Reborn as a Noble's Son-Chapter 226 - : The Difficult Choices from Left to Right (Third update requesting monthly ticket support)_1

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Chapter 226: The Difficult Choices from Left to Right (Third update requesting monthly ticket support)_1

Translator: 549690339

Nie Zhenbang didn’t know exactly what was going on. However, judging from Fang Gushan’s tone, it seemed that it couldn’t be something bad. Even though under these circumstances, Nie Zhenbang had no choice but to be on high alert, as trouble seemed imminent; Zhou Chen’s presumptuousness was growing and he was receiving officials from Lixian, humiliating Nie Zhenbang publicly and giving Zhu Chubin high respect. This whole sequence was alarming, although they still held control over Lixian, maintaining such harmony as they had now looked impossible.

This was the disparity of power that came with positions. Zhou Xiaoshe, a mere low-ranking deputy commissioner, nonetheless attracted many people’s hopes.

Speaking of which, it was his own fault; Nie Zhenbang himself stood as an example in Bazhou as an outsider who had parachuted in, initially serving as a lower-ranked deputy county chief. Following a string of strategic maneuvers that led to him becoming the party secretary, his promotion to the county governor happened naturally. There was no guarantee that Zhou Chen wouldn’t follow a similar trajectory, now that his followers were gaining prominence. Therefore, it was understandable for Zhao Kunlun and others to hold high expectations for Zhou Chen.

Nonetheless, Nie Zhenbang’s facial expression suddenly changed – he feared not the lack of harmony, but the possibility of their actions disrupting the grand plan for Lixian’s development. In that case, he would be compelled to use extraordinary means.

“Minister Fang, what good thing? Can’t you reveal a bit of it to me? It’s making me quite anxious.” Nie Zhenbang adjusted his emotions. Then, he smirked and asked.

When talking to leaders, one needs to be careful with their manners. Sometimes, one needs to show respect, tread carefully, or even act casually to make the leader feel acquainted.

Nie Zhenbang had good control over this. If it was a serious matter like organizational talks or anything related to personnel and violations, he wouldn’t speak in such a manner. More importantly, Fang Gushan seemed to be in a good mood currently, so Nie Zhenbang’s response just matched his mood perfectly.

Fang Gushan laughed upon hearing this and said, “You, with all kinds of mischief, should be more secretive. Generally speaking, it’s not bad news for you. But it’s also not good news. It depends on how you interpret it. We’ll discuss that later when you come to my office tomorrow.”

Not bad, not good? This statement rendered Nie Zhenbang puzzled. Now, he needs to change his perspective and ponder. Nie Zhenbang shook his head and subsequently told Yi Jun through the phone, “Xiaoyi, arrange for the car to wait for me downstairs at seven in the morning tomorrow. We’ll be heading to the city committee.”

City Committee Office Building

In the office of Fang Gushan, almost every official in Bazhou City now had slightly decayed offices, similar to the situation in Lixian. A new office building was being constructed in Bazhou City, so no leader would spend time decorating their offices in the soon-to-be abandoned building. Making luxurious changes would merely result in public criticism for wastefulness.

The organizational department office of the city committee was located on the third floor of the city committee building. It was just an hour into the working day when Nie Zhenbang arrived.

Upon entering Fang Gushan’s office, Fang Gushan’s secretary instantly greeted him. Nie Zhenbang’s reputation among the secretaries across the city was quite high; after all, he was the rising star in the city leadership’s good books. His achievements in Lixian, particularly its economic growth, had made him renowned across the district. He was not someone to be crossed.

Guided by the secretary, as soon as Nie Zhenbang entered Fang Gushan’s office, Fang Gushan smiled and signaled him to take a seat, saying, “Zhenbang’s here. Please, have a seat.”

As soon as the secretary had poured a cup of tea for Nie Zhenbang and left, Fang Gushan slowly said, “Looking at you, I suppose you didn’t have a good sleep last night.”

Just a remark made Nie Zhenbang slightly awkward; after stepping into the political realm, he realized that there was a vast expanse of knowledge for him to learn. His achievements were only one aspect; more importantly, he had to gain experience within political struggles. As of now, Nie Zhenbang was still in a foundational phase. He was well aware of the implications of the elders – he shouldn’t risk the Nie family by making the wrong choice when he ascended to a high-ranking position within politics.

Taking out a yellow pack of Panda cigarettes from his pocket, Nie Zhenbang handed one to Fang Gushan, chuckling as he said, “Minister, stop teasing me. What exactly is the matter? I feel as if these days are dragging on forever.”

Fang Gushan accepted the cigarette, appearing indifferent on the surface. Yet, deep down, he was in awe. It was as if Nie Zhenbang’s pouch was a magic bag, ever capable of producing the exclusive Panda cigarettes. Of course, there was now probably one more person like that in Bazhou City.

The leaders of Bazhou City were experiencing a mix of pain and pleasure. Having such a person around ensured that the city would not lack attention from the regional and even central government. However, being the focus of higher-ups could be nerve-wracking as well.

