Reborn : Space Intelligent Woman-Chapter 1572 : The Enemy Knocking Her Door

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Chapter 1572 1572: The Enemy Knocking Her Door

'Fanghai Nation?' Yu Qi narrowed her eyes. She needed to check this. Yu Qi began to type faster. The code appeared according to Yu Qi's fast typing. 

After 15 minutes, she was already inside the person's server. And that person did not realize that Yu Qi hacked into their network. 

Yu Qi checked this person. It was someone that she did not even know. So, this person must be hired by someone to check on her. 

So, she began to check this person's detail. Fang Guowei, 29 years old, single, from Fanghai Nation. He also had a codename, Deathflower. He was from Dark Rose Alliance. 

Yu Qi came across Dark Rose Alliance after hacking into Bai Cooperation's server last time. The father and son thought a hacker from Dark Rose Alliance was the one who hacked into their server. Yu Qi did not care since it suited her purpose. Someone took the blame for her. 

"So, someone bought their service to hack into the research centre. 'Who wants to mess with me right now?'

She investigated further about this. It seemed this hacker did receive money a few days ago. However, it was a cash deposit. Not an online transfer. It made it hard to detect the person behind. 

It could be found out but it just needed more work to do so. She did not have time to do that. 

"I think I need to get help from Han Baise." She immediately contacted Han Baise to inform him to get this done. 

"Master, don't forget to tell that person about my proposal." Neko-chan reminded Yu Qi.

"Okay... Okay... I will tell him." Yu Qi chuckled. 


"Have you got what I want?" 

"Not yet." 

"What is this? I hired you because I heard about your competence. It seems that it's just a rumour." 

"Miss, please watch your mouth." 

"Then, I want the result as soon as possible."

"Okay... Okay... I will try again." 

The conversation ended. Mu Yian clicked her tongue. Yeah, she hired a hacker to hack into the research centre owned by Yu Qi. Why? Because she heard that her grandfather wanted to invest in that research centre. 

She did not know why she felt that Yu Qi was like her enemy. She wanted to get information from the research centre. It would be better if she could get some detail of the projects that had been researched. She could steal them and sell them to other research centres. 

She would question her grandfather about investing in the research centre that could not protect their security which would lead to her grandfather not wanting to ever invest in that research centre. 

To her surprise, the hacker failed. She hired a hacker from a renowned alliance. What a down. But the hacker would try again. She expected something.

"First Sister, can I borrow some money from you?" Mu Kuang He came to her.

"Money? For what?" Mu Yian asked.

Mu Kuang He grinned as he scratched his head. "Well, I went to the car race and made a bet with someone. I lost the bet." 

"How much?" Mu Yian asked.

"Two million." Mu Kuang He awkwardly said the amount. He changed his tone. "First Sister, please help me."

Mu Yian sighed. "Okay... Okay... But remember, don't go and bet again."

"First Sister is the best. Thank you." Mu Kuang He was happy that he could finally settle the debt. 


Zhao Yongzhung fully recovered from his illness. He would be discharged later. Yu Qi entered the ward. 

"Congratulations on your discharge." Yu Qi stated.

"Thank you, Doctor Yu Qi." Zhao Yongzhung said.

"Hmmm... Do you have a minute? I have something to discuss with you." Yu Qi said.

Madam Zhao noticed the tone that Yu Qi used. It was rather serious. 

"Doctor, is there something wrong with son?" Madam Zhao asked. 

"Oh, no... It's not health-related. But I need to discuss it with Mr Zhao alone." Yu Qi looked at Zhao Yongzhung.

"Mom, can you please step out first?" Zhao Yongzhung asked his mother to go outside first.

Madam Zhao wanted to protest but she could not do that. So, she obediently went out.

"Doctor Yu Qi, what do you want to talk about?" Zhao Yongzhung asked.

"Mr Zhao, you are working in the robotic engineering sector, right?" Yu Qi wanted confirmation. 

"Yes, indeed." Zhao Yongzhung nodded.

"Are you interested in working on a project with me?" Yu Qi offered.

"Project? About what? I don't have much knowledge about the medical field." Zhao Yongzhung stated. 

"There is nothing about the medical. I want you to make a robot for me. If you are interested, you can come to my research centre when you have time." Yu Qi said.

She could not explain much about that since it was a secret. 

"Are you planning on doing research about robot development?" Zhao Yongzhung asked.

Actually, he was quite surprised when Yu Qi suddenly offered this to him. He thought maybe Yu Qi wanted to develop a robot that would help the medical workers.

"Probably in future, but as I said earlier, this has nothing to do with the medical field. I want to build a robot for my personal matter." Yu Qi said.

"I see. I will inform you of the date later." Zhao Yongzhung nodded.

"Great." Yu Qi nodded.

Yu Qi excused herself and left the ward. She returned to her room. The moment, she sat, her phone was ringing. She looked at the caller's name. 

***This novel is a contracted work with If you do not read this novel on w e b n o v e l. c o m, that means it has been stolen. It breaks my heart when someone steals my hard work. Can you consider reading it on the original website for those who read my novel on another website besides, as your support to me? Thank you, from, your shameless author, ZerahNeko***

This chapter is edited by Tzin99... Thank you for your help...
