Reborn As An Evolving Monster-Chapter 249 With My Own Eyes

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'Against a Commander...'

The Commander's Aura faded as Mark's tail came into contact with Lin's nape. π™—π’†π™™π™£π’π™«π™šπ’.π’„π’π’Ž

'Against Zephyr...'

The Orcish Fiend's eyes rolled back, but it remained standing.

'I can win!'

With the Commander having lost consciousness momentarily, Mark only had an instant to decide what to do.

Attack. Where? What?

He instinctively extended his claws.


Whether it was the right decision or not, Mark did not know.

Nevertheless, a trail of greenish blood pursued his claws in the air as the Commander's right eye was slashed.

Perhaps it was due to the pain, or perhaps, due to one of his Eye being touched, but Lin's body moved incredibly quickly.

His right hand covered by the metallic Gauntlet was wrapped around Mark's right wrist.

[Your Passive Skill "Combative Eyes[D]" is activating!]

Mark immediately flexed his forearm muscles and curled his wrist.

The Commander, as if arm wrestling him, did the same.

The difference in Strength Stats wasn't a large one.

But this was a contest that tested Strength purely and directly. Mark couldn't keep his arm from being bent.

As he started feeling pressure on his shoulder, he had no choice but to move.

Letting his arm go in the direction that the Commander was pulling it, Mark circled around the Commander.

His left arm was about to wrap around Lin's neck, but before that could happen, a backward elbow strike fell on his left side.

'This guy...!'

The direction in which the arm was pulled changed, and the Commander curled his body.

Mark's feet left the ground as his whole body was raised and thrown over Lin's shoulder.


Mark's eyes reopened after the impact, and the view in front of him sent a shiver down his spine.

There was no anger in the Commander's face.

No wrath. No emotion.

He was calm, and focused.

With his back against the ground, Mark implanted the heels of his feet into the ground, raised his buttocks off the ground, and threw a kick aiming for Lin's head.

Before that leg could travel half the distance, the Commander forced the white-scaled Monster's back off the ground, rendering the kick unable to reach target.

The next instant, Lin threw a kick of his own and, at the moment of impact, he readjusted his grip.

The two were now facing one another, their right arms connected.

The Commander's left fist moved quickly.

Knowing fully well that he couldn't block the attacks,

Partial Golem Armor-

Three hits landed on Mark's right side while his arm was being pulled.

The third broke the Golem Armor covering that side.

The hit was heavy enough to make Mark gasp. Something that Mark was counting on.

Freezing Mis-

Before the Magic Skill could be activated, the heel of Lin's palm connected with the white-scaled Monster's chin, closing it shut.

The fact that their arms crossed was something that Mark found especially troublesome.

'At least... My left hand is free.'

A semi-clenched fist started moving towards the Commander's neck.

It was only once it was about to reach that,

[You acquired the Sub-Skill "Dark Corruption, Curved Dagger[D-]".]

'Tsk.' Mark clicked his tongue as the Commander took a sidestep to his left while pulling Mark's arm to his right.

But moving that way meant getting closer to Mark's back.


Letting himself be pulled and cleverly adding more momentum to the slight movement allowed Mark to add more weight and momentum to the tail flick.

The hit landed on the Commander's bent arm.

Despite his feet being moved, they didn't leave the ground. And he didn't let go of the white-scaled Monster's wrist.

Mark could tell that he was at a disadvantage. He could tell that the enemy had much more experience when it came to fights at such close range. And he could also tell that his movements were amateurish, if not sloppy, as he repeatedly swung the Curved Dagger made of Corruption.

'He's not letting me move at all. Plus, he's always moving my arm around to keep me in his field of vision. He lost an eye, but the fight almost seems tougher now. This is...' Mark smiled nerveously as a powerful punch landed on his stomach. 'Amazing!'

The hit would have definitely launched him away, was his wrist not trapped.

