Reborn : Space Intelligent Woman-Chapter 1580 : Lonely

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"Grandpa, how are you?" Yu Qi smiled as she greeted Grandpa Mu who already sat at the table that he reserved.

"I am fine. How about you?" Grandpa Mu asked.

"I am feeling great." Yu Qi nodded.

She looked at Grandpa Mu. Grandpa Mu looked tired.

"Grandpa, can I check your pulse?" Yu Qi was concerned about Grandpa Mu's health.

"Sure." Grandpa Mu nodded. He knew that his granddaughter liked to check his health from time to time.

Yu Qi took Grandpa Mu's hand and started to check the pulse. After a while, Yu Qi released Grandpa Mu's hand.

"Do you eat the nourishment pill that I give to you?" Yu Qi narrowed her eyes.

"Well..." Grandpa Mu coughed several times.

To be honest, he had not been taking the pill for quite some time. Not because he disliked it, but because he forgot.

"I have not been taking them for about one week." Grandpa Mu was embarrassed to admit that.

Yu Qi did not angry. She still asked some questions. "How many they left? Are still many more?"

Grandpa Mu tried to remember. "Probably a dozen. I don't count them." He answered.

"Finish them. I will give you the new ones later." Yu Qi stated.

She had a lot of herbs that could be refined into pills. The ones that she gave before were the antidote to counter the poison that might given by Mu Li Zei's family and it could nourish the body.

Grandpa Mu chuckled. Yu Qi did not understand why Grandpa Mu suddenly chuckled.

"Why are you laughing?" Yu Qi asked.

"Meeting with you is the same as meeting with a doctor." Grandpa Mu laughed.

Yu Qi also laughed when she heard that. "Well, you can not blame me. It is my job."

"Okay... Okay... Let's start ordering food, shall we?' Grandpa Mu said.

"Sure." Yu Qi nodded.

The dinner was very pleasant to both of them. They talked about a lot of things.

Yu Qi did tell Dian's Family about her grandmother's death anniversary. Great-Grandpa Dian was sad when he heard about that. He wanted to join Yu Qi and Grandpa Mu to visit her grandmother's grave.

Grandpa Mu did not mind having Great-Grandpa Dian join them since Great-Grandpa Dian was the father of his wife. His wife would be happy in the afterlife if her father could come and visit her.

After spending 2 hours on dinner, Grandpa Mu and Yu Qi went their separate ways. Yu Qi sent Grandpa Mu to the lobby where his personal assistant was waiting for him.

However, they did not know that someone was watching them from the corner. That person snapped several photos of them before sending the pictures to someone else.


Wei Zichen already sent his mother to the house that he mentioned before. It was not too big or small. It was nice for an old lady like Nie Zhu Mei to live.

However, Nie Zhu Mei felt the house was smaller compared to the house that she had been living in before. She was not satisfied but she could not say anything to her son. What if her son chased her out of this place? She would not have a place to leave.

As her son stated before, he already prepared the maids to do the cleaning and cooking. her son already prepared a driver for her if she wanted to go somewhere. She just needed to call the person. He would come and drive her to the place where she wanted to go.

To be honest, it was very good. However, after spending two days in the house, she felt very lonely. Even though there were maids too inside the house, she still felt lonely.

There was no one here to talk to her. When she was staying at her old place, there would be someone to talk to her like her daughters in law even though she did not like them much. They would listen to her ranting. She sighed.

She was bored staying at home like this. She remembered Chi Yuan. It had been so long since she saw that girl. Yes. Chi Yuan was her biological granddaughter. She loved that girl since she knew that Chi Yuan was that person's granddaughter.

She called the driver and told him to come and pick her up. 15 minutes later, the driver arrived and picked her up. Nie Zhu Mei told him to drive her to Pianye Prison where Chi Yuan was staying.

After completing the procedure to visit the prisoner, the warden asked Nie Zhu Mei to wait first. He would be calling Chi Yuan.

Chi Yuan walked into the place where the visitor and prisoner would allow to meet. She was changed. From a proud girl to a coward girl after spending time in prison.

When she first entered the prison, she kept her arrogant attitude toward other inmates. The other inmates felt she was so pretentious. So, they ganged up Chi Yuan.

It was Chi Yuan's first time experiencing this time something like that. She was so scared. She wanted to scream for help but the inmates threatened her. If Chi Yuan dared to shout, they would injure her face.

Chi Yuan really loved her face. So, she suffered in silence as they hit her. The inmates were also smart. They just hit the place where not visible to others. They also threatened not to tell the warden about the hitting. Otherwise, they would make Chi Yuan's life more miserable from now on.

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