Reborn As An Evolving Monster-Chapter 303 Sirens Singing

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Chapter 303 Sirens Singing

With eyes filled with fascination, frenzy, and lust, they stared at the group.

The three felt nervous, but they couldn't sense killing intent from those surrounding them.

It changed however once they slowly and nonchalantly opened their mouths.

They were creatures that Mark had heard of. That he had read about.

Hence he knew that them opening their mouths would be a terrible thing for Elisa, Krista, and himself.

"CAREFUL!" Mark shouted.

The creatures resembled those carried by the Krishrens and Tavashed. Only these were autonomous.

With their mouths opening, there was one thing to expect.

Strident and ear-piercing screams that had been enough to make the three dizzy earlier despite the larger distance.

With them being much closer now, there was no doubt in their minds that the sheer intensity of the sound produced could make them pass out.

Mark, Elisa, and Krista braced as well as they could for the upcoming sounds.

They were surrounded too, which made them assume that the effect of the screams would be amplified.

The creatures' throats shook.

There were no screams, no shouts.

The sounds produced weren't strident or ear-piercing.

They didn't make the group's heads ache or their ears bleed.

No. The produced sounds weren't like that.

They were much, much worse.


The group only caught up once their knees hit the body of ice they were on.

It was a strange sensation.

Had they lost consciousness for a second?

No, but it felt similar.

As if for a couple of seconds, the flow of time had been accelerated.

Mark shook his head.

He didn't feel sleepy.

But it was a similar feeling.

Elisa's lips parted.

The same as Yarnha's Forest-

This is-

But no words exited her mouth.

Three slowly and sensuously crawled closer, while the rest of the Sirens continued their Singing.

Attempting to describe their voices would be doing them a disservice.

Their song was, as one might expect, other-worldly.

The combination of both created a, truly, supernatural artistic masterpiece.

Music has the strange power to make one forget about things. About one's worries, one's problems, or even the situation in which the person is in presently.

The closer to a masterpiece the music is, the easier and faster it will make one forget. The easier and faster it will take over one's mind.


The easier and faster it takes over one's mind, the better the music and the closer it is to a masterpiece.

Presently, the Siren's Singing could only be evaluated by such a standard.

Hearing them didn't simply induce a "high" similar to intoxication. It didn't make them forget about the danger or the situation.

It made them forget about everything.

About where they were and who they were.

About the Sirens and about themselves.

As if transported into another world.

The effect it had on their brain made it seem like time was flowing faster.

Like time was being skipped three seconds at a time.

What's worse is, the Singing made them forget about so much, that even the Singing itself was forgotten.

Each instant, each note, had a profound effect on their brain, before disappearing and being forgotten forever.

The Sirens Singing is theirs, and theirs alone.

Never to be replicated, hummed, stolen, or remembered. 𝚋𝚎𝚍𝚗𝚘𝚟el.c𝚘𝚖


The lapses of consciousness were scarce and far in between.

The white-scaled Monster had been brought to its knees, but no force had been used.

Its body had, in a way, willingly given itself up.

It didn't take long before the most fair maiden appeared in front of Mark.

Naked and beautiful.

Her skin was incredibly pale despite the shining sun above.

Perhaps she didn't come from here.

Her breasts were shapely and voluptuous.

Her narrow shoulders contrasted nicely with her thinner waist and wider hips.

Her arms seemed to shine under the sun. As if part of her skin was covered by diamonds. Crystals? Or perhaps, her arms were simply covered by shiny pieces of jewelry.

She got closer and closer.

The white-scaled Monster's head swayed from right to left slightly.

It was glad that the fair maiden was approaching.

Despite being a Monster.

Despite his ugliness.

The ugliness within and without.

Despite those, she approached.

And of course she did. The maiden truly looked like an angel under the sun. In this land of Monsters, death, and blood, only she seemed out of place.

Only an angel would approach him the way she was.

Only an angel would accept him.

Before the white-scaled Monster knew it, the fair maiden stood inches away from him.

Her vibrant green eyes, inviting. Her red fiery hair, dancing.

She lay her palms on his cheeks.

And before the white-scaled Monster knew, its arm had gone through the maiden's stomach.

Worry and dread immediately overtook that Monster.

How could it do such a thing? To her? To the maiden that had-

The Sirens' Singing had stopped.

The maiden, down whose mouth drops of blood went, stepped back.

The white-scaled Monster couldn't believe its eyes. It shook its head.

The fair maiden wasn't as fair as it seemed earlier.

Her arms covered by scales. Her teeth resembled a shark's fangs. Her nails were long claws. Alongside her elbow bones, sharp fins resembling pikes.

And her face...

Was the creature even a "she"?

Were breasts enough of a reason to refer to it as "she"?

Krista and Elisa shook it off an instant after Mark.

"Ugh..." The Princess winced as the Sirens' showed their true faces.

The illusion could only be kept up for so long.

As a matter of fact, the illusion only stems from the Singing.

Beautiful faces and fair maidens are only a product of the mind and brain.

Still, all see the same vision under the Sirens' Singing.

Whether Monsters or not, it seems that all love beauty.

Of course, loving it doesn't mean much.

Some cherish and protect what they love.

Others destroy and hurt what they love.

Monsters can perceive beauty. And that it was they target it.

'He really wasn't kidding...'

Elisa turned around slightly.

'About what happens when women creep up on him!'