Reborn as a Noble's Son-Chapter 364 - 355 A Big Fire_1

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Chapter 364: Chapter 355 A Big Fire_1

Yunhai Villa

Located within Liangxi City’s famous holiday resort. Liangxi City is situated on a vast plain, with eighty percent of its land being level ground. Only the Xishan District possesses a range of hills. And Yunhai Villa occupies an area about ten kilometers away from the city, amidst rolling hillocks, where stands a lush bamboo forest, forming a veritable sea of bamboo.

Yunhai Villa blends seamlessly within the bamboo groves. The variety of uniquely styled structures gives it a surreal, ethereal feel. Its owner named the villa “Yunhai,” meaning “Cloud Sea”, embodying a dragon soaring in the sky, flying through a sea of clouds.

At this moment, in the Bamboo Pavilion of Yunhai Villa, Nie Zhenbang walked in cheerfully. The members of his political faction, or as it is called the “Nie Faction”, had already arrived.

“Nie Faction” refers very clearly to those who, albeit not fully recognized and trusted yet, have shown their allegiance to the Nie family and are close to the family’s officials.

This was an unavoidable situation. Within all of Liangxi City, there were few who could gain Nie Zhenbang’s trust. In essence, other than Chen Le and Yi Jun, if they weren’t to open their doors to more people, they were unlikely to achieve anything. In the treacherous world of bureaucracy, beyond one’s personal abilities, connections were also vitally crucial.

As Nie Zhenbang entered the room, everyone stood up. Among those present was Zhao Xintian, the Deputy Mayor who was also a Standing Committee member, Peng Kaibao, the military subdivision commander, Lu Wu, the Party Secretary of Guicheng District, Liu Qingquan, the deputy director of the Finance Bureau, Nai Kezhi, the boss of the Bureau for Retired Cadres, Chen Le, the Bureau of Public Safety director, Tan Miaozhen, the Personnel Bureau director, Xiong Wei, the Water Resources Bureau director, Wang Yaowu, the deputy director of Bureau of Public Safety, and He Qingjun, the squad leader of the city police criminal investigation squad and deputy secretary-general Yi Jun.

Seeing everyone, a smile appeared on Nie Zhenbang’s face. The group present, coupled with Ning Zhiyuan from Zisha City, made him quite an influential force in Liangxi City.

“Everyone has arrived; I’m sorry as things are starting to get pretty busy approaching the New Year.” Nie Zhenbang kicked off the meeting with a casual greeting, immediately easing the initially serious atmosphere. He took off his overcoat and handed it to Yi Jun next to him, who hung it up on a nearby high-backed chair.

In essence, the Bamboo Pavilion was a villa nestled against the hillside. This type of private condition satisfied the demands of most guests for privacy. Hence, this place was also a favorite among governmental officials.

Looking around the room, Nie Zhenbang said with a smile, “This place is quite good. The boss has sound financial acumen. Who chose this place?”

This statement was undoubtedly a compliment. Everyone present understood Nie Zhenbang’s intent. Among them, the Deputy Finance Director, Liu Qingquan, also said with a smile, “Mayor, this location was chosen by Mayor Zhao.”

Zhao Xintian nodded slightly to the side, confirming his acknowledgment. With Nie Zhenbang’s arrival, Zhao Xintian was instructed by Ning Shouchang to primarily consider Nie Zhenbang’s decision in all matters. For this reason, Zhao Xintian specially looked up Nie Zhenbang’s resume. This information left Zhao Xintian in complete awe. Leaving aside the fact that Nie Zhenbang’s former followers have taken up major positions in the Party committee, just considering the personnel in New Li City, following Nie Zhenbang has led to their continuous successful promotions; for instance, Xie Yi, the secretary of New Li City, and Yan Fengjiao, Mayor of New Li City. Not to mention the two leaders present in front of him now, Nie Zhenbang was undoubtedly a great leader to follow, guaranteeing personal advancement.

Furthermore, Nie Zhenbang put Fan Changsheng and Li Guohua in their place during the Standing Committee meeting, forcing them to allocate funds to the Bureau for Retired Cadres. Subsequently, with the recombination of the Spinning Group, Nie Zhenbang completely sidelined Li Guohua, the executive deputy mayor. His strategy left Zhao Xintian in awe and further solidified his decision to follow Nie Zhenbang.

Listening to Nie Zhenbang’s words, Zhao Xintian also stood up and said, “Mayor, Chen Mingxiong, the owner of Yunhai Villa, is also considered a quirky character in our Liangxi City. This man does business based on credibility. Considering the large number of us, I thought a more secluded place would be suitable. Hence, I took the initiative and chose this place.”

Zhao Xintian’s modest and cautious remarks pleased Nie Zhenbang. Zhao Xintian, in his plans, accounted for a crucial part. On one hand, Zhao Xintian, being a Standing Committee member, could enhance his voice in the Standing Committee meetings. Furthermore, after many years as Deputy Mayor, his rank had risen. If needed, he could be promptly promoted. Thirdly, Zhao Xintian was recommended by Ning Shouchang, meaning that he could be trusted to use.

Moreover, Zhao Xintian, with his low-profile demeanor, clearly conveyed in front of everyone that he would be subordinate to Nie Zhenbang, further pleasing him. Subsequently, Nie Zhenbang responded dismissively, “Old Zhao, in that case, you’ve misspoken. Such a fantastic place, and you’re talking about taking initiative. I can’t wait for more of this initiative.”

