Reborn : Space Intelligent Woman-Chapter 1495 : Scared

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Chapter 1495 1495: Scared

The man heard someone knocking on his door. He clicked his tongue. He did not remember ordering food. However, he remembered that he had purchased something online. Maybe that thing had arrived.

He walked to his door. He did not hesitate to open the door. The moment he opened the door, he was pushed back into the room.

"What the fuck!" The man swore when he fell on the ground.

He could hear that the door was closed. He lifted his head and saw a man standing in front of him. When he looked closely at the man. He recognised this man right away.

It was the man that he took pictures of with Tang Yu Qi earlier. 'How come this man was at his house? Wait, what is he doing here? Does he know something?' A lot of questions appeared in the man's mind.

"Who are you?" The man blurted out the question in his mind.

"What? You already forget about me, hm?" Qin Xia snorted.

The man's eyes opened widely. There was a shocked look in his eyes. But he covered the fear.

"Why should I know you? Leave before I call the police." The man threatened Qin Xia by wanting to call the police.

The man took out his phone from his jacket. However, before he managed to dial the number, the phone slipped away from his hand.

This time, the man revealed a shocked look on his face. He did not bother to hide anymore. That was because he saw his phone flying into the man's hand.

"Do you want to get caught or what?" Qin Xia asked.

"Wh... What?" The man began to fear Qin Xia.

"If you call the police, it is not me who will be going to the police station but you." Qin Xia smiled.

The man saw the smile and shivered to his bone. He could see that this man was not someone to be provoked.

"What do... you mean... by... that?" The man asked.

"What? Do you think I don't know?" Qin Xia was still smiling.

"Please... I will listen to your demand. Just please don't do anything to me." The man begged.

"Well, it depends on you." Qin Xia stated. "Why do you take Tang Yu Qi's pictures?"

The man looked tough outside but when facing some difficult situation, he would give up easily. So, he answered Qin Xia's question right away.

"Someone asked me to take some shameful pictures of Tang Yu Qi that can create scandal. That person even asked me to follow Tang Yu Qi if I can not take the picture here." The man confessed.

"Do you know that person?" Qin Xia asked more.

"Well, I don't. I think that person also changed their voice by using a voice changer." The man said.

"How does that person contact you?" Qin Xia began to ask more and more questions.

"Hmm... I think that person use a one-off sim card to contact me." The man answered.

"How do you know that?" Qin Xia wondered.

"Because after that person contacted me once, I tried to reach that person by contacting the same number. But I can't get through. Then, that person called me again using a different number." The man explained.

"So, how do you plan to give the pictures to that person?" Qin Xia wanted to know the method that the person used.

"Hmm... that person told me to leave the memory card at locker no 444 at the locker rental at the train station." The man told Qin Xia.

"I suppose you already get the key for that locker." Qin Xia guessed.

"Yes." The man nodded.

"Then, how do you get your payment?" Qin Xia asked again.

"Hmm... I already got the deposit. That person put the money on that locker and asked me to get it by myself." The man obediently answered.

Qin Xia thought for a moment. The culprit was kind of clever. If he used online banking, he could easily get caught if someone checked this man's banking information.

"Where are the pictures?" Qin Xia demanded.

"It is still in my camera." The man pointed at the camera that was laying on the table.

"Did you copy them into your laptop?" Qin Xia saw the laptop beside the camera.

"No. Nope yet." The man shook his head.

Seeing the man's actions, Qin Xia felt that he was speaking the truth.

'How did he have time to copy those pictures into his laptop?' The terrifying man found his whereabouts so quickly. Thinking about his phone earlier, this man must have his way to find him so fast.

"Get your camera and delete all of Tang Yu Qi's pictures. I will check it later." Qin Xia ordered.

"Yes... yes... I will do it right away." The man nodded.

He stood up and walked to get his camera.

"Show me the picture that you took." Qin Xia demanded again.

"Yes. yes..." The man showed one by one pictures that he took to Qin Xia.

Qin Xia looked at the pictures as he ordered the man to delete the picture one by one.

"Is this the only memory that you have that contains Tang Yu Qi's picture?" Qin Xia looked around the table.

"Yes! Yes, Sir! I just took Miss Tang's pictures using this one memory card. I have not changed to another memory card." The man nodded.

He did not want Qin Xia to destroy other memory cards. All of them had many important pictures.

***This novel is a contracted work with If you do not read this novel on w e b n o v e l. c o m, that means it has been stolen. It breaks my heart when someone steals my hard work. Can you consider reading it on the original website for those who read my novel on another website besides, as your support to me? Thank you, from, your shameless author, ZerahNeko***

This chapter is edited by Tzin99... Thank you for your help