Reborn : Space Intelligent Woman-Chapter 1534 : Another Explosive News

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Li Cui had been brought back from Chi Guang Wei from the police station. Chi Guang Wei was driving by himself. He let go of his driver because he already could not afford to pay the driver's salary.

"Husband, we can not leave Yuan-er like that. You must save her. I am really worried about her. How can she live there? Can she sleep in a place like that? They could starve her." Li Cui thought of the worst possible things happening to her niece.

Chi Guang Wei did not reply to anything. Of course, he also wanted to save her. But right now, he could not do anything. He still had a lot of things to think about, especially the company. Yue Cooperation still wanted to acquire his company.

He already went to Yue Cooperation and asked for a second meeting with Qin Xia but Qin Xia refused. He wanted to ask about the precious woman that Qin Xia mentioned before. If he got the information, he could handle it by himself. He would go and meet the woman and apologise to the woman on Chi Yuan's behalf.

Right now, he could not get any information. He hired someone to check the woman's identity but he got nothing. It was a waste of money. The date of the acquisition was getting closer and closer. Now, Chi Yuan got arrested for a murder case. His hands were tied.

"Dear, are you listening to me?" Li Cui called her husband several times.

Because of the tiredness, Chi Guang Wei sighed. "What?"

"Did you listen to me?" Li Cui asked.

"What?" Chi Guang Wei was fed up with his wife.

"I am thinking of going to the Wei family tomorrow. I want to ask Old Madam Wei to help Yuan-er. She really loves and treats Yuan-er as her granddaughter. She must have a solution for this." Li Cui stated.

Hearing the Wei family's name, Chi Guang Wei remembered it. Yeah. His family had a close relationship with the Wei family because of Chi Yuan. That was right. Wei family might be able to help with his situation right now.

"Great! Great! We will go there tomorrow." Chi Guang Wei agreed with the solution.

Because of someone's money, Chi Yuan's news did not stop right there. This time, another topic appeared —the bully topic.

Someone shared her story on social media about her getting bullied by Chi Yuan. The victim, A, when she was in junior high school was getting bullied by Chi Yuan. She was from a poor family. However, she was pretty and smart. She was accepted by the high school after studying so hard. She was so happy at that moment.

She did not know that what was waiting for her at the high school was a disaster. She caught someone's attention. Well, a boy. That boy was interested in her. Of course, she was also interested in the boy.

The boy got her number and they started chatting with each other. The boy kept giving a hint that he wanted to be her boyfriend. Of course, she did not agree on the spot since she thought about her studies. She was afraid that it would be affecting her results.

However, she did not know that the boy already had a girlfriend or let's say, a fiancee arranged by their families. The fiancee found out about the boy's interest in A. Of course, the fiancee became angry.

The fiancee was a friend of Chi Yuan. The fiancee was a little bit timid. So, Chi Yuan took charge of the matter. She began to ask someone to write something horrible on A's desk, put something disgusting on A's chair, and isolated A from her friends. She was even being accused of theft when some amount of money had been missing from a classmate's wallet because she was from a poor family.

Of course, A did not admit to doing that. But everyone already thought that she was the one who stole the money. She got depressed. She tried to talk with the boy. But now the boy seemed to be putting distance between them. She got even more depressed. Until her grade fell and failed to maintain the minimum level needed in order to study at that high school.

Eventually, she needed to transfer to another school. Of course, when she transferred from the school, she did not know why she was getting bullied.

Until now, a former friend from that high school reached out for A. The former friend apologized to A and she told A about everything that she knew. The reason why A got bullied and was isolated by everyone and who the culprit was. Surprisingly, this former friend was the fiance.

At first, she was indeed angry at A and was happy seeing A getting bullied at some point. After that, she thought deeply about that. It was not A's fault. It was the boy's fault. She knew it because that boy was a playboy. Seeing that A was pretty, he wanted to try his luck.

She wanted everyone to stop bullying A but no one listened to her. She tried to talk with Chi Yuan. But Chi Yuan thought it was funny and did not want to stop it. She wanted to apologize to A but Chi Yuan told her that if she went to apologize, she would become the next target. That was why she was silent until now.

But now that Chi Yuan already fell from heaven to hell. She got the courage to reach out to A and told A everything.

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This chapter is edited by Tzin99... Thank you for your help...