Looking at Nie Zhenbang, Fang Gushan lit the cigarette, took a drag and then said, “Zhenbang, the reason I’ve invited you here is mainly because we received a notice from the Party School of the Autonomous Region. You’ve been selected for the new cadre training program for the middle-aged and young cadre at the Party School.” freē

Being hit by this news, Nie Zhenbang was taken aback. This news was indeed sudden. Neither his grandfather nor his elder brother had given him any information. However, Nie Zhenbang didn’t believe Li Yifeng would keep something as important as going to the Party School from his grandfather. And why had his grandfather not given him any message? Did it mean he was being neglected or was it time for further tempering? Nie Zhenbang decided not to overthink it.

The current problem, as Fang Gushan had said, was both a good and bad thing. In order to get promoted, leaders within the system were required to undergo training at the Party School. It was an essential step. To be blunt, it was a necessary credential for the promotion of cadres. Now, Nie Zhenbang entering the Party School for training could be seen as a precursor of his future importance. The downside was that going to Urumqi for training would mean leaving the affairs of Lixian to others. Without his oversight, policy execution might be compromised. Zhou Chen could pull some tricks, and all these were hard to predict. If Nie Zhenbang wasn’t clear about Fang Gushan’s background, he might suspect the Party School allocation was arranged by Zhou Chen, aiming to transfer him out of Lixian.

“Hehe, I knew you wouldn’t want to leave the affairs of Lixian. This time, you should not underestimate the Party School experience. This is the first time the Autonomous Region Party School has organized the Young Cadre Class. The targeted participants are middle-aged and young cadres of Deputy Department level from thirty to forty years old throughout the region. It can be said that the people coming out of this class in the future will be the main force of various cities. Given your current age and your position as the deputy department level, being able to enter the Young Cadre Class was certainly something Li Yifeng Secretary handpicked. It is also an opportunity for you to expand and improve your network.” Fang Gushan spelled out the significance of attending the Party School.

Seeing Nie Zhenbang’s hesitation, Fang Gushan smiled. This reaction from Nie Zhenbang was completely within Fang Gushan’s expectations. If he were in Nie Zhenbang’s shoes, he might also have difficulty deciding. While Party School training was an asset for promotion, it was still an unknown whether one could actually get promoted; it was not guaranteed. Staying in Lixian would certainly allow him to improve the work and economy there. But this could also give the higher-ups some ideas.

Nie Zhenbang had deeper considerations. Given the relationship between Li Yifeng and his family, Li Yifeng certainly wouldn’t harm him. Arranging for him to attend the Party School meant that Li Yifeng had his reasons.

Half a moment later, Fang Gushan laughed and said, “Zhenbang, there’s no need to rush. Take your time to think about it, and give me a definite answer in a couple of days. This time, you’re the only one from Bazhou City. This is indeed a rare opportunity. Also, since you’re here, you might as well report to Secretary Liu and Mayor Ding and get their opinions. With their support, what do you have to worry about?”

Fang Gushan’s words made Nie Zhenbang see things in a new light. Indeed, knowledge seems inadequate when things really happen. Now it seemed that his self-proclaimed advantages and experiences were nothing when put to the test. There was just too much he needed to add.

Nie Zhenbang nodded his head, expressing his gratitude, “Minister Fang, you go ahead with your work, I’ll think about it and give you an answer later.”

As he walked out of Fang Gushan’s office, Nie Zhenbang went straight up to the top floor. At Liu Wenqing’s office door, Nie Zhenbang knocked on the door and as he walked in, Secretary Feng stood up with a smile, “Director Nie, the secretary was just mentioning you. I didn’t expect you to show up without even being called.”

Nie Zhenbang also laughed, “Brother Feng, spill it out, what was he mentioning about me? How’s the secretary’s mood today?”

Secretary Feng also laughed and pointed inside, whispering, “These few days, the secretary’s mood has been pretty good. Your delegation this time brought several investments to Bazhou City, and the other counties have also benefited. The secretary is quite pleased now, so you can be at ease.”

Nie Zhenbang pushed the door and came in. At this moment, Liu Wenqing was indeed in good spirits, standing in front of his office desk, flowing with the brush. As he raised his head and saw that it was Nie Zhenbang, he smiled and said, “Xiaonie is here, have a seat first, let me finish this piece of calligraphy.”

Nie Zhenbang also walked over with a smile. On the table, four big characters “calmness leads to far” were leaping off the paper. When Liu Wenqing finished writing, he put down the brush in his hand, and then he laughed and said, “Xiaonie, you came to discuss the Party School training, didn’t you?”

PS: I recommend Cheng Beifeng’s real-life officialdom novel, “Official Hero”. It’s nearly fifty thousand words in public chapters, close to reality’s officialdom theme. Brothers and sisters who love realistic officialdom literature can take a look.

Phew! Speaking of monthly tickets, I’m a bit embarrassed. Brothers and sisters, I need your ‘backup’ monthly tickets for support. There’s one more update tonight, today, a big explosion of twelve thousand words (To be continued. If you like this work, welcome to to vote for recommendation tickets, monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)