The Farmer Welfare Company will also be negotiating for another ten million acres of grassland for the herders. Just these efforts alone provide for almost fifty percent of Lixian’s population.

Once the Farmer Welfare Company starts bringing benefits, Lixian’s economy will experience a qualitative leap. This is what really counts for Nie Zhenbang.

Moreover, don’t underestimate that it’s only thirty percent. The input from Liu Kun’s side is not trifling. Apart from the initial twenty million, the introduction of better-quality grass species, farm animals, and contract farming for herders form the major share. Since it’s a joint venture involving farmers, land base, and the company, Liu Kun and his associates must initially bear the costs paid to herders. At this scale, even these expenses can’t be considered small change.

Nie Zhenbang is considering the issue of leonardite mining in his office. Leonardite is widely used and is an excellent soil amendment. If it can be exploited, it will greatly help in the transformation of the entire Xibei desert plateaus.

At this moment, Yi Jun also walks in from outside and looked at Nie Zhenbang, whispering, “County Mayor, outside, General Liu from Farmer Welfare Company is asking to see you.”

As soon as he finishes speaking, Liu Kun already crept in from outside, smiling awkwardly at Nie Zhenbang and said, “Brother Three.”

Nie Zhenbang feels helpless about people like Liu Kun. Scolding him? It doesn’t work. Moreover, they don’t mingle within the institutional framework. They simply don’t care about the internal rules and protocols.

Waving his hand, Nie Zhenbang said to Yi Jun, “Xiaoyi, you go out to work first. I will have a private chat with General Liu.”

Nie Zhenbang pulled out a pack of special supply panda cigarettes from the drawer, gave one to Liu Kun, and lit a ‘Zhonghua’ for himself. He then sprawled on his chair, placing his feet up on the desk, saying, “Out with it, you rascal. As the saying goes, no one comes to court without a problem. The last time, I admit I outfoxed you. So, what is it this time?”

As Liu Kun took the cigarette offered by Nie Zhenbang, he exaggeratedly sniffed it and said, “Still, Brother Three, your special supply cigarettes are more comfortable to smoke. Once you left, my supply was interrupted. Brother Two, that lad, is firmly under the control of your sister-in-law. He doesn’t even help me to get special supply cigarettes. My old man’s yearly quota is barely sufficient for me for ten days.”

Rubbing his hands, Liu Kun leaned in with a chuckle, “Brother Three, if your cigarettes are just sitting around getting moldy, why don’t I clear out your stock for you?”

“Get lost; wasn’t it enough making a fool of yourself in Jingcheng, now you’ve come to Xibei to continue the antics?” Nie Zhenbang immediately closed the drawer without putting away the newly opened pack of special supply cigarettes from the desk. He threw it to Liu Kun and said, “Your notorious reputation is known to everyone in Jingcheng. I don’t have any more cigarettes. I am left with this pack. If you want it, take it; otherwise, I can keep it for guests.”

Smiling, Liu Kun didn’t take Nie Zhenbang’s rebuke seriously. He casually slipped the cigarette pack into his pocket, grumbling, “Brother Three, you are becoming stingier. What’s the fuss about a few packs of cigarettes?”

Nie Zhenbang laughed at that comment and quipped, “Kun, why do I feel like you’ve turned into Yan Laoxi? Besides, the immigration of Mikhail’s crew to the United States, as you personally planned and arranged, you wouldn’t let them off without getting something from them, would you? I’ve heard that a molting phoenix is not as good as a chicken. Now, with old comrade Ye taking up the mantle in the former Soviet Union, these descendants of high-ranking officials are targeted. Surely, you must have taken advantage of this.”

Nie Zhenbang’s words made Liu Kun somewhat uncomfortable. However, he instantly readjusted his expression and retorted, with great righteousness and revolutionary determination, “Brother Three, you are underestimating me. My relationship with Mikhail is one of great revolutionary friendship. How can I do something like that? Anyway, I had to save enough money for them to afford a decent life, didn’t I?”

After a round of iokes, Nie Zhenbang became serious and said. “Okav, okav. I don’t want to know about your shenanigans. Speak up, why have you come to me this time? You wouldn’t come solely for chit-chat, would you?”

Liu Kun was also officially standing up at this moment, however, even when he is serious, he was still the same guy with a humorous grin on his face as he said, “Brother Nie, the preparations for the foundation-laying ceremony are almost ready here with the help of Old Cai. We have planned for a grand celebration. Farmers, base, and company, we are indeed the pioneers in China. I thought, why not we hold a grand and spectacular ceremony that could bring An Na’s uncle here to get coverage on the court TV? Wouldn’t that save us on advertising costs?”

Liu Kun’s speech made Nie Zhenbang get a bit overwhelmed. This little guy never spoke positively, and still, he exposed his real intention – he simply wanted to hold the foundation-laying ceremony as means of free advertising.

