Reborn : Space Intelligent Woman-Chapter 1536 : Refuse To Help

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Chapter 1536 1536: Refuse To Help

"Why are you shouting like this?" Grandpa Wei appeared.

Grandpa Wei came out from his study room and heard the commotion. He was surprised to see the outsiders too. After taking a closer look, he recognized them. It was that relative of Chi Yuan.

Grandpa Wei turned to Feng Ni Lan and asked his daughter-in-law about this. "Ni Lan, what is going on here?"

"Mother wants me to call Zichen home. She wants him to get Miss Chi out of jail." Feng Ni Lan answered her father-in-law.

"Jail? What has she done this time?" Grandpa Wei did not know about the news.

"Miss Chi is involved in a murder case. She is a prime suspect." Feng Ni Lan stated.

"What? Murder?" Grandpa Wei was shocked. 

"In case, Grandpa does not know, the murder case is from 10 years ago." Wei Ding Ye added.

Gu Muxue pulled Wei Ding Ye, stopping her from talking any more than this. 

Grandpa Wei became more shocked. 10 years ago? That meant Chi Yuan was still young at that time. 

"It is a misunderstanding. My niece is innocent." Li Cui interrupted.

"The other side already has evidence that can prove that your niece is the culprit." Wei Ding Ye voiced it out again.

"The evidence is false. They faked it." Li Cui argued back. 

"Yeah... yeah... Whatever...." Wei Ding Ye rolled her eyes.

"Shut up. This is not your place to talk." Grandma Wei scolded Wei Ding Ye.

"Our family is not getting involved in this case." Grandpa Wei let out the verdict. 

"Please, Old Master Wei, help us." Li Cui begged Grandpa Wei.

"Husband, please help Yuan-er. She must be afraid inside the jail. All alone." Grandma Wei also begged Grandpa Wei.

"I told you. No. Zichen will not get involved in this mess. And you, Zhu Mei, I already tell you not to get involved with that girl. Why are you not listening to me? Are my words nothing to you?" Grandpa Wei glared sharply at Grandma Wei.

Grandma Wei shrank. She did not expect that her husband would sound her out like this in front of the guests, her daughters-in-law and her granddaughter. 

"Someone, send the guests out." Grandpa Wei shouted.

The butler came and asked Li Cui and Chi Guang Wei out. However, Li Cui still did not want to give up and she begged for the last one. 

"Old Master Wei, I am begging you. Please help our Yuan-er." Li Cui kneeled down.

Send the guests out." Grandpa Wei said again. "If you don't want to get out on your own, I will ask someone to help you." 

Grandpa Wei threatened Li Cui and Chi Guang Wei. If they dare not leave his house, he would ask someone to drag them out by force. They could choose. Either way, they would get out eventually. 

Chi Guang Wei was afraid of losing face. He pulled his wife and left Wei House immediately.

Wei Ding Ye could not help but laugh. 

"Why are you laughing? Shut up, will you?" Grandma Wei vented her anger toward Wei Ding Ye.

"What? I can't laugh?" Wei Ding Ye snorted.

"You!!! Why are you, my granddaughter? Unfilial!!!" Grandma Wei shouted.

"You should be glad that I am your granddaughter. Not that murderer. Erk, it is scary." Wei Ding Ye acted like she was trembling.

"You!!!" Grandma Wei pointed her finger at Wei Ding Ye.

"Ding Ye, enough. Mother, I am sorry for Ding Ye's behaviour." Gu Muxue apologized to Wei Ding Ye.

"Humph! I wonder how you teach your daughter." Grandma Wei moved her target to Gu Muxue.

"Well, at least, I am not a murderer." Wei Ding Ye replied.

Gu Muxue turned to Wei Ding Ye and gave a sharp glare to Wei Ding Ye. 

"Mother, we will leave first." Gu Muxue quickly pulled her daughter leaving the place.

"Zhu Mei, once again, if you get involved with the Chi Family, you will need to consider the consequences." Grandpa Wei gave a warning to his wife.

With that, Grandpa Wei left. Feng Ni Lan did not say anything and also left. 

Grandma Wei was feeling horrible when she remembered Chi Yuan. That child was suffering right now. And she could not help that child.

Grandpa Wei entered his study room again. This time, he called someone.

"Yes, Elder Wei? What can I help you with?" The person on the other side answered Grandpa Wei's call.

"I want you to investigate someone." Grandpa Wei stated.

"Who?" The person asked.

"My wife and the girl from the Chi Family." 

The person was stunned. He could not help to think that he might have heard wrongly. He asked Grandpa Wei again. "Excuse me, who?"

"My wife and Chi Yuan." Grandpa Wei said the two names again.

"Okay... I will try." The person agreed to take the job. 

Grandpa Wei stared at the door for nothing. He hoped the investigation could tell him why his wife was so obsessed with Chi Yuan. 

Chi Yuan was an outstanding person. But she was nothing in front of him. To be honest, his future granddaughter-in-law was better compared to Chi Yuan. 

Gu Muxue sighed. She did not expect to see drama today. And her daughter also wanted to get involved.

"Ding Ye, remember to apologise to your Grandma later." Gu Muxue said to her daughter.

"Why should I? She never thought of me as her granddaughter." Wei Ding Ye retorted back. 

***This novel is a contracted work with If you do not read this novel on w e b n o v e l. c o m, that means it has been stolen. It breaks my heart when someone steals my hard work. Can you consider reading it on the original website for those who read my novel on another website besides, as your support to me? Thank you, from, your shameless author, ZerahNeko***

This chapter is edited by Tzin99... Thank you for your help..