'Unlike Zephyr, this guy isn't in a different class when it comes to Strength or Agility. But his Sense Stat... It's several levels higher than mine. He can see and anticipate my every move. This is the difference between two Commanders, huh? Still, Zephyr wouldn't lose. A Commander's strength must, after all, depend heavily on...'

Lin's eye widened suddenly.

'What he is a Commander of.'

The Curved Dagger in Mark's hand changed and grew longer as he swung his arm.

[You acquired the Sub-Skill "Dark Corruption, Chain & Sickle[D]".]

The goal was wrapping the chain over the Commander's neck as his attention was elsewhere.

Mark could tell, since he could see what stood beyond the Commander, about twenty meters behind.

Lin extended an arm behind him.

The Ice Spike piercing through the air and approaching his back could be dealt with. His hand covered by the Gauntlet was already positioned properly.

The chain approaching his neck, Lin just had to duck and dodge.

Letting go of the target would be a blunder after all.

The Commander ducked and the chain missed him.

Wind Burst-

Will full force and the Wind's help, Mark's knee landed on the Commander's chin.

The latter's feet left the ground, and his hand let go of the white-scaled Monster's wrist.

'If he really is with Gaavah... Then Greed and Glutonny will pay for him no matter what... I'll be able to finally take it easy... To truly take it easy... I won't have to kneel in front of them anymore... I won't have to stand whenever I see them anymore... Even if I have to bring him dead!'

The Commander's back slid on the ground as he fell.

'Being slothful... Is a beautiful thing. Even though I have lost an Eye because of it. Even though I want nothing more than to take a nap... Sloth is only beautiful... If you can still do your job while being Slothful. And as a Commander Of Sloth...!'

Chuckles left the lying Commander's mouth, and a tremendous amount of Aura spread over the area.

'This was a job for a General in the first place but...' Lin slowly pushed himself off the ground. 'Taking him alive might be a bit too much work for me.' He thought as he stared at the white-scaled Monster.

In its right hand, a long and burning whip made of blazing flames.

In its left hand, a long whip made of Corruption.

"What's that about?"


"Are they supposed to be whips?" Lin chuckled.

Mark's eyes narrowed.

Why did he start talking now?

"I guess."

"They look more like roots."

"Mm." Mark scratched his head. "Those hurt a lot too."

"Pfaha! What's that about?"

The white-scaled Monster tightened his grip over his weapons.

'I'm being more slothful than usual. Even though my Eye... Mm. Given time it'll heal but... Yeah. I like this guy a lot. Maybe it's because my right Eye was damaged that I can see it clearly now. The color of his Mana... I love it.'

The Commander chuckled, and Mark was unsure if that meant the former was confident or distracted.

'I've never seen so much Light and Darkness mixed together.'

'Should I go in? Into that Aura again?' Mark asked himself.

The next second, the Commander leaped forward.

The white-scaled Monster swung its weapons, but they were dodged rather easily.

The reason was mostly Lin circling around Mark while remaining a large distance away.

"Ready?" The Commander asked as he stopped.

'What...? Oh.' Mark's eyes narrowed. 'Krista is behind me now. He wants to keep an eye on both of us at once. Well,' His back started twitching. 'Won't let that happen.'

Lin's shining Eye widened.

'Corruption is being condensed? What does this mean? I can't see it-'

The darkness that hung from Mark's back changed, and two dark wings were spread.

"You can't see her this way, huh?"

Lin chuckled.

"Only through the wings. So they're in the way now, yes."


The two leaped towards one another.

'Somehow, I hope Glutony and Greed won't kill you once I bring you to them. Mm. I'm rather curious. Yes...'

Mark swung both whips, and the weapons moved with great speed.

'Once your Titles gain more Status, once your Aura blooms...'

With his Gauntlet-covered hands, Lin took hold of those whips.

'What color will it shine? With my own eyes...'

Mark was pulled closer.

'I want to see it.'