Reborn : Space Intelligent Woman-Chapter 1559 : Decision Made

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"Never do it again? Aha... Of course, you will never do it again. I will make sure of it." Yu Qi narrowed her eyes.

"The people come to our company to chase their dream. But you exploited them for your benefit. I wonder how much you get from this." Yu Qi continued again.

He Chao did not think he could fight Yu Qi.

"Brother Lang, transfer the artists under Director He to other people. However, that artist named Lilly, let her go." Yu Qi ordered.

"Yes." Lang Sun accepted the order.

"As for others, please learn a lesson from Director He. Otherwise, you will never know what's going to happen to you. Meeting adjourned." Yu Qi ended the meeting.

Yu Qi stood up and left the meeting room. The directors finally could take a relief breath. Ms Tang was very terrifying. They were really scared during the meeting. Why? Just looked at the crack on the meeting.

Their meeting table was very thick. To crack it just with one slap, how much power that she used? If she slapped them on the face using the same power, they might die on the spot.

Yu Qi left the company. It was already dark outside. She called a taxi. This time, the taxi driver was a female one. She told the taxi driver to drive her to the hotel. It was the hotel where she stayed with Long Hui last time.

When she was about to enter the hotel, she was greeted by someone.

"Yu Qi." It was Lu Qina, Feng Yue's mother's friend.

"Auntie Lu, long time no see. How are you?" Yu Qi smiled to see an acquaintance.

"I am fine. Thank you. By the way, what are you doing here?" Lu Qina asked.

"Oh, I have some work here. So, I am planning to stay at this hotel for tonight before going back to FINN City tomorrow." Yu Qi explained.

"Oh, we are the same. I am here with my husband dealing with some work too. Why don't we have dinner together later? We are going to have dinner at this hotel restaurant later." Lu Qina suggested.

"Are you sure? Am I disturbing you?" Yu Qi glanced at Lu Qina's husband, Fu Shi Zian.

"Don't worry. My husband will not mind." Lu Qina laughed.

"If you said so, then, okay." Yu Qi agreed.

"Then, see you at 9 p.m." Lu Qina stated.

Yu Qi checked into the room. She took a bath and relaxed in the jacuzzi for a moment. It was a very tiring day.

When the clock approached 9 p.m., Yu Qi got out of her room and went to the restaurant. While she was about to the elevator, there were three guys from the same floor entered the elevator as well.

The man's eyes lifted when they saw the beautiful riding the same elevator with them. So, one of them took the opportunity to hit on the girl.

"Hi, I am Zhao Yongnian. Can I have the pleasure to have dinner with you?" Zhao Yongnian smiled charmingly at the beautiful girl.

Zhao Yongnian thought the beautiful girl would not reject his invitation since he knew that he was handsome. His friends grinned.

"Sorry. I have another appointment." After rejecting the invitation, Yu Qi looked away.

"Hey, don't be like this." Zhao Yongnian still did not want to give up. "Why not after your appointment, you can still join us. We will go to the bar beside the restaurant after eating dinner."

There was indeed a bar next to the restaurant. Zhao Yongnian thought Yu Qi's appointment would be at the restaurant.

"No, thank you." Yu Qi cut it short.

"Hey, you should be grateful that Yongnian invite you." Zhao Yongnian's friend said.

"Huh? Why should I? We don't know each other. There is no need for me to feel grateful." Yu Qi glared coldly at the friend who just talked earlier.

The friend stepped backwards when he saw the glare. He did not know why he felt scared at the moment.

"If we don't know each other, we can get to know each other then." Another friend wanted to reach for Yu Qi's hand.

"If you dare touch me, you will regret it." Yu Qi stated.

The friend stopped his movement. He gulped. Then, they could feel the air suddenly feel cold. It was like the temperature suddenly dropped.

Actually, it was Yu Qi who revealed the cold air. It was a small matter for her right now to be able to control the surrounding temperature.

The three men started to shiver.

"Why does it feel so cold out of a sudden?" Zhao Yongnian's friend asked while rubbing both of his arms.

"Are you feeling cold?" Zhao Yongnian asked Yu Qi.

"No." Yu Qi answered.

Zhao Yongnian looked at Yu Qi. The expression in the girls indeed did not change. He wanted to talk more with the girl.

However, the elevator stopped after reaching the level, the door was also opened. Without saying anything, Yu Qi stepped out of the elevator.

Zhao Yongnian also got out quickly, wanting to chase Yu Qi.

"Wait." Zhao Yongnian said.

"What?" Yu Qi stopped and turned around.

"Can I have your contact number?" Zhao Yongnian asked.

"No." Yu Qi rejected it right away.

Yu Qi's phone rang but it was not a call. It was a notification.

Long Hui just sent her a message asking about her.

***This novel is a contracted work with w e b n o v e l. c o m. If you do not read this novel on w e b n o v e l. c o m, that means it has been stolen. It breaks my heart when someone steals my hard work. Can you consider reading it on the original website for those who read my novel on another website besides w e b n o v e l .c o m, as your support to me? Thank you, from, your shameless author, ZerahNeko***