Reborn : Space Intelligent Woman-Chapter 1585 : That Kind Of Man Should Be With Her

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"We also don't have to submit these by ourselves. Let someone do it for us. Grandfather has a lot of people around. Not to mention, he has Doctor Sang as his friend. He might tell Grandfather." Mu Yian stated.

"Hmm... I will do as you say." Mu Li Zei nodded.

"I will leave first. Good Night, Father." Mu Yian nodded and left the room.

Mu Li Zei looked at the sample. If she turned out to be the one that he thought of, he needed to think of a way to handle her. She might already know her identity.

He did not want everything that he worked on to go to her. His father loved his half-brother very much before he went missing. Now, if that girl had proven that she was the daughter of his half-brother, his father might do something and wanted to leave the wealth to her.

He must prevent that. No matter what.


Long Hui was wearing a t-shirt accompanied by soldier pants. He looked so handsome. People kept staring at him once he stepped his foot inside the hotel.

The people at the front desk stood up, adjusting their clothes. The handsome man might walk to the front desk and ask them something.

However, to their surprise, the handsome man walked away and straight to the lift.

Long Hui arrived at Yu Qi's room at 9 p.m. He knocked on the door. After a while, he heard a click and the door was opened.

Yu Qi jumped out and hugged Long Hui.

"Oooh... What an overwhelming welcome." Long Hui chuckled.

"I miss you." Yu Qi stated.

"Okay... Okay... Let's go inside first." Long Hui said.

He lifted Yu Qi up and brought her inside the room hotel.

Yu Qi did not want to move. She still sat in Long Hui's hug.

"How is your mission?" Yu Qi asked.

"There is no problem. Everything is okay. How about your visit to your grandmother's grave?" Long Hui asked back.

"It is okay. Even though Great-Grandpa was sad knowing his daughter was dead but he was glad to see her grave. Grandpa told Great-Grandpa that he could come to visit Grandma's visit anytime he wants." Yu Qi told Long Hui what happened during the day.

"That's good to hear." Long Hui said.

"How you already eat?" Yu Qi asked.

"Hmmm... Not yet..." Long Hui said.

"It is already late. Why don't you eat first before coming here?" Yu Qi scolded Long Hui.

"I just want to meet you faster." Long Hui whined.

Seeing the whining face, Yu Qi did not bare to scold him more.

"Let's go come and eat." Yu Qi made the decision. "We can walk around spending here."

"Sure. As you wish." Long Hui grinned.

He did not care much as long as he was with his beloved Qi Qi.


Mu Yian just walked into the hotel. There was a meeting regarding the company. The client wanted to discuss the business while eating. So, Mu Yian chose the hotel restaurant.

When she was about to enter the hotel, she came across Yu Qi. She was not alone. She was with Long Hui. They act so intimately.

Even though the man did not smile, Mu Yian knew that the man responded to each word that Yu Qi said to him. That kind of man should be with her.

However, Mu Yian did not show any expression on her face when Yu Qi and Long Hui were right in front of her.

Mu Yian even greeted Yu Qi. "Hello, Ms Tang, Mr Long."

She knew that this man was Long Hui. She already investigated this man as well.

"Hi, Ms Mu..." Yu Qi replied back.

"It is our pleasure that Ms Tang chooses our hotel to stay over. Thank you very much." Mu Yian stated.

"You are welcome. Well, I just want to ask. Is your younger sister, Second Miss Mu already okay?" Yu Qi asked.

"She is fine." Mu Yian narrowed her eyes while smiling.

"That's great. Oh, we will excise ourselves. See you again, Ms Mu." Yu Qi said pulling Long Hui away from the place.

Mu Yian took a deep breath. 'I will let you off for now. We will see again after I get the DNA Test result. I will see how do we need to handle you.'

"It seems she wants to do something." Long Hui commented after getting away from Mu Yian.

"She can try. I will not sit around." Yu Qi snorted. "She obviously likes you but she controls herself very well."

"That is because your fiancee is very good." Long Hui praised himself.

"I agree." Yu Qi smiled.


Nie Zhu Mei looked at the food served on the table. The food was very delicious. But she did not want to do it. She did not have an appetite.

"Old Madam, do you want me to cook something else?" The maid asked.

She was worried when seeing the old madam did not touch anything aside from the rice. Their old madam probably did not like the dishes.

"No... No need for that. I just don't have the appetite to do it. You can share the dishes with your friends." Nie Zhu Mei stated.

She put down her bowl. She just ate a small portion of the rice, drank some tea and she was finished eating.

"Old Madam, you should eat more. Eating so little might be dangerous for your health." The maid stated.

"It is okay." Nie Zhu Mei smiled and went to her room.

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