Reborn As An Evolving Monster-Chapter 316 Eyes, Window To The Soul?

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Chapter 316 Eyes, Window To The Soul?

Unlike the Demon Lord of Sloth, the Demon Lord of Lust had chosen a more subtle way of dealing with the intruders.

It was a very different approach, but it couldn't be said whether Lust's interest was higher or lower than that of Sloth had been.

As the Lord ruling over the Territory, the Demon Lord of Lust had certain privileges. And it had decided on the indirect approach. Soft influence.

Its presence couldn't be noticed, but it was there. Watching, silently.

Oblivious to that fact,



The instant his lips came into contact with hers, Elisa felt electricity coursing through her body.

The blushing Elisa immediately closed her eyes shut.

Their tongues met timidly, and Elisa pulled hers back.

His tongue didn't pursue hers. But instead, waited.

Slowly but surely, she reemerged.

'What am I doing??' Elisa asked herself, incredibly nervous. 'What am I doing?? Am I doing this right? Is this...'

Her inexperience was obvious. Both by the quivering of her body, but also by hesitation that could be noticed in every one of her actions.

Mark, if one were to tell the truth, was also inexperienced. But he would have rathered die than show it.

Kissing was something that he had only done a couple of times.

Stuck in a hospital from the time he was eight years old, experience was a hard thing to acquire, despite him spending little over ten years in that hospital.

Still, there were girls he met in there. Girls he liked. And even more that liked him.

Unfortunately, he could never go beyond the -kissing- stage.

This wasn't a regret of his. 𝚋𝚎d𝚗ov𝚎𝚕.co𝚖

His regret, was having to see them go after a couple of weeks.

Week by week, one by one, they got better, and left the hospital to live a long and healthy life. Leaving him in there, alone.

This was probably the reason why Mark had grown to be indifferent when it came to relationships in his past life.

But now, it was different.

She was with him. He was with her.

She wasn't going anywhere.

And even if she were to go somewhere, he, now, could follow her.

Their tongues danced awkwardly for a bit, before Elisa lightly pushed him off.

Saying that she had pushed him off was a great exaggeration. Mark had only felt the slightest pressure from her hands on his arms.

But that was enough for him to pull back.

He pulled back, and Elisa remained with her lips apart for a second.

She lowered her gaze, and Mark caressed her shoulder and neck.

Elisa raised her gaze towards him again.

Her yellowish pupils.

His purplish pupil.

The blushing Elisa closed her eyes and rose to the tip of her toes once more while gently pulling him closer.

She wanted more. And so did he.

The dancing's awkwardness slowly subsided as they found their rhythm.

Mark lay a hand on her cheek, and another on her side.

Elisa's hand caressed the side of his head before descending to his neck and shoulder.

She lightly arched her back, pulling away. A smile on her blushing face.

Elisa brought her hands back to her sides before tightly wrapping them around him.

Mark lay a hand on her lower back, while the other moved up her body, until it split the ashen cascade that was her hair, and gently brought her head to his chest.



His heart was beating quickly and powerfully.

Elisa, with her ear against his chest, was pleased to notice that.

This was a big deal to her. So she was glad to know that it was to him too. Glad to know she wasn't the only one nervous.

Elisa listened closely.



She wondered if their heartbeats matched.

His right hand caressing both her upper and lower back made her quiver.

His left hand circled around her neck and pulled her hair away, revealing her supple skin and neck.

With her cheek and ear against his chest, Elisa stared at the darkness surrounding them.

It truly felt like only they existed.

A world of their own.

A world only for them.


Elisa herself was surprised.

She thought such a world wouldn't be so bad-

Her body immediately froze.

Mark's gaze looked for her face, but she buried it deeply into his chest.

Tomato red, she hid.

'Wha... What was that??'

The kiss to the neck had been too sudden. Probably because she had been preoccupied by her thoughts. It was sudden enough that a gasp exited her mouth just as suddenly.

Instinctively, as she had no time to fight back against it or even register it.

Elisa felt more embarrassed than ever in her life.

Mark chuckled and lay a hand on the side of her neck.

With his thumb, he gently raised her chin.

Despite her embarrassment and intense blushing, she raised her gaze towards him.

At first, she focused on his eye only. But slowly, her gaze wandered.

Fangs. Scales...

Is that what I was afraid of?

Elisa pulled back, and Mark let her.

She grabbed his hand as she moved back.

Her bottom touched the ground.

Mark was unsure what to do.

She was seated, but was pulling him closer.

Lay on her? But she isn't lying down.

Sit on her? No way, that would be-

Noticing the hesitation, Elisa smirked.

She brought her free hand to his wrist and twisted that wrist.

The position he had been in was awkward and unstable, which is why he fell easily to the ground by her side.

But before he could even touch the ground, she had positioned herself above him.

By the time his bottom was on the ground, Elisa was already seated on his hips, her legs wrapped around his waist.

Now a bit higher than he was, she stared into his eyes with a victorious smile.

She moved closer to his lips. He moved his face up and forward.

But just before their lips could meet, Elisa pulled back slightly.

Mark wrapped his arms around her, closing the distance, but she pulled her head back further.

He stared with a raised eyebrow and a smile.

She chuckled, and kissed him.