Reborn In 17th century India with Black Technology-Chapter 37: Educational and Caste Reform

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Chapter 37: Educational and Caste Reform

The nobles were numb after the successive reforms. They couldn't understand what the king was thinking, whether he was possessed by a Bhootha or even the same person.

Before they could calm down, another bomb dropped. But this time, they could relax because this reform didn't affect the interest, or what was left of it.

Vijay initiated a reform of the educational system in the Vijayanagar Empire. Traditionally, education was obtained through the religious institutions of various religions existing in the empire: Muslims through their mosques, Christians through their churches, and Hindus through gurukuls. This arrangement often resulted in uneven outcomes. Furthermore, these Islamic and Christian institutions played a significant role in the conversion of many Hindus, a concept that was previously unknown to those adhering to Sanatan Dharma.

His objective is to put an end to the propagation of foreign ideas and concepts within the Empire at its Birth.

Vijay recognized the monumental importance of education for a nation. While the military serves as the contemporary backbone of a country, education paves a path for the country to become a strong global power.

Education also cultivates a superior and intelligent army. A knowledgeable army is significantly superior to one filled with brute force. Despite Vijay starting the Military and Police Academies – they are like the technical schools of the future, understanding "how" things work but not "why" they work.

Vijay aimed to change this, He wanted to cultivate the Empire's youth into a formidable talent pool. This is also one of the reasons he drew significant inspiration from the Prussian army.

No matter what opinion anyone may have about the Germans, one must accept that the Germans had an impeccable education system that has helped them cultivate a large amount of talent. With this advantage, they have even waged two wars with the world, the crazy part is that they almost won the wars both times. Those Crazy Germans.

What Vijay envisioned is something similar to that, but he could not implement universal compulsory education like the Germans did. The Vijayanagara's population is 40 million right now and He couldn't afford the expenses even if he ransacked all the Nobel's wealth.

Hence, he came up with a compromise approach:

The Vijayanagara Educational Reform Bill.

- Empire-run primary schools will be established in every major town and city within the empire.

- A 9-year education system will be put in place, commencing from the age of 5 till 14.

- These schools will be accessible to all castes of the empire without any discrimination.

- A 40% reservation quota will be enforced in all schools for households from lower castes.

- The Empire will bear 80% of the school fees for lower caste households.

- Religious institutions lacking approval from the Imperial Council will be shut down.

- Religious institutions for worship, including Hindu, Christian, Muslim, Jain, Sikh, and others, will only be a place of worship, and no other expression is allowed.

- The curriculum of the new schools will encompass theology, science, mathematics, history, and the arts.

- The theological subject will encompass the sacred texts of Hinduism, Islam, Christianity, Jainism, Sikhism, and Buddhism.

- Students will have a choice to select a religious book of their choosing to study every 3 years, and their religious identity will not impact their choice.

- Students have the right to select any religious text they wish, and any individual is prohibited from coercing or compelling their choice.

- Scientific subjects are compulsory and will cover the logical study of nature.

- Mathematics, as the cornerstone of human civilization, will be taught as a compulsory subject.

- History will be taught in schools to impart knowledge about the subcontinent's rich heritage in the past.

- Art, vital for preserving and propagating cultural heritage, will also be part of the curriculum.

- Every 3 years, students will be required to take a unified exam conducted by the Religious and Cultural Department.

- Upon completing the 9-year education, students are permitted to enter various divisions of the Imperial Council as interns for a designated period before officially joining the organization.

Next, Vijay aimed to reform the caste system, a problem so difficult that even in the 21st century, the issue still existed. Because this system was part of every aspect of the empire's life, every job in the empire was connected to this system in one way or another. It's somewhat like the fantasy Isekai novels in his past life, where one awakens to a class and is stuck with it until death. The caste system made it hard for the empire to become more modern as it stopped people from lower castes from climbing the social ladder, thereby effectively imprisoning them in their social class forever.

When he first brought up the issue with the head of the Religious and Cultural Department, Raghavendra Rao yelled, "LUNATIC".

Although he did apologize after coming back to his senses, Vijay didn't mind his outburst because he was not surprised by the reaction. The man is of a higher caste, after all.

But to his surprise, Raghavendra Rao explained that he yelled not because it harmed his interests, but because Vijay dared to change the social hierarchy that had stood for thousands of years.

He later stated that he didn't mind the reforms as god regards all beings as one family, As he said that he took out the Upanishads and showed him

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"Aya? nija? paroveti ga?anā laghucetasām

Udāracaritānā? tu vasudhaiva ku?umbakam"

"This is mine or not-mine is the calculation of narrow-minded people;

For those who have a broad outlook, the entire world is one family."

And later, he also explained that the caste system was not intended to prohibit people of certain castes from a particular social standing but to prevent people born with certain natures from performing the work of those with other natures.

Vijay was shocked by the entirely new outlook Raghavendra Rao presented to him. He had been unaware of all this. In his view, the caste system was a primitive class system that drained the life out of lower-caste individuals for the benefit of the higher class, similar to the European nobility.

Seeing that Raghavendra Rao did not resist his reform plans, which was a huge relief, they discussed together and devised a plan.

Vijayanagara Caste Reform Act

The members of lower classes are eligible for a 40% quota in all the jobs offered by the imperial council.

The members of the lower caste enjoy a 40% quota in the Armed services.

The members of the lower caste enjoy certain tax benefits.

The members of the lower caste enjoy low-cost medical services.

Anyone who is seen discriminating against individuals from the lower caste is required to pay a fine depending on the severity.

These benefits for the lower caste community will last for 50 years effective immediately.

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