But, on the other hand, the news of Lixian’s reputation would spread around. As the focus of the nation’s attention is currently on the eastern coastal area in the progressive opening up era. The perspective of the people of the country towards Xibei and the entire west as well as the inland hasn’t changed much. The west is still synonymous with poverty and backwardness. If Lixian could seize this opportunity to appear on the court TV, it would greatly benefit both Nie himself and the entire Xibei Autonomous Region.

After some pondering, Nie Zhenbang looked up and asked, “Tell me, what have you prepared, and whom have you invited? I know your style very well; you wouldn’t stir up waves without wind. You probably have almost everything arranged since you are only reaching out to me now.”

When it came to serious business, Liu Kun also lost his smile, calculated for a moment, and then said, “Brother Nie, you always seem to understand me. Old Cai and I did make some preparations. Through his father’s connection, Old Cai got in touch with Niu Yunchang, the vice chairman in charge of agriculture in Xibei Autonomous Region. He is the highest-ranking leader in the province. In addition, the heads of both the Municipal Party Committee and the city government will attend. A leader from the Department of Livestock of the Ministry of Agriculture will also attend. Brother Nie, how’s that?”

Nie Zhenbang thought for a moment. This Liu Kun during the past years in Jingcheng has proven himself to have quite a capacity, being able to invite so many people. After all, no one would have thought they would one day have dealings with agriculture. For the young people from noble families in Jingcheng, they generally won’t take a close note of the Ministry of Agriculture unless their families have connections there. It’s quite good that Liu could even invite a director.

Seeing Liu Kun’s expecting look, Nie Zhenbang said right away, “This setup is still a bit smaller. If possible, consider inviting a deputy minister. This way, the impact will be greater. Do you know which family in Jingcheng has connections with the Ministry of Agriculture?”

A single director would not be of equal level to the leaders from Xibei. Furthermore, the impact would be small if it did not resonate on a national level. Raising the level of officials could make the impact big enough, and it would give him a chance to show his face.

Liu Kun was taken aback at first, but then he laughed. The more Nie Zhenbang said, the more beneficial it would be for Liu Kun’s company. The first nationally renowned agriculture company would receive preferential policies and tax incentives regardless of the circumstances.

However, the mention of the leadership of the Ministry of Agriculture made Liu Kun frown and shake his head, he said bitterly, “Brother Nie, it’s a very small world. The current minister of the Ministry of Agriculture is Zhou

Xiaoshe’s father. However, the Li family has a son-in-law who is currently the

Deputy Minister of Agriculture. How about I get in touch with this nephew of the Li’s?”

Nie Zhenbang nodded. Since the suppression, the Zhou family has been quite isolated. But he had not expected that Zhou Chen’s father would be the head of the Ministry of Agriculture. However, a deputy minister would do the trick. There wasn’t much difference between a minister and a deputy minister. Immediately, Nie Zhenbang smiled and said, “Alright, you take care of this. I’ll talk to An Na first and have her get in touch with her uncle. Given his personality, he is more likely going to listen to her.” 𝗳r𝐞𝐞w𝐞bn𝚘ve𝚕.co𝐦

Without delay, Nie Zhenbang made a call to the hotel and when he had explained everything to Yang Anna, who had a rare opportunity to help Nie Zhenbang, she immediately agreed to all.

Nie Zhenbang then hung up. With the bulk preparations for the ceremony almost complete, and given the large number of leaders participating, it was necessary to first consult with Wu Zhixiong. Not only Lixian, but the entire Bazhou City would need to get in motion for this event.

As soon as Nie Zhenbang stepped into Wu Zhixiong’s office, Wu’s secretary immediately stood up welcoming him in. When Wu saw Nie Zhenbang enter, he also stood up with a smile, saying, “Ah, Zhenbang is here, how are the preparations for the foundation-laying ceremony going?”

Nie Zhenbang quickly composed himself and then replied with a smile, “Mr. Mayor, I am here precisely for that matter. I have just received information from General Liu of the Farmer Welfare Company. They have confirmed that Niu Yunchang, the vice chairman of our Autonomous Region, will be attending the foundation-laying ceremony. Besides, a deputy minister from the Ministry of Agriculture is also likely to come. Court TV has also contacted me; they’ll arrange a special reporting team to come over. What do you think?”

Hearing Nie Zhenbang’s words, Wu Zhixiong was stunned. He got up from behind his desk and walked out with a serious expression, “Zhenbang, your report is extremely timely. I’ll go to the city immediately to report to Secretary

Liu and Mayor Ding, this event will be spectacular.”

PS: Currently we have 388 votes, just 12 votes away from 400. It’s so close! A big shout out- Thanks to all the brothers and sisters supporting Old Cai, you guys rock! (To be continued. If you like this work, please come to to vote with recommendation tickets and monthly tickets. Your support is my greatest motivation..)