After a pause, Nie Zhenbang continued saying, “Old Zhao, too much modesty is arrogance. Later, be sure to fine yourself three drinks.”

With years of experience under his belt, Nie Zhenbang had become adept at controlling the atmospherics of a room. In one sentence, he brought himself closer to those present, instantly eradicating the strict hierarchy that one would expect in such a formal setting. Thereby making the atmosphere noticeably more relaxed.

To the side, Peng Kaibao, Commanding Officer of the Liangxi Military Subdistrict, also laughed, “Old Zhao, this time you’re screwed. With your low alcohol tolerance, you’ll be drunk after just two cups, let alone three.”

Among those present, only Peng Kaibao had the privilege to jest with Zhao Xintian.

Peng Kaibao, a man with a military background, has an inexplicable connection with the Nie family, which is also the fundamental reason why Peng Kaibao supports Nie Zhenbang. People in the military are even more concerned about their circles than government officials and don’t beat around the bush. It makes them easier to get along with.

Everyone sat down and the dishes were quickly served. All kinds of game were available. It was a rich spread, with roe deer, bamboo rats, roebuck, pheasants, and wild boar.

This caused Nie Zhenbang to frown. From his memory, many wild animals had become extinct exactly like this. As of now, his abilities were limited and although he could not do much, he could at least avoid eating. This practice should certainly be curbed.

Chen Le, who was sitting next to him, saw Nie Zhenbang’s expression, smiled knowingly, and then said: “Are you worrying about the game, Mayor? I was also worried when I started ordering. Mayor Zhao told me, all the game, except for pheasants and wild boars, are domestically raised. You can eat confidently and heartily.”

Hearing this, Nie Zhenbang laughed: “Well done, Chen Le, making a joke at my expense. If you hadn’t said that, I would have really thought they were wild. This model is good, it not only satisfies our taste buds but also helps conserve the species.”

Because everyone knew there were important matters to discuss subsequently, they didn’t drink much. People like Zhao Xintian were aware that there was something they had to discuss, while people like Ni Kezhi were cautious about overstepping in front of Nie Zhenbang. After all, they had just joined the system, and thus deemed appropriate to maintain a necessary decorum.

After having a hearty meal, everyone returned to the living room and sat down around the sofa. A bell was rung, and soon, waitstaff showed up to clean up the dining table and serve tea. Seeing this, Nie Zhenbang couldn’t help but admire the proprietor’s business acumen.

Once the room was quiet again, Nie Zhenbang slowly said: “This time, when the Municipal Discipline Inspection Commission’s investigation team goes down there, I am guessing, considering Huang Jiang’s character, something will definitely happen in Qingfang City.”

Pausing for a moment, Nie Zhenbang continued: “The Spinning Group, with its three factories, has been facing consecutive losses for several years. Huge investments have been made, but there has been no discernible return. Yet, they have built luxurious office buildings and conference rooms, and everyone drives luxury cars. This is very abnormal.”

Having said that, Nie Zhenbang turned to Chen Le: “Director Chen, you can also pay some attention to this on your side at the Public Security Bureau and investigate it in secret. I think, the matter of Qingfang City is definitely not that simple.”

As soon as he finished speaking, Zhao Xintian also nodded: “The Mayor is right. No smoke without fire. I think this is an opportunity for us.”

Lu Wu, the Secretary of the Guicheng District Party Committee, also slowly said: “I am very clear about the matter of Qingfang City. Of all things, I can say with certainty that there is definitely a problem with the leadership team of the first factory.”

Nie Zhenbang was also weighing in his heart at this moment. If something happened in Qingfang City, it would certainly involve higher ups. Maybe, even members from the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee might be implicated. Investigating this would not be easy. However, if they were to clear this up, it would present an excellent opportunity to strike back at Fan Changsheng.

Thinking of this, Nie Zhenbang also nodded: “Old Zhao is right. But, I’m afraid, we might not be able to seize this opportunity.”

Peng Kaibao was about to say something when his mobile phone rang out suddenly. As soon as he answered it, as soon as a few words were spoken on the other side, Peng Kaibao raised his voice: “What? Repeat that, Jiang Zhiyong. What is the situation? Speak clearly.”

Presumably, after the other side repeated the information, Peng Kaibao decisively said: “Jiang Zhiyong, by my order, immediately mobilize all the fire trucks in the city to rush to the fire scene. The fire must be brought under control. I’ll be there soon.”

After hanging up the phone, Peng Kaibao looked serious. He looked around at the people watching him, his eyes rested on Nie Zhenbang, and he said gravely, “Mayor, there’s bad news. We just received the news that a fire has started in the Spinning Factory’s office building.”

Hearing this, Liu Qingquan exclaimed from the side: “Not good, the account books! These people are really bold. They dare destroy evidence publicly.”

Nie Zhenbang’s face turned steely. Not only were the financial data being destroyed, it was likely that the entire archives room of Spinning Factory might be destroyed. All the important documents, contracts and such, would be burned to ashes in the fire.

After a moment of silence, Nie Zhenbang stood up and said sternly, “Let’s go to Spinning Factory!”

PS: My father is celebrating his 70th birthday, a rare event in a person’s life. Naturally, it needs special preparation, which keeps me busy. Please bear with me. Starting from the 1st, I will resume the usual three updates a day. (To be continued. If you like this work, welcome to to vote for recommendation, and monthly ticket. Your support is my biggest